Why does javascript closure returns [Function (anonymous)]? - javascript

Code from medium,understand closures
function Person(name) {
var secret = 'secret!';
this.name = name
this.setName = function(newName) { this.name = newName }
this.setNameToFoo = function() { this.name = foo }
this.getSecret = function() { return secret }
var a = new Person('Max');
var foo = 'Foo';
[Function (anonymous)]
Everything is OK,except the last one. It seems that local bindings is not visible.

At the last line you are not calling the function. It should be console.log(a.getSecret());
function Person(name) {
var secret = 'secret!';
this.name = name
this.setName = function(newName) { this.name = newName }
this.setNameToFoo = function() { this.name = foo }
this.getSecret = function() { return secret }
var a = new Person('Max');
var foo = 'Foo';

You're getting this error because you're displaying the function itself in console.log, not its returning value.
Fix: Replace your last line with this one


Javascript context in inner class object

Prior to using ES6 we could instantiate a "class" like so...
var Animal = function(){}
and then...
var dog = new Animal()
the context within the "class" will be the class (instance) itself
var Animal = function( name ){
this.name = name;
this.getName = function(){
// the context here (this) is the class (Animal)
return this.name; // works well
The question is, if I wouldn't want to pollute the root scope and use sub-objects, for various uses, then the context would become the object in which the function is being kept
var Animal = function( name ){
this.utilities = {
this.getName : function(){
// the context here is the 'utilities' object so...
return this.name // wouldn't work
of course we could always use something in the form of
but this would be kind of long and uncomfortable...
is there a way to create the 'utilities' object and apply the context to all of its functions to point back to the root scope? without having to use call and apply every time? (an answer without using ES6 would be great...)
One way to ensure that this is what you want it to be in the various utilities functions is to use arrow functions for them, since arrow functions close over the this where they're defined:
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
this.utilities = {
getName: () => { // This is an arrow function
return this.name; //
} //
const dog = new Animal("dog");
console.log(dog.utilities.getName()); // "dog"
This is basically the ES2015+ version of the old var t = this; solution:
function Animal(name) {
var t = this;
this.name = name;
this.utilities = {
getName() {
return t.name;
var dog = new Animal("dog");
console.log(dog.utilities.getName()); // "dog"
In both cases, this means that you're creating new function objects for each individual instance of Animal (the code will be shared between those objects, but the objects are distinct). That's fine unless there are going to be a lot of Animal instances.
Alternately, you could have a helper that you pass the instance to:
const Animal = (function() {
class Utilities {
constructor(animal) {
this.a = animal;
getName() {
return this.a.name;
class Animal {
constructor(name) {
this.name = name;
this.utilities = new Utilities(this);
return Animal;
const dog = new Animal("dog");
console.log(dog.utilities.getName()); // "dog"
var Animal = (function() {
function Utilities(animal) {
this.a = animal;
Utilities.prototype.getName = function getName() {
return this.a.name;
return function Animal(name) {
this.name = name;
this.utilities = new Utilities(this);
var dog = new Animal("dog");
console.log(dog.utilities.getName()); // "dog"
...which lets utilities reuse its function objects via Utilities.prototype.
You could probably use the following:
var utilities = function (context) {
return {
getName: function () {
var Animal = function( name ){
this.name = name
this.utilities = utilities.call(null, this)
var dog = new Animal('dog')
But, if you are okay doing this: dog.getName() instead of dog.utilities.getName() then you might have a cleaner solution (IMO) as follows:
var Animal = function( name ){
this.name = name
var utilities = {
getName: function () {
Object.assign(Animal.prototype, utilities)
var dog = new Animal('dog')
Let me know if that works. Thanks.
getName: function () {
var Animal = function (name) {
this.name = name
this.utilities = Object.create(UTILITIES, {
self: {
value: this
var dog = new Animal('dog')
Variation includes the use of a 'self' attribute which points to the instance of interest. Now, this could look more intuitive.
You can use getter methods. I find them very useful for cases where I need formatted value. This way, the utilities/ logic is only known to this class and is not exposed outside.
function Person(fname, lname) {
var _fname = fname;
var _lname = lname;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'fullName', {
get: function(){
return _fname + ' ' + _lname
Object.defineProperty(this, 'firstName', {
get: function(){
return _fname
set: function(value) {
_fname = value;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'lastName', {
get: function(){
return _lname
set: function(value) {
_lname = value;
var person = new Person('hello', 'world');
person.firstName = 'Hello';
person.lastName = 'World'

What is the best way to access to "this" inside a sub object in javascript class?

