React conditional sorting of array - javascript

I am getting a value from redux state and I wish to sort an array based conditionally on what I get from the state.
The current way I've written this is as follows:
class ProductsPage extends Component {
state = {
productArrayFromBackend: [],
productArrayToDisplay: []
render() {
let ProductArrayToProcess = []
if (this.props.ProductFilter == "latest") {
ProductArrayToProcess = this.state.productArrayToDisplay.sort((a, b) => (a.addedOn > b.addedOn ? -1 : 1))
} else if (this.props.ProductFilter == "popular") {
ProductArrayToProcess = this.state.productArrayToDisplay.sort((a, b) => (a.likes > b.likes ? -1 : 1))
else {
ProductArrayToProcess = this.state.productArrayToDisplay
return (
<div className="product-warp">
{, i) => <ProductThumbnailElement key={i} Product={product} />)}
Now, the value for this.props.ProductFilter is coming from state. What I wish to do is when the value in the redux state changes, it should change the value that is rendered inside the jsx too.
Please let me know how is that possible?

You could simply extract the your required data inside the render function.
const {ProductFilter} = this.props;
// use ProductFilter in the following code using JSX
Simply declaring the variable once at the begging is a better practice than calling this.props.X several time.
Furthermore, instead of calling the change items from the state directly, you might want to copy their value, and make changes upon this copy.
BTW, I'll suggest to export the ProductArrayToProcess generation to a matching function, there of course you'll still have the access of props and state.


Pass props and use ID again

I have a component that passes props to another component. Inside the component the props have been passed to, I declare the parameter set new variable and get the last item of the array like this:
var lastItem = passedProp[passedProp - 1] || null
My question is how do I pass this property back to another component to use in a global service I am using to run inside a function. From what I am aware props can only be passed down in React, not up? Please correct me if I am wrong. The end result I want to achieve is to use this property's ID in function I am using in global service.
read about lifting state up ...
You can pass a function to the child and the child can pass the information through this function.
I let you an example that you can copy & paste to see how it works :)
import React from 'react';
function ChildComponent(props) {
const { data, passElementFromChild } = props;
const lastElement = data[data.length - 1] || null;
setTimeout(() => {
passElementFromChild('this string is what the parent is gonna get');
}, 300);
return (
<div>Last element of the array is: {lastElement}</div>
function Question17() {
const data = ['firstElement', 'middleElement', 'lastElement']
const passElementFromChild = (infoFromChild) => {
console.log("infoFromChild: ", infoFromChild);
return (
<ChildComponent data={data} passElementFromChild={passElementFromChild} />
export default Question17;

How to make the component "wait" for state to update in react?

I'm learning react by making a battleship game. When the component loads, I create a new object (board) which I set as a state. Then I'd like to map the board itself, which is any array. However, react says
cannot read property board of undefined.
With console logging, I found out that at first when the page loads, playerBoard is an empty object, and only THEN sets it to the given object with setPlayerBoard.
How could I avoid this?
App.js looks like this:
const GameControl = () => {
const [playerBoard, setPlayerBoard] = useState({})
//creating the board object when component mounts, setting it as a state
useEffect(() => {
const playerBoard = GameBoard('player');
return (
<div className = 'board-container'>
<div className = "board player-board">
{ //mapping an array, i) => {
return (
<div className = {`cell player-cell`key = {i}></div>
} )
If creating the game board is synchronous, then just use that as your default value for the state:
const [playerBoard, setPlayerBoard] = useState(GameBoard('player'));
// No use effect after this
If creating the gameboard is synchronous but expensive, you can instead pass a function into useState, and that function will only be called on the first render:
const [playerBoard, setPlayerBoard] = useState(() => GameBoard('player'));
If creating the game board is asynchronous, then you're right to use an effect, but there is no way to avoid the first render not having data. You will just need to make sure your component can work when it doesn't have data. A common way to do this is to start with the state being an value that indicates no data, and then check for it and return a placeholder. null's easier to check for than an empty object, so i'd recommend that:
const [playerBoard, setPlayerBoard] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
// some asynchronous stuff, followed by a call to setPlayerBoard
if (!playerBoard) {
return <div>Loading...</div>
// Or if you don't want to show anything:
// return null;
return (
<div className='board-container'>
// etc

