Javascript json into nested json - javascript

I have a huge json which I am fetching from Excel sheet.
Data I am getting as array of objects and one object looks like below.
"key": "guid",
"parent": "id__guid"
"key": "version",
"parent": "id__version"
"key": "register",
"parent": "register"
"key": "offloadId",
"parent": "offloadId"
"key": "action",
"parent": "action"
"key": "reported",
"parent": "reported"
"key": "control",
"parent": "control"
"key": "AppNum",
"parent": "Identification__AppNum"
"key": "DataTp",
"parent": "Identification__DataTp"
"key": "DtOgWatchDt",
"parent": "Identification__DtOgWatchDt"
"key": "DtPendingWatchDt",
"parent": "Identification__DtPendingWatchDt"
"key": "IssRef",
"parent": "Identification__IssRef"
"key": "ImgRef",
"parent": "Identification__ImgRef"
"key": "Register",
"parent": "Identification__Register"
"key": "-",
"parent": "Identification__ImgRefFullPub"
"key": "DtAppDt",
"parent": "Dates__DtAppDt"
"key": "IdxNam",
"parent": "Description__IdxNam"
"key": "Clms",
"parent": "Description__Clms"
"key": "Disclaims",
"parent": "Description__Disclaims"
"key": "LglStsCd",
"parent": "Status__LglStsCd"
"key": "UsPtoStsCd",
"parent": "Status__UsPtoStsCd"
"key": "PtoStsCdDt",
"parent": "Status__PtoStsCdDt"
"key": "StsFlag",
"parent": "Status__StsFlag"
"key": "SrcInd",
"parent": "Status__SrcInd"
"key": "LglStsCdNorm",
"parent": "Status__LglStsCdNorm"
I want to convert it into this format which is nested json.
name: "Identification",
fields: [
"key": "AppNum",
"parent": "Identification__AppNum"
"key": "DataTp",
"parent": "Identification__DataTp"
"key": "DtOgWatchDt"
"key": "DtPendingWatchDt"
"key": "IssRef"
"key": "ImgRef"
"key": "Register"
"key": "ImgRefFullPub"
"key": "guid"
"key": "version"
"key": "offloadid"
"key": "reported"
"key": "control"
name: "Description",
fields: [
"key": "IdxNam"
"key": "Clms"
"key": "Disclaims"
name: "Status",
fields: [
"key": "UsPtoStsCd"
"key": "PtoStsCdDt"
"key": "LglStsCd"
"key": "StsFlag"
"key": "SrcInd"
"key": "LglStsCdNorm"
name: "Dates",
fields: [
"key": "DtAppDt"
As you can see according to parent key we have to create nested structure.
I have tried all the ways, I search a lot on google also, but hard luck.
Any help will be appreciated.

You'll want to create a new array of objects, then loop through the original array and add entries to the new array based on that. For example --
const input = [
"key": "guid",
"parent": "id__guid"
"key": "version",
"parent": "id__version"
// et cetera... your input
// these are buckets.
const transformedObject = {
"Identification": []
// First we put the data into the right buckets
input.forEach((entry) => {
// Create a new object with the key
const newObject = { key: entry.key };
// By default, the parent seems to be "Identification"
let parentKey = "Identification";
// Find out if the parent's name has an underscore?
if (entry.parent.split("__").length > 1) {
// If so, that's the new parent
parentKey = entry.parent.split("__")[0];
// If there isn't an array for this parent, make one
if (!transformedObject[parentKey]) {
transformedObject[parentKey] = [];
const output = [];
// Then we need to shape the data
Object.keys(transformedObject).forEach((parentKey) => {
const parentGroup = {
name: parentKey,
fields: transformedObject[parentKey]
You'll notice this doesn't get you all the way there. The "id" prefix seems to be merged into the "Identification" prefix, and you want to keep the parent value on some of these objects. You'll need some conditionals or a map or something to get that part working. But I hope this is a start!


nest items in JSON based on value?

