I'm making a table with the latest number cases of coronavirus in JavaScript, and I am at a point where I want to create a column that shows how many days it took for the number of confirmCases to double. Here is an example:
"message": "Success",
"source": "JHU CSSE",
"sourceURL": "https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/2019-nCoV",
"updateDate": "2020-03-22T11:08:41.651Z",
"data": {
"3/15/20": {
"Afghanistan": 16,
"Albania": 42,
"Algeria": 48,
"Andorra": 1,
"Angola": 0,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 45,
"Armenia": 26,
"Australia": 297,
"Austria": 860,
"Azerbaijan": 23,
"Bahamas, The": 0,
"Bahrain": 214,
"Bangladesh": 5,
"Barbados": 0,
"Belarus": 27,
"Belgium": 886,
"Benin": 0,
"Bhutan": 1,
"Bolivia": 10,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 24,
"Brazil": 162,
"Brunei": 50,
"Bulgaria": 51,
"Burkina Faso": 3,
"Cabo Verde": 0,
"Cambodia": 7,
"Cameroon": 2,
"Canada": 252,
"Cape Verde": 0,
"Central African Republic": 1,
"Chad": 0,
"Chile": 74,
"China": 81003,
"Colombia": 34,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 1,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 2,
"Costa Rica": 27,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 1,
"Croatia": 49,
"Cruise Ship": 696,
"Cuba": 4,
"Cyprus": 26,
"Czechia": 253,
"Denmark": 875,
"Djibouti": 0,
"Dominican Republic": 11,
"East Timor": 0,
"Ecuador": 28,
"Egypt": 110,
"El Salvador": 0,
"Equatorial Guinea": 1,
"Eritrea": 0,
"Estonia": 171,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 1,
"Fiji": 0,
"Finland": 244,
"France": 4523,
"Gabon": 1,
"Gambia, The": 0,
"Georgia": 33,
"Germany": 5795,
"Ghana": 6,
"Greece": 331,
"Guatemala": 1,
"Guinea": 1,
"Guyana": 4,
"Haiti": 0,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 3,
"Hungary": 32,
"Iceland": 171,
"India": 113,
"Indonesia": 117,
"Iran": 13938,
"Iraq": 116,
"Ireland": 129,
"Israel": 251,
"Italy": 24747,
"Jamaica": 10,
"Japan": 839,
"Jordan": 8,
"Kazakhstan": 9,
"Kenya": 3,
"Korea, South": 8162,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 112,
"Kyrgyzstan": 0,
"Latvia": 30,
"Lebanon": 110,
"Liberia": 0,
"Liechtenstein": 4,
"Lithuania": 12,
"Luxembourg": 59,
"Madagascar": 0,
"Malaysia": 428,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 21,
"Martinique": 9,
"Mauritania": 1,
"Mauritius": 0,
"Mexico": 41,
"Moldova": 23,
"Monaco": 2,
"Mongolia": 1,
"Montenegro": 0,
"Morocco": 28,
"Namibia": 2,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 1138,
"New Zealand": 8,
"Nicaragua": 0,
"Niger": 0,
"Nigeria": 2,
"North Macedonia": 14,
"Norway": 1221,
"Oman": 22,
"Pakistan": 53,
"Panama": 43,
"Papua New Guinea": 0,
"Paraguay": 6,
"Peru": 43,
"Philippines": 140,
"Poland": 119,
"Portugal": 245,
"Qatar": 401,
"Romania": 131,
"Russia": 63,
"Rwanda": 1,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 101,
"Saudi Arabia": 103,
"Senegal": 24,
"Serbia": 48,
"Seychelles": 2,
"Singapore": 226,
"Slovakia": 54,
"Slovenia": 219,
"Somalia": 0,
"South Africa": 51,
"Spain": 7798,
"Sri Lanka": 18,
"Sudan": 1,
"Suriname": 1,
"Sweden": 1022,
"Switzerland": 2200,
"Taiwan*": 59,
"Tanzania": 0,
"Thailand": 114,
"Togo": 1,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 2,
"Tunisia": 18,
"Turkey": 6,
"US": 3499,
"Uganda": 0,
"Ukraine": 3,
"United Arab Emirates": 98,
"United Kingdom": 1145,
"Uruguay": 4,
"Uzbekistan": 1,
"Venezuela": 10,
"Vietnam": 56,
"Zambia": 0,
"Zimbabwe": 0
"3/16/20": {
"Afghanistan": 21,
"Albania": 51,
"Algeria": 54,
"Andorra": 2,
"Angola": 0,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 56,
"Armenia": 52,
"Australia": 377,
"Austria": 1018,
"Azerbaijan": 15,
"Bahamas, The": 1,
"Bahrain": 214,
"Bangladesh": 8,
"Barbados": 0,
"Belarus": 36,
"Belgium": 1058,
"Benin": 1,
"Bhutan": 1,
"Bolivia": 11,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 25,
"Brazil": 200,