Why is this onClick event handler firing twice in my create-react-app

can someone tell me why is this "upvote" onClick handler firing twice?
the logs would indicate it's only running once but the score it controls increases by 2
export default class Container extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
jokes: [],
this.getNewJokes = this.getNewJokes.bind(this);
this.retrieveJokes = this.retrieveJokes.bind(this);
this.upVote = this.upVote.bind(this);
upVote(id) {
this.setState(state => {
//find the joke with the matching id and increase score by one
const modifiedJokes = => {
if ( === id) {
joke.score = joke.score + 1;
return joke;
return { jokes: modifiedJokes };
render() {
return (
{ => (
on the other hand if I rewrite the handler this way, then it fires only once
upVote(id) {
const modifiedJokes = => {
if ( === id) {
joke.score = joke.score + 1;
return joke;
this.setState({ jokes: modifiedJokes });
My best guess is that in the first case, you are also modifying the state directly, when you do joke.score = joke.score + 1;
Because you are doing this mapping directly on state array variable, and in Javascript, when using array, you are only working with pointer to that array, not creating a copy of that array.
So the mapping function probably takes a shallow copy of the array, and there's where problem happens.
You can use lodash to create a deep copy of the state array before you going to work with it, which will not cause your problem:
This doesn't work because React uses synthetic events which are reused when it’s handling is done. Calling a function form of setState will defer evaluation (this can be dangerous when the setState call is event dependent and the event has lost its value).
So this should also work:
this.setState((state,props) => ({ jokes: modifiedJokes}));
I can't locate my source at the moment but, I remember coming across this a while back. I'm sure looking through the React Docs can provide a more in depth explanation
I found out what was wrong. I'll post an answer just in case anyone happens to stumble into this upon encountering the same problem.
When in debug mode react will run certain functions twice to discourage certain operations that might result in bugs. One of these operations is directly modifying state.
when doing
this.setState(state => {
//find the joke with the matching id and increase score by one
const modifiedJokes = => {
if ( === id) {
joke.score = joke.score + 1;
return joke;
return { jokes: modifiedJokes };
the map function returns a new array where every elements points to the same element in the original array. therefore by doing => {
if ( === id) {
joke.score = joke.score + 1;
I was effectively directly modifying the state. React runs the setstate function twice in debug mode to weed out this kind of operation.
so the correct "react way"of modifying the attribute of an object nested in an array is to do this instead
this.setState(state =>{
let modifiedJokes = => {
if ( === id) {
return {...joke, score:joke.score+1}
else{ return joke}
return {jokes:modifiedJokes}
this way when encountering an element with the correct ID a copy is made of that specific element and the score of that copy is increased by one which doesn't impact the actual element which is still in the state left untouched until it is modified by react committing the new state

React Hooks (Rendering Arrays) - Parent component holding a reference of children that are mapped vs Parent component holding the state of children

