How I can call dynamically an object over html in javascript - javascript

I have a dropdown menu in one html page and when I choose one option of this dropdown menu I link with href to another html page. In this html page I want to console.log some particular specifics of the option that I have chose(the specifics are javascript objects).
My question is how I can make this dynamically? To be more clear thing an analogy, I have a dropdown menu with fruits I choose orange, I href in orange.html and in this page I want to console the javascript object but I want this to be dynamically not static(just writing in orange.html because I know that I am in orange.html)
Is this feasible?
I hope my question is clear and not ambiguous

By clicking on the option you need to store it so that on a new page you can find out which option was chosen. If you don't want to use a server that allows you to move the variable from one view to another, then you can use localStorage to save the variable.
Adding some data to localStorage is as easy as using the setItem()
method. I'll use a generic key and value for the names, but they can
be any strings.
localStorage.setItem('key', 'value')
If you want to get the value for a particular key, you'll use the
getItem() method.
If you want the saved information to be automatically deleted once the browser is closed, you can use sessionStorage instead
sessionStorage is similar to localStorage; the difference is that
while data in localStorage doesn't expire, data in sessionStorage is
cleared when the page session ends.
// Save data to sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');
// Get saved data from sessionStorage
let data = sessionStorage.getItem('key');
// Remove saved data from sessionStorage
// Remove all saved data from sessionStorage

Depending on how complex the object is, it's unwieldy to pass it through the form, which would leave you with the option of storing it via local storage, or grabbing it via AJAX. I would go with the latter, however this would essentially mean doing what you said you don't want to do, i.e. recognizing something about the orange.html page and making the call. To be clearer, this is something like what I would do:
On orange.html have an AJAX call:
let xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhttp.onreadystatechange = () => {
if(this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
let obj = this.responseText;
}"GET", "orange.js", true)
Of course if you have a separate page for each dropdown (e.g. apple.html, orange.html, etc) you could just hardcode the correct object on each page, but with AJAX you can make your code dryer by having a single page the form submits to, and depending on the value of the dropdown, make a call to a separate AJAX file (e.g. orange.js, apple.js) OR a sinle js file and grab the correct object:"GET", "fruit.js", true)
let orange =
I hope that makes sense.


I was wondering if someone could teach me how to use cookies in my code

I'm trying to make a "Window.alert game" in a browser window for fun, but I can't figure out how to use cookies to save player data if they mess up or close the window. Can someone help me?
LocalStorage is indeed your best option for saving data semi-permanently. One thing to remember is that localStorage only supports strings, so if you need to store more complex objects, you should JSON.stringify them (and JSON.parse the result when loading data).
A simple pattern is to use a single object to store your state, and to save this state to localStorage whenever a change is made to it (so that your latest data is always persisted). You can also listen to the window.beforeUnload method to save your state right before the window closes, but this may not always work (eg: if your browser or tab closes unexpectedly).
Here is an example of what you can do:
// saves your state to localStorage
function save(state) {
localStorage.setItem('state', JSON.stringify(state));
// execute code when the document is loaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// load your state from localStorage if it has been previously saved
// otherwise, set the state to an empty object
var state = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('state')) || {};
// show your name if previously saved
// otherwise, prompt for a name and save it
if ( {
alert('Your name is: ' +;
} else { = prompt('What is your name?');
To clear localStorage, you can call localStorage.clear().

Html Storage resets every refresh, initialize function not working

For a website I am working on, I am trying to keep information on how many items you buy to be shown across html pages. Researching how to do this has led me to believe that Html sessionStorage is the best way to do this (if there is a better/easier way please let me know). Yet, whenever I refresh the html page or go to another page the data resets.
Here is my code:
function initialize(name, val) {
if(localStorage.getItem(name) === null) {
localStorage.setItem(name, val);
initialize("subCost", 0);
initialize("quantity", 0);
initialize("hasProduct", false);
Then since the storage only stores strings, I convert these into integers and boolean
var $quantity = parseInt(localStorage.quantity);
var $subCost = parseInt(localStorage.subCost);
var $hasProduct = localStorage.hasProduct == "true";
Before without the initialize function, I made the local storages items like this
localStorage.setItem("subCost", 0);
localStorage.setItem("quantity", 0);
localStorage.setItem("hasProduct", false);
and still converted these into those variable but they never saved with each refresh. How do I get these to save changes I make to them with each refresh.
The .setItem() method on localStorage doesn't only "sets" a "memory placeholder" for a value... It also overwrites it, if it already exist.
To save the user generated values, the best "moment" to save a "change" is the change event.
Use the same .setItem() method as in your initialize() function.
// Get id and value.
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var value = $(this).val();
// Save!
Just as a hint...
This method to save values locally is ephemeral...
Values are kept until user closes the browser.
Not just closing the page, but closing the browser completely.
So to keep some values between pages navigated, this is the optimal use.
To store values for a longer run (like 6 months or longer), use cookies.
Have a look at jQuery Cookie plugin.