Trying to get my head around this one..
Incoming data looks like:
"value": {
"label": "MZ Algal bloom",
"type": "case",
"incident": {
"name": "Algal bloom"
"personName": "Lionel Carter"
"value": {
"label": "BW Algal bloom",
"type": "case",
"incident": {
"name": "Algal bloom"
"personName": "Jerome Yost"
"value": {
"label": "Detergent",
"type": "case",
"incident": null,
"personName": "Jerald Legros"
I would like to transform this into
"label": "Algal bloom",
"children": [
{ "label": "Lionel Carter", "type": "case"},
{ "label": "Jerome Yost", "type": "case" }]
{ "label": "Detergent", "type": "case" }
Basically, the rule is that if incident is not NULL then the incident name becomes the parent and the children hold the personName - otherwise we simply pass through the label and type. I can walk the array and switch out the label with the incident name, but I'm not sure how to group up the incidents..
It's basic grouping with an exception for elements without incident.
You can group the elements without incident in a separate group:
const data = [{"value": {"label": "MZ Algal bloom","type": "case","incident": {"name": "Algal bloom"},"personName": "Lionel Carter"}},{"value": {"label": "BW Algal bloom","type": "case","incident": {"name": "Algal bloom"},"personName": "Jerome Yost"}},{"value": {"label": "Detergent","type": "case","incident": null,"personName": "Jerald Legros"}}];
function group(data) {
const result = data.reduce((acc, { value }) => {
if (!value.incident) {
acc.ungrouped.push({ label: value.label, type: value.type });
} else {
if (!acc.groups[]) acc.groups[] = { label:, children: [] };
acc.groups[].children.push({ label: value.personName, type: value.type });
return acc;
}, { groups: {}, ungrouped: [] });
return [...Object.values(result.groups), ...result.ungrouped];

Storage list of contacts by first letter index

I'm making a contact list ordered alphabetically, the way that I'm currently storing is inside an object like this:
"&": [
"key": "20444358",
"initials": "##",
"name": "#name #"
"key": "20444669",
"initials": "##",
"name": "# #"
"#": [
"key": "4419686",
"initials": "1",
"name": "1075621114"
"key": "41604990",
"initials": "12",
"name": "123 Test 23"
"key": "32783347",
"initials": "2",
"name": "232323"
"A": [
"key": "20444317",
"initials": "AJ",
"name": "Àbdon Jua"
"key": "20444454",
"initials": "AA",
"name": "Abraão Moura"
I'm facing two problems at the moment:
When I fetch a new page of contacts and need to merge them with the current object I'm doing like this: contacts = {...contacts, ...newContacts}
I'm rendering them on a FlatList, and having a hard time getting the Index.
This is my fetch:
if ( !== []) {
for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
let indexInitial = getIndexInitial([i].name)
if (!(indexInitial in newContacts)) {
newContacts[indexInitial] = [{
initials: getInitials([i].name),
} else {
initials: getInitials([i].name),
page.current = currentPage + 1;
} else {

