undefined after setState() (use hook) in Reactjs - javascript

I learn react and js myself. please explain why this situation occurs. PS: excuse me for the large text, I tried to explain the problem as clearly as possible. thanks. Essence of the matter: set the initial state through the hook:
const [pokemon, setPokemon] = useState({
img: "",
name: "",
types: [],
abilities: [],
moveList: [],
weight: "",
height: "",
description: "",
genus: "",
chanceToCatch: "",
evolutionURL: ""
further I make api requests to get information from inside useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
await Axios({
method: "GET",
url: urlPokemonAPI
.then(result => {
const pokemonResponse = result.data;
/* Pokemon Information */
const img = pokemonResponse.sprites.front_default;
const name = pokemonResponse.name;
const weight = Math.round(pokemonResponse.weight / 10);
const height = pokemonResponse.height / 10;
const types = pokemonResponse.types.map(type => type.type.name);
const abilities = pokemonResponse.abilities.map(
ability => ability.ability.name
const moveList = pokemonResponse.moves.map(move => move.move.name);
setPokemon(() => {
return {
img: img,
name: name,
weight: weight,
types: types,
abilities: abilities,
moveList: moveList,
height: height
await Axios({
method: "GET",
url: urlPokemonSpecies
}).then(result => {
let description = "";
result.data.flavor_text_entries.forEach(flavor => {
if (flavor.language.name === "en") {
description = flavor.flavor_text;
let genus = "";
result.data.genera.forEach(genera => {
if (genera.language.name === "en") {
genus = genera.genus;
const evolutionURL = result.data.evolution_chain.url;
const eggGroups = result.data.egg_groups.map(
egg_group => egg_group.name
const chanceToCatch = Math.round(
(result.data.capture_rate * 100) / 255
setPokemon(pokemon => {
return {
description: description,
genus: genus,
chanceToCatch: chanceToCatch,
evolutionURL: evolutionURL,
eggGroups: eggGroups
}, [urlPokemonAPI, urlPokemonSpecies]);
The problem arises specifically with eggGroups (with identical handling of abilities and types there is no such problem). And this is what happens when I want to output data to a page as <div> Egg Group: {pokemon.eggGroups} </div> the data is displayed normally, but as soon as I want to output eggGroups as well as abilities and types separated by commas (join ( ',')) - error: TypeError: pokemon.eggGroups is undefined. I decided to check this matter through the console and stuffed this eggGroups key into the timeout:
At some point, eggGroups becomes undefined ... why, I can’t understand. But if I set the state separately, like const [egg, setEgg] = useState ([]); setEgg (eggGroups); such a problem is not observed. why is this happening? everything was fine with types and abilities. Thank you in advance.

state updater from hooks doesn't merge the state values when updating state, instead it just replaces the old value with new one
Since you use state updater like
setPokemon(() => {
return {
img: img,
name: name,
weight: weight,
types: types,
abilities: abilities,
moveList: moveList,
height: height
eggGroups property is lost and hence it becomes undefined. You need to update it by spreading the previous state values obtained from callback
setPokemon((prev) => {
return {
img: img,
name: name,
weight: weight,
types: types,
abilities: abilities,
moveList: moveList,
height: height

