Javascript: How Do I Set Response Object Headers? - javascript

I'm doing a simple exercise where I use the Fetch API to interact with another website. The Fetch API resolves to a Response object. My next goal is to set a cookie on this Response object, but I noticed that the headers property on the Response object is read-only. Perhaps there is something very simple that I've overlooked, but how can I set a cookie in the Response object's header?
Edit: To clarify, the Response object returned by the Fetch call is what I want to return back to the client, but before I do that I want to set a cookie in the header so that the client will have a cookie saved.


Request objects and response object

In express.js, middlewares can change request object and response object. So, my question is what exactly these request object and response object are and what do they contain.
From expressjs documentation a request is:
The req object represents the HTTP request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers, and so on.
And the response:
he res object represents the HTTP response that an Express app sends when it gets an HTTP request.
Basically you use a request to know what the client is asking for.
And you use the response object to send the response data to the client.
Had the same questions when i started with express. I found a nice article, explaining my questions.
from the page:
What is Req & Res?
Req -> Http (https) Request Object.
You can get the request query, params, body, headers and cookies from it.
You can overwrite any value or add anything there.
However, overwriting headers or cookies will not affect the output back to the browser.
Res -> Http (https) Response Object.
The response back to the client browser.
You can put new cookies value and that will write to the client browser (under cross domain rules)
Once you res.send() or res.redirect() or res.render(), you cann do it again, otherwise, there will be uncaught error.
Me too had this same doubts.
Request Object
The req object represents the HTTP request and has properties for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers, and so on
Response Object
The res object represents the HTTP response that an Express app sends when it gets an HTTP request.
Reference Link

Accessing access token in cookies via XMLHttpRequest in Javascript

I am a bit of a javascript newbie.
I am trying access a REST endpoint that requires authorization. I've authorized correctly. The documentation on this endpoint says
"Successful authentication returns HTTP code 200, AccessToken cookie set to the proper value (if called from a browser the cookie will be automatically set so no extra work needed)"
So I authenticate, but then when i send a GET request to the URL I am getting a response saying that I am not authenticated. How do I access the token that's in the cookie so i can authenticate? thanks
there was a bug in the code. The cookie should, indeed, be submitted when "withCredentials" is set to true on the XMLHttpRequest object.

Make an HTTP Request from a browser, without sending any cookies in the request headers

Is it possible to make a request from a browser, preferably using the built-in XMLHttpRequest API, "WITHOUT" sending any cookies in the request headers?
As far as I understand setting the "allowCredentials" property to false will only disable cookies for CORS requests, where I want to make a request to the same server while not sending a "Cookie" header.
I know this sounds a bit strange, but because of current project constrains I do not have the ability to alter the Server to change the "path" in the "Set-Cookie" response header.
I'm not sure if there is a way to exclude cookies for a single request.
If you know the names of the cookies and they will not be needed by other requests later, you can delete their values like this:
The cookie names will still be there though.
If you need the values later, you can save the cookies to a variable:
var cookie = document.cookie;
// Delete the cookie values like above.
// Make a request without cookie values.
But if you need to make requests with and without cookie values at the same time, this will obviously not work. And if the cookies have the HTTPOnly attribute, you will not be able to read them or change their values.

How to set json headers accept and content-type to a URL in a Script tag?

I have a URL that calls an API which returns a json response but the request going out doesn't have the correct headers for some reason.
The URL is inside the src property of a script tag.
How can I add the headers back in to set the content-type and accept header?
Since I'm not doing an AJAX call or a get request implicitly could I still do this?
You cannot place headers in script tags.
If your API is on the same domain, you can do an Ajax Request with JSON as a data type.
If not, my advice would be that you create a proxy on your servers that cURL to your API.
In both these scenarios, you will be able to send proper headers with your calls.
You cannot, but do you get response as string? I have had that kind of problems some so downloaded a json.js from and converted response string to json.
var var1 = '{json string here}';
var result = JSON.parse(var1);

Retrieve header(location) value of response using javascript

I am trying to retrieve the value of "Location" from the response I get from an API call. The response does not have any body, but it contains a value(URL) in the Location section of the header.
Any way I can get the value of header using javascript. The response variable that i am using is of type XML. This is being implemented in IBM BPM 7.5
Typically, the Location header of a response comes in conjunction with a 3xx status code. Unfortunately, with AJAX, redirects are followed, so you cannot inspect the header of a redirect response.
However, if your response is not a redirect, you can use the getAllResponseHeaders() function to inspect your headers.

