JQuery ajax success callback never garbage collected - javascript

Please excuse my funny looking JS. Its compiled Coffee Script.
When some specific things on my WebApp happen, I run the following callback function to start a JSON get request:
GmScreen.prototype.requestPcUpdate = function(id) {
var currentUrl, self, url;
currentUrl = window.location.href;
url = currentUrl.substr(0, currentUrl.lastIndexOf('/')) + '.json';
self = this;
return $.ajax({
url: "/chars/" + id + ".json",
type: "GET",
error: function() {
return self.onPcUpdateError(this);
success: function(pc) {
return self.onPcUpdateReceived(pc);
The success callback function is as follows:
GmScreen.prototype.onPcUpdateReceived = function(receivedPc) {
var pcObj;
if (!(receivedPc['id'] in this.allPcs)) {
console.error("No PC with ID " + receivedPc['id'] + " known!");
pcObj = this.allPcs[receivedPc['id']];
pcObj['cmlNode'] = new CmlCharacter((new DOMParser()).parseFromString(receivedPc['cml'], 'text/xml').documentElement);
return this.notifyPcChangeListeners();
In the callback function, I create an XML document (and a wrapper object based on it) and assign it. When the next update for the same id arrives, the document and the wrapper object can be garbage collected.
But that never happens.
In Firefox, I see that the Dominator keeping this from being garbage collected is something called mPromiseObj.
This is drastically impacting the performance of my web app over time. How can I get this thing deleted?

Turns out, I screwed up my callbacks. In the cause of notifyPcChangeListeners, a new Listener was created that would have called onPcUpdateReceived eventually.
So keeping the garbage collection from cleaning this up is completely correct.


Another Javascript callback issue/example

I've read a good bit about callbacks, and while I use them for click events and similar, I'm using them without fully understanding them.
I have a simple web app with 3 or 4 html pages, each with its own js page.
I have some global functions that I've placed in a new js page which is referenced by each html page that needs it. I'm using this file, word_background.js, to hold functions that are lengthy and used by multiple pages.
pullLibrary is a function, residing in word_background.js, that pulls from my db and processes the results.
I want to call pullLibrary from webpageOne.html, make sure it completes, then do more processing in webpageOne.js.
In webpageOne.js I have the following - trying to call pullLibrary and, once it is complete, use the results for further work in webpageOne.js.
The code executes pullLibrary (in word_background.js) but doesn't "return" to webpageOne.js to continue processing.
I'm assuming I'm missing some critical, essential aspect to callbacks...
I just want to run the pullLibrary function (which has ajax calls etc) and, once it is complete, continue with my page setup.
Any explanation/correction appreciated.
This code is in webpageOne.js:
console.log('Now processing library...');
//Do a bunch more stuff
----- UPDATE -----
Thank you for the comments...which I think are illuminating my broken mental model for how this should work.
pullLibrary is an ajax function - it pulls from a database and stuffs the results into an array and localStorage.
My expectation is that I can call pullLibrary and, when it is complete, the callback code (in this case anonymous function) will run.
function pullLibrary(){ //Values passed from startup() if no data is local
//Pull data from database and create basic LIBRARY array for further processing in processLibrary sub
console.log("Starting to pull library array in background.js..." + "User: " + localStorage.userID + " License: " + localStorage.licType);
var url1 = baseURL + 'accessComments3.php';
var url2 = '&UserID=' + localStorage.userID + '&LicType=' + localStorage.licType;
//Need global index to produce unique IDs
var idIndex = 0;
var index = 0;
type: "POST",
url: url1,
data: url2,
// dataType: 'text',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(result){
// success: function(responseJSON){
arrLibrary = result; //store for use on this page
localStorage.library = JSON.stringify(result); //Store for use elsewhere
console.log('Saving to global variable: ') + console.log(arrLibrary);
//Now mark last update to both sync storage and local storage so access from other browsers will know to pull data from server or just use local arrays (to save resources)
var timeStamp = Date.now();
var temp = {};
temp['lastSave'] = timeStamp;
// chrome.storage.sync.set(temp, function() {
console.log('Settings saved');
localStorage.lastSync = timeStamp;
console.log('Last update: ' + localStorage.lastSync);
//Store Group List
var arrComGroups = $.map(arrLibrary, function(g){return g.commentGroup});
// console.log('List of comment groups array: ') + console.log(arrComGroups);
arrComGroups = jQuery.unique( arrComGroups ); //remove dupes
// console.log('Unique comment groups array: ') + console.log(arrComGroups);
localStorage.groupList = JSON.stringify(arrComGroups); //Store list of Comment Groups
//Create individual arrays for each Comment Groups
$.each(arrComGroups,function(i,gName){ //Cycle through each group of Comments
var arrTempGroup = []; //to hold an array for one comment group
arrTempGroup = $.grep(arrLibrary, function (row, i){
return row.commentGroup == gName;
//Store string version of each Comment Array
window.localStorage['group_' + gName] = JSON.stringify(arrTempGroup);
console.log('Creating context menu GROUPS: ' + gName);
// processLibrary(arrLibrary); //We've pulled the array with all comments - now hand off to processor
}, //End Success
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
alert("Unable to load your library from 11trees' server. Check your internet connection?");
// var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
// console.log('Error message: ' + err.Message);
}); //End ajax
Okay, there are tons of "here's how callbacks work" posts all over the internet...but I could never get a crystal clear example for the simplest of cases.
Is the following accurate?
We have two javascript files, one.js and two.js.
In one.js we have a function - lets call it apple() - that includes an Ajax call.
two.js does a lot of processing and listening to a particular html page. It needs data from the apple() ajax call. Other pages are going to use apple(), also, so we don't want to just put it in two.js.
Here's how I now understand callbacks:
function apple(callback_function_name){
type: "POST",
url: url1,
data: url2,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(result){
//apple processing of result
callback_function_name(); //This is the important part - whatever function was passed from two.js
}, //End Success
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
}); //End ajax
} //End apple function
** two.js **
This js file has all kinds of listeners etc.
$(document).ready(function () {
//all kinds of stuff that depends on the ajax call completing
//note that we've passed "apple_callback" as the function callback name...which is stored in the apple function as "callback_function_name".
//When the ajax call is successful, the callback - in this case, the function in two.js, will be called back...and the additional code will run
//So the function apple can be called by all sorts of other functions...as long as they include a function name that is passed. Like apple(anothercallback){} and apple(thirdcallback){}
}); //End apple function
}); //End Document.Ready