Your code have a problem, this is the proper way to do await with axios,
you need to import axios like this
import axios from 'axios';
the await should be call with a promise, then it return the data from api like this:
const result = await axios.get(urlPokemonAPI);
This is the code snippet with the same logic to your code
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
// import axios from 'axios';
try {
const result = await axios.get(urlPokemonAPI);
const pokemon = result.data;
img: pokemon.sprites.front_default,
name: pokemon.name,
weight: Math.round(pokemon.weight / 10),
types: pokemon.types.map(i => i.type.name),
abilities: pokemon.abilities.map(i => i.ability.name),
moveList: pokemon.moves.map(i => i.move.name),
height: pokemon.height / 10
const result2 = await axios.get(urlPokemonSpecies);
const data = result2.data;
let description = "";
data.flavor_text_entries.forEach(i => {
const lang = i.language.name
if (lang === "en") {
description = i.flavor_text;
let genus = "";
data.genera.forEach(i => {
const lang = i.language.name;
if (lang === "en") {
genus = i.genus;
setPokemon(pokemon => {
return {
chanceToCatch: Math.round((data.capture_rate * 100) / 255),
eggGroups: data.egg_groups.map(g => g.name)
} catch (e) {
}, [urlPokemonAPI, urlPokemonSpecies]);
do you see another problem: you call setPokemon two times, let's rewrite it again:
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
// import axios from 'axios';
try {
const result = await axios.get(urlPokemonAPI);
const data1 = result.data;
const result2 = await axios.get(urlPokemonSpecies);
const data2 = result2.data;
function resolveDescription(data) {
let description = "";
data.flavor_text_entries.forEach(i => {
const lang = i.language.name
if (lang === "en") {
description = i.flavor_text;
return description;
function resolveGenus(data) {
let genus = "";
data.genera.forEach(i => {
const lang = i.language.name;
if (lang === "en") {
genus = i.genus;
return genus;
img: data1.sprites.front_default,
name: data1.name,
weight: Math.round(data1.weight / 10),
types: data1.types.map(i => i.type.name),
abilities: data1.abilities.map(i => i.ability.name),
moveList: data1.moves.map(i => i.move.name),
height: data1.height / 10,
description: resolveDescription(data2),
genus: resolveGenus(data2),
chanceToCatch: Math.round((data2.capture_rate * 100) / 255),
evolutionURL: data2.evolution_chain.url,
eggGroups: data2.egg_groups.map(g => g.name)
} catch (e) {
}, [urlPokemonAPI, urlPokemonSpecies]);


How to fetch data from the Jikanapi

I want to call an API here
https://api.jikan.moe/v4/top/anime to get the data in raw format and then create an array of only useful data out of it. What is the reason the data is not being consoled
const initialAnime = {
anime: [],
genresLoaded: false,
genres: [],
function createAnimeFromRawData(rawData, animeArray) {
const data = rawData.data;
data.forEach((animeData) => {
const anime = {
mal_id: animeData.mal_id,
title: animeData.title,
title_english: animeData.title_english,
type: animeData.type,
episodes: animeData.episodes,
status: animeData.status,
duration: animeData.duration,
rating: animeData.rating,
rank: animeData.rank,
synopsis: animeData.synopsis,
const RawdataAnime = async (api, genre, paging) => {
const Animearray = [];
for (let i = 1; Animearray.length < 60 && i < 10; i++) {
const {
data: { results },
} = await axios.get(`${api}`);
createAnimeFromRawData(results, Animearray);
return Animearray;
export const fetchAnime = createAsyncThunk(
async (thunkAPI) => {
const {
myanimelist: { genres },
} = thunkAPI.getState();
return RawdataAnime(`https://api.jikan.moe/v4/top/anime`, genres, false);
const animeSlice = createSlice({
name: "Myanimelist",
initialState: initialAnime,
extraReducers: (builder) => {
builder.addCase(getGenresAnime.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.genres = action.payload;
state.genresLoaded = true;
builder.addCase(fetchAnime.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
state.anime = action.payload;
export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
netflix: netflixSlice.reducer,
anime: animeSlice.reducer,
I tried the code above to get an array of only useful parts of data in the code but there was nothing in the console. There was no error and no output.
Whereas the response.data will be something similar to the json below::
I believe the error is in the snippet
const { data: { results }} = await axios.get(`${api}`); // There are no results in the returned content
createAnimeFromRawData(results, Animearray);
Try something like
const { data } = await axios.get(`${api}`); // Equivalent to response.data
const results = data?.data || []
createAnimeFromRawData(results, Animearray);

How to filter two arrays of splitting?

