HTML5 Audio play instantly - javascript

I'm creating the application that plays live mp3 stream from server.
Basically it's node.js server which pipes PulseAudio output encoded as mp3 to browser using HTTP. On browser side it's simple HTML5 audio element.
I want to have as little latency as possible. Unfortunately simple html5 audio element introduces about 8 seconds (250 kilobytes) of lag (starts playing 8 seconds after first byte was downloaded) using Chrome browser. I assume that it's some kind of buffer but I can't find any information about how to tweak it.
Is there a way to change this buffer length? I'd like it to be as short as 0.5-1 second, not 8.


How to append multiple audio files to a currently playing audio using Javascript?

I have a program that plays songs from the server. To make it more efficient i split the audio file on server into segments and the send them to the client using Ajax as base64 encoded. The HTML5 native audio player plays the base64 audio segment but when playing the next audio segment, it pauses a little and then plays. The retrieved segments are stored in IndexedDB for quick access but still it causes a pause in the playback. How to make the program more efficient as well as fix the audio pause happening between switching segments.
Is there any other way of appending audio file to a currently playing audio source without any pause using Javascript?
The Media Source Extensions API can do that, but note that you are just reinventing Range requests and caching, which are exactly what browsers already do for fetching media, but they do it better since they don't add the overhead of base64 on it.
So the "other way" is to configure your server to accept Range requests, to serve your file the most basically as possible in a single file, and to let the browser do its job.

HTML5 generating video from images

i'm wondering, since HTML and with javascript are mesmerizing together, if there is a solution in HTML5 to generate a video-file from many images?
For example, you're able to load a video into a canvas and make it appear as greyscaled video, by manipulating the canvas. However, I would like to know,
if there is somewhat a method to generate a video-file out of that greyscaled version. Would make sense, if you want to send the video via whatsapp etc.
Thank you
Here we go:
Demo: (select multiple images at once)
Code: [just view the source]
You can download .webm video file
#K3N answer mentions building an encoder. Luckily there is one - - snippet from the article:
You need a video encoder and today I just happened to stumble on Whammy, a real time JavaScript WebM Encoder.
There are currently no built-in API to do video encoding in HTML5. There are work in progress though, to allow basic video and audio recording - but it's not available at this time (audio recording is available in FireFox - it is also limited to streams).
If you are OK with gif animation you can encode the frames as a gif using one of the encoders out there (see below).
For video - there has been attempts, more or less successful, (the project I had in mind does not seem to be available anymore) but there has been issues from one browser to another.
There is the option of building an encoder yourself low-level style, following video encoding and file format specifications. It's doable but it's not a small project.
In any case, encoding video is a pretty performance hungry task even for native compiled applications. Running such a task in the browser will be a even more slow process and probably not practical for many users (and mobile devices will suck on those batteries).
The better approach IMO (at the moment at least, until the aforementioned API becomes available), is to send images to server and have a server in the back handling encoding jobs, then send the result to client. This way you can use multi-threading, offload the client, use native compiled encoders such as ffmpeg, and the resulting video can be streamed back.
Some resources
MediaStream Recording API
Gif encoder 1
Gif encoder 2 (NodeJS)
HTML5 Video recording information and status
Realtime video encoder (NodeJS/ffmpeg)
libvpx (requires emscripten/asm.js)
Hi I have built it using the code provided by tech-slides.
Also I made a template application where you can take list of images and turn them into video format. You have to edit the code according to your own needs. It is only supported in chrome and YouTube though. So basically in whammy.js you turn the images into canvas in a JavaScript file then turn the canvas into video using whammy.js function. You need to set event listener and load the videos into video tag. Whammy.js only produce webp file. To turn it into mp4:
Load it in YouTube then download it using YouTube as mp4. Hope it helps.
Just a follow on from #michal's answer, whammy is no longer maintained, however there's a modern fork of whammy encoder at ts-whammy.
See this answer to get a data URL for an image
import tsWhammy from "ts-whammy/src/libs";
// images can from: canvas.toDataURL(type, encoderOptions)
const images = [
// Make a 5 second video
const blob = tsWhammy.fromImageArrayWithOptions(images, { duration: 5 });
console.log(blob.type, blob.size);

VP8 video rendering in Javascript

I'm currently working on a interactive web application in javascript that renders in realtime a video received on a webpage and lets you send keyboard inputs.
The fact is that I can only receive VP8 video streams (not webm, just raw VP8 video without the Matroska container). I've managed to decode the video from the client side using dixie decoder (, but the problem is that it adds buffering or something, because there is a lag of almost 2 seconds between when I receive a stream and I render it. Is there a way I can decode the stream natively? That would speed it the performance.
I thought of adding a matroska container to the vp8 received stream and sending it to the video tag, but I don't know how to create such container.
Ok, after days trying to figure out how to solve this I finally found the bug, which it wasn't in the Dixie decoder, but the server that needed a flag to stop buffering the video.

Is it possible to play this stream using HTML5/javascript?

Basically trying to play some live audio streams in an app I'm porting to the browser.
Stream example:
I have tried HTML5 audio tag and jPlayer with no luck. I know next to nothing about streaming audio, however, when I examine the HTTP response header the specified content type is "audio/aacp" (not sure if that helps).
I'm hoping someone with more knowledge of audio formats could point me in the right direction here.
The problem isn't with AAC+ being playable, the issue is with decoding the streaming ACC wrapper called ADTS. The Audio Data Transport Stream [pdf] or "MP4-contained AAC streamed over HTTP using the SHOUTcast protocol" can be decoded and therefore played by only a couple media players (e.g., foobar2000, Winamp, and VLC).
I had the same issue while trying to work with the SHOUTcast API to get HTML5 Audio playback for all the listed stations. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's anything that can be done from our perspective, only the browser vendors can decide to add support for ADTS decoding. It is a documented issue in Chrome/WebKit. There are 60+ people (including myself) following the issue, which is marked as "WontFix".

Live video broadcasting

I am going to develop a chat based application for mobile which allows video chat. I am using HTML5, javascript and PhoneGap. Using phoneGap, I am able to access mobile camera, capture a video, save the video and upload it in server. I have done it for android. But I need live broadcasting of the video. Is there any solution of that?
Note: It is not any android native app.
You didn't specify what facility you're currently using for the video capture. AFAIK, current WebView doesn't yet support WebRTC which is the w3 standard that will soon enable you to access the video frames in your HTML5 code. So I'm assuming you're using PhoneGap's navigator.device.capture.captureVideo facility.
On Android, captureVideo creates 3gp files. The problem with 3gp is that they cannot be streamed or played while capturing: the MOOV atom of the file is required for parsing the video frames in it, and it is written only after all frames in the file have been encoded. So you must stop the recording before you can make any use of the file.
Your best shot in HTML5 is to implement a loop that captures a short clip (3-5 seconds?) of video, then sends it to a server while the next chunk is being captured. The server will need to concatenate the clips to a single file that can be broadcast with a streaming server. This will add several seconds to the latency of the broadcast, and you are quite likely to suffer from lost frames at the point in the gap between two separate chunk captures. That might be sufficient for some use cases (security cameras, for example).
If your application is such that you cannot afford to lose frames, I see no other option but to implement the video capture and streaming in Java, as a PhoneGap Plugin.
See Spydroid
It uses the solution with the special FileDescriptor you found. Basically they let the video encoder write a .mp4 with H.264 to the special file descriptor that calls your code on write. Then they strip off the MP4 header and turn the H.264 NALUs into RTP packets.

