Html button colour change on click - javascript

hopefully this is a pretty easy one, I am building a web app using flask and python. On the front end of the app I am trying to get it to change the colour of the button pressed and revert any previous colour changes to other buttons so only the most recently selected button is a different colour.
The buttons are populated from an sql database so all use the same html line in a for loop. Below is the code I have currently:
Colour change script:
var count = 0;
function setColor(btn, color) {
var property = document.getElementById(btn);
if (count == 0) { = "red"
count = 0;
else {
count = 1;
Button code:
{% for item in categorydata %}
<button id="{{item[0]}}" formtarget="Items" name="ItemCategory" value={{item[0]}} onClick="setColor('{{item[0]}}', '#101010')" style="color:black;height:50px;width:150px" >{{item[0]}}</button>
{% endfor %}
Any ideas on how I can do this?

for this kind of problem you don't need to use JS.
you have to do is use css :focus psuedo-class
for ex:
.btn:focus {
background-color: red;

So one way of doing this would be to add a class "modified" to the button pressed and remove class "modified" from the previously pressed button
modified {
background-color: black;
function calledOnClick(id){
previousPressedButton = document.getElementsByClassName("modified")[0]; //there should only be one item, check before hand if items exist ofcourse.
pressedButton = document.getElementById(id)
<button id=1 onclick="calledOnClick("></button>


Click and toggle between two classes on an array (no JQuery)

I need to make a site where I can add something to a shoppingcart. I do not need to store any data, so just changing a class to 'addedInCart' is enough. This is what I have so far, but it's not working yet. I know all the classnames I got are coming back in an array. I just dont know how to change them if the button is clicked. I tried a lot with the addEventListener and the toggle, but I just started coding, not everything is clear for me yet. I am not alloud to use Jquery, only HTML and Javascript.
This is what I have in Javascript:
var buyMe = document.getElementsByClassName("materials-icon");
function shoppingcart() {
for(let i = 0; i < buyMe.length; i++){
buyMe[i].addEventListener("click", toggleClass, false)
This is what my button looks like:
<button class="material-icons" onclick="shoppingcart()"></button>
Thank you for your time!
Use event delegation to be able to use one handler. Use a data-attribute to verify the button as being a button for adding to cart. Something like:
document.addEventListener("click", handle);
function handle(evt) {
const origin =;
if (origin.dataset.cartToggle) {
// ^ if element has attribute data-cart-toggle...
// ^ ... toggle the class
.addedInCart {
color: red;
.addedInCart:after {
content: " (in cart, click to remove)";
<button class="material-icons" data-cart-toggle="1">buy</button>
<button class="material-icons" data-cart-toggle="1">buy</button>
<button class="material-icons" data-cart-toggle="1">buy</button>

How to change the background of a row in an HTML table using toggle classlist

I want to change the background color of a row if the value in the table cell goes above a certain value.
I have tried implementing the toggle class as well as adding and removing classes with no luck. When I manually implemented the background color it worked.
I know I am trying to toggle a class vs a style, but is there any way I can toggle a style to change the background color?
var mq2 = 5;
if (mq2 >= 5) {
} else {
.change1 {
background-color: #FF6347;
.change2 {
background-color: #90EE90;
<tr id="row1">
Your code should work. You could improve it by creating a variable referencing the element
const row = document.getElementById("row1");
if(someCondition) {
} else {
The approach you are taking is fine, just make sure you capitalize classList correctly.

Change colour of td in dynamic table generated in php

I'm creating a PHP script that will dynamically generate tr and td elements for a table. When the user clicks in a specific cell in the first column, an AJAX function executes to display additional content. This is working as it should, however, I'm having trouble with what should be simple styling. When the user clicks on a given cell, I want that row to change colour (works) until they click on another cell (doesn't work).
Since my PHP file is rather large, I'm only posting the relevant parts.
$myFiles = showMyAttrs();
foreach($myFiles as $myFile) {
echo("<tr class = 'gradeC' onClick = 'changeColour(this)' onchange = 'restoreColour(this)' >");
echo("<td onClick = 'sendCell(this)' ><img src = $msEx /></td>");
I've also tried using onblur instead of onchange but that gave the same result.
The Javascript functions:
function changeColour(z) { = "#FFFFFF";
function restoreColour(y) { = "#00FF00";
Before I also tried:
function changeColour(z) {
document.getElementsByTagName("tr").style.backgroundColor = "#00FF00"; = "#FFFFFF";
<!-- document.getElementsByTagName("td").style.backgroundColor = "#00FF00"; -->
function changeColour(z) { = "#FFFFFF";
document.getElementsByTagName("tr").style.backgroundColor = "#00FF00";
$('tr').click(function() {
$('tr').css('backgroundColor', '#0F0');
$(this).css('backgroundColor', '#FFF');
With each of them (except the last), the colour does change to white, however, when the user clicks on any other row, the previous row doesn't return to green. I don't mind if this works with Javascript or JQuery, as long as it is compatible across browsers. Even a fancy CSS trick I'm fine with using.
You're on the right track. I think adding/removing a class would be a good way to go. You could try this:
$('tr').on('click', function() {
.active { background-color: yellow; }
See jsFiddle
Try using a css class to assign the background color:
$('.gradeC td').on('click',function(e){
See demo here