I'm a bit confused
I am sending emails with nodemailer, and every time I send one I perform certain validations in order to manage the upload limit of the attachments. If the upload limit exceeds what is established, the service divides that email and sends it in different emails with the same subject and body as well as its attachment.
Every time this happens, it does a _.chunk that takes care of splitting the pdfs array into smaller elements. But, it should be noted that before that, he made a method to prepare the attachments and this is in charge of obtaining certain information from the api to paint the pdf buffer and thus put it in the content of the emails.
But now what I want to do is search within the matrix that performs the step before dividing the files those that are equal to the array that obtains the information and if they are equal, carry out the instruction that it sends
I will explain with a graph:
If getAmount.pdfBuffer === attachmentMap
// doAction console.log('Equals)
But even though I tried to do it, I couldn't, I don't know if it's because for each attachment that the array has divided, it generates a getAmount array. What do you think I'm doing wrong?
async sendEmail(
para: to,
asunto: subject,
plantilla: template,
contexto: context,
}: CorreoInfoDto,
attachments: EmailAttachment[],
driveConfig: OAuthGoogleConfig
) {
const totalSize: number = this.getSizeFromAttachments(attachments);
const chunkSplit = Math.floor(isNaN(totalSize) ? 1 : totalSize / this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) + 1;
const attachmentsChunk: any[][] = _.chunk(attachments, chunkSplit);
if ((totalSize > this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) && attachmentsChunk?.length >= 1) {
await Promise.all(
attachmentsChunk?.map(async (attachment: EmailAttachment[], index) => {
console.log('attachment', attachment)
if (this.getSizeFromAttachments(attachment) > this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) {
const result: GenerateDriveLinkResponse[] = await Promise.all(
attachment?.map(item => {
const file = new GoogleDriveUploadFile({
name: item?.filename,
mimeType: MimeTypesEnum.PDF,
body: item?.content
return this.uploadFilesService.uploadToDrive(driveConfig, file) as any;
const texto = result?.map((item, index) => {
console.log('item', item?.webViewLink);
console.log('index', index);
return new SolicitudXLinkDrive({
texto: attachment[index].filename,
link: item?.webViewLink
context.links = texto;
const link = `(${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`;
const newContext = {
getCurrent: link,
const prepareEmail = this.prepareEmail({
para: to,
asunto: ` ${subject} (${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length})`,
plantilla: template,
contexto: newContext,
}, []);
return prepareEmail
} else {
// this.getCantidad = `(${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`;
console.log('getCantidad', this.getAmount );
const attachmentMap = attachment.map(element => element.content);
this.getAmount .forEach(element => {
if (element.pdfBuffer === attachmentMap) {
console.log('do action');
const link = ` (${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`;
const newContext = {
getCurrent: link,
return this.prepareEmail({
para: to,
asunto: ` ${subject} (Correo ${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`,
plantilla: template,
contexto: newContext,
}, attachment);
} else {
await this.prepareEmail(
para: to,
asunto: ` ${subject}`,
plantilla: template,
contexto: context,
async prepareEmail(
para: to,
asunto: subject,
plantilla: template,
contexto: context,
}: CorreoInfoDto,
attachments: EmailAttachment[],
) {
return await this.mailerService.sendMail({
from: `${process.env.SENDER_NAME} <${process.env.EMAIL_USER}>`,
attachments: attachments,
context: context,
async sendEmails(correos: EnvioMultiplesCorreosDto) {
let pdf = null;
let info: ConfiguracionDocument = null;
let GDriveConfig: ConfiguracionDocument = null;
let logo: ConfiguracionDocument = null;
let forContext = {};
const documents = Array.isArray(correos.documento_id) ? correos.documento_id : [correos.documento_id];
const solicitudes = await this.solicitudesService.findByIds(documents);
const nombresPacientes = solicitudes.reduce((acc, cv) => {
acc[cv.correlativo_solicitud] = cv['info_paciente']?.nombre_paciente;
return acc;
}, {});
await Promise.all([
await this.getPdf(correos.tipo_reporte, correos.documento_id, correos?.dividir_archivos).then(data => { pdf = data; }),
await this.configuracionesService.findByCodes([
]).then(data => {
info = data[0];
GDriveConfig = data[1];
logo = data[2];
forContext = this.configuracionesService.castValorObjectToObject(info?.valor_object)
const attachmentPrepare = this.prepareAttachments(pdf as any, nombresPacientes);
await this.sendEmail(
para: correos.para,
asunto: correos.asunto,
plantilla: 'muestras',
contexto: {
cuerpo: correos.cuerpo,
titulo: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.titulo],
direccion: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.direccion],
movil: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.movil],
pbx: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.pbx],
email: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.email],
logo: logo?.valor,
this.configuracionesService.castValorObjectToObject(GDriveConfig?.valor_object) as any,
const usuario = new UsuarioBitacoraSolicitudTDTO();
solicitudes.forEach((solicitud) => {
const actual = new BitacoraSolicitudDTO();
const newBitacora = new CrearBitacoraSolicitudDTO();
newBitacora.createNewItem(null, actual, actual, usuario, AccionesBitacora.EmailEnviado);
prepareAttachments(item: BufferCorrelativosDTO | BufferXSolicitudDTO[], nombresPacientes: { [key: string]: string }) {
if (this.sharedService.isAnArray(item)) {
const castItem: BufferXSolicitudDTO[] = item as any;
this.getCantidad = castItem;
return castItem?.map((s) => {
const namePatient = nombresPacientes[s.correlativo_solicitud];
return new EmailAttachment().setFromBufferXSolicitudDTO(s, namePatient, 'pdf');
} else {
return [new EmailAttachment().setFromBufferCorrelativosDTO(item as any, 'pdf')];
Thank you very much for your attention, I appreciate it. Cheers
You could try using lodash as this has _.intersectionBy and _.intersectionWith functions that should allow you to compare 2 arrays and filter the common values.
There are some good examples here:
How to get intersection with lodash?

