Load php file within javascript (AJAX or others) - javascript

I am trying to finish one page of my website the last couple of hours while achieving the following.
While clicking on a button, the following should happen
Download link appears (done - works)
The mySQL table should be opened and a counter should be incremented
As far as I got the points. Javascript cannot handle that and thus we can use AJAX or jQuery. I was already checking out different posts and websites such as:
how to execute php code within javascript
and much more. However, I guess I do have problems with the AJAX syntax and I actually don't know if the requested php files is loaded/opened or not. Especially the second link given above is almost similar to what I am searching for. However, it does not work. To check if the php file is called, I set an alert which works if I do call the file explicitly in the browser. Maybe this does not work with AJAX as I expect it. Here the code to get more familiar with the inconstency I am doing.
The page code:
echo '<div><button onclick="incrementAndDownload('testPath', 'fileName'); ">Click me</button></div>';
function incrementAndDownload (link, fileName)
url: 'openfoam/increment.php',
success: function(data) {
// Print something if necessary
//- Open the link
// window.open(arguments[0], "_blank");
//- Increment download inside mysql
//var xhttp;
//xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
//xhttp.open("GET", "openfoam/increment.php?foo=nana", true);
The increment.php looks as follows:
echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
alert("Test message if the script is called...");
// Code for accessing the mysql database and manipulate the data
//$page_id = mysql_real_escape_string(html_entities($_POST['file']));
Now when I click the button, the javascript is executed (e.g., if I uncomment the window.open) this works as expected. However, as already said, the second part is to open the database via php and increment a number (counter). For any reason, I am not able to figure out where the problem is located. I am even not sure if AJAX opens the increment.php file (the alert messages never appears so I guess it is never called). Any suggestion is appreciated and I hope that this question does not just contain a fundamental small error. Thank in advance, Tobi

It's not the way the AJAX works. If you call alert() on a destination page it won't show in your browser. Your case is very basic so I will keep my solution on a basic level.
In increment.php just echo something, it can be just OK string. So when you go to increment.php page you will see only OK, nothing more, nothing less.
Then go back to your javascript and check what is your response.
url: 'openfoam/increment.php',
success: function(data) {
if (data == 'OK') {
console.log('It works, sir!');
If you don't see a message in a console after these modifications something doesn't work. However, I think your page is executed properly, but you just don't get feedback, because you don't handle the response (data param in your case).
Check it out and don't forget to give me a feedback!🤓


Understanding Ajax requests to update page content when SQL Query Response changes