"Brunei": 54,
"Bulgaria": 52,
"Burkina Faso": 15,
"Cabo Verde": 0,
"Cambodia": 7,
"Cameroon": 4,
"Canada": 415,
"Cape Verde": 0,
"Central African Republic": 1,
"Chad": 0,
"Chile": 155,
"China": 81033,
"Colombia": 54,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 1,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 2,
"Costa Rica": 35,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 1,
"Croatia": 57,
"Cruise Ship": 696,
"Cuba": 4,
"Cyprus": 33,
"Czechia": 298,
"Denmark": 933,
"Djibouti": 0,
"Dominican Republic": 11,
"East Timor": 0,
"Ecuador": 37,
"Egypt": 150,
"El Salvador": 0,
"Equatorial Guinea": 1,
"Eritrea": 0,
"Estonia": 205,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 5,
"Fiji": 0,
"Finland": 277,
"France": 6668,
"Gabon": 1,
"Gambia, The": 0,
"Georgia": 33,
"Germany": 7272,
"Ghana": 6,
"Greece": 331,
"Guatemala": 2,
"Guinea": 1,
"Guyana": 4,
"Haiti": 0,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 6,
"Hungary": 39,
"Iceland": 180,
"India": 119,
"Indonesia": 134,
"Iran": 14991,
"Iraq": 124,
"Ireland": 169,
"Israel": 255,
"Italy": 27980,
"Jamaica": 10,
"Japan": 825,
"Jordan": 17,
"Kazakhstan": 10,
"Kenya": 3,
"Korea, South": 8236,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 123,
"Kyrgyzstan": 0,
"Latvia": 34,
"Lebanon": 99,
"Liberia": 1,
"Liechtenstein": 4,
"Lithuania": 17,
"Luxembourg": 77,
"Madagascar": 0,
"Malaysia": 566,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 30,
"Martinique": 15,
"Mauritania": 1,
"Mauritius": 0,
"Mexico": 53,
"Moldova": 23,
"Monaco": 7,
"Mongolia": 1,
"Montenegro": 0,
"Morocco": 29,
"Namibia": 2,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 1416,
"New Zealand": 8,
"Nicaragua": 0,
"Niger": 0,
"Nigeria": 2,
"North Macedonia": 18,
"Norway": 1333,
"Oman": 22,
"Pakistan": 136,
"Panama": 55,
"Papua New Guinea": 0,
"Paraguay": 8,
"Peru": 86,
"Philippines": 142,
"Poland": 177,
"Portugal": 331,
"Qatar": 439,
"Romania": 158,
"Russia": 90,
"Rwanda": 5,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 109,
"Saudi Arabia": 118,
"Senegal": 24,
"Serbia": 55,
"Seychelles": 3,
"Singapore": 243,
"Slovakia": 63,
"Slovenia": 253,
"Somalia": 1,
"South Africa": 62,
"Spain": 9942,
"Sri Lanka": 28,
"Sudan": 1,
"Suriname": 1,
"Sweden": 1103,
"Switzerland": 2200,
"Taiwan*": 67,
"Tanzania": 1,
"Thailand": 147,
"Togo": 1,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 4,
"Tunisia": 20,
"Turkey": 18,
"US": 4632,
"Uganda": 0,
"Ukraine": 7,
"United Arab Emirates": 98,
"United Kingdom": 1551,
"Uruguay": 8,
"Uzbekistan": 6,
"Venezuela": 17,
"Vietnam": 61,
"Zambia": 0,
"Zimbabwe": 0
"3/17/20": {
"Afghanistan": 22,
"Albania": 55,
"Algeria": 60,
"Andorra": 39,
"Angola": 0,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 68,
"Armenia": 78,
"Australia": 452,
"Austria": 1332,
"Azerbaijan": 28,
"Bahamas, The": 1,
"Bahrain": 228,
"Bangladesh": 10,
"Barbados": 2,
"Belarus": 36,
"Belgium": 1243,
"Benin": 1,
"Bhutan": 1,
"Bolivia": 11,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 26,
"Brazil": 321,
"Brunei": 56,
"Bulgaria": 67,
"Burkina Faso": 15,
"Cabo Verde": 0,
"Cambodia": 33,
"Cameroon": 10,
"Canada": 478,
"Cape Verde": 0,
"Central African Republic": 1,
"Chad": 0,
"Chile": 201,
"China": 81058,
"Colombia": 65,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 1,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 3,
"Costa Rica": 41,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 5,
"Croatia": 65,
"Cruise Ship": 696,
"Cuba": 5,
"Cyprus": 46,
"Czechia": 396,
"Denmark": 1025,
"Djibouti": 0,
"Dominican Republic": 21,
"East Timor": 0,
"Ecuador": 58,
"Egypt": 196,
"El Salvador": 0,
"Equatorial Guinea": 1,
"Eritrea": 0,
"Estonia": 225,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 5,
"Fiji": 0,
"Finland": 321,
"France": 7699,
"Gabon": 1,
"Gambia, The": 1,
"Georgia": 34,
"Germany": 9257,