Confused with javascript global variable scope and update

I am trying to get a specific piece of data from from a json source. I have declared a global variable and try to update the global variable but it doesn't update correctly. Also, the order in which my debug alerts run is confusing.
//global variable
var latestDoorStatus = "initialized value"; //set value for debugging purposes
//debug alert which also calls the function
alert("Alert#1: call getDoorStatus = " + getDoorStatus("***********"));
function getDoorStatus(public_key) {
//get data in json form
var cloud_url = 'https://data.sparkfun.com/output/';
// JSONP request
var jsonData = $.ajax({
url: cloud_url + public_key + '.json',
data: {page: 1},
dataType: 'jsonp',
}).done(function (results) {
var latest = results[0];
//debug alert
alert("Alert #2: latestDoorStatus = " + latestDoorStatus);
//update the global variable
latestDoorStatus = latest.doorstatus;
//debug alert
alert("Alert #3: latestDoorStatus = " + latestDoorStatus);
//return the global variable
return latestDoorStatus;
alert("Alert #4: latestDoorStatus = " + latestDoorStatus);
When I run this in my browser I get the following behaviors:
First I get alert#4 (supposed to run at END of the script) with the initialized value of the global variable
then I get alert#1 as "undefined". This is supposed to be the result of calling the function getDoorStatus which should return an updated value of latestDoorStatus
then I get alert #2 as the initialized value of latestDoorStatus which makes sense since the global variable has not yet been updated
then I get alert #3 with the correct value of latestDoorStatus
The function is supposed to return the variable latestDoorStatus AFTER alert #3 (i.e. after global variable has been updated correctly) so I don't understand why alert #1 (which is supposed to have the returned value) is coming back undefined and why alert#4 which is supposed to run at the very end of the script is running first.
You are calling $.ajax asynchronously, and passing a callback function to done.
function makeRequest() {
$.ajax({ // An async Ajax call.
url: cloud_url + public_key + '.json',
data: {page: 1},
dataType: 'jsonp',
}).done(function (results) {
// this code is executed only after the request to cloud_url is finished.
console.log("I print second.");
console.log("I print first.");
The callback is called when the request is finished, and when depends entirely on how long the request to https://data.sparkfun.com/output/ takes. So the code after your Ajax call is executed immediately, we're not waiting for the http request to finish.
Your function getDoorStatus returns nothing, but your callback passed to done does. The thing you need to know is that you can't return anything from asynchronously executed functions. Well, you can return, but there will be nothing there to use the returned value.
So instead, do the things you want to do with the returned data from https://data.sparkfun.com/output/ in the callback passed to done.
function getDoorStatus(public_key) {
//get data in json form
var cloud_url = 'https://data.sparkfun.com/output/';
// JSONP request
var jsonData = $.ajax({
url: cloud_url + public_key + '.json',
data: {page: 1},
dataType: 'jsonp',
}).done(function (results) {
// latestDoorStatus = results[0]; // Not a good practice.
// Instead:
function showDoorStatus(status) {
document.getElementById("door-status").innerText = status;
// Or something like this.
And somewhere in your HTML:
<p id="door-status"></p>
.done() will be called after the response of the AJAX request got received!
1) getDoorStatus() is called from inside alert() at top of code => #4 shown. It does not matter that the function is defined below and not above.
2) alert() at top of code is called & getDoorStatus() does not directly return a value => #1 shown with undefined.
3) AJAX response returned, .done() function gets called => #2 and #3 are shown.