Attempting to use a global array inside of a JS file shared between 2 HTML files and failing

So I have one HTML page which consists of a bunch of form elements for the user to fill out. I push all the selections that the user makes into one global variable, allTheData[] inside my only Javascript file.
Then I have a 2nd HTML page which loads in after a user clicks a button. This HTML page is supposed to take some of the data inside the allTheData array and display it. I am calling the function to display allTheData by using:
window.onload = function () {
if (window.location.href.indexOf('Two') > -1) {
function carousel() {
However, I am finding that nothing gets displayed in my 2nd HTML page and the allTheData array appears to be empty despite it getting it filled out previously in the 1st HTML page. I am pretty confident that I am correctly pushing data into the allTheData array because when I use alert(allTheData.toString()) while i'm still inside my 1st HTML page, all the data gets displayed.
I think there's something happening during my transition from the 1st to 2nd HTML page that causes the allTheData array to empty or something but I am not sure what it is. Please help a newbie out!
Web Storage: This sounds like a job for the window.sessionStorage object, which along with its cousin window.localStorage allows data-as-strings to be saved in the users browser for use across pages on the same domain.
However, keep in mind that they are both Cookie-like features and therefore their effectiveness depends on the user's Cookie preference for each domain.
A simple condition will determine if the web storage option is available, like so...
if (window.sessionStorage) {
// continue with app ...
} else {
// inform user about web storage
// and ask them to accept Cookies
// before reloading the page (or whatever)
Saving to and retrieving from web storage requires conversion to-and-from String data types, usually via JSON methods like so...
// save to...
var array = ['item0', 'item1', 2, 3, 'IV'];
sessionStorage.myApp = JSON.stringify(array);
// retrieve from...
var array = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.myApp);
There are more specific methods available than these. Further details and compatibility tables etc in Using the Web Storage API # MDN.
Hope that helps. :)

Loading div object from DoM. Convert to Text File. Then reload div object back when page is reloaded

I have a co worker who asked me for help but I wasn't able to. Essentially he has created a page with pure java script that has a div element and child div elements. Each one of those child div elements have a form. He wants to be able to save all that hierarchical data in a text file whether or not it is in json / html in which he can load it later on without having to process it manually again. That way the next time the person loads the page, they are greeted with all the same information and div elements.
So essentially when you load the page again, you are able to simply dump the json / html into the DoM and it will automagically work. He's been on it for 2 days now, I thought I would ask you guys for some help or at least lead me on the right path.
Doing so would take three steps:
Get all the form data values from the DOM (a simple matter of knowing how to access HTML forms and putting them into an object)
Save the form data object into localStorage or on server (saving on the server would only work if you save some identifying information about the user, like if they are logged in, or their IP address)
On form load, check for saved data (on localStorage or server) and load it into the forms.
You can get the data of all forms into a JSON object like so:
function getAllFormsData(){
var formsData = {}
for(var i=0;i<document.forms.length;i++){
var form = document.forms[i],
name = document.forms[i].name;
formsData[name] = {}
for(var j=0;j<form.elements.length;j++){
var element = form.elements[j];
if(element.type=="submit") continue;
formsData[name][] = element.value;
return formsData;
so formsData is a JSON object that contains properties for each form (by its name, but you can use ID if you prefer) on the page, and the value of each of those properties is an object containing the name and value of each input element (unless it's a submit type element).
Saving the data can be triggered either by the user clicking a "Save" Button on the page, or by using the window.onunload event. (If you are using localStorage, you can also set the saving function inside a setInterval that triggers every 30 seconds or whatever.)
localStorage is pretty straightforward (with a really easy API), but only allows string values. If you want to load a whole object into it instead of having to loop through and save each value, you can use a library. I have found store.js to be very useful and straightforward, and it serializes data for you so you don't need to mess with JSON.parse or JSON.stringify.
So, using the library, the save function would boil down to something as simple as:
function saveAllFormsData(){
var data = getAllFormsData();
for(var formName in data)
store.set(formName, data[formName]);
And on load, you can call this function:
function restoreAllFormsData(){
var forms = document.forms;
for(var i=0;i<forms.length;i++){
var form = forms[i];
for(var j=0;j<form.elements.length;j++){
var element = form.elements[j];
element.value = store.get([];
I suggest looking into HTML5 local storage. This will allow you to save form data on the client, which can be used for repopulation when necessary.
Alternatively, you could also set a cookie on the client. However, this method has drawbacks that are discussed in the aforementioned document.
Either approach will likely require you to stringify any HTML before storage, due to the key:value nature of these data storage methods.

Losing context reference

I am encountering a 'small' problem when making a new object in the options page.
In the options page I create a few objects and save them as general settings. These objects have method to communicate with different API's. But as soon as I get one of those objects to work with, I lose the context on the page I am.
For example:
The options page I create an object that has a method 'request' and I send an ajax request to some api with this method. When I call this on an other page the ajax request is logged within the options page. When I close the options page I lose all context of the logs it makes.
Is there a way to force the context reference to the current page? or did I make a mistake with creating objects on the wrong pages/saving them and retrieving them on a page that needs them? (IE Should I only save the data I need to create objects on the page itself? (which seems like alot of overhead for the the same thing(?)).
Thanks in advance.
I have an option page which creates an Object lets call it MyApi. I create a new MyApi and store it in . When a user has some text selected and clicks on the context menu I open a new page(selectedText.html) which shows the selected text and some API calls are made, which are mostly ajax requests. The moment I get the object from storage in selectedText.html and make any request with MyApi I see no logs in the network tab of the ajax requests, neither any console logs. But with my options page open I see everything in there.
save : function()
var obj = {'api'};,function() { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) console.warn(chrome.runtime.lastError); });
This is in the background script.
You could achieve what you want this way:
Define your object/function/whatever in the background page.
Use chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage() to get a hold on the background pages window object.
Execute the desired method, passing as argument an object of the local context. (Of course you have to modify the function to accept and make use of such an argument.)
In background.js:
function myFunc(winObj, msg) {
In otherPage.js:
chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(function(bgPage) {
bgPage.myFunc(window, "This will be logged in 'otherPage.html' !");
It is not the cleanest solution, but it might work...