"Ghana": 7,
"Greece": 387,
"Guatemala": 6,
"Guinea": 1,
"Guyana": 7,
"Haiti": 0,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 8,
"Hungary": 50,
"Iceland": 220,
"India": 142,
"Indonesia": 172,
"Iran": 16169,
"Iraq": 154,
"Ireland": 223,
"Israel": 337,
"Italy": 31506,
"Jamaica": 12,
"Japan": 878,
"Jordan": 34,
"Kazakhstan": 33,
"Kenya": 3,
"Korea, South": 8320,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 130,
"Kyrgyzstan": 0,
"Latvia": 49,
"Lebanon": 120,
"Liberia": 1,
"Liechtenstein": 7,
"Lithuania": 25,
"Luxembourg": 140,
"Madagascar": 0,
"Malaysia": 673,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 38,
"Martinique": 16,
"Mauritania": 1,
"Mauritius": 0,
"Mexico": 82,
"Moldova": 30,
"Monaco": 7,
"Mongolia": 5,
"Montenegro": 2,
"Morocco": 38,
"Namibia": 2,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 1711,
"New Zealand": 12,
"Nicaragua": 0,
"Niger": 0,
"Nigeria": 3,
"North Macedonia": 26,
"Norway": 1463,
"Oman": 24,
"Pakistan": 236,
"Panama": 69,
"Papua New Guinea": 0,
"Paraguay": 9,
"Peru": 117,
"Philippines": 187,
"Poland": 238,
"Portugal": 448,
"Qatar": 439,
"Romania": 184,
"Russia": 114,
"Rwanda": 7,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 109,
"Saudi Arabia": 171,
"Senegal": 26,
"Serbia": 65,
"Seychelles": 4,
"Singapore": 266,
"Slovakia": 72,
"Slovenia": 275,
"Somalia": 1,
"South Africa": 62,
"Spain": 11748,
"Sri Lanka": 44,
"Sudan": 1,
"Suriname": 1,
"Sweden": 1190,
"Switzerland": 2700,
"Taiwan*": 77,
"Tanzania": 1,
"Thailand": 177,
"Togo": 1,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 5,
"Tunisia": 24,
"Turkey": 47,
"US": 6421,
"Uganda": 0,
"Ukraine": 14,
"United Arab Emirates": 98,
"United Kingdom": 1960,
"Uruguay": 29,
"Uzbekistan": 10,
"Venezuela": 33,
"Vietnam": 66,
"Zambia": 0,
"Zimbabwe": 0
"3/18/20": {
"Afghanistan": 22,
"Albania": 59,
"Algeria": 74,
"Andorra": 39,
"Angola": 0,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 79,
"Armenia": 84,
"Australia": 568,
"Austria": 1646,
"Azerbaijan": 28,
"Bahamas, The": 1,
"Bahrain": 256,
"Bangladesh": 14,
"Barbados": 2,
"Belarus": 51,
"Belgium": 1486,
"Benin": 2,
"Bhutan": 1,
"Bolivia": 12,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 38,
"Brazil": 372,
"Brunei": 68,
"Bulgaria": 92,
"Burkina Faso": 20,
"Cabo Verde": 0,
"Cambodia": 35,
"Cameroon": 10,
"Canada": 657,
"Cape Verde": 0,
"Central African Republic": 1,
"Chad": 0,
"Chile": 238,
"China": 81102,
"Colombia": 93,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 1,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 4,
"Costa Rica": 50,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 6,
"Croatia": 81,
"Cruise Ship": 712,
"Cuba": 7,
"Cyprus": 49,
"Czechia": 464,
"Denmark": 1116,
"Djibouti": 1,
"Dominican Republic": 21,
"East Timor": 0,
"Ecuador": 111,
"Egypt": 196,
"El Salvador": 0,
"Equatorial Guinea": 4,
"Eritrea": 0,
"Estonia": 258,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 6,
"Fiji": 0,
"Finland": 336,
"France": 9105,
"Gabon": 1,
"Gambia, The": 1,
"Georgia": 38,
"Germany": 12327,
"Ghana": 7,
"Greece": 418,
"Guatemala": 6,
"Guinea": 1,
"Guyana": 7,
"Haiti": 0,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 9,
"Hungary": 58,
"Iceland": 250,
"India": 156,
"Indonesia": 227,
"Iran": 17361,
"Iraq": 164,
"Ireland": 292,
"Israel": 433,
"Italy": 35713,
"Jamaica": 13,
"Japan": 889,
"Jordan": 52,
"Kazakhstan": 35,
"Kenya": 3,
"Korea, South": 8413,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 142,
"Kyrgyzstan": 3,
"Latvia": 71,
"Lebanon": 133,
"Liberia": 2,
"Liechtenstein": 28,
"Lithuania": 27,
"Luxembourg": 203,
"Madagascar": 0,
"Malaysia": 790,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 38,
"Martinique": 19,
"Mauritania": 1,
"Mauritius": 3,
"Mexico": 93,
"Moldova": 30,
"Monaco": 7,
"Mongolia": 6,
"Montenegro": 1,
"Morocco": 49,