When routing mswjs/data populates the database with new items and removes the previous one, making it inaccessible

I use next-redux-wrapper, MSW, #mswjs/data and redux-toolkit for storing my data in a store as well as mocking API calls and fetching from a mock Database.
I have the following scenario happening to me.
I am on page /content/editor and in the console and terminal, I can see the data was fetched from the mock database and hydrated from getStaticProps of Editor.js. So now IDs 1 to 6 are inside the store accessible.
Now I click on the PLUS icon to create a new project. I fill out the dialog and press "SAVE". a POST request starts, it's pending and then it gets fulfilled. The new project is now in the mock DB as well as in the store, I can see IDs 1 to 7 now.
Since I clicked "SAVE" and the POST request was successful, I am being routed to /content/editor/7 to view the newly created project.
Now I am on Page [id].js, which also fetched data from the mock DB and then it gets stored and hydrated into the redux store. The idea is, it takes the previous store's state and spreads it into the store, with the new data (if there are any).
Now the ID 7 no longer exists. And IDs 1 to 6 also don't exist anymore, instead, I can see in the console and terminal that IDs 8 to 13 were created, and the previous ones are no more.
Obviously, this is not great. When I create a new project and then switch the route, I should be able to access the newly created project as well as the previously created ones. But instead, they all get overwritten.
It either has something to do with the next-redux-wrapper or MSW, but I am not sure how to make it work. I need help with it. I will post some code now:
// path example: /content/editor
// Editor.js
export const getStaticProps = wrapper.getStaticProps(
(store) =>
async ({ locale }) => {
const [translation] = await Promise.all([
serverSideTranslations(locale, ['editor', 'common', 'thesis']),
return {
props: {
// path example: /content/editor/2
// [id].js
export const getStaticProps = wrapper.getStaticProps(
(store) =>
async ({ locale, params }) => {
const { id } = params;
const [translation] = await Promise.all([
serverSideTranslations(locale, ['editor', 'common', 'thesis']),
// store.dispatch(fetchProjectById(id)), // issue: fetching by ID returns null
return {
props: {
Mock Database
I am going to shorten the code to the relevant bits. I will remove properties for a project, as well es helper functions to generate data.
const asscendingId = (() => {
let id = 1;
return () => id++;
const isDevelopment =
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' || process.env.STORYBOOK || false;
export const projectFactory = () => {
return {
id: primaryKey(isDevelopment ? asscendingId : nanoid),
name: String,
// ... other properties
export const createProject = (data) => {
return {
name: data.name,
createdAt: getUnixTime(new Date()),
* Create initial set of tasks
export function generateMockProjects(amount) {
const projects = [];
for (let i = amount; i >= 0; i--) {
const project = createProject({
name: faker.lorem.sentence(faker.datatype.number({ min: 1, max: 5 })),
dueDate: date(),
fontFamily: getRandomFontFamily(),
pageMargins: getRandomPageMargins(),
textAlign: getRandomTextAlign(),
pageNumberPosition: getRandomPageNumberPosition(),
return projects;
API Handler
I will shorten this one to GET and POST requests only.
import { db } from '../../db';
export const projectsHandlers = (delay = 0) => {
return [
rest.get('https://my.backend/mock/projects', getAllProjects(delay)),
rest.get('https://my.backend/mock/projects/:id', getProjectById(delay)),
rest.get('https://my.backend/mock/projectsNames', getProjectsNames(delay)),
rest.post('https://my.backend/mock/projects', postProject(delay)),
function getAllProjects(delay) {
return (request, response, context) => {
const projects = db.project.getAll();
return response(context.delay(delay), context.json(projects));
function postProject(delay) {
return (request, response, context) => {
const { body } = request;