how to make javascript function call two divs

i am trying to make a colour change when a button is clicked and i managed to do this however i want to change the colour of not just the main content container but more containers how do i do this?
function changeblackandwhite(objDivID) {
else if(document.getElementById(objDivID).style.color=='white'){
document.getElementById(objDivID).style.backgroundColor = 'white';
<img src="images/colour.jpg" title="Change Text/Backgroud Colors">
There are dozens of ways you can accomplish this.
You could change the argument of your function to be an array of strings. You could also reduce the complexity of your function as well
<script type="text/javascript">
changeblackandwhite = function() {
for( var idx=0; idx < arguments.length; idx++) {
var tgtDiv= document.getElementById(arguments[i]);
<img src="images/colour.jpg" title="Change Text/Backgroud Colors">
As another reader questioned - you can do this with jQuery in a single line.
With jQuery, you can declare the elements in question to have a class attribute.
Using jQuery, you can then do something like:
$('div.someClass').css({'color': 'black', 'background-color': 'white'});
The argument to jQuery can be a class based selector, an id based selector, or any other selector you choose.
If you are open to jquery and you assign 1 class in common with these two divs you can do the following:
This should get you started (see this jsfiddle): I changed the fiddle to include a neater solution where clicking on the button adds and removes classes on the containers which allows you to set multiple attributes including the text color in one quick call.
<div class='container'>
<div class='container'>
<button id="changeColor" type="button">Change Color </button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#changeColor').click( function() {
if ($('.container').hasClass("blackContainer")){
} else {
.blackContainer {
background-color: black;
color: white;
.whiteContainer {
background-color: white;
color: black;
I made a jsfiddle for you to play around with jsfiddle
I also did the javascript/jQuery in a similar way as the OP since it usually helps them understand.
As stated above, there are several different ways to do this, I've done but one.
The document.ready function sets up an event listener for the object to be clicked, most of the time this is how you'll see events coded. So when the link is clicked, it calls the function with the string name of the object the listener is for.
$(document).ready(function() {
After the event listener is assigned, it will call the function below when the link is clicked on.
// Here's your function, put the current color in a var, check if it's black
// if black, change colors, else make it black.
function changeblackandwhite(objDivID) {
var curColor = $("#" + objDivID).css("color");
if( curColor == 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'){
} else {

4 toggle buttons speak javascript to each other but none of them are good listeners

update at the bottom
There are 4 divs that are set to look like toggle buttons. When a button is toggled on:
-it is animated as a pressed button,
-it retrieves some content and it places that content into a box, and then
-it returns a value of 1 to an array.
(no problem.)
When there is already one button button pressed, I don't understand how to toggle the first button off without also turning the other one off or affecting the other buttons. How can I pass the output of one button to the others so they know who they have to turn off when they turn on?
My solution thus far has been to create 2 arrays:
var arrayValues [ a, b, c, d]; //the values of each button state: [0,0,0,0] <-all off | all on-> [1,1,1,1]
var addedValues = [a + b + c + d]; //the values of each array item added together: [0+0+0+0]= 0 <-all off | all on-> [1,1,1,1]=4
and then
if (addedValues = 0) {
console.log("cool, nothing is pressed yet. I am going to return true, but where does that return value go? How can I access it?");
return true;
} else if (addedValues > 1) {
console.log("ok I now know that at least one button has already been pressed, but how can I tell the other buttons which one was already pressed?");
For example if the first button is toggled on
arrayValues = [1,0,0,0]
and now the second button has been toggled on so it says
arrayValues = [1,1,0,0]
but how can I pass that information into all of the buttons? This next part is obviously flawed but it's the only thing I could think of doing:
} else if(addedValues >= 2) {
arrayValues[0] = arrayValues[0] - 1;
arrayValues[1] = arrayValues[1] - 1;
arrayValues[2] = arrayValues[2] - 1;
arrayValues[3] = arrayValues[3] - 1;
so now, the only values that are not negative are the two buttons in active states... but that does nothing for because we already knew that. How can I tell the buttons which button to subtract 1 from without affecting any of the other buttons?
Update: To see the madness in context
*update: *
Just to clarify: the buttons aren't only just toggling their appearances, they're changing other content displayed on the page:
When you click each button the content changes. each button has 1 original group of original content that is toggled on/off with the button. like changing the channel on a tv screen with a remote control.
so if button 1 is pressed, when button 2 is pressed button 1 must turn off (removing its' content and animating back up to its' original position) in order to allow button 2's stuff to display.
shout out to #nbrooks for writing 4 lines of code that more or less did as much as I did in +100. Still not solved but his is WAY more efficient than mine (you can see his version here: ) )
Updated Demo, according to new reqs:
$(function() {
$('.plain').click(function() {
var newClassName = $(this).is('.selected') ? '' :;
if ($(this).is('#content')) return;
$(this).toggleClass('selected', 1000);
$('#content').attr('class', 'plain '+newClassName);
Update to your fiddle demo
The best way to do this is just give the elements a common class, to which you can bind a click handler and a css rule. This will accomplish your function of only having one button being pressed at a time, plus the ability to turn it on/off without affecting the others.
Javascript (jQuery):
$(function() {
$('.plain').click(function() {
<div id="a" class="plain">
.plain {
width: 200px; height: 200px; margin: 20px; text-align:center; float: left;
font-size: 100px; color:#fff; background-color:red;
p { margin-top: 25%; margin-bottom:25%; }
.selected { background-color: blue; }
If you are doing the submitting with JavaScript, then this should be a much simpler approach:
<div id="a" class="a1 toggleButton">
<div id="b" class="b1 toggleButton">
<button id ="test">test</button>​
jQuery(function() {
jQuery(".toggleButton").click(function() {
jQuery("#test").click(function() {
var value = jQuery(".toggleButtonToggled:first").attr('id');
alert("Toggled button is: "+ value);