"Namibia": 2,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 2058,
"New Zealand": 20,
"Nicaragua": 0,
"Niger": 0,
"Nigeria": 8,
"North Macedonia": 35,
"Norway": 1550,
"Oman": 39,
"Pakistan": 299,
"Panama": 86,
"Papua New Guinea": 0,
"Paraguay": 11,
"Peru": 145,
"Philippines": 202,
"Poland": 251,
"Portugal": 448,
"Qatar": 452,
"Romania": 260,
"Russia": 147,
"Rwanda": 8,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 119,
"Saudi Arabia": 171,
"Senegal": 31,
"Serbia": 83,
"Seychelles": 4,
"Singapore": 313,
"Slovakia": 105,
"Slovenia": 275,
"Somalia": 1,
"South Africa": 116,
"Spain": 13910,
"Sri Lanka": 51,
"Sudan": 2,
"Suriname": 1,
"Sweden": 1279,
"Switzerland": 3028,
"Taiwan*": 100,
"Tanzania": 3,
"Thailand": 212,
"Togo": 1,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 7,
"Tunisia": 29,
"Turkey": 98,
"US": 7783,
"Uganda": 0,
"Ukraine": 14,
"United Arab Emirates": 113,
"United Kingdom": 2642,
"Uruguay": 50,
"Uzbekistan": 15,
"Venezuela": 36,
"Vietnam": 75,
"Zambia": 2,
"Zimbabwe": 0
"3/19/20": {
"Afghanistan": 22,
"Albania": 64,
"Algeria": 87,
"Andorra": 53,
"Angola": 0,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 97,
"Armenia": 115,
"Australia": 681,
"Austria": 2013,
"Azerbaijan": 44,
"Bahamas, The": 3,
"Bahrain": 278,
"Bangladesh": 17,
"Barbados": 5,
"Belarus": 51,
"Belgium": 1795,
"Benin": 2,
"Bhutan": 1,
"Bolivia": 12,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 63,
"Brazil": 621,
"Brunei": 75,
"Bulgaria": 94,
"Burkina Faso": 33,
"Cabo Verde": 0,
"Cambodia": 37,
"Cameroon": 13,
"Canada": 800,
"Cape Verde": 0,
"Central African Republic": 1,
"Chad": 1,
"Chile": 238,
"China": 81156,
"Colombia": 102,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 3,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 14,
"Costa Rica": 69,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 9,
"Croatia": 105,
"Cruise Ship": 712,
"Cuba": 11,
"Cyprus": 67,
"Czechia": 694,
"Denmark": 1225,
"Djibouti": 1,
"Dominican Republic": 34,
"East Timor": 0,
"Ecuador": 199,
"Egypt": 256,
"El Salvador": 1,
"Equatorial Guinea": 6,
"Eritrea": 0,
"Estonia": 267,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 6,
"Fiji": 1,
"Finland": 400,
"France": 10947,
"Gabon": 1,
"Gambia, The": 1,
"Georgia": 40,
"Germany": 15320,
"Ghana": 11,
"Greece": 418,
"Guatemala": 9,
"Guinea": 1,
"Guyana": 7,
"Haiti": 0,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 12,
"Hungary": 73,
"Iceland": 330,
"India": 194,
"Indonesia": 311,
"Iran": 18407,
"Iraq": 192,
"Ireland": 557,
"Israel": 677,
"Italy": 41035,
"Jamaica": 15,
"Japan": 924,
"Jordan": 69,
"Kazakhstan": 44,
"Kenya": 7,
"Korea, South": 8565,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 148,
"Kyrgyzstan": 3,
"Latvia": 86,
"Lebanon": 157,
"Liberia": 2,
"Liechtenstein": 28,
"Lithuania": 36,
"Luxembourg": 335,
"Madagascar": 0,
"Malaysia": 900,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 53,
"Martinique": 23,
"Mauritania": 2,
"Mauritius": 3,
"Mexico": 118,
"Moldova": 49,
"Monaco": 7,
"Mongolia": 6,
"Montenegro": 3,
"Morocco": 63,
"Namibia": 3,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 2467,
"New Zealand": 28,
"Nicaragua": 1,
"Niger": 0,
"Nigeria": 8,
"North Macedonia": 48,
"Norway": 1746,
"Oman": 48,
"Pakistan": 454,
"Panama": 109,
"Papua New Guinea": 0,
"Paraguay": 11,
"Peru": 234,
"Philippines": 217,
"Poland": 355,
"Portugal": 785,
"Qatar": 460,
"Romania": 277,
"Russia": 199,
"Rwanda": 8,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 119,
"Saudi Arabia": 274,
"Senegal": 31,
"Serbia": 103,
"Seychelles": 6,
"Singapore": 345,
"Slovakia": 123,
"Slovenia": 286,
"Somalia": 1,
"South Africa": 150,
"Spain": 17963,
"Sri Lanka": 60,
"Sudan": 2,
"Suriname": 1,
"Sweden": 1439,
"Switzerland": 4075,
"Taiwan*": 108,
"Tanzania": 6,
"Thailand": 272,
"Togo": 1,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 9,
"Tunisia": 39,
