WebRTC - connection between two different web browsers [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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So, I have a WebRTC web app with audio, video, chat and file sharing. Everything works fine on chrome: PC-to-PC, Mobile-to-PC. I've also added the latest version of adapter.js to the html file.
When trying to test communication between different web browsers, everything pretty much fails.
Tested the following scenarios:
Test 1
Firefox/Edge = Caller
Chrome = Answerer
Video is visible on Caller's side, but on Answerer's side I get the following error:
DOMException: Could not start video source
Test 2
Chrome = Caller
Firefox/Edge = Answerer
Video is visible on Callers side, but on Answerers side nothing happens.
As stated above, I've adapter.js in the html file, also I've added stun/turn servers when creating a new PeerConnection.
If anyone has any ideas about this, it would be much appreciated.


Check audio configuration with Web audio API [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I need to play a sound on one earphone while playing two other sounds in the opposite earphone in an auditory online experiment in JS. Web Audio API gives, at least, two ways to do this :
Create a buffer with two channels and send one sound on the first channel and the two others in the second one.
Use pannerNode for each sounds.
I got this and after some tests, everything is okay.
But, the new problem I got is that some Windows configuration propose a sound parameter allowing to turn sound to mono. So, the problem remains the same. Windows is not the only one to do this, some software such as Dolby or others can prevent stereo. And it could be worse : they could apply filters that would modify the sounds. I know I can't avoid it because browsers prevent me to change parameters for security purposes.
In this situation, I would like to know if someone would have an idea of how to check if the sound configuration is correct. Thus, I could say "okay you can do the auditory test" or "sorry your configuration doesn't allow you to do the test".

JavaScript response.body.getReader() is slow [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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I have run into a fairly large issue with a web project I am working on. I am requesting a moderate-sized file from my CDN (2-10MB, depending on specific file), and it is getting downloaded at perfectly fine speed (~5MBps). The issues however arise when the ReadableStream reader starts reading the response. I originally implemented this as a solution incase the network was slow, so that reading the response would not have to wait for it to completely download. However the reader itself reads too slow (the audio files are played back faster than the reader reads them), is there any way to force the reader to go faster (in the case that the network is fast enough)?
If my post is missing crucial information or if you know a way to fix this, please let me know.

Site provoking error in Microsoft Edge (but not any other browsers) [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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When loading a page on our site in Microsoft Edge, you sometimes see the following error (that is, it happens about 1/3 times):
This page is having a problem loading
We tried to load this page for you a few times, but there is still a
problem with this site. We know you have better things to do than to
watch this page reload over and over again so try coming back to this
page later.
The page looks like it reloads once or twice before showing the error. We don't see the same issue in any other major browser (IE 9-11, Chrome, FireFox, etc.), and there are no console errors (although there are a couple of warnings).
Here are the console warnings that are shown:
The code on this page disabled back and forward caching
Malformed comment. Comments should start with <!--. (Specifically referring to lines of code that include conditional formatting for earlier versions of IE.)
Here's an example of a page on our site where we've seen this error: https://casetext.com/case/cole-taylor-bank-v-corrigan
For what it's worth, we're an AngularJS website on version 1.4.4 and we're using ui-router for routing.

Google Drive sharing dialog (Javascript SDK) doesn't work over HTTPS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been unable to make the Drive sharing dialog (as described here) work when HTTPS is used. When I try to open the dialog the following error is printed twice in the JS console:
[blocked] The page at 'https://...' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran
insecure content from
'http://www.google.com/intl/pl/drive/about.html': this content should
also be loaded over HTTPS.
After a while the following message is shown inside the dialog
Sorry, sharing is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.
I had a look at some existing websites which make use of the sharing dialog and they suffer from the same issue - for example have a look at draw.io or drivenotepad.appspot.com.
Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a solution?

What can cause "No Data Recieved ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE"? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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My website does this a lot, usually when I have a thread open. I think it might be because I am constantly (every 10 seconds or so) looking for new posts and notifications and loading them in through Ajax, but this shouldn't cause this error, right?
I use GoDaddy as a host, but in my previous tries of contacting them and asking for help they've not been useful. I am not sure if it's my code or their servers that cause this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's been a while since I've been working on the site, since I kind of abandoned it after the error constantly happened and I couldn't find any answers as to why.
Are you using shared hosting with GoDaddy? GoDaddy shared hosting throttles the number of requests a hosted application can receive. If you have AJAX requests sending requests every 10 seconds, it will ignore a good proportion of those requests.
I recommend setting up a test server on the AWS cloud and porting the app over there. You'll get your own virtual server and the first year of hosting is free if you choose the smallest server size.

