Extending Interface/types in typescript - javascript

I have extended my FilterMetaData type to add a dynamic model which is different structure for different entities but somehow typescript not recognizing my object properties. I might be missing something here.
export type FilterMetaData<T extends {}> = T & {
filterCriteriaID: number;
filterCriteriaName?: string;
isDefaultSelected?: boolean;
isExpanded?: boolean;
export interface DateRange {
data?: DateRangeData;
export interface DateRangeData {
min?: Date;
max?: Date;
export interface Range {
data?: RangeData;
export interface RangeData {
currency?: string;
timePeriod?: string;
min?: number;
max?: number;
step?: number;
export interface Select {
data?: SelectData[];
export interface SelectData {
id?: number;
name?: string;
parentID?: number | null;
parentName?: string;
Implementation in class
helper<T1 extends FilterMetaData<T2>>(filter) {
.subscribe((filterData: T1) => {
if (filter.isDefaultSelected) {
filterData.isExpanded = false;
filterData.data.forEach((data) => data.isSelected = false);
this.loadComponent(new FilterComponentType(SelectComponent, filterData));
} else {
}, err => {
Invoking Function with type args like this:--


Angular showing error: Type '{ }[]' is not assignable to type '[{ }]'

I need some help and explanation with the error I am receiving in my app... I get a JSON from an API that gives me some data and that data has an array products. On click I want to copy these products(izdelki) from this array to a new empty array and send it over an API call to the backend.
But I have a problem with getting the products from this array I receive. My code is returning me this error:
error TS2322: Type '{ sifra: string; naziv: string; kolicina: number; ean: string; em: string; cena: number; rabat1: number; rabat2: number; prednarocilo: number; ismail: number; }[]' is not assignable to type '[{ sifra: string; naziv: string; kolicina: number; ean: string; em: string; cena: number; rabat1: number; rabat2: number; prednarocilo: number; ismail: number; }]'.
[ng] Target requires 1 element(s) but source may have fewer.
[ng] 38 this.orderProducts = data.map(this.order['izdelki']);
I am new to angular and Arrays are giving me some trouble :)
single-order.ts code:
export interface SingleOrder {
id: number;
datum: string;
datum_dobave: string;
dostava: number;
g_popust: number;
opomba: string;
predkoci1narocilo: number;
kc: number;
prevoznik: string;
narocilnica: string;
narocilnicadate: string;
izdelki: {
sifra: string;
naziv: string;
kolicina: number;
ean: string;
em: string;
cena: number;
rabat1: number;
rabat2: number;
prednarocilo: number;
ismail: number;
Service to get the single order:
getSingleOrder(id: number): Observable<SingleOrder[]> {
return from(Preferences.get({ key: 'TOKEN_KEY' })).pipe(
switchMap(token => {
const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Authorization', `Bearer ${token.value}`);
return this.httpClient.get<SingleOrder[]>(`${environment.apiUrl}customer/orders/${id}`, { headers, observe: 'response' });
catchError(err => {
if (err.status === 400) {
if (err.status === 401) {
this.router.navigateByUrl('/login', { replaceUrl: true });
return EMPTY;
map(res => res.body)
Here is my order-view.page.ts code:
export class Izdelki {
sifra: string;
naziv: string;
kolicina: number;
ean: string;
em: string;
cena: number;
rabat1: number;
rabat2: number;
prednarocilo: number;
ismail: number;
selector: 'app-order-view',
templateUrl: './order-view.page.html',
styleUrls: ['./order-view.page.scss'],
export class OrderViewPage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
order: SingleOrder[];
// orderProducts: SingleOrder['izdelki'][];
orderProducts: SingleOrder['izdelki'][];
repeatOrderArr: Izdelki[];
private orderSubscription: Subscription;
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private customerService: CustomerService,
) { }
ngOnInit() {
getOrder() {
const id = Number(this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id'));
this.orderSubscription = this.customerService.getSingleOrder(id).subscribe(
data => {
this.order = data;
console.log('Order data:', this.order);
this.orderProducts = data.map(this.order['izdelki']);
error => {
console.log('Error', error);
repeatThisPurchase() {
this.repeatOrderArr= [...this.orderProducts];
ngOnDestroy(): void{
Here is an image of console.log(data) so you can see whats inside the JSON response:
HTML file code:
<ion-button color="vigros" class="purchase-btn" size="default" type="submit" (click)="repeatThisPurchase()" expand="block">Ponovi nakup</ion-button>
let say izdelki is a class
export class Izdelki {
sifra: string;
naziv: string;
kolicina: number;
ean: string;
em: string;
cena: number;
rabat1: number;
rabat2: number;
prednarocilo: number;
ismail: number;
so inSingleORder you declared izdelki with type [Izdelki]
export interface SingleOrder {
izdelki: [Izdelki]
but in your subscribe you used it directly like if izdelki is of type Izdelki
So SingleOrder izdelki became
export interface SingleOrder {
izdelki: Izdelki
or if izdelki is an array
export interface SingleOrder {
izdelki: Izdelki[]
To solve your issue you have to
declare SingleOrder izdelki with the type Izdelki
declare orderProducts as an array of SingleOrder['izdelki']
orderProducts: SingleOrder['izdelki'][];
You have inversed the declaration of your array. Start by declaring the type of the array fist, like :
export interface SingleOrder {
izdelki: {
sifra: string;
naziv: string;
kolicina: number;
ean: string;
em: string;
cena: number;
rabat1: number;
rabat2: number;
prednarocilo: number;
ismail: number;

