Vue "npm run build" Ignores vue.config.js File - javascript

I have a Webpack-templated Vue project, initiated through vue-cli.
I have created a simple 'vue.config.js' file stored in the root folder (where package.json is at) containing the following:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
productionSourceMap: false
Though when building the project using "npm run build" it ignores it.
I have tried different configurations to check if the problem is with the file or the setting, and the problem is with the file.
I am using webpack#3.12.0, vue#2.6.11, #vue/cli 4.2.3 and npm#6.9.0.

Make sure your build confiuration (in your case the webpack build configs) include your file.
Generally, you will have a source folder (often src) and the builder will build all the files in that dir only. Then you have your destination directory (often dist or build) where your build files will be stored.
Two solutions:
add your conf file to the build source.
move your vue.conf.js file into your source directory

For some reason, I did not manage to get vue.config.js to work.
Alternatively, I edited my webpack config, which as my build files mentioned was located at /config/index.js
Then, I proceeded to pass my build configurations to the build parameter which already appears on the file.
build: {
And it worked. I assume it may be because I used npm run dev instead of the vue-service-cli, so webpack did not go through the vue.config.js file.


Nest.js bundle size too large by default

Upon running nest build command, I was expecting that the build would pick up only the imported modules from the node_module folder.
However, the command did not pick up only the relevent files and minifiy them. Instead, it picked up the node_modules directly from the root folder.
As a result, the final build size of the application is extremely large.
How can I reduce the bundle size?
I'm not sure that firing you from your job would solve your company's problems.
However, did you try the nest build --webpack command instead of the nest build command?
Maybe we would need some more informations about the project.
Did you also try to check this page on the documentation that says:
The webpack options file can contain standard webpack configuration
options. For example, to tell webpack to bundle node_modules (which
are excluded by default), add the following to webpack.config.js:
module.exports = {
externals: [],
If you have a webpack.config.js on your project, try removing the externals key from it.

How can I set production build path in vue-cli?

I'm using the vue-cli tool to develop vuejs apps, and I'm developing a server too, so i want to build the /dist folder in my server to send it to the browser as static, but I don't even know where the /dist folder is.
There is a file (I think is the webpack config for production) and in the path-output field I tried to wirte the path but didn't work.
/dist is just a default setting by VueJS. If you want to modify this : as the documentation from VueJS states :
Always use outputDir instead of modifying webpack output.path.
Create a vue.config.js as an optional config file that will be automatically loaded by #vue/cli-service if it's present in your project root (next to package.json).
The file should export an object containing options:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
// options...
As otheres already stated in the comments, use outputDir to specify the directory where the production build files will be generated in when running vue-cli-service build. Note the target directory will be removed before building (this behavior can be disabled by passing --no-clean when building).
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
outputDir : ''

NPM script to remove a string from file after processing?

In the package.json in my Angular 6 project, we have a bunch of node scripts to run and build our project.
I created a new script to process a scss file into an output directory:
"unbranded": "node-sass -x --output-style expanded ./client/src/app/demo/unbrandeddemo/unbranded.scss > ./dspackage/dist/css/unbranded.css",
This creates a css file at ./dspackage/dist/css/unbranded.css
Now I need to find and remove a string in this file after it's made. So I created tried installing the replace-in-file npm package and am trying
"postunbranded": "replace-in-file from to ./dspackage/dist/css/unbranded.css, ./dspackage/dist/css/unbranded.css --configFile=replace-config.js"
Where the replace-config-js is a file in the same directory as the package.json,
const options = {
from: /::ng-deep/g,
to: ''
I've tried various versions of this setup, but get the error:
Error: must provide pattern

Bundling a subfolder's index.js with rollup and requiring modules from main directory

I am building a framework, in which I want to have examples folder, like this:
I want to be able to run the examples with rollup when I download the framework from github, using commands in my package.json such as:
"app0": "rollup examples/app0/app.js --format iife --name 'bundle' --file examples/app0/bundle.js"
In my app0/app.js file I include the framework's main parts, like this:
import { FrameworkClass } from '../../framework-core'
Upon running my app0 command from the cli, I get the following error [!] Error: Could not resolve '../../akira-core' from examples/app0/app.js
I understand this has to do with my relative paths, but am unable to get it working. Is this how it should be done? Is there a smarter way I am missing? Any help is more then welcome.

bundle a large node.js application into a single .js file

I would like to bundle a largish node.js cli application into a single .js file.
My code is structured as follows:
|- main.js
|----| <bunch of js files>
|----| <bunch of js files>
I can use browserify to bundle the whole thing into one file using main.js as the entry point, but Browserify assumes the runtime environment is a browser and substitutes its own libraries (e.g. browserify-http for http). So I'm looking for a browserify-for-node command
I tried running
$ browserify -r ./main.js:start --no-builtins --no-browser-field > myapp.js
$ echo "require('start') >> myapp.js
but I'm getting a bunch of errors when I try to run $ node myapp.js.
The idea is that the entire application with all dependencies except the core node dependencies is now in a single source file and can be run using
$ node myapp.js
JMM's answer below works but only on my machine. The bundling still does not capture all dependencies, so when I try to run the file on another machine, I get dependency errors like
ubuntu#ip-172-31-42-188:~$ node myapp.js
return, stringToFlags(flags), mode);
Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/ruchir/dev/xo/client/node_modules/request/node_modules/form-data/node_modules/mime/types/mime.types'
You can use pkg by Zeit and follow the below steps to do so:
npm i pkg -g
Then in your NodeJS project, in package JSON include the following:
"pkg": {
"scripts": "build/**/*.js",
"assets": "views/**/*"
"main": "server.js"
Inside main parameter write the name of the file to be used as the entry point for the package.
After that run the below command in the terminal of the NodeJS project
pkg server.js --target=node12-linux-x64
Or you can remove target parameter from above to build the package for Windows, Linux and Mac.
After the package has been generated you have to give permissions to write:
chmod 777 ./server-linux
And then you can run it in your terminal by
This method will give you can executable file instead of a single .js file
Check out the --node option, and the other more granular options it incorporates.