I am writing a page update which works with PHP to read a SQL database the page echo's the contents in a div section 'track_data'. yet it doesn't do this update idk
I have JavaScript script which I dont really fully understand and hopeful someone could explain its principally the check response section I think is failing ? :
in my PHP page :
<script type="text/javascript">
function InitReload() {
new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('track_data', 'fetch_sql.php', {
method: 'get', frequency: 60, decay: 1});
Thanks for looking and hopefully someone undersstands this and can put a smile on my face for the second time today :)
Steps to fix
Thanks for the suggestions of syntax errors. I haven't really got very far with this here are the changes you suggested which I have changed but I still think there is something wrong with last function as it doesn't update div section.
Code in JS file
// Start Clock refresh
// uses new new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(
// in main fetch file to trigger the auto update of the page.
// Written by Denise Rose
var gUpdateDiv;
var gContentURL;
var gcheckInterval;
var gcheckURL = "";
var gCurrentCheck ="";
function _fetchUpdater(updateDiv,contentURL,checkURL,checkInterval)
gUpdateDiv = updateDiv;
gContentURL = contentURL;
gcheckInterval = checkInterval;
gcheckURL = checkURL;
//Called by _fetchUpdater every (n) seconds determins if content should be updated.
function check()
new Ajax.Request(gContentUrl,{method:'get', onSuccess:'checkResponse'});
// looks for the response and determines if the div should be updated.
function checkResponse(transport)
var content = transport.response.Text;
if(gCurrentCheck != content) {
gCurrentCheck = content;
new Ajax.Request(gContentUrl, {method: 'get',onSuccess:function t() {
$(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML = t.responseText; /*t.response.json()*/}
This is the bit I dont understand
function checkResponse(transport)
var content = transport.response.Text;
if(gCurrentCheck != content) {
gCurrentCheck = content;
new Ajax.Request(gContentUrl, {method: 'get',onSuccess:function t() {
$(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML = t.response.json();/*t.responseText;*/}
Method and Issues
What is transport here and what is t? if it stores the contents of the body text from the second in gCurrentCheck and compares to transport version content then why doesn't it update if its different please which it is if the SQL has created a different page?
I did find this https://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajaxtransport/
First Answer not using Ajax
I was given a neat and JS version as an answer, which is not really what I was looking for. I was hopeful to get the one working with one with Ajax but I appreciate your efforts is very kind. I just really wanted to send a refresh to the div area so that the PHP rebuilt the page from the SQL.
I might have been missing the MIT javascript http://www.prototypejs.org/ lol but I dont think it was.
Just to help:
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. In a nutshell, it is the use of the XMLHttpRequest object to communicate with servers. It can send and receive information in various formats, including JSON, XML, HTML, and text files. ... Make requests to the server without reloading the page.
I found this Update div with the result of an Ajax-call but it did not really explain as the OP was using PHP like me not HTML. The answer was given:
url: 'http://dowmian.com/xs1/getcam.php',
type: 'GET',
data: {id: <?php echo $cam_id; ?>},
success: function(responseText){
error: function(responseText){
I dont think above it answered posters question or mine as ajax is a server based push how is this relevant? as if its PHP driven the needs a refresh at server to refresh the contents not to provide new html. It is this refresh I am not interested in to re-copy PHP code elsewhere in JS as its already in my PHP. Does that make more sense?
I did find a bracket missing and a set of single quotes inserted by editor. Which I have updated above but there was no significant change.
Cheers Nicolas . I am still hopeful that someone knows about Ajax as it sits underneath these technologies. I have a server side PHP file that I was hoping to use AJAX to pull just the PHP from the section it was pointing to an gUpdateDiv . As its derived from the server and created on the fly from SQL. I dont see how your answer would help push this data back in to the from the server . The $(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML was supposed to be acted upon not the whole page . What I am unsure of is how a trigger from this can update timer just this $(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML . I am also not aware if a server based refresh would do this or if the transport id provided from the file would be able to deliver just that . I think I am missing something a vital part that I dont have or have grasped yet. The reason there is two timers is effectively it checks the same file at a different point in time as its created by PHP it might be different from the first if it is i.e. the SQL data has changed, I want this to update this $(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML with the data which it compared it to the second 'Get' in the second request. It sounds, simple in practice but have got stuck comparing two versions and insuring second version gets used .
Further update placing an alert in the Javascript file did not pop up like it does here https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_alert however the same alert in the initiating PHP worked fine and created the alert. called the same function from the main PHP nd the alert occurred so the JavaScript is running next visit F12 on the page to see if there is any warnings or errors. Ok after adding JQuery which I thought I had added this started working however It is not doing what i Expected it to do. As the contained both text and graphics created by PHP I expected this all to be updated The graphics are not the text is any ideas? .
Further to the image problems I placed an extra line to update the image however I used this too in PHP
<script type="text/javascript">
//initpage() ;
function updateArtworkDisplay() {
document.querySelector('#np_track_artwork').src = 'images/nowplaying_artwork_2.png?' + new Date().getTime();
But it didnt work to update the image in php?
<div id='outer_img'><img id='#np_track_artwork' src='/images/nowplaying_artwork_2.png' alt='Playing track artwork' width='200' height='200'></div>
in js change
/ looks for the response and determines if the div should be updated.
function checkResponse(transport)
var content = transport.response.Text;
if(gCurrentCheck != content) {
gCurrentCheck = content;
new Ajax.Request(gContentUrl, {method: 'get',onSuccess:function t() {
$(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML = t.responseText; /*t.response.json()*/}
updateArtworkDisplay(); // fire up the redraw in php file.
Nearly there it does almost what it needs to apart from the redraw which is not happening
// Start Clock refresh
// uses new new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(
// in main fetch file to trigger the auto update of the page.
// Written by Denise Rose
var gUpdateDiv="";
var gContentURL="";
var gcheckInterval=0;
var gcheckURL = "";
var gCurrentCheck ="";
function _fetchUpdater(updateDiv,contentURL,checkURL,checkInterval)
gUpdateDiv = updateDiv;
gContentURL = contentURL;
gcheckInterval = checkInterval;
gCheckURL = checkURL;
//Called by _fetchUpdater every (n) seconds determins if content should be updated.
function check()
new Ajax.Request(gCheckURL,{method:'get', onSuccess:'CheckResponse()'});
// looks for the response and determines if the div should be updated.
function checkResponse(transport)
var content = transport.response.Text;
if(gCurrentCheck != content) {
gCurrentCheck = content;
new Ajax.Request(gContentUrl, {method: 'get',onSuccess:function t() {
$(gUpdateDiv).innerHTML = t.responseText; /*t.response.json()*/}
$time = new Date().getTime();
new Ajax.Request('outer_img', {method: 'get',onSuccess:function s() {
$('outer_img').innerHTML = "<img id='#np_track_artwork' src='/images/nowplaying_artwork_2.png?t='"+$time+" alt='Playing track artwork' width='200' height='200'>"}