How to use Typescript and Interfaces when passing props down through React components?

I'm passing down a pretty large array of objects through several React components. I was wondering, what is the syntax for writing the types of all the properties in each object (the objects are nested several times)?
I currently have interfaces like below. These are two components, MainContent, which passes props down into Chart:
MainContent component:
interface ComparatorTypes {
id: string;
name: string;
interface DataTypes {
jobId: string;
jobTitle: string;
descriptionUrl: string;
totalCompensation: number;
baseSalary: number;
longevityPay: number;
specialPay: number;
allowances: number;
paidTimeOff: number;
holidays: number;
retirementBenefit: Array<{
formula: string;
details: any;
healthBenefit: Array<{
premium: number;
details: any;
remoteWork: {
isAllowed: string;
details: any;
interface QueryTypes {
agencyName: string;
id: string;
data: DataTypes[];
interface params {
comparatorData: ComparatorTypes[];
queryData: QueryTypes[];
export default function MainContent({ comparatorData, queryData }: params) {
return (
<Header />
<Summary comparatorData={comparatorData} />
<Chart queryData={queryData} />
and Chart component:
interface ComparatorTypes {
id: string;
name: string;
interface DataTypes {
jobId: string;
jobTitle: string;
descriptionUrl: string;
totalCompensation: number;
baseSalary: number;
longevityPay: number;
specialPay: number;
allowances: number;
paidTimeOff: number;
holidays: number;
retirementBenefit: Array<{
formula: string;
details: any;
healthBenefit: Array<{
premium: number;
details: any;
remoteWork: {
isAllowed: string;
details: any;
interface QueryTypes {
agencyName: string;
id: string;
data: DataTypes[];
interface params {
// comparatorData: ComparatorTypes[];
queryData: QueryTypes[];
export default function Chart({ queryData }: params): JSX.Element {
You can see how redundant it is to be naming these giant, several-times-nested interfaces before every component that uses this array of objects. Is this normal for Typescript? Is there a better way to do something like this? Or does all this data need to be typed upon being passed down through every component?
What forces you to define these identical interfaces explictly for each component?
On the contrary, factorizing them would be the normal choice: that way, they are defined in a single place (single source of truth), and by importing them, you explictly say that you re-use the exact same types.
// Chart.tsx
export interface QueryTypes {
agencyName: string;
id: string;
data: DataTypes[];
export interface DataTypes {
jobId: string;
jobTitle: string;
// etc.
export default function Chart({
}: {
queryData: QueryTypes[];
}) {}
// Main.tsx
import Chart, { QueryTypes } from ".Chart";
import Summary, { ComparatorTypes } from "./Summary"; // Same for ComparatorTypes
export default function MainContent({
}: {
comparatorData: ComparatorTypes[];
queryData: QueryTypes[];
}) {
return (
<Header />
<Summary comparatorData={comparatorData} />
<Chart queryData={queryData} />

React Typescript interface

I get a problem when making an interface on Typescript!
export interface Content {
uuid?: string;
brand_id?: string;
brand_name?: string;
is_active?: boolean;
export interface Pageable {
sort?: Sort;
pageSize?: number;
pageNumber?: number;
offset?: number;
unpaged?: boolean;
paged?: boolean;
export interface Sort {
sorted?: boolean;
unsorted?: boolean;
empty?: boolean;
export interface BrandData {
content?: Content;
pageable?: Pageable;
numberOfElements?: number;
number?: number;
sort?: Sort;
size?: number;
first?: boolean;
last?: boolean;
empty?: boolean;
export interface BrandResponse {
readonly data?: BrandData[];
and then i want to get data in react component like this
const { brands } = useSelector((state: AppState) => state.catalogs.brands);
const [brandData, setBrandData] = React.useState(brands.data);
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = React.useState(brandData.pageable.pageNumber);
then the error exits like this
Property 'pageable' does not exist on type 'BrandData[]'.