I have been learning hooks in react for the past couple of days, and I tried creating a scenario where I need to render a big grid on screen, and update the background color of the nodes depending on the action I want to take. There are two actions that will change the background color of a node, and these two actions must coexist.
The cursor hovers a node while it is clicked.
There exists an algorithm inside the Grid component that will change backgrounds of some of the
The way I see it, there are multiple ways I can achieve this, but I am having some trouble with the way hooks were intended to be used. I will first walk you through my thought process on how this could be achieved from what I learned, and then show you the implementation that I tried. I tried to keep the important parts of the code so it can be understood clearly. Please let me know if I missed somethings or misunderstood a concept completely.
The children can hold their own state and know how to update themselves. The parent can hold the reference to each children of the list, and call the necessary function from the reference of the child when it is needed in order to update the children.
Works well for the first and the second action to be taken. This solution causes no performance issues since the children manage their own state, and if the parent updates the children state via reference, the only child to be re-rendered will be the one that gets called.
This solution is seen as an anti-pattern from what I read.
const Grid = () => {
// grid array contains references to the GridNode's
function handleMouseDown() {
function handleMouseUp() {
function startAlgorithm() {
// call grid[row][column].current.markAsVisited(); for some of the children in grid.
return (
{, rowIndex) => {
return (
<tr key={`R${rowIndex}`}>
{, columnIndex) => {
return (
const GridNode = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
const [isVisited, setIsVisited] = useState(false);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
markAsVisited: () => {
function handleMouseDown(){
function handleMouseEnter () {
if (props.isMouseDown.current) {
return (
<td id={`R${props.row}C${props.column}`}
className={classnames("node", {
"node-visited": isVisited
2. The state of the children could be given as props from the parent, any update operation can be achieved inside the parent. (Children gets updated correctly, render gets called in only the necessary children, but the DOM seems to stutter. If you move the mouse at a certain speed, nothing happens, and every visited node gets updated at once.)
Doesn't work for the first action. Children gets updated correctly, render gets called in only the necessary children, but the DOM seems to stutter. If you move the mouse at a certain speed, nothing happens and every visited node gets updated at once.
const Grid = () => {
// grid contains objects that have boolean "isVisited" as a property.
function handleMouseDown() {
isMouseDown.current = true;
function handleMouseUp() {
isMouseDown.current = false;
const handleMouseEnterForNodes = useCallback((row, column) => {
if (isMouseDown.current) {
setGrid((grid) => {
const copyGrid = [...grid];
copyGrid[row][column].isVisited = !copyGrid[row][column].isVisited;
return copyGrid;
}, []);
function startAlgorithm() {
// do something with the grid, update some of the "isVisited" properties.
return (
{, rowIndex) => {
return (
<tr key={`R${rowIndex}`}>
{, columnIndex) => {
const {isVisited} = node;
return (
const GridNode = ({row, column, isVisited, onMouseUp, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter}) => {
return useMemo(() => {
function handleMouseEnter() {
onMouseEnter(props.row, props.column);
return (
<td id={`R${row}C${column}`}
className={classnames("node", {
"node-visited": isVisited
}, [props.isVisited]);
I have two questions that I want to ask on this topic.
In the first implementation; the parent component doesn't re-render when a node changes its' state. Is it wrong to just utilize this anti-pattern if it is beneficial in this kind of situations?
What may be the cause of the stutter that the second implementation suffers from? I have spent a while reading the docs and trying out different things, but cannot find the reason of the stuttering that is happening.
As you say that using refs to control child data is an anti-pattern, However it doesn't mean that you cannot use it.
What it means is that if there are better and more performant means, its better to use them as they lead to better readability of the code and also improve debugging.
In your case using a ref definitely makes it easier to update state and also prevents a lot of re-rendering is a good way to implement the above solution
What may be the cause of the stutter that the second implementation suffers from? I have spent a while reading the docs and trying out different things, but cannot find the reason of the stuttering that is happening.
A lot of the problem in the second solution arise from the fact that you define functions which are recreated on each re-render and hence cause the entire grid to be re-rendered instead of just the cell. Make use of useCallback to memoize these function in Grid component
Also you should use React.memo instead of useMemo for your usecase in GridNode.
Another thing to note is that you are mutating the state while updating, Instead you should update it in an immutable manner
Working code:
const Grid = () => {
const [grid, setGrid] = useState(getInitialGrid(10, 10));
const isMouseDown = useRef(false);
const handleMouseDown = useCallback(() => {
isMouseDown.current = true;
}, []);
const handleMouseUp = useCallback(() => {
isMouseDown.current = false;
}, []);