How can i merge an array of objects in Nodejs with underscore

In my case i have a 2 db queries which are objects, one which returns all possible items which consists of a key and name field and then the other is a object which has the key, name and value field. What i am trying to do is to merge both objects where object 1 is the main object and object 2 should be merged into it.
What i ideally want is to return all items in Data2 with the value field merged into data2 and 0 if there is no data in data 1. if thats not possible i would be ok with no value in items in data 2 but i get even a strange result for that.
Fyi i am using underscore
const data1 = [
"count": 2,
"key": "c28f7ead-d87b-4ad5-b6b3-1f204b013b50",
"name": "Notes Written"
"count": 1,
"key": "d0181c74-22a9-4f99-9cc9-df3467c51805",
"name": "Pop-Bys Delivered"
"count": 2,
"key": "90d142ea-6748-4781-b2b9-4f05aab12956",
"name": "Database Additions"
"count": 1,
"key": "723e95dd-8c47-48ed-b9c3-1b010b092a1b",
"name": "Referals Given"
const data2 = [
"key": "8646ec5d-7a72-49bd-9a68-cf326d1c4a14",
"name": "Calls Made"
"key": "c28f7ead-d87b-4ad5-b6b3-1f204b013b50",
"name": "Notes Written"
"key": "d0181c74-22a9-4f99-9cc9-df3467c51805",
"name": "Pop-Bys Delivered"
"key": "90d142ea-6748-4781-b2b9-4f05aab12956",
"name": "Database Additions"
"key": "723e95dd-8c47-48ed-b9c3-1b010b092a1b",
"name": "Referals Given"
"key": "0f054686-ef13-4993-ac5b-f640ceeaaa8d",
"name": "Referals Received"
console.log(_.extend( data2, data1 ))
Here is a Replit example Sample Code
Using reduce, iterate over data1 while updating a Map of key-count pairs
Using each, iterate over data2 and set the value to the value of the key from the map, or 0 if it doesn't exist
data1 = [ { "count": 2, "key": "c28f7ead-d87b-4ad5-b6b3-1f204b013b50", "name": "Notes Written" }, { "count": 1, "key": "d0181c74-22a9-4f99-9cc9-df3467c51805", "name": "Pop-Bys Delivered" }, { "count": 2, "key": "90d142ea-6748-4781-b2b9-4f05aab12956", "name": "Database Additions" }, { "count": 1, "key": "723e95dd-8c47-48ed-b9c3-1b010b092a1b", "name": "Referals Given" } ],
data2 = [ { "key": "8646ec5d-7a72-49bd-9a68-cf326d1c4a14", "name": "Calls Made" }, { "key": "c28f7ead-d87b-4ad5-b6b3-1f204b013b50", "name": "Notes Written" }, { "key": "d0181c74-22a9-4f99-9cc9-df3467c51805", "name": "Pop-Bys Delivered" }, { "key": "90d142ea-6748-4781-b2b9-4f05aab12956", "name": "Database Additions" }, { "key": "723e95dd-8c47-48ed-b9c3-1b010b092a1b", "name": "Referals Given" }, { "key": "0f054686-ef13-4993-ac5b-f640ceeaaa8d", "name": "Referals Received" } ];
const map = _.reduce(
(map, { key, count }) => map.set(key, count),
new Map
e => e.value = map.get(e.key) || 0
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JS How to remove an object from array in a forEach loop?

I have a data object with following contents:
"content": {
"id": "someID",
"type": "unit",
"method": "xyz",
"blocks": [{
"key": "blue",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "red",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "yellow",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "black",
"data": [
"notes": "abc"
I want to remove block that has key yellow, by looping over blocks, rest of the data should be preserved as is. So expected end result would be
"content": {
"id": "someID",
"type": "unit",
"method": "xyz",
"blocks": [{
"key": "blue",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "red",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "black",
"data": [
"notes": "abc"
Data is dynamic so I dont know what would be returned, it might have a match for my condition or it might not.
I've tried a bunch of approaches but nothing seems to have worked so far. I can use lodash too if its any easier. None of those seems to be working. Any help/direction is appreciated
1. Using **delete**
const deleteUnwantedBlock = contentObj => {
const updatedData = contentObj;
const blocks = _.get(updatedData, 'blocks', []);
blocks.forEach(block => {
if (block.key.includes('yellow')) {
delete updatedData.block;
return updatedData;
2. Using rest operator:
const deleteUnwantedBlock = contentObj => {
const blocks = _.get(contentObj, 'blocks', []);
blocks.forEach(block => {
if (block.key.includes('yellow')) {
let { block, ...restOfTheData } = updatedData;
return { ...updatedEntry };
You just need to filter:
const obj = {
"content": {
"id": "someID",
"type": "unit",
"method": "xyz",
"blocks": [{
"key": "blue",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "red",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "yellow",
"data": [
}, {
"key": "black",
"data": [
"notes": "abc"
obj.content.blocks = obj.content.blocks.filter(({ key }) => key !== 'yellow');