Save JavaScript prototype based objects in sessionStorage?

var obj = {
conn : null,
first : function(thisIdentity) {
"use strict";
var myObj = this;
$(document).on('click', thisIdentity, function(e) {
$.ajax ({
url : some value,
// other parameters
success : function(data) {
myObj.conn = new Connection(data.user_id, "");
sessionStorage.setItem('connection', JSON.stringify(myObj.conn));
second : function(thisIdentity) {
"use strict";
var myObj = this;
var conntn = sessionStorage.getItem('connection');
$(document).on('click', thisIdentity, function(e) {
$.ajax ({
url : some value,
// other parameters
success : function(data) {
var parsedConnection = JSON.parse(conntn);
parsedConnection.sendMsg(data.id, data.nid);
var Connection = (function() {
function Connection(uid, url) {
this.uid = uid;
this.open = false;
this.socket = new WebSocket("ws://"+url);
Connection.prototype = {
sendMsg : function(id, nid) {
// other functions
So connection is made in the AJAX callback function of first and I store the object in the sessionStorage via JSON but when I use it in the AJAX callback of second then error is coming that
TypeError: parsedConnection.sendMsg is not a function
Now I understand that may be it is because JSON can be used to store plain objects not prototype-based objects.
My question is : Can any one tell me how to store prototype-based objects via JSON or any other way to implement this?
I don't want to use eval. Any code, reference would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I did as #Dan Prince mentioned but then a new problem occurred that now when in sendMsg function I use
action: 'message',
rec: receiver,
msg: message
Then it stays
InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not,
or is no longer, usable
Any inputs? Thanks!
You could probably hack your own solution into place by storing the prototype as a property of the object, then reinstantiating it with Object.create after you read it, but the real question is why do you want to do this in the first place?
I would suggest writing a serialize method on Connection's prototype, which exposes only the essential information (there's no sense serializing a web socket for example).
Connection.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return JSON.stringify({
uid: this.uid,
url: this.url,
open: this.open
Then use this method when you save the connection object into session storage.
myObj.conn = new Connection(data.user_id, "");
sessionStorage.setItem('connection', myObj.conn.toJSON());
Each saved connection now has the minimum amount of data you need to call the constructor and recreate the instance.
When you load a connection from session storage, parse it and pass the values back into the constructor.
var json = sessionStorage.getItem('connection');
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var connection = new Connection(data.uid, data.url)
// ...
connection.sendMsg(data.id, data.nid);
This will recreate the correct prototype chain in a natural and predictable way.
It's hard to see exactly what you are trying to achieve in every respect, but let's assume :
for various DOM elements, a click handler (delegated to document) will cause asynchronously derived data to be sent via socket.send().
the socket is to be initialized with an asynchronously derived uri.
the socket is to be kept available for immediate reuse.
data by which the socket is initialized is to be cached in local storage for future sessions. (It makes no sense to store the socket itself).
In addition, we need to acknowledge that a socket consume resources should really be disposed of if its resuse is not immediate.
The whole strategy is abnormally complex. The overhead of performing an ajax operation once per session to obtain a uri would typically be accepted, as would the creation of a socket each time one is needed. However, it's an intersting exercise to write something with all the stated characteristics.
This may not be 100% correct but could possibly give you some ideas, including the use of promises to cater for several asynchronisms. Here goes ...
var obj = {
conn: null,
init: function(thisIdentity) {
// It makes sense to attach the click handler only *once*, so let's assume this is an init function.
"use strict";
var myObj = this;
$(document).on('click', thisIdentity, function(e) {
$.ajax ({
url : some value,
// other parameters
}).then(function(data) {
'id': data.id,
'nid': data.nid
send: function(data) {
"use strict";
var myObj = this;
return myObj.getSocket().then(function(socket) {
}).then(function() {
// by disposing in later event turn, a rapid series of send()s has at least a chance of using the same socket instance before it is closed.
if(socket.bufferedAmount == 0) { // if the socket's send buffer is empty, then dispose of it.
myObj.conn = null;
getSocket: function() {
"use strict";
var myObj = this;
//1. Test whether or not myObj.conn already exists ....
if(!myObj.conn) {
//2 .... if not, try to recreate from data stored in local storage ...
var connectionData = sessionStorage.getItem('connectionData');
if(connectionData) {
myObj.conn = myObj.makeSocket(connectionData.user_id);
} else {
//3. ... if connectionData is null, perform ajax.
myObj.conn = $.ajax({
url: some value,
// other parameters
}).then(function(data) {
sessionStorage.setItem('connectionData', JSON.stringify(data));
return myObj.makeSocket(data.user_id);
return myObj.conn; // note: myObj.conn is a *promise* of a socket, not a socket.
makeSocket: function(uid) {
"use strict";
var myObj = this;
var uri = ""; // if this is invariant, it can be hard-coded here.
// return a *promise* of a socket, that will be resolved when the socket's readystate becomes OPEN.
return $.Deferred(function(dfrd) {
var socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + uri);
socket.uid = uid;
socket.onopen = function() {
myObj.setupConnectionEvents();// not too sure about this as we don't know what it does.
Under this scheme, the click handler or anything else can call obj.send() without needing to worry about the state of the socket. obj.send() will create a socket if necessary.
If you were to drop the requirement for storing data between sessions, then .send() and .getSocket() would simplify to the extent that you would probably choose to roll what remains of .getSocket() into .send().