JavaScript alert window after php script executed

here is may delete script - klient_usuwanie_script.php - It's working very well. BUT I would like it to present JavaScript alert when a record is deleted. So after the script deletes record it is a window with records shown - klient_usuwanie.php But I would like it to be this window with records but also with an alert saying "record deleted"
$sql = "DELETE FROM Klienci WHERE id= :del_klient";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
'del_klient' => $_GET['id']
So to clear it up. I have a page where I see records to delete - klient_usuwanie.php with a button "delete". When I press delete the script klient_usuwanie_script.php (which is included above) deletes a record. After that it redirects to the page klient_usuwanie.php and I can see other records and I can delete them. BUT after I delete a record I would like an alert window which says "Record deleted" that's all.
When I comment out
and put
echo .$stmt->rowCount();
Than it shows me that one record was deleted but I would like it to be in an alert window and ideally alert to be shown on a redirected page.
You can redirect with query string like this:
And in klient_usuwanie.php, parse the query param and show alert with javascript like the following:
window.onload = function() {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (urlParams.get("deleted") === "true") {
alert("Record deleted");
Add to header('Location:klient_usuwanie.php?msg='.urlencode($msg).'');
In the klient_usuwanie.php add someting like this:
if($_GET['skasowane']=="tak"){echo "<script>alert(\"I am an alert box!\");</script>";}
echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">alert("Record Deleted Thats all")
Suggestion for modern approach:
Disclaimer: This answer is more related to the intention than the exact request.
Why? Doing a full page reload for this sort of request is an outdated practice.
Nowadays, you'd more likely rely on AJAX calls for this sort of scenario.
A delete endpoint would take in a request with the ID and respond the correct HTTP code to indicate if operation was successful.
Restful HTTP endpoints can of course be written in PHP to respond with data instead of HTML.
Check out Swagger with good endpoint examples: https://editor.swagger.io
In your front-end, you could then implement the necessary JavaScript code to execute the AJAX request and manipulate the DOM as necessary.
Though many would use a Framework like Angular or React to standardise this workflow.
User Experience
This approach is far nicer to users as the browser does not need to reload the entire page again. As it only triggers one tiny HTTP request, it's much faster and the scroll location doesn't jump around either.
I've put up an example for the HTML on JS-Fiddle with jQuery to simplify the AJAX call:
<div id="entry-<?=$id;?>" class="banner-message">
<p>My Entry with real request</p>
<button onClick="delete(<?=$id;?>);">Delete Entry</button>
function delete(id) {
url: '/entry.php,
data: { 'entryId': id },
type: 'DELETE',
success: function(result) {
$('#entry-' + id).remove();
fail: alert('Delete Record No: ' + id + ' failed')
Alerts are also not always great. While simple, they stop code execution and don't render well in some scenarios. I.e.: inside webviews or on mobile devices.
They also cause fullscreen to exit.
A more professional approach is to have the notification played in the DOM.
Angular Material's Snackbar is neater in that sense.

PHP file called by javascript and another php file

I have a php file (I will call ORIGINAL) which do some calculations (through db mysql). I want to read this php from javascript. For that operation I have used ajax function and my php uses echo $result to print the data I need.
Everything is perfect here.
What happends now, I am creating another php file which need to call the ORIGINAL php file. If I want to call it, I must change the echo to return which is normal. This causes that my javascript call doesnt work.
Do you have a solution which work for both situations?
Thanks in advance.
Do you mean something like this?
require_once "other_php_file.php"; // include all of the other files contents
// all code contained within original_php_file
You were being pretty broad with your request (not including file names or code), so this is all I can assume you need.
Tell me if it helps :-)
Just send one more parameter into your ajax request to tell that ORIGINAL php file what type of output it should return.
Into your ORIGINAL file check for that output so you can understand from where that request come and what output you should return.
url: 'ORIGINAL.php',
data: 'data=test&output=1',
success: function(r){
// here you have your output