"Turkey": 192,
"US": 13677,
"Uganda": 0,
"Ukraine": 16,
"United Arab Emirates": 140,
"United Kingdom": 2716,
"Uruguay": 79,
"Uzbekistan": 23,
"Venezuela": 42,
"Vietnam": 85,
"Zambia": 2,
"Zimbabwe": 0
"3/20/20": {
"Afghanistan": 24,
"Albania": 70,
"Algeria": 90,
"Andorra": 75,
"Angola": 1,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 128,
"Armenia": 136,
"Australia": 791,
"Austria": 2388,
"Azerbaijan": 44,
"Bahamas, The": 3,
"Bahrain": 285,
"Bangladesh": 20,
"Barbados": 5,
"Belarus": 69,
"Belgium": 2257,
"Benin": 2,
"Bhutan": 2,
"Bolivia": 15,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 89,
"Brazil": 793,
"Brunei": 78,
"Bulgaria": 127,
"Burkina Faso": 40,
"Cabo Verde": 1,
"Cambodia": 51,
"Cameroon": 20,
"Canada": 943,
"Cape Verde": 0,
"Central African Republic": 3,
"Chad": 1,
"Chile": 434,
"China": 81250,
"Colombia": 128,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 3,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 18,
"Costa Rica": 89,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 9,
"Croatia": 128,
"Cruise Ship": 712,
"Cuba": 16,
"Cyprus": 67,
"Czechia": 833,
"Denmark": 1337,
"Djibouti": 1,
"Dominican Republic": 72,
"East Timor": 0,
"Ecuador": 367,
"Egypt": 285,
"El Salvador": 1,
"Equatorial Guinea": 6,
"Eritrea": 0,
"Estonia": 283,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 9,
"Fiji": 1,
"Finland": 450,
"France": 12726,
"Gabon": 3,
"Gambia, The": 1,
"Georgia": 43,
"Germany": 19848,
"Ghana": 16,
"Greece": 495,
"Guatemala": 12,
"Guinea": 1,
"Guyana": 7,
"Haiti": 2,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 24,
"Hungary": 85,
"Iceland": 409,
"India": 244,
"Indonesia": 369,
"Iran": 19644,
"Iraq": 208,
"Ireland": 683,
"Israel": 705,
"Italy": 47021,
"Jamaica": 16,
"Japan": 963,
"Jordan": 85,
"Kazakhstan": 49,
"Kenya": 7,
"Korea, South": 8652,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 159,
"Kyrgyzstan": 6,
"Latvia": 111,
"Lebanon": 163,
"Liberia": 2,
"Liechtenstein": 28,
"Lithuania": 49,
"Luxembourg": 484,
"Madagascar": 3,
"Malaysia": 1030,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 64,
"Martinique": 32,
"Mauritania": 2,
"Mauritius": 12,
"Mexico": 164,
"Moldova": 66,
"Monaco": 11,
"Mongolia": 6,
"Montenegro": 14,
"Morocco": 77,
"Namibia": 3,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 3003,
"New Zealand": 39,
"Nicaragua": 1,
"Niger": 1,
"Nigeria": 12,
"North Macedonia": 67,
"Norway": 1914,
"Oman": 48,
"Pakistan": 501,
"Panama": 137,
"Papua New Guinea": 1,
"Paraguay": 13,
"Peru": 234,
"Philippines": 230,
"Poland": 425,
"Portugal": 1020,
"Qatar": 470,
"Romania": 308,
"Russia": 253,
"Rwanda": 17,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 144,
"Saudi Arabia": 344,
"Senegal": 38,
"Serbia": 135,
"Seychelles": 7,
"Singapore": 385,
"Slovakia": 137,
"Slovenia": 341,
"Somalia": 1,
"South Africa": 202,
"Spain": 20410,
"Sri Lanka": 73,
"Sudan": 2,
"Suriname": 4,
"Sweden": 1639,
"Switzerland": 5294,
"Taiwan*": 135,
"Tanzania": 6,
"Thailand": 322,
"Togo": 9,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 9,
"Tunisia": 54,
"Turkey": 359,
"US": 19100,
"Uganda": 0,
"Ukraine": 29,
"United Arab Emirates": 140,
"United Kingdom": 4014,
"Uruguay": 94,
"Uzbekistan": 33,
"Venezuela": 42,
"Vietnam": 91,
"Zambia": 2,
"Zimbabwe": 1
"3/21/20": {
"Afghanistan": 24,
"Albania": 76,
"Algeria": 139,
"Andorra": 88,
"Angola": 2,
"Antigua and Barbuda": 1,
"Argentina": 158,
"Armenia": 160,
"Australia": 1071,
"Austria": 2814,
"Azerbaijan": 53,
"Bahamas, The": 4,
"Bahrain": 305,
"Bangladesh": 25,
"Barbados": 6,
"Belarus": 76,
"Belgium": 2815,
"Benin": 2,
"Bhutan": 2,
"Bolivia": 19,
"Bosnia and Herzegovina": 93,
"Brazil": 1021,
"Brunei": 83,
"Bulgaria": 163,
"Burkina Faso": 64,
"Cabo Verde": 3,
"Cambodia": 53,
"Cameroon": 27,
"Canada": 1278,
"Cape Verde": 1,
"Central African Republic": 3,
"Chad": 1,