transforming json using recursive function

I'm trying to transform this JSON into array so that I can simply list them as key-value pairs in html. The JSON has nested properties which I want to retain but I want to stringify only those objects that contain "units" and "value". All others should be listed as children items. Please help figure what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the json input:
"clusterName": "",
"statusProperties": {
"loadProperties": {
"loadDetail": {
"restoreWriteLoad": {
"value": 0,
"units": "sec/sec"
"totalLoad": {
"value": 0.0825921967625618,
"units": "sec/sec"
"secure": {
"value": false,
"units": "bool"
"statusDetail": {
"licenseKeyOption": [
"value": "conversion",
"units": "enum"
"value": "failover",
"units": "enum"
"connectPort": 7999,
"softwareVersion": {
"value": 9000100,
"units": "quantity"
"rateProperties": {
"rateDetail": {
"largeReadRate": {
"value": 0,
"units": "MB/sec"
"totalRate": {
"value": 67.2446365356445,
"units": "MB/sec"
"online": {
"value": true,
"units": "bool"
"cacheProperties": {
"cacheDetail": {
"tripleCachePartitions": {
"tripleCachePartition": [
"partitionSize": 768,
"partitionBusy": 0,
"partitionUsed": 0,
"partitionFree": 100
my code
function isNested(obj) {
if(!obj) return false;
let propArry = Object.keys(obj)
for(let i=0; i<propArry.length; i++){
if(obj[propArry[0]] === 'Object') return true
return false;
function getKeyValueAsChildren(obj) {
let vals = [];
for(let key in obj) {
vals.push({key:key, value: obj[key]})
return vals
function valueAsString(obj) {
if(typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
return `${obj['value']} ${obj['units']}`
function getChildren(key, obj) {
if(Object.keys(obj).sort().toString() === "units,value"){
return {key: key, value: valueAsString(obj)}
} else {
return {key: key, children: getKeyValueAsChildren(obj) }
function getValues(properties, values = []) {
for(let key in properties) {
if(properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let value = properties[key]
if(typeof value !== 'object') {
values.push({key: key, value: value})
} else if(Array.isArray(value)){
let children = [] => {
children.push(getChildren(key, v))
values.push({key: `${key}List`, children: children})
else if( === 'Object' && isNested(value)){
let keys = Object.keys(value)
let children = [];
keys.forEach(key => {
children.push({key: key, children: getValues(value[key])})
values.push({key: key, children: children})
else {
values.push(getChildren(key, value))
return values
this returns
"key": "clusterName",
"value": ""
"key": "statusProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadDetail",
"children": [
"key": "restoreWriteLoad",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": 0
"key": "units",
"value": "sec/sec"
"key": "totalLoad",
"value": "0.0825921967625618 sec/sec"
"key": "secure",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": false
"key": "units",
"value": "bool"
"key": "statusDetail",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOptionList",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "conversion enum"
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "failover enum"
"key": "connectPort",
"value": 7999
"key": "rateProperties",
"children": [
"key": "rateDetail",
"children": [
"key": "largeReadRate",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": 0
"key": "units",
"value": "MB/sec"
"key": "totalRate",
"value": "67.2446365356445 MB/sec"
"key": "online",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": true
"key": "units",
"value": "bool"
"key": "cacheProperties",
"children": [
"key": "cacheDetail",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitions",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitionList",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartition",
"children": [
"key": "partitionSize",
"value": 768
"key": "partitionBusy",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionUsed",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionFree",
"value": 100
but I need this
"key": "clusterName",
"value": ""
"key": "statusProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadDetail",
"children": [
"key": "restoreWriteLoad",
"value": "0 sec/sec"
"key": "totalLoad",
"value": "0.0825921967625618 sec/sec"
"key": "secure",
"value": "false bool"
"key": "statusDetail",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOptionList",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "conversion enum"
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "failover enum"
"key": "connectPort",
"value": 7999
"key": "rateProperties",
"children": [
"key": "rateDetail",
"children": [
"key": "largeReadRate",
"value": "0 MB/sec"
"key": "totalRate",
"value": "67.2446365356445 MB/sec"
"key": "online",
"value": "true bool"
"key": "cacheProperties",
"children": [
"key": "cacheDetail",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitions",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitionList",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartition",
"children": [
"key": "partitionSize",
"value": 768
"key": "partitionBusy",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionUsed",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionFree",
"value": 100
You might have to run more tests, as what you require seems quite arbitrary, but I believe this function does what you are looking for. It works in a similar way to yours, by simply recursing the tree, and checking for object types, and if the special case is matched.
function toKeyValue(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(k => {
var value = obj[k]
var key = k
var valueName = 'children'
key = k + 'List'
value =
}else if(value !== null && typeof value === 'object'){
// check for special case
if(Object.keys(value).sort().toString() === "units,value"){
value = value.value + ' ' + value.units
valueName = 'value'
value = toKeyValue(value)
valueName = 'value'
return {
key: key,
[valueName]: value
Fiddle here