if (body.content === 'error') {
return response(
context.json('Server error saving this project')
const now = getUnixTime(new Date());
const project = db.project.create({
createdAt: now,
maxWords: 10_000,
minWords: 7000,
targetWords: 8500,
potentialWords: 1500,
currentWords: 0,
return response(context.delay(delay), context.json(project));
// all handlers
import { buildingBlocksHandlers } from './api/buildingblocks';
import { checklistHandlers } from './api/checklist';
import { paragraphsHandlers } from './api/paragraphs';
import { projectsHandlers } from './api/projects';
import { tasksHandlers } from './api/tasks';
export const handlers = [
// database
import { factory } from '#mswjs/data';
import {
} from './factory/buildingblocks.factory';
import {
} from './factory/checklist.factory';
import { paragraphFactory } from './factory/paragraph.factory';
import {
} from './factory/project.factory';
import { taskFactory, generateMockTasks } from './factory/task.factory';
export const db = factory({
task: taskFactory(),
checklist: checklistFactory(),
project: projectFactory(),
buildingBlock: buildingBlockFactory(),
paragraph: paragraphFactory(),
generateMockProjects(5).map((project) => db.project.create(project));
const projectIds = db.project.getAll().map((project) => project.id);
generateMockTasks(20, projectIds).map((task) => db.task.create(task));
generateMockBuildingBlocks(10, projectIds).map((block) =>
const taskIds = db.task.getAll().map((task) => task.id);
generateMockChecklist(20, taskIds).map((item) => db.checklist.create(item));
Project Slice
I will shorten this one as well to the relevant snippets.
// projects.slice.js
import {
} from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import { client } from 'mocks/client';
import { HYDRATE } from 'next-redux-wrapper';
const projectsAdapter = createEntityAdapter();
const initialState = projectsAdapter.getInitialState({
status: 'idle',
filter: { type: null, value: null },
statuses: {},
export const fetchProjects = createAsyncThunk(
async () => {
const response = await client.get('https://my.backend/mock/projects');
return response.data;
export const saveNewProject = createAsyncThunk(
async (data) => {
const response = await client.post('https://my.backend/mock/projects', {
return response.data;
export const projectSlice = createSlice({
name: 'projects',
reducers: {
// irrelevant reducers....
extraReducers: (builder) => {
.addCase(HYDRATE, (state, action) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('HYDRATE', action.payload);
const statuses = Object.fromEntries(
action.payload.projects.ids.map((id) => [id, 'idle'])
return {
.addCase(fetchProjects.pending, (state, action) => {
state.status = 'loading';
.addCase(fetchProjects.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
projectsAdapter.addMany(state, action.payload);
state.status = 'idle';
action.payload.forEach((item) => {
state.statuses[item.id] = 'idle';
.addCase(saveNewProject.pending, (state, action) => {
console.log('SAVE NEW PROJECT PENDING', action);
.addCase(saveNewProject.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
projectsAdapter.addOne(state, action.payload);
state.statuses[action.payload.id] = 'idle';
// other irrelevant reducers...
This should be all the relevant code. If you have questions, please ask them and I will try to answer them.
I have changed how the state gets hydrated, so I turned this code:
.addCase(HYDRATE, (state, action) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('HYDRATE', action.payload);
const statuses = Object.fromEntries(
action.payload.projects.ids.map((id) => [id, 'idle'])
return {
Into this code:
.addCase(HYDRATE, (state, action) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.group('HYDRATE', action.payload);
const statuses = Object.fromEntries(
action.payload.projects.ids.map((id) => [id, 'idle'])
state.statuses = { ...state.statuses, ...statuses };
projectsAdapter.upsertMany(state, action.payload.projects.entities);
I used the adapter to upsert all entries.

How to refactor for-loop async/await with Promise.all()?