"Chile": 537,
"China": 81305,
"Colombia": 196,
"Congo (Brazzaville)": 3,
"Congo (Kinshasa)": 23,
"Costa Rica": 117,
"Cote d'Ivoire": 14,
"Croatia": 206,
"Cruise Ship": 712,
"Cuba": 21,
"Cyprus": 84,
"Czechia": 995,
"Denmark": 1420,
"Djibouti": 1,
"Dominican Republic": 112,
"East Timor": 1,
"Ecuador": 506,
"Egypt": 294,
"El Salvador": 3,
"Equatorial Guinea": 6,
"Eritrea": 1,
"Estonia": 306,
"Eswatini": 1,
"Ethiopia": 9,
"Fiji": 1,
"Finland": 523,
"France": 14431,
"Gabon": 4,
"Gambia, The": 1,
"Georgia": 49,
"Germany": 22213,
"Ghana": 19,
"Greece": 530,
"Guatemala": 17,
"Guinea": 2,
"Guyana": 7,
"Haiti": 2,
"Holy See": 1,
"Honduras": 24,
"Hungary": 103,
"Iceland": 473,
"India": 330,
"Indonesia": 450,
"Iran": 20610,
"Iraq": 214,
"Ireland": 785,
"Israel": 883,
"Italy": 53578,
"Jamaica": 16,
"Japan": 1007,
"Jordan": 85,
"Kazakhstan": 53,
"Kenya": 7,
"Korea, South": 8799,
"Kosovo": 2,
"Kuwait": 176,
"Kyrgyzstan": 14,
"Latvia": 124,
"Lebanon": 187,
"Liberia": 3,
"Liechtenstein": 37,
"Lithuania": 83,
"Luxembourg": 670,
"Madagascar": 3,
"Malaysia": 1183,
"Maldives": 13,
"Malta": 73,
"Martinique": 32,
"Mauritania": 2,
"Mauritius": 14,
"Mexico": 203,
"Moldova": 80,
"Monaco": 11,
"Mongolia": 10,
"Montenegro": 14,
"Morocco": 96,
"Namibia": 3,
"Nepal": 1,
"Netherlands": 3640,
"New Zealand": 52,
"Nicaragua": 2,
"Niger": 1,
"Nigeria": 22,
"North Macedonia": 85,
"Norway": 2118,
"Oman": 52,
"Pakistan": 730,
"Panama": 200,
"Papua New Guinea": 1,
"Paraguay": 18,
"Peru": 318,
"Philippines": 307,
"Poland": 536,
"Portugal": 1280,
"Qatar": 481,
"Romania": 367,
"Russia": 306,
"Rwanda": 17,
"Saint Lucia": 2,
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines": 1,
"San Marino": 144,
"Saudi Arabia": 392,
"Senegal": 47,
"Serbia": 171,
"Seychelles": 7,
"Singapore": 432,
"Slovakia": 178,
"Slovenia": 383,
"Somalia": 1,
"South Africa": 240,
"Spain": 25374,
"Sri Lanka": 77,
"Sudan": 2,
"Suriname": 4,
"Sweden": 1763,
"Switzerland": 6575,
"Taiwan*": 153,
"Tanzania": 6,
"Thailand": 411,
"Togo": 16,
"Trinidad and Tobago": 49,
"Tunisia": 60,
"Turkey": 670,
"US": 25489,
"Uganda": 1,
"Ukraine": 47,
"United Arab Emirates": 153,
"United Kingdom": 5067,
"Uruguay": 110,
"Uzbekistan": 43,
"Venezuela": 70,
"Vietnam": 94,
"Zambia": 2,
"Zimbabwe": 3
Is it possible for it to return an object where it shows how many days it took for the number of cases in each country to double ?
Maintain the initial count of infected people country wise and then iterate over the countries and check if the count is double of initial count.
// Store number of days
let days = 0;
const countriesWithDoubleDayCount = {};
const dates = Object.keys(data.data);
const countries = Object.values(data.data);
// Create any Object of countries with count set to zero
const groupByCountries = Object.keys(data.data["3/15/20"]).reduce((accu, name) => {
accu[name] = 0;
return accu;
}, {});
const initialCountCountryWise = {};
const doubleCount = countries.reduce((a, country, i) => {
if (i < dates.length - 1) {
// Date Difference Calculation
days += Math.abs((new Date(dates[i + 1]) - new Date(dates[i])) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24), 10);
const countries = Object.entries(country);
countries.forEach(([name, count]) => {
// First Record
if (i == 0) {
// Maintain the initial count of coronavirus infected people, country wise.
initialCountCountryWise[name] = count !== 0 ? count : 1;
a[name] = count;
const double = initialCountCountryWise[name] * 2;
// Check if current country count is greater than double of initial count
// If yes, push in the countriesWithDoubleDayCount Object.
if (a[name] >= double && !countriesWithDoubleDayCount.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
countriesWithDoubleDayCount[name] = days;
return a;
}, groupByCountries);
Note - Due to character limit cannot add Javascript live code snippet.