This doesn't work because f.bar.bar() in undefined.
var myFunction = function(foo){
this.foo = foo;
this.bar = {
bar: function(){
return this.foo;
var f = new myFunction('foo');
You can always declare a variable in the parent scope:
var myFunction = function(foo){
var func = this;
this.foo = foo;
this.bar = {
bar: function(){
return func.foo;
var f = new myFunction('foo');

Inherit and reuse object oop

I want to inherit from Button by prototype. But alerted name stays "Sarah" as it is the last Child created. Creator Class should set the name with Method in Button. Jsfiddle: JSFIDDLE
function Creator() {
var c1 = new Child();
var c2 = new Child();
Child.prototype = new Button();
function Child() {
this._layout = $('<div>child</div>');
function Button() {
var that = this;
var _name;
this.SetName = function (name) {
_name = name;
this.SetStandardClickHandler = function () {
this._layout.click(function () {
var c = new Creator();
var _name is a static variable.
Try something like this instead:
function Button() {
var that = this;
this.name = null;
this.SetName = function (name) {
this.name = name;
this.SetStandardClickHandler = function () {
this._layout.click(function () {
Or you can reorganize to something like this:
var Button = (function() {
function Button() {
this.name = null;
Button.prototype.SetName = function (name) {
this.name = name;
Button.prototype.SetStandardClickHandler = function () {
var that = this;
this._layout.click(function () {
return Button;
This should get you started:
(function() {
'use strict';
var Button = function (name) {
this.name = name || ''; // Set name to contructor value or empty string
Button.prototype.setName = function (name) {
this.name = name;
Button.prototype.setDefaultClickListener = function () {
this._layout.click(function () {
var Child = function (name) {
Button.call(this, name); // Call parent object construtor on new instance of Child
this._layout = $('<div>child</div>');
Child.prototype = Object.create(Button.prototype); // Inherit from Button prototype
Child.prototype.constructor = Child; // Reset constructor to Child
var albert = new Child('Albert');
var sarah = new Child('Sarah');

JavaScript Closures Manipulation

I'm doing some Node.js and I want to use the closure representation to create my objects. I think I'm missing something, because something simple like this isn't working:
var Room = function(foo) {
this.name = foo;
this.users= [];
return {
getName : function() {
return this.name;
var room = new Room("foo");
I also have tried without the parameter.. and still not working.
var Room = function() {
this.name = "foo";
this.users= [];
return {
getName : function() {
return this.name;
var room = new Room();
However, something like this works:
var Room = function(foo) {
this.name = foo;
this.users= [];
var room = new Room("foo");
I can't understand why this isn't working.
Thanks to Amadan I have found the right way to do it:
var Room = function() {
var name = "foo";
var users= [];
return {
getName : function() {
return name;
var room = new Room();
This way "name" and "users" are encapsulated.
return in a constructor will overwrite this. So the right way to do this is:
var Room = function(foo) {
this.name = foo;
this.users= [];
this.getName = function() {
return this.name;
var Room = function(foo) {
return {
name: "foo",
users: [],
getName : function() {
return this.name;
The first one does everything on the original this; the second one replaces this with everything you need.

How to reference proprerty from sub objects with "this" keyword

i have to call a property in "object1" from sub object "object3", but this example doesn't work because the "this" keyword is referenced in "object2" and not "object1", do you know how to do this ?
function object1() {
this.a = "hello world";
this.object2 = function() {
this.object3 = function() {
alert(this.a); //prints "undefined"
try this example with:
var obj1 = new object1();
var obj2 = new obj1.object2();
thank you in advance :-)
function object1() {
this.a = "hello world";
var self = this;
this.object2 = function () {
this.object3 = function () {
alert(self.a); //prints "undefined"
var obj1 = new object1();
var obj2 = new obj1.object2();
You have to store the this object, otherwise you will be accessing the this of the function this.object3's scope
this changes as scope changes. You need to save a reference of this for any new scope:
function object1 () {
var first_scope = this;
this.a = "hello world";
this.object2 = function() {
var second_scope = this;
this.object3 = function() {
var third_scope = this;