const handleMouseEnterForNodes = useCallback((row, column) => {
if (isMouseDown.current) {
setGrid(grid => {
return, i) =>, ci) => {
if (i === row && ci === column)
return {
isVisited: !c.isVisited
return c;
}, []);
function startAlgorithm() {
// do something with the grid, update some of the "isVisited" properties.
return (
{, rowIndex) => {
return (
<tr key={`R${rowIndex}`}>
{, columnIndex) => {
const { isVisited } = node;
if (isVisited === true) console.log(rowIndex, columnIndex);
return (
const GridNode = ({
}) => {
function handleMouseEnter() {
onMouseEnter(row, column);
const nodeVisited = isVisited ? "node-visited" : "";
return (
className={`node ${nodeVisited}`}
P.S. While useCallback and other memoizations will help give to some performance benefits it will still not be able to overcome the performance impacts on state updates and re-render. In such scenarios its better to make define state within the children and expose a ref for the parent
As stated, the solution is an anti-pattern because you're mixing the rendering and business logic on both levels. You don't need to explicitly use React.forwardRef, in fact according to the docs you shouldn't, even when composing HOC (Higher order components). You shouldn't need to directly access the element and do some sort of action on it - let React do its thing. It's very good and efficient at it.
Generally when you're calling a re-render method on a child node tree when there's n nodes, you don't want to cause a re-render from the top-level node, the parent in this case, because it will cause the entire node-tree to re-render into a new DOM element, rather than update existing elements.
Your current solution has a combination of parent-triggered renders and child triggered renders. The React page has a good example with the tic-tac-toe application for how to render children without causing the parent to re-render.
The strategy that you should use is one where the parent node has an object structure, in this case n^2 nodes (eg 10x10 for arguments sake), is to pass the rendering functionality to the child nodes, and let the child nodes handle the rendering.
When you're triggering a render from the parent node, you have a couple of options (assuming functional components) which really fall into the case of observable updates. You want to be able to push updates from the parent to the child, to modify the child node state, and let the child node update itself.
Here's an example with child nodes rendering, while the parent is communicating changes to the children. You'll see that the performance scales well even up to massive grids, compared to the nested level renders your example has.
This is achieved by using a combination of RxJS observable/subject, React.useState and React.useEffect. We use useState in both the parent and child nodes to deal with rendering and prop updates, and useEffect to bind the observable. useState is persistent between renders, which means you don't need to rebuild the entire grid every time you update in the parent, but even if you do, React is intelligent enough to determine that you updated the props of a node, not replaced it.
const Grid = (props) => {
// When we update the grid, we trigger the parent to re-render
const [grid, setGrid] = React.useState([]);
const subject = new Rx.Subject();
if (grid.length < 1) {
const newGrid = [];
for (i = 0; i < props.h; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < props.w; k++) {
if (!Array.isArray(newGrid[i])) {
newGrid[i] = [];
newGrid[i][k] = {
visited: false,
id: `${i}${k}`
// Tell our node to update
handleClick = (node, visited) => {{
visited: visited
randomSetAllVisited = () => {
const newGrid = [...grid];
newGrid.forEach(row => {
row.forEach(node => {
node.visited = Math.random() * 2 >= 1;
// Tell parent to re-render
// Because our nodes use `useState`, they are persistent, if the structure of
// grid is the same and the data is mostly the same. This is based on the `key={...}` value
// in, so we need to tell our children nodes to re-render manually{
reset: true
randomSetAnyVisited = () => {
const h = Math.floor(Math.random()*props.h);
const w = Math.floor(Math.random()*props.w);
const node = grid[h][w];{
visited: true
// Watch console.log to see how frequently parent renders
console.log("rendering parent");
return (
{, rowIndex) => (
<tr key={`R${rowIndex}`}>
{, columnIndex) => (<GridNode {...node} observer={subject.asObservable()} key={} />))}
<button onClick={randomSetAllVisited}>Random set all visited</button>
<button onClick={randomSetAnyVisited}>Random set any visited</button>
const GridNode = (props) => {
// We need to set to undefined to handle full grid reset from parent
const [visited, setVisited] = React.useState(undefined);
// Toggle visited based on props and if visited is undefined
if (props.visited !== visited && visited === undefined) {
// bind all this with useEffect, so we can subscribe/unsubscribe, and not block rendering, `useEffect` is a good practice
React.useEffect(() => {
// notifications that come from parent node, `setVisited` will re-render this node
const obs = => {
if (!! && === {
setVisited(next.visited !== undefined ? next.visited : !visited);
} else if (!!next.reset) {
return () => obs.unsubscribe();
}, [visited]);
handleMouseEnter = () => {
handleMouseLeave = () => {
classes = ["node"];
if (visited) {
return (<td onMouseEnter={handleMouseEnter} onMouseLeave={handleMouseLeave} className={classes.join(" ")}/>);
In the codepen example, I have a 50x50 grid, that has no stutters, lag, or issues re-rendering the children nodes, or updating them. There are two helper buttons to randomise the state for all nodes, or randomise a single node. I've scaled this over 100x100 and no lag or performance issues.