After playing around with the join() and slice() functions for hours, I have just found that you can't use either function on complex arrays. So I've come to get some help here.
I'm trying to get my data below:
var data = [
["North", "Tennis",37, 25, 11, 9, 42, 13],
["East", "Football", 41, 2, 3, 26, 47, 21],
["South", "Rugby", 7, 22, 35, 45, 11, 46],
["West", "Rugby", 30, 21, 44, 23, 4, 47],
["North East", "Football", 35, 27, 12, 39, 34, 13],
["North West", "Football", 23, 4, 41, 35, 9, 47]
To look like this (output):
var result = [
["North: Tennis", 37, 25, 11, 9, 42, 13],
["East: Football", 41, 2, 3, 26, 47, 21],
["South: Rugby", 7, 22, 35, 45, 11, 46],
["West: Rugby", 30, 21, 44, 23, 4, 47],
["North East: Football", 35, 27, 12, 39, 34, 13],
["North West: Football", 23, 4, 41, 35, 9, 47]
Any help would be appreciated
As you want to turn one array into another array, it makes sense to .map the original array to another array by taking the first two elements of each subarray and concatenating them together, then building a new subarray by adding the rest of the elements (which we get with the rest parameter during the array destructuring) to a new array that contains the joined string.
let data = [
["North", "Tennis",37, 25, 11, 9, 42, 13],
["East", "Football", 41, 2, 3, 26, 47, 21],
["South", "Rugby", 7, 22, 35, 45, 11, 46],
["West", "Rugby", 30, 21, 44, 23, 4, 47],
["North East", "Football", 35, 27, 12, 39, 34, 13],
["North West", "Football", 23, 4, 41, 35, 9, 47]
let result = data.map(([s1, s2, ...rest]) => [`${s1}: ${s2}`, ...rest]);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Array destructuring
Template literals
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for the following output. I've used JavaScript's .map() function to restructure the data slightly. More information on .map here.
var data = [
["North", "Tennis", 37, 25, 11, 9, 42, 13],
["East", "Football", 41, 2, 3, 26, 47, 21],
["South", "Rugby", 7, 22, 35, 45, 11, 46],
["West", "Rugby", 30, 21, 44, 23, 4, 47],
["North East", "Football", 35, 27, 12, 39, 34, 13],
["North West", "Football", 23, 4, 41, 35, 9, 47]
const formattedData = data.map(row => {
return [
[row[0] + ': ' + row[1]],
I'd write your code.
var data = [
["North", "Tennis", 37, 25, 11, 9, 42, 13],
["East", "Football", 41, 2, 3, 26, 47, 21],
["South", "Rugby", 7, 22, 35, 45, 11, 46],
["West", "Rugby", 30, 21, 44, 23, 4, 47],
["North East", "Football", 35, 27, 12, 39, 34, 13],
["North West", "Football", 23, 4, 41, 35, 9, 47]
// Final resulting array is created by concatenating the first and
// second index elements of each inner array of data. The rest data
// is being copied as it is using slice and spread operator.
const result = data.reduce(
(mem, cur) => [...mem, [`${cur[0]}: ${cur[1]}`, ...cur.slice(2)]],
You could use map method. It takes a callback which is executed for every element. It then returns a new array with the new data in each index. For example:
var data = [
["North", "Tennis",37, 25, 11, 9, 42, 13],
["East", "Football", 41, 2, 3, 26, 47, 21],
["South", "Rugby", 7, 22, 35, 45, 11, 46],
["West", "Rugby", 30, 21, 44, 23, 4, 47],
["North East", "Football", 35, 27, 12, 39, 34, 13],
["North West", "Football", 23, 4, 41, 35, 9, 47]
newData = data.map((el, i, arr) => {
el[0] = `${el[0]}: ${el[1]}` // reassinging el[0]
el.splice(1, 1); // removing 2 array element
I have a challenge that I have been battling with for some time now. It's about replacing all the elements in an array that is in a grid form, but my solution is only replacing selected element of its choice not as I intended.
In this challenge, I want to replace the integer value that is divisible by two with the string "even" while the rest replaced with the string "odd".
* - The numbers variable is an array of arrays.
* - a nested for loop to cycle through numbers.