JavaScript - How to show interface suggestions for every typing

Hello I'm newbie at JavaScript and I wan to create a interface but the interface's variable's name is not gonna be a fix name. So the Interface have to return the suggestions for every name that I write.
Inside of my Interface file:
export interface ArchiveData {
id: string;
latest_reel_media: number;
seen?: any;
export interface Reels {
anyArchiveName: ArchiveData;
export interface ArchivedStoryDataResponse {
reels: Reels;
status: string;
The result with fixed name:
The result with another name; no suggestions:
Well, it's been a long time but I finally reached my goal 😅
export interface ArchiveData {
id: string;
latest_reel_media: number;
seen?: any;
export interface Reels {
[reel_id:string]: ArchiveData;// this line
export interface ArchivedStoryDataResponse {
reels: Reels;
status: string;

Implementation of interface requires member's redeclaration in a class [duplicate]

Hello TypeScript experts.
I have the following code but I have to repeat the interface properties in the class otherwise I get:
Class incorrectly implements interface
When using an interface, is there a TypeScript shorthand for doing this without having to declare Id: number; and all the other properties in the class? Thx
interface INavigation {
Id: number;
AppId: number;
NavId: number;
Name: string;
ParentId: string;
PageURL: string;
Position: string;
Active: string;
Desktop: string;
Tablet: string;
Phone: string;
RoleId: string;
Target: string;
class Navigation implements INavigation {
Id: number;
AppId: number;
NavId: number;
Name: string;
ParentId: string;
PageURL: string;
Position: string;
Active: string;
Desktop: string;
Tablet: string;
Phone: string;
RoleId: string;
Target: string;
constructor(navigation: any) {
this.Id = navigation.Id
this.AppId = navigation.NavAppId
this.NavId = navigation.NavId
this.Name = navigation.NavName
this.ParentId = navigation.NavParentId
this.PageURL = navigation.NavPageURL
this.Position = navigation.NavPosition
this.Active = navigation.NavActive
this.Desktop = navigation.NavDesktop
this.Tablet = navigation.NavTablet
this.Phone = navigation.NavPhone
this.RoleId = navigation.NavRoleId
this.Target = navigation.NavTarget
This is now possible in Typescript using class/interface merging.
interface Foo {
a: number;
interface Baz extends Foo { }
class Baz {
constructor() {
console.log(this.a); // no error here
There is no built-in support for this.
We can however use a function that returns a class as the base type of our class. This function can lie a little bit and claim it implements the interface. We could also pass in some defaults for the members if necessary.
interface INavigation {
Id: number;
AppId: number;
NavId: number;
Name: string;
ParentId: string;
PageURL: string;
Position: string;
Active: string;
Desktop: string;
Tablet: string;
Phone: string;
RoleId: string;
Target: string;
function autoImplement<T>(defaults?: Partial<T>) {
return class {
constructor() {
Object.assign(this, defaults || {});
} as new () => T
class Navigation extends autoImplement<INavigation>() {
constructor(navigation: any) {
// other init here
If we want to have a base class, things get a bit more complicated since we have to perform a bit of surgery on the base type:
function autoImplementWithBase<TBase extends new (...args: any[]) => any>(base: TBase) {
return function <T>(defaults?: Partial<T>): Pick<TBase, keyof TBase> & {
new(...a: (TBase extends new (...o: infer A) => unknown ? A : [])): InstanceType<TBase> & T
} {
return class extends base {
constructor(...a: any[]) {
Object.assign(this, defaults || {});
} as any
class BaseClass {
m() { }
foo: string
static staticM() { }
static staticFoo: string
class Navigation extends autoImplementWithBase(BaseClass)<INavigation>() {
constructor(navigation: any) {
// Other init here
new Navigation(null).m();
new Navigation(null).foo;
A mix between the 2 answers, for avoid long assignment in the constructor by using class/interface merging and Object.assign in the constructor :
interface Foo {
a: number;
b: number;
interface Baz extends Foo { }
class Baz {
c: number = 4
constructor (foo: Foo) {
Object.assign(this, foo, {})
getC() {
return this.c
let foo: Foo = {
a: 3,
b: 8
let baz = new Baz(foo)
// keep methods and properties
in case you using angular you can pass whole component as prop
which is crazy 😜
Child Component TS:
#Input() parent!: YourParentClass;
Parent Component HTML:
<child [parent]="this" ></child>
Class declarations should explicitly implement interfaces.