React parent component check if child will render

I have a child component that depending on some of its props will end up rendering something or not. The render function of the children looks something like this:
render() {
if (props.a == 'foo' && props.b == 'bar') {
return (<p> Hey There </p>);
} else if {props.a == 'z') {
return (<p> Hey There </p>);
} // more conditions
} else {
return null
In the parent component I am rendering several child components, and I need to know how many of them will render, because depending on that number I will do something or not. I don't want to repeat the conditional logic from the child to the parent, but I don't know how from a parent I can find out if the children will render or not.
What you're trying to do is a bit of an anti-pattern in React.
If I understand your question, the children render output would influence their parent's render ouptput, which is likely to get you stuck in a render loop.
I suggest you keep the children components as simple as possible and hoist the conditional logic to the parent which will allow you to count how many children you'll be rendering in place.
Please let me know if I got your question wrong.
Although I agree with perpetualjourney's answer, I thought I could give you a possibility of counting the children.
The easiest would be to save the rendering of the children first to a variable and then to render that result.
var kids = (k, i) => <Kid condition={k} key={i} /> );
var totalKids = kids.reduce( (k, i) => k + (i.type( i.props ) ? 1 : 0), 0);
Now, this will render your children twice, so it is not the best when you already have a performance heavy method
const Kid = ({ condition }) => condition % 3 === 0 ? <h1>{ condition }</h1> : null;
class ConditionalKids extends React.Component {
render() {
var kids = (k, i) => <Kid condition={k} key={i} /> );
var totalKids = kids.reduce( (k, i) => k + (i.type( i.props ) ? 1 : 0), 0);
return <div>
<p>Rendered in total { totalKids }</p>
{ kids }
const items = [ Array(5)].map( i => parseInt( Math.random() * 10 ) );
console.log( items );
const target = document.querySelector('#container');
ReactDOM.render( <ConditionalKids items={items} />, target );
<script id="react" src=""></script>
<script id="react-dom" src=""></script>
<div id="container"></div>
One way of handling this problem is to use state.
In this CodeSandbox example, I use the if/else logic to update the component's state. This is done inside the componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method.
Your render method is simplified to a switch statement.
If you want to call an imperative API based on the if/else logic you have, you can do that inside your componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. This is also simplified to a switch statement.
That's a very pertinent question that affects applications of any complexity. Unfortunately there's no clear way to model this using React today. I've done a ton of React and would recommend what #perpetualjourney said: hoist the logic to a common parent. Sometimes you'll need to move it way up, but do it instead of messing around with or React.Context since they'd create dependency between the components and would make it harder for you to move them around if needed.
const hasA = computeHasA({ ... });
const hasB = computeHasB({ ... });
const hasAny = hasA || hasB;
if (hasAny) {
return (
{hasA && <Tab title="A">Some content</Tab>}
{hasB && <Tab title="B">Another content</Tab>}
When you really can't move to logic upwards, for example, if the children do network requests, which is probably an edge-case, I'd recommend passing a prop used to report whether they have content or not and storing it into the parent's state:
const [numberOfRenderedChildren, setNumberOfRenderedChildren] = useState(0);
const incrementNumberOfRenderedChildren = () => {
// Use a callback to prevent race conditions
setNumberOfRenderedChildren(prevValue => prevValue + 1);
return (
<MyContainer isVisible={numberOfRenderedChildren > 0}>
{ => (
// Avoid spreading props like ...item. It breaks semantics
It could get more complex if you need loaders and error messages, but then I'd fire all the requests in the parent. Try to keep it simple, easy to read, even if it means more verbosity. You won't regret when you need to come back to those files a few weeks later.