* - it convert each even number to the string "even"
* - and Convert each odd number to the string "odd"
var myNumbers = [
[243, 12, 23, 12, 45, 45, 78, 66, 223, 3],
[34, 2, 1, 553, 23, 4, 66, 23, 4, 55],
[67, 56, 45, 553, 44, 55, 5, 428, 452, 3],
[12, 31, 55, 445, 79, 44, 674, 224, 4, 21],
[4, 2, 3, 52, 13, 51, 44, 1, 67, 5],
[5, 65, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 43, 23, 4424],
[74, 532, 6, 7, 35, 17, 89, 43, 43, 66],
[53, 6, 89, 10, 23, 52, 111, 44, 109, 80],
[67, 6, 53, 537, 2, 168, 16, 2, 1, 8],
[76, 7, 9, 6, 3, 73, 77, 100, 56, 100]
for(var row=0; row<myNumbers.length; row++) {
for(var column=0;column<myNumbers[row].length;column++) {
Code Output:
You used the wrong variable for the row index
//needs to be
Also your if condition is using the wrong row index, and trying to compare against the whole array instead of the value in the array
//needs to be
var myNumbers = [
[243, 12, 23, 12, 45, 45, 78, 66, 223, 3],
[34, 2, 1, 553, 23, 4, 66, 23, 4, 55],
[67, 56, 45, 553, 44, 55, 5, 428, 452, 3],
[12, 31, 55, 445, 79, 44, 674, 224, 4, 21],
[4, 2, 3, 52, 13, 51, 44, 1, 67, 5],
[5, 65, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 43, 23, 4424],
[74, 532, 6, 7, 35, 17, 89, 43, 43, 66],
[53, 6, 89, 10, 23, 52, 111, 44, 109, 80],
[67, 6, 53, 537, 2, 168, 16, 2, 1, 8],
[76, 7, 9, 6, 3, 73, 77, 100, 56, 100]
for (var row = 0; row < myNumbers.length; row++) {
for (var column = 0; column < myNumbers[row].length; column++) {
if (myNumbers[row][column] % 2 === 0) {
myNumbers[row].splice(column, 1, "even");
} else {
myNumbers[row].splice(column, 1, "odd");
Probably easier to use a nested map instead:
var myNumbers = [
[243, 12, 23, 12, 45, 45, 78, 66, 223, 3],
[34, 2, 1, 553, 23, 4, 66, 23, 4, 55],
[67, 56, 45, 553, 44, 55, 5, 428, 452, 3],
[12, 31, 55, 445, 79, 44, 674, 224, 4, 21],
[4, 2, 3, 52, 13, 51, 44, 1, 67, 5],
[5, 65, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 43, 23, 4424],
[74, 532, 6, 7, 35, 17, 89, 43, 43, 66],
[53, 6, 89, 10, 23, 52, 111, 44, 109, 80],
[67, 6, 53, 537, 2, 168, 16, 2, 1, 8],
[76, 7, 9, 6, 3, 73, 77, 100, 56, 100]
const output = myNumbers.map(row => row.map(num =>
num % 2 === 0
? 'even'
: 'odd'
Achieving the same thing with a for loop is much more verbose and confusing, and shouldn't be done in most cases (array methods have better abstraction and don't require manual iteration), but if necessary:
var myNumbers = [
[243, 12, 23, 12, 45, 45, 78, 66, 223, 3],
[34, 2, 1, 553, 23, 4, 66, 23, 4, 55],
[67, 56, 45, 553, 44, 55, 5, 428, 452, 3],
[12, 31, 55, 445, 79, 44, 674, 224, 4, 21],
[4, 2, 3, 52, 13, 51, 44, 1, 67, 5],
[5, 65, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 43, 23, 4424],
[74, 532, 6, 7, 35, 17, 89, 43, 43, 66],
[53, 6, 89, 10, 23, 52, 111, 44, 109, 80],
[67, 6, 53, 537, 2, 168, 16, 2, 1, 8],
[76, 7, 9, 6, 3, 73, 77, 100, 56, 100]
const output = [];
for (let rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < myNumbers.length; rowIndex++) {
const row = myNumbers[rowIndex];
const newRow = [];
for (let colIndex = 0; colIndex < row.length; colIndex++) {
const num = row[colIndex];
newRow.push(num % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd');
Why not simply set the value of myNumbers[row][column] instead of using splice?
var myNumbers = [
[243, 12, 23, 12, 45, 45, 78, 66, 223, 3],
[34, 2, 1, 553, 23, 4, 66, 23, 4, 55],
[67, 56, 45, 553, 44, 55, 5, 428, 452, 3],
[12, 31, 55, 445, 79, 44, 674, 224, 4, 21],
[4, 2, 3, 52, 13, 51, 44, 1, 67, 5],
[5, 65, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 43, 23, 4424],
[74, 532, 6, 7, 35, 17, 89, 43, 43, 66],
[53, 6, 89, 10, 23, 52, 111, 44, 109, 80],
[67, 6, 53, 537, 2, 168, 16, 2, 1, 8],
[76, 7, 9, 6, 3, 73, 77, 100, 56, 100]
for(var row=0; row<myNumbers.length; row++) {
for(var column=0;column<myNumbers[row].length;column++) {
if(myNumbers[row][column]%2===0) {
myNumbers[row][column] = "even";
} else{
myNumbers[row][column] = "odd";
In your inner loop you need to access the values using both indexes (i.e. myNumbers[row][column]). As it stands, you are only using the column index and therefore splicing values into the array containing the rows.