Setting up a proxy for a specific url in chrome extension - javascript

I'm working on a chrome extension where a button click would trigger a function that calls a specific url and gets back the response. This specific url needs to be accessed through a proxy. All other requests are handled normally. It seemed like pac file would fit the bill nicely, but there is one problem with it.
The url that I need to access through a proxy has a path in in, like so:
The PAC example I lifted from Chrome documentation is this:
mode: "pac_script",
pacScript: {
data: "function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {\n" +
" if (host == '')\n" +
" return 'PROXY blackhole:80';\n" +
" return 'DIRECT';\n" +
So I was hoping that I can examine the url parameter on every request and when mine is detected, I would return a proxy. The problem, however, lies in the fact that url argument in FindProxyForURL contains only domain part of the url, in my case. I know it because I actually put alerts inside my FindProxyForURL code and logged the url and host values.
Is this a bug? As I was searching for documentation on PAC files, I found examples where url passed in is a full url, not the stripped one, like mine (
Thank you!


Where I can I see the conole.log() output of chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval?

I'm trying to develop a chrome extension that will give me the body size of http requests and responses, where I can then write them to a database for later use.
On the API documentation an example is given:
function(request) {
if (request.response.bodySize > 40*1024) {
'console.log("Large image: " + unescape("' +
escape(request.request.url) + '"))');
This seems like almost exactly what I want but I cannot find the panel or console it wants to write to, no matter where I look. I
I have the listener function in my devtools.js file, while devtools.html looks like:
<script src="devtools.js"></script>
If I modify the function and attempt to do a raw console.log() rather than wrapping it in chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval() then the extension no longer compiles.
There seems to be spotty/limited documentation on the chrome extension APIs (or maybe it is just over my head), so any help here is greatly appreciated.

How do I link an external js file that returns code 302

I am trying to combine Github Pages with Google Apps Script so I can have Server Side Scripting with Github Pages. I try to connect to the Google Script web app using:
<script src="">
(I need that /dev there, google script says nothing was returned when I don't use it.)
That is supposed to (and does) return:
return ContentService.createTextOutput("window.onload = function(){document.getElementById(\"request\").innerHTML = \"Generated: " + generateRandomNumber(10, 42) + "\";}");
Which outputs this:
window.onload = function(){document.getElementById("request").innerHTML = "Generated: 28";}
(Of course, it would not always be 28.)
When I load this into the browser, it does nothing. I looked in inspect element and it says that it's returning the code 302 (Temporarily Moved). This is usually used for redirects, and content service always makes the browser redirect "for security reasons", so this is expected.
But how can I get the browser to follow that redirect and get the script from there? Can I even do that?
In this case, a mimetype error occurs, since mimetype is not set. So please add setMimeType() as follows.
return ContentService
.createTextOutput("window.onload = function(){document.getElementById(\"request\").innerHTML = \"Generated: " + generateRandomNumber(10, 42) + "\";}")

Jquery.get not working with ssl

I recently added an SSL certificate to my website and since then some of the jquery functions are no longer working. Specifically jquery.get
function getBfeForm() {
jQuery.get('/wp-admin/admin.php/?page=booking.multiuser.5.3/wpdev-booking.phpwpdev-booking-resources&tab=availability&wpdev_edit_avalaibility=<?php echo key($_REQUEST['avail']); ?>/', function(data) {
jQuery('[name="avail['+<?php echo key($_REQUEST['avail']); ?>+']"]').removeClass('spinner').val('Edit Availability');
if (data) {
jQuery('#availHolder .holder').html(jQuery(data).find('.inside'));
jQuery('#availHolder .holder').prepend('<div id="popHeader"><a title="Close" class="fancybox-item fancybox-close" href="javascript:;">Close</a></div>');
jQuery('#availHolder').appendTo(jQuery('[data-resource="<?php echo key($_REQUEST['avail']); ?>"]').find('tr.clean td'));
This function works fine with http but when SSL is activated and https used the function no longer calls the file. I have seen other comments on here saying the lack of trailing slashes is the issue, but I believe I have added trailing slashes correctly now and it still doesn't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I added alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status); to the function to see what data was actually being served. It appears the wordpress log in page is being called rather than the file specified in the function. I have tested this on a duplicate site without SSL and it calls the correct file. Does this mean the SSL is not allowing a link to wp-admin files?
If you are using windows and have a local certificate installed in IIS then try access the site with fully qualified name of the computer
For example: [ox-pchris11].[] where ox-pchris11 is the computer name and is the domain name.
if you access the site as localhost it will show a error page which will ask permission to continue.
I found the problem and posting the answer here for anyone else who is implementing an SSL certificate. The issue was the custom login page we have. We are using the wp_signon function and we had $user_verify = wp_signon( $login_data, false );. This should be $user_verify = wp_signon( $login_data, true ); - setting the value to 'true' creates a secure cookie. If the cookie is not secure, each time a user tries to access wp-admin files they are logged out and required to log in again.
For details check the wordpress codex for wp_signon.

is it possible to redirecturl without changing url

I'm creating a chrome extension that if you, it will redirect you to
Here's the main code:
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(function (details) {
var url = details.url.split("/")[2];
var url = "http://" + url + "";
return { redirectUrl: url };
}, {
urls: ['*://*/*']
}, ['blocking']);
My problem is how do i display the contents of without the changing the url ( Because when i visit the url text changes to
I know i'm bad at explaining. To understand more, im gonna express what i want using an image.
Thankfully, that's not possible.
You can't influence the address bar, it will show the actual source of the page / final redirected address.
As noted in comments, to permit otherwise would be a severe security problem.


I'm trying to load the source of a web page, as shown in "Javascript:The Definitive Guide" p.481, using firefox.
Here's my code:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", false);
if (request.status==200) { alert(request.responseText); }
else {alert("Error "+request.status + ": "+request.statusText);}
Firebug shows the GET statement, followed by 200 OK X 338ms.
Which looks like it was successful (code 200).
But the next Firebug line says: NS_ERROR_FAILURE, request.send(null);, with no further explanation.
and neither alert gets executed.
It doesn't help if I use help mode, and doesn't run in Chrome either. I don't have a popup or cookie or ad blocker running.
The page loads fine in perl with an LWP get().
If this is an inevitable cross-domain taboo, why doesn't the "definitive guide" say so?
I understand that JSONP returns JSON. I don't want that - I want just a string with the raw source, like with the perl LWP get().
Is this impossible with Javascript?
I suppose I could write a batch file which uses perl to get the source and put it into a JSON file whose name is hard-coded into the JS. But I'd like to avoid that sort of kludge.
In case it helps,
I have run into this problem a couple times before, and ran into it again. If the answer to this question doesn't help you, try adding the following lines which helped me:
request.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); // needed to get utf8 req's to work
or this debug line (which you can monitor on the web console of your browser)
request.onreadystatechange = function() {console.log("statechanged. url= " + url);};
before your
where url is a var that holds the url you are trying to request. Sometimes it will give you that cryptic error if there is a problem getting the url, in my (last) case, it was because the url was malformed. Hope that helps someone out there.

