while pushing the data in to arrays, not added in order - javascript

enter image description here
i need to push the data one after another, but here i am getting to add in disorder like last added array in to first.
for (var key in data[tabName + scoreBreakDown]) {
var values = data[tabName + scoreBreakDown][key];
var staticData = values[0];
var obj = [];
for (var value in values) {
if (addHeader) {
addHeader = false;

You can use array.map to map through an array and transform it into a new array in order.
In this example, we are just multiplying each value by 3, but the transformation is arbitrary.
let loop = (arr) => {
return arr.map(item => {
return item*3
If you want to loop through an object in order this way, you can use Object.keys() this will return an array of the keys in the object.
let loop = (obj) => {
return Object.keys(obj).map(item => {
return `${item}: ${obj[item]}`
let obj = {
So instead of using a for loop and an if statement to check a condition and push the data to the array after each iteration, you can use something Array.filter() to remove entries you don't want to push, and return them in order.
data = [
{header:true, value:"item1"},
{header:false, value:"item2"},
{header:true, value:"item3"},
let array = data.filter(item => {return item.header}).map(item => {
return item.value


How to convert json object keys into different arrays removing the duplicate

I'm having the JSON like this i need to group this JSON with all the keys in JSON object and value should in array (excluding duplicates).
var people = [
{sex:"Male", name:"Jeff"},
{sex:"Female", name:"Megan"},
{sex:"Male", name:"Taylor"},
{sex:"Female", name:"Madison"}
My output should be like
how we can able to achieve this
function getValues(array) {
var result = {};
array.forEach(obj => {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
result[key] = [];
return result;
You could use the Array.reduce() method to transform your array into a single object:
var people = [
{sex:"Male", name:"Jeff"},
{sex:"Female", name:"Megan"},
{sex:"Male", name:"Taylor"},
{sex:"Female", name:"Madison"}
const transformed = people.reduce((acc, e) => {
Object.keys(e).forEach((k) => {
if (!acc[k]) acc[k] = [];
if (!acc[k].includes(e[k])) acc[k].push(e[k]);
return acc;
}, {});
If for one of the object keys (sex or name in this case) a value array does not exist, it is created. Before a value is pushed into any of the value arrays, it is verified that it is not already present in that array.

Sort array elements on JavaScript

I have an array, each subarray of which contains different positions in different order:
["apple(2)", "banana(5)"],
["peach(3)", "banana(1)"],
I need to sort it on JavaScript (ES6) and i expect to get an array like this:
["apple(2)", "banana(5)", "peach(0)"],
["apple(0)", "banana(1)", "peach(3)"],
["apple(1)", "banana(0)", "peach(0)"]
Order of each subarray should be the same. If subarray don't have some position, i need to add it with 0 value. Can i using something like map() or sort() function or need to compare it manually?
Here is functional programming approach, using a Map and reduce:
const data = [['apple(2)', 'banana(5)'],['peach(3)', 'banana(1)'],['apple(1)'],];
// Create a Map with default values for each name, i.e. with "(0)":
let names = new Map(data.flat().map(item => [item.replace(/\d+/, ""), item.replace(/\d+/, "0")]));
let result = data.map(row =>
[...row.reduce((map, item) =>
map.set(item.replace(/\d+/, ""), item), // Overwrite default
new Map(names) // Start with clone of original Map
You have to loop over to get the keys used. You then have to loop over a second time to get the fill in the missing keys. There are many ways of doing it, this is one.
var data = [
["apple(2)", "banana(5)"],
["peach(3)", "banana(1)"],
// match string and number
var re = /([^(]+)\((\d+)\)/;
// Loop over and find all of the keys
var grouped = data.reduce((info, subset, index) => {
subset.forEach(item => {
// find the key and count
var parts = item.match(re);
// have we seen this key?
if (!info[parts[1]]) {
// if not create an array
info[parts[1]] = Array(data.length).fill(0);
// set the key index with the count
info[parts[1]][index] = parts[2];
return info;
}, {});
// loop over the groups and fill in the set
Object.entries(grouped).forEach(([key, counts], colIndex) => {
.forEach((cnt, rowIndex) => {
data[rowIndex][colIndex] = `${key}(${cnt})`;
First get the unique words. Then traverse array of arrays to check if the word is present or not. If it is not present then make the word according to your condition and if present then put the original word to the tmp array. At last sort it for each iteration. By the way, I used regex replace method to get the word.
const data = [
['apple(2)', 'banana(5)'],
['peach(3)', 'banana(1)'],
const words = [...new Set(data.flat().map((x) => x.replace(/[^a-z]/gi, '')))];
const ret = data.map((x) => {
const tmp = [];
const newX = x.map((y) => y.replace(/[^a-z]/gi, ''));
for (let i = 0, l = words.length; i < l; i += 1) {
if (newX.includes(words[i])) tmp.push(x.shift());
else tmp.push(`${words[i]}(0)`);
return tmp.sort();