I'm trying to wrap my head around how to use Promise.all() in this code. I've read on articles that you can run async operations in parallel with Promise.all() to optimize for speed. Here's the current code in nested for-loops (bad):
type ListGroup = {
listId: string
groupIds: Array<string>
const listsAndGroups: Array<ListGroup> = []; // <-- put everything here
const { lists } = await mailchimp.get('/lists');
for (const list of lists) {
const listObj = { listId: list.id };
const { categories } = await mailchimp.get(
for (const category of categories) {
const { interests } = await mailchimp.get(
Object.defineProperty(listObj, 'groupIds', {
value: interests.map((interest) => interest.id),
enumerable: true,
Here's how I'm doing so far, I think I'm just running blindly here without really knowing what I'm doing:
const listsAndGroups: Array<ListGroup> = await getListsGroups(); // <-- put everything here
const getListsGroups = async () => {
const { lists } = await mailchimp.get('/lists');
const listGroups = lists.map((list) =>
getCategories(list.id).then((groups) =>
groups.map((group: Record<'groupIds', string>) => {
return {
listId: list.id,
return Promise.all(listGroups);
const getCategories = async (listId: string) => {
const { categories } = await mailchimp.get(
const groups = categories.map((category) =>
getInterests(listId, category.id),
return Promise.all(groups);
const getInterests = async (listId: string, categoryId: string) => {
const { interests } = await mailchimp.get(
return { groupIds: interests.map((interest) => interest.id) };
You could simplify your operation many way, Here is one:
type ListGroup = {
listId: string
groupIds: Array<string>
const listsAndGroups: Array<ListGroup> = []; // <-- put everything here
const { lists } = await mailchimp.get('/lists');
const pandingLists = lists.map(list =>
.then(data => [data, { listId: list.id }])
for (const [{ categories }, listObj] of await Promise.all(pandingLists)) {
const batch = categories.map(({ id }) =>
mailchimp.get(`/lists/${listObj.listId}/interest-categories/${id}/interests`).then(interests => {
Object.defineProperty(listObj, 'groupIds', {
value: interests.map(({ id }) => id),
enumerable: true,
await Promise.all(batch).then(() => listsAndGroups.push(listObj));

Trying to access state in oncompleted method

I have API query and getting the result and setting those in a state variable in Oncompleted method of API query, Now i am updating the same state variable in another api query "onCompleted method.
I am not able to access the result from state what i have set before in first api query and below is my code
Query 1:
const designHubQueryOnCompleted = designHubProject => {
if (designHubProject) {
const {
} = designHubProject;
updateState(draft => { // setting state here
draft.projectName = name;
draft.spaceTypes = (spaceTypes || []).map(po => {
const obj = getTargetObject(po);
return {
id: po.id,
name: obj.name,
category: obj.librarySpaceTypeCategory?.name,
description: obj.description,
warning: null // trying to modify this variable result in another query
const { projectDataLoading, projectDataError } = useProjectDataQuery(
({ designHubProjects }) => designHubQueryOnCompleted(designHubProjects[0])
Query 2:
const {
// data: designhubProjectSpaceTypeWarnings,
loading: designhubProjectSpaceTypeWarningsLoading,
error: designhubProjectSpaceTypeWarningsError
variables: {
where: {
projectNumber: { eq: projectNumber }
onCompleted: data => {
const projectSpaceTypeWarnings = data.designHubProjectLinkedSpaceTypeWarnings[0];
const warnings = projectSpaceTypeWarnings.spaceTypeWarnings.reduce((acc, item) => {
const spaceTypeIdWithWarningState = {
spaceTypeId: item.spaceTypeProjectObjectId,
isInWarningState: item.isInWarningState
return acc;
}, []);
console.log(state.spaceTypes); // trying to access the state here but getting empty array
if (state.spaceTypes.length > 0) {
const updatedSpaceTypes = state.spaceTypes;
updatedSpaceTypes.forEach(item => {
const spaceTypeWarning = { ...item };
spaceTypeWarning.warning = warnings?.filter(
w => w.spaceTypeId === spaceTypeWarning.id
return spaceTypeWarning;
updateState(draft => {
draft.spaceTypes = updatedSpaceTypes;
Could any one please let me know where I am doing wrong with above code Or any other approach to modify the state, Many thanks in advance!!

