Fetch a user from firebase through UID - javascript

I am trying to delete a user from firebase through an admin panel, to delete a user, according to the documentation, this is how it is done
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
user.delete().then(function() {
// User deleted.
}).catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
However, I am trying to delete the a user that is not the currentUser, is it possible to somehow fetch a user through its UID?

It's not possible for a Firebase user to fetch or delete other arbitrary users. That would be a massive security hole.
You will need to have a backend for this, and your client is going to have to instruct the backend to delete the user account using the Firebase Admin SDK to manage users.


Why Firebase (onAuthStateChanged) does not see a Google signup user (with signInWithCredential)?

So I followed this tutorial on how to sign in a user with rnfirebase and google signup. And it works fine. Here is the code:
const googleSignUp = async () => {
// Get the users ID token
const { idToken } = await GoogleSignin.signIn();
// Create a Google credential with the token
const googleCredential = auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(idToken);
// Sign-in the user with the credential
const user = auth().signInWithCredential(googleCredential);
return { idToken, user };
(Let me note here, that the app has already a sign in with email and password way, with Firebase).
Then I realized that the user cannot change his name, email or delete his account.
Looking deeper, I found out that the onAuthStateChanged(firebase.auth, async (user) => ... returns null for the user.
I've seen in some older answers that if you use Google sign up, you need to sign up the user with signInWithCredential, which I use, so this in not the issue.
Could it be a problem that for email/password sign in, I use code from Firebase web and not from rnfirebase? Although I already had a combination of those, using the push notifications from rnfirebase.
Can someone explain why I get this behavior, and how to fix it?
If I understand correctly, you use both the react-native-firebase library (which wraps the native iOS and Android SDKs) and the JavaScript Web SDK for Firebase in your app.
If that is the case, both indeed have a separate sign-in state, and signing into one won't fire onAuthStateChanged listeners on the other.
You'll have to pick one SDK to authenticate with Firebase, and then use that for both providers.

Is the client able to change the user object for onauthchanged firebase realtime database?

I was wondering if the client would be able to change the user object from null to some value (through the console) and gain access to authenticated resources without having to sign in.
I understand that you can use the following code:
auth.onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (user) {
console.log("user signed in")
} else {
console.log("user has signed out")
How does firebase counteract the client attempting to change the user object?
Is there a more secure way of handling this if this is an issue?
How would I implement it?
Changing the user object in the code you shared does not give the user access to additional information in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Inside the security rules for your database, information about the user is exposed through the auth variable. This variable is populated by Firebase from the ID token of the user that makes a request to the database, and it cannot be spoofed by regular users.
So while the user may change the user variable in your client-side code, this does not impact the auth variable in your server-side security rules. This is one of the reasons why it's important to secure data access server-side (like in security rules) and not just client-side.

how to reauthenticate user with firebase authentication?

I'm new to firebase.
In my nuxt js project with multiple pages, firestore rule is set to read or write once request.auth != null.
so if when refresh in a page, auth will be gone and it display error 'permission-denied' in terminal.
i tried Authentication State Persistence LOCAL but it doesn't work.
What is the purpose of using these auth persistence mode ?
.then(function() {
return firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
Auth session is automatically persistent on the frontend of your app, however Nuxt.js contains frontend and backend part. If you are storing user data somewhere on the frontend, you probably need to wait until the user data become accessible.
Example of the listener:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function (user) {
if (user) {
console.log('User is logged: ', user);
However this will make user accessible only on the frontend, if you want to preload data on the backend you would need to store id and refresh token in the cookies or use Nuxt Firebase module which should handle service worker for you.
So, in your case it looks like you are trying to read the data before your user data become accessible (this can be caused by trying to fetch data on the backend).

Only let pre-verified users log into Firebase

Right now, I only want users who have already registered and been verified with our software to login, and I have saved the list of emails of users (stripped of special characters) inside Firebase. Currently, when the user logs in, I use the following function to check if their email is in this list:
function isEmailValid(userEmail, trueCallback, falseCallback) {
var emailHash = userEmail.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "");
.ref("validEmails/" + emailHash)
.on("value", snapshot => {
if (snapshot.val()) {
} else {
Although this method works, it is quite unwieldy, as the user is still able to log in initially before the function callback is called, and their email is still shown in the "Authentication" tab in Firebase.
Is there a better way to only allowed pre-verified users to log into Firebase?
I'm pretty sure this has been covered before: there currently is no way to prevent users from signing in with Firebase Authentication. But if you want to prevent them from accessing backend resources, you can check whether their email address is verified either in the server-side security rules (for Realtime Database, Storage, or Firestore), or in your own server-side code.
At I/O a demo was given of upcoming functionality in Cloud Function that would allow you to prevent signing in users without a verified email address. But I don't know when this functionality will available in a public API.
Also see:
Firebase Prevent Creating Account Before Email Verification
How to prevent user authentication in Firebase/Vue.js BEFORE email is verified
How do I lock down Firebase Database to any user from a specific (email) domain?

How to delete any other user besides the currentUser with Firebase?

In their docs: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/manage-users#delete_a_user
And their code example:
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
user.delete().then(function() {
// User deleted.
}).catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
This only deletes my user, the one logged in. How would I look up a different user to delete based on email with Firebase?
You can't delete a different user from a client web app, but you could do so from a server using the Admin SDK, as shown here.
You can limit other users using any user by implementing a code+db.
Later, using google cloud services/functions, you might be able to setup one that looks for specific values in db to delete those users for you, as it will be running as Admin.