How to return specific properties of objects in form of array in javascript

I have a function that takes an array of dog objects and returns an array of the specific properties
The code that I have tried
function Owner(dogs) {
dogs.map(value => {
if (value.breed === 'GermanShepherd') {
return value.owner;
One option is using reduce() and check if the breed if same with search variable, if it is, use concat() to add to the accumulator.
let arr = [{"name":"Beatrice","breed":"Lurcher","owner":"Tom"},{"name":"Max","breed":"GermanShepherd","owner":"Malcolm"},{"name":"Poppy","breed":"GermanShepherd","owner":"Vikram"}];
let search = 'GermanShepherd';
let result = arr.reduce((c, v) => v.breed === search ? c.concat(v.owner) : c, []);
You can also use filter and map combo.
let arr = [{"name":"Beatrice","breed":"Lurcher","owner":"Tom"},{"name":"Max","breed":"GermanShepherd","owner":"Malcolm"},{"name":"Poppy","breed":"GermanShepherd","owner":"Vikram"}]
let search = 'GermanShepherd';
let result = arr.filter(o => o.breed === search).map(o => o.owner);

Java script filter on array of objects and push result's one element to another array

I have a array called data inside that array I have objects.
An object structure is like this
I want to pass a res_name eg:- KFC
I want an output as a array which consists all the especial_ids
like this
myarr = [12,23,23]
I could do something like this for that. But I want to know what is more elegant way to do this.
const data = [
let temp = data.filter(element => element.restaurant_items.res_name == 'kfc')
let myArr = [];
temp.forEach(element=> myArr.push(element.especial_id));
You can try this. It uses "Array.filter" and "Array.map"
var data = [
function getEspecialIdsByName(name) {
return data.filter(d => d.restaurant_items.res_name.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase())
.map(d => d.especial_id)
You can reduce to push elements which pass the test to the accumulator array in a single iteration over the input:
const data = [
data.reduce((a, { especial_id, restaurant_items: { res_name }}) => {
if (res_name === 'Kfc') a.push(especial_id)
return a;
}, [])
Use Array.reduce
const data = [{id:1,especial_id:6,restaurant_items:{id:5,res_name:'McDonalds'}},{id:1,especial_id:8,restaurant_items:{id:5,res_name:'Kfc'}},{id:1,especial_id:6,restaurant_items:{id:5,res_name:'Sunmeal'}},{id:1,especial_id:6,restaurant_items:{id:5,res_name:'Kfc'}}];
let result = data.reduce((a,c) => {
if(c.restaurant_items.res_name === 'Kfc') a.push(c.especial_id);
return a;

merging array itself in javascript

My array looks like this:
I want it to merge into new array where the values would be added or subtracted, like this:
I can't figure it out how to do that
update: type and name should stay the same, only quantity would be changed
You can reduce the items down to a new array and add up the quantities.
const items = [{"type":"send","name":"kebab","quantity":"1"},
let result = items.reduce((arr, item) => {
// Find the item in the new array by name
let found = arr.find(i => i.name == item.name && i.type == item.type)
// If the item doesn't exist add it to the array
if(!found) return arr.concat(item)
// If the item does exist add the two quantities together
// This will modify the value in place, so we don't need to re-add it
found.quantity = parseFloat(item.quantity) + parseFloat(found.quantity)
// Return the new state of the array
return arr;
}, [])
You can use reduce to group the array into an object. Use Object.values to convert the object into an array.
var arr = [{"type":"send","name":"kebab","quantity":"1"},{"type":"send","name":"potato","quantity":"25000"},{"type":"receive","name":"money","quantity":"1"},{"type":"receive","name":"soul","quantity":"12"},{"type":"receive","name":"paper","quantity":"8"},{"type":"send","name":"kebab","quantity":"1"},{"type":"send","name":"potato","quantity":"25000"},{"type":"receive","name":"money","quantity":"1"},{"type":"receive","name":"soul","quantity":"12"},{"type":"receive","name":"paper","quantity":"8"}];
var result = Object.values(arr.reduce((c, v) => {
c[v.name] = c[v.name] || {type: "",name: v.name,quantity: 0};
c[v.name].quantity += +v.quantity; //Update the quantity
c[v.name].type = v.type; //Update the type
return c;
}, {}));

