remove url parameters using javascript - javascript

I would like this url:
to become
I need this kind of pattern for all urls. so the string with the question mark and onward need to be deleted

There are several ways for this one of them is
var url="";
var suburl=url.substring(0,url.lastIndexOf("/")).replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, '');

You may want to consider using a regular expression
var myRe = new RegExp('([http|https]://)(.+)(\/.+\?)', 'g');
var myArray = myRe.exec('');

You can use the URL interface to achieve this and substring till the last pathname (/adClick)
let url = new URL('');
console.log( + url.pathname.substring(0, url.pathname.lastIndexOf('/')))

Good idea. But use lenght const, because it assigns meaning specifically to this URL, and not to all the meanings of the URL above
const myRe = new RegExp('([http|https]://)(.+)(/.+\?)', 'g');
const myArray = myRe.exec('');


How can you add e.g. 'gm' to a regex to avoid repeating the full regex again? [duplicate]

I am trying to create something similar to this:
var regexp_loc = /e/i;
except I want the regexp to be dependent on a string, so I tried to use new RegExp but I couldn't get what i wanted.
Basically I want the e in the above regexp to be a string variable but I fail with the syntax.
I tried something like this:
var keyword = "something";
var test_regexp = new RegExp("/" + keyword + "/i");
Basically I want to search for a sub string in a larger string then replace the string with some other string, case insensitive.
You need to pass the second parameter:
var r = new RegExp(keyword, "i");
You will also need to escape any special characters in the string to prevent regex injection attacks.
You should also remember to watch out for escape characters within a string...
For example if you wished to detect for a single number \d{1} and you did this...
var pattern = "\d{1}";
var re = new RegExp(pattern);
re.exec("1"); // fail! :(
that would fail as the initial \ is an escape character, you would need to "escape the escape", like so...
var pattern = "\\d{1}" // <-- spot the extra '\'
var re = new RegExp(pattern);
re.exec("1"); // success! :D
When using the RegExp constructor, you don't need the slashes like you do when using a regexp literal. So:
new RegExp(keyword, "i");
Note that you pass in the flags in the second parameter. See here for more info.
Want to share an example here:
I want to replace a string like: hi[var1][var2] to hi[newVar][var2].
and var1 are dynamic generated in the page.
so I had to use:
var regex = new RegExp("\\\\["+var1+"\\\\]",'ig');
This works pretty good to me. in case anyone need this like me.
The reason I have to go with [] is var1 might be a very easy pattern itself, adding the [] would be much accurate.
var keyword = "something";
var test_regexp = new RegExp(something,"i");
You need to convert RegExp, you actually can create a simple function to do it for you:
function toReg(str) {
if(!str || typeof str !== "string") {
return new RegExp(str, "i");
and call it like:

Regexp get last part of url without parameters if they exists

I looking for regular expression to use in my javascript code, which give me last part of url without parameters if they exists - here is example - with and without parameters:
In both cases as result I want to get:
Here is this regexp
and JS code:
let lastUrlPart = /.*\/([^?]+)/.exec(url)[1];
let lastUrlPart = url => /.*\/([^?]+)/.exec(url)[1];
let t1 = ""
let t2 = ""
May be there are better alternatives?
You could always try doing it without regex. Split the URL by "/" and then parse out the last part of the URL.
var urlPart = url.split("/");
var img = urlPart[urlPart.length-1].split("?")[0];
That should get everything after the last "/" and before the first "?".

Unable to convert a string to the desired regexp in Javascript [duplicate]

I am trying to create something similar to this:
var regexp_loc = /e/i;
except I want the regexp to be dependent on a string, so I tried to use new RegExp but I couldn't get what i wanted.
Basically I want the e in the above regexp to be a string variable but I fail with the syntax.
I tried something like this:
var keyword = "something";
var test_regexp = new RegExp("/" + keyword + "/i");
Basically I want to search for a sub string in a larger string then replace the string with some other string, case insensitive.
You need to pass the second parameter:
var r = new RegExp(keyword, "i");
You will also need to escape any special characters in the string to prevent regex injection attacks.
You should also remember to watch out for escape characters within a string...
For example if you wished to detect for a single number \d{1} and you did this...
var pattern = "\d{1}";
var re = new RegExp(pattern);
re.exec("1"); // fail! :(
that would fail as the initial \ is an escape character, you would need to "escape the escape", like so...
var pattern = "\\d{1}" // <-- spot the extra '\'
var re = new RegExp(pattern);
re.exec("1"); // success! :D
When using the RegExp constructor, you don't need the slashes like you do when using a regexp literal. So:
new RegExp(keyword, "i");
Note that you pass in the flags in the second parameter. See here for more info.
Want to share an example here:
I want to replace a string like: hi[var1][var2] to hi[newVar][var2].
and var1 are dynamic generated in the page.
so I had to use:
var regex = new RegExp("\\\\["+var1+"\\\\]",'ig');
This works pretty good to me. in case anyone need this like me.
The reason I have to go with [] is var1 might be a very easy pattern itself, adding the [] would be much accurate.
var keyword = "something";
var test_regexp = new RegExp(something,"i");
You need to convert RegExp, you actually can create a simple function to do it for you:
function toReg(str) {
if(!str || typeof str !== "string") {
return new RegExp(str, "i");
and call it like:

remove last two parameters from URL

i want to break a following url
into this by eliminating last two parametes i.e. &cn=bella&cjid=3344324
the length of the url may change but the last two parameters remains in that position only. so how can i remove that in a efficient way.
A RegExp is the easiest way for this case:
str = str.replace(/&[^&]*&[^&]*$/,'');
You can use replace with regular expression. If the url is in var url then you can use this one
var new_url = url.replace(/&cn=.*/, '');
you can test it with
var url = 'http:\';*/, ''));
var string = "";
string.match(/(.*)&(.*)&(.*)/)[1]; // strips last two parameters
You can use regular expressions to replace the last 2 parameters with the empty string:
var url = "";
var urlWithoutLast2Parameters = url.replace(/&[^&]+&[^&]+$/,"");
You could use the function IndexOf to find the location of the '&cn' and then just use the substring function to create a new string eliminating the '&cn' portion of the URL, so something like...
var intIndexOf = str.IndexOf('&cn=')
strURL = strURL.substring(0,intCharAt)

Simple Regex question

I want to remove this from a url string
I know this doesn't work, but I was wondering how you would do this properly.
document.URL.replace("?page=[0-9]", "")
It seems like you want to get rid of the protocol and the querystring. So how about just concatenating the remaining parts?
var loc = window.location;
var str = + loc.pathname + loc.hash;
I'm not entirely certain what the requirements are, but this fairly simple regex works.
It may be a naive implementation, but give it a try and see if it fits your need.
? is a regex special character. You need to escape it for a literal ?. Also use regular expression literals.
document.URL.replace(/\?page=[0-9]/, "")
The answer from #patrick dw is most practical but if you're really curious about a regular expression solution then here is what I would do:
var trimUrl = function(s) {
var r=/^http:\/\/(.*?)\?page=\d+.*$/, m=(""+s).match(r);
return (m) ? m[1] : s;
trimUrl(''); // => ""
trimUrl(''); // => ""
trimUrl('foobar'); // => "foobar"
You're super close. To grab the URL use location.href and make sure to escape the question mark.
var URL = location.href.replace("\?page=[0-9]", "");
location.href = URL; // and redirect if that's what you intend to do
You can also strip all query string parameters:
var URL = location.href.replace("\?.*", "");