Button On click call jquery function and acess php

I am very new to Wordpress and Woocommerce. I have few doubts wrt jquery in Wordpress. Say i have a function
function test(){
error_log("Test ---------------------------- ", 0);
and a button:
<input type="button" id="btnclick" onclick="test();" value="Test" />`
error log is printing on page load but not on click. But i want to execute code inside php block only when user clicks on button.Is there a way to achieve this ? Thanks in advance`
jPO has already explained how to solve this in a good way, but I thought I should explain why this happens.
PHP is executed on the server. Once the page has been sent to the client, the PHP is no more. JavaScript happends on the client, and can be executed as long as the user is viewing the webpage. Since they do not live during the same timeperiod they are not aware of each other and can not be mixed in that way.
When you visit the page in your browser, the browser sends a request to the server. On the server the PHP interpreter goes through the code of the requested page, executing everything between <? and ?>. It does not understand what the other stuff around it is - it could be HTML, JS, plain text, anything, the PHP interpreter does not know and does not care. That is why it writes to the error log on page load.
When the PHP interpreter is done it has produced a document looking like this:
function test(){
That is sent to the client, and the JS (without any instruction to write to the error log) is run on the client when the button is pushed.
Not possible like that. If you'd like to do so. You need something like ajax method in php which you can call. Let's say you have a file in the root of your project called ajax.php, there you can define a function named test(), then you have to have a $_REQUEST translator, which calls your function test(), so the ajax.php would look like this
// checks if you sent a parameter named method and calls the method
// if you provide parameter named params it will send them too
function ajax($function,$data = null){
function test(){
error_log("Test ---------------------------- ",0);
and your ajax would look like this
function test(){
hope it helps

JS/jQuery passing array/variable/data to PHP in same page?

Im hoping you can point me in the right direction.
I have a php page, that includes some HTML markup and some JS/jQuery routines to build an array of 'user choices' based on the 'user input' (checkboxes..etc).
my question is, how can I pass off this (multidimensional) array to PHP, that is in the same page? (ultimately I want to save this data/array to my PHP session)
While looking around, I read about using another (external) .php script to do,, which is NOT what Im after, I'm hoping to do this to the SAME PAGE I'm in... WITHOUT A REFRESH.
will $.post() do this for me? without a page refresh (if we suppress the event or whatever)...
and -not- using an external .php script?
I understand PHP runs/executes FIRST... then everything else..
I'm not really trying to get PHP to do anything with the data being sent from JS/AJAX.. outside of save it to the SESSION array..
Ajax seems like it will be needed?
To summarize:
1.) PHP and JS are in/on same page (file)
2.) No page refresh
3.) No external PHP script to do 'anything'.
4.) Trying to get (multidimensional) array to PHP session in same page.
5.) I am trying to 'update' the PHP SESSION array each time a user 'clicks' on a checkbox.
I have read a little on using AJAX to post to the same page with the URL var left empty/blank?
to show the data, I want to pass...heres a snippet of the code.
its an array of objects.. where 1 of the poperties of each object is another array
var somePicks = [];
somePicks.push({casename:caseName, fullname:fullName, trialdate:trialDate, citystate:cityState, plaintiff:plaintiff, itemsordered:itemsOrdered=[{name:itemOrdered, price:itemPrice}]});
when from all the checkboxes.. I update the 'sub-array' (push or splice..etc)
somePicks[i].itemsordered.push({name:itemOrdered, price:itemPrice});
'this' is the array/data I want to get into my PHP session from JS using whatever I can AJAX most likely.
You can sort of do that, but in essence it won't be any different than using an external PHP file. The PHP code gets executed on the server before ever being sent to the browser. You won't be able to update the PHP SESSION array without reconnecting with the server.
If you really want to use post to call the current page (I don't think you can just leave the url blank, but you can provide the current file name), you can just have the PHP handler code at the top of the page. However, this would be the exact same as just putting that handler code in an external file and calling it.
Either way, the page will not refresh and will look exactly the same to the user.
You can use $.ajax function with $(#formid).serializearray (). And use url as ur form action in $.ajax function.
I hope it will work for you
<form id="formId" action="post.php" methor="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="test1" value="testvalue1">TestValue1
<input type="checkbox" name="test2" value="testvalue2">TestValue2
<input type="button" id="buttonSubmit" value="click here" />
$("document").ready(function ()
$("#buttonSubmit").click(function () }
var serializedata=$("#formId").serializeArray();
I suggest to use the .post method of Jquery, to call a PHP file, sending the array and processing in the PHP called.
Can find the jquery documentation about .post() here: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/
I used this case some time ago:
document.getElementById("promotion_heart_big").onclick = function(e){
$.post("' . URL_SITE . 'admin/querys/front.make_love.php",
id_element: ' . $business["promotion"]["id"] . ',
type: \'promotion\',
value: $("#field_heart").val()
function(data) {
if (data.result) {
//some long code....
from some preliminary testing..
this does NOT seem to be working, (will do more test tomorrow)
type : 'POST',
//url : 'sessionSetter.php',
data: {
userPicks : userPicks,
success : function(data){
error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
It was mentioned that posting to external .php script -or- posting the same page would produce the same results..
no page refresh
$_SESSION would update for future pages
Does anyone have an y example for that?