ajax complete callback function is never called

I'm using Django.
I have the following code
var done_cancel_order = function(res, status) {
var cancel_order = function() {
data = {};
var args = {
return false;
The function var cancel_order is called when I press a button on the page. That url when accessed is does some things on the server side, which I can check indeed are done, and then returns a json specifying whether or not the request was successful. You get:
{'status':200, 'message':'order canceled'}
The problem is that the callback is never called. I would like to have the callback display to the user the thing that was returned from the server. But even the first alert("xpto") inside the callback is never executed. Why is that?
I have checked that this code:
var cancel_order = function() {
data = {};
var args = {
complete: function() { alert("xpto"); }
return false;
displays the same behavior as described above: everything goes great on the server side, but the callback isn't called.
Be sure nothing is messing with your debug tools [e.g. console.log], it may end up wrecking your js code, delivering unexpected results.
Why don't you change it to this:
function done_cancel_order (res, status) {
/* remains same */
I hope, this one would work for you!
Or just simply:
complete: alert("xpto");

Setting object properties using AJAX

I am newbie in OOP and I try to build an object using ajax request. What I need is to get 'responseArray' in JSON format and than work on it.
function adres(adres) {
this.adres_string = adres;
var self = this
type: 'POST',
url: "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q="+adres+"&format=json&polygon=0&addressdetails=0",
success: function(data) {
self.responseArray = eval('(' + data + ')')
//Method returning point coordinates in EPSG:4326 system
this.getLonLat = function() {
var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(this.responseArray.lon, this.responseArray.lat);
return lonlat;
The problem starts when in appilcation code I write:
var adr = new adres('Zimna 3, Warszawa');
This returns nothing as there is no time get the response from the server.
How to write it properly in the best way? I've read about when().then() method in jQuery. This may be OK for me. I just want to get know best practise
This is how AJAX works (notice the A-synchronous part). You are right, the moment you call adr.getLonLat() response did not yet came back. This is the design I would suggest: just pass callback function reference to adres constructor:
function adres(adres, callbackFun) {
success: function(data) {
var responseArray = eval('(' + data + ')')
var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(responseArray[i].lon, responseArray[i].lat);
and call it like this:
adres('Zimna 3, Warszawa', function(lonlat) {
Few remarks:
adres is now basically a function, you don't need an object here.
do not use eval to parse JSON, use JSON object.
Are you sure you can POST to http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org? You might hit the same origin policy problem
where is the i variable coming from in responseArray[i]?

