Stuck in JavaScript Adding Class - javascript

document.querySelectorAll(".skill-images")[i].addEventListener("click", function (){
Where am i going wrong? I just need to add a class imghover on a click.
My all images have a class = "skill-images:
Please someone check and solve it!

You're binding a click event, which is triggered when user clicks on the element, not hover over it. If possible, it's better to stick to css for hover states and do it like this:
.skill-images:hover {
// Put here your rules which were defined for .imghover

try this
var skillImagesElement = document.querySelectorAll(".skill-images");
for(var i=0; i<skillImagesElement.length;i++){
skillImagesElement[i].addEventListener("click", function (e) {
var eachElement = this;


toggle class on click Javascript

I want to know WHY its not working.
I have a bunch of classes called yellow.
I then add an event listener to them with a callback function to activate upon clicking. What am I not seeing here? :(
function test(){
var allYellow = document.querySelector('.yellow');
allYellow.addEventListener('click', function(){
this.classList.toggle = 'testyellow';
In JavaScript..
function myFunction() {
var element = document.getElementById("myDIV");

JQuery not removing active class

I'm trying to make my links slide down over the page when the mobile nav is clicked and the content to disappear so only the links are shown. I have got this basically working but the .displayNone class will not remove when I click the mobilenav again and I'm a bit dumfounded as to why.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#hamburger').on('click', function(){
var status = $('.wrapper').hasClass('.displayNone');
if(status){ $('.wrapper').removeClass('.displayNone'); }
else { $('.wrapper').addClass('displayNone'); }
Bit of newbie to all this. Anything obvious that anyone can see wrong with this?
Use toggleClass(),
And, jQuery's xxxClass() functions expect the name of the class, not the selector, so leave off the . class selector.
When adding/removing classes, just use displayNone, not .displayNone (note the dot!).
Also there's a toggleClass() function which saves you from doing the status thing, which means you just need to do
your are doing bit wrong
var status = $('.wrapper').hasClass('.displayNone');
when you use hasClass, addClass or removeClass then you don't need to have '.' dot before class name.
so correct way is
var status = $('.wrapper').hasClass('displayNone');
your code after correction
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#hamburger').on('click', function() {
var status = $('.wrapper').hasClass('displayNone');
if (status) {
} else {
You can use :
Final code :
$('#hamburger').on('click', function(){

Javascript: onclick happens more than once

I am trying to make it when a user clicks anywhere on the page, a new tab opens. I only want this to happen once, as it would other-wise make it hard for them to navigate around my site. Here is my code:
document.onclick = function() {'');
My problem is like I said, it happens every time a user clicks. How can I make it so it only happens once?
You could simply keep the count !
<script type="text/javascript">
var count=0;
Just remove that onclick should be enough:
document.onclick = function() {'');
document.onclick = null;
document.onclick=function() {
alert('only show once!');
// Unset the onclick function.
document.onclick = null;
Add a name for the window'','_test');
If you can use jquery:
$(document).one('click', function() {'your-url')

attach an event to the body when ul is visible, then remove it when invisible

I have a <ul> that when clicked, toggles the visibility of another <ul>. How can I attach an event to the body of the page when the <ul>s are revealed so that the body will hide the <ul>.
I am new to writing these sorts things which bubble, and I cannot figure out why what I have done so far seems to work intermittently. When clicked several times, it fails to add the class open when the secondary <ul> is opened.
And of course, there may be an entirely better way to do this.
$(document).on('click', '.dd_deploy', function (e) {
var ul = $(this).children('ul');
var height = ul.css('height');
var width = ul.css('width');
ul.css('top', "-" + height);
ul.fadeToggle(50, function () {
//add open class depending on what's toggled to
if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
//attach click event to the body to hide the ul when
//body is clickd
$(document).on('click.ddClick', ('*'), function (e) {
//if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
// }
I'd suggest not binding a click event in a click event, even if you are unbinding it. Instead, i would do it this way:
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
if ( $(".dd_deploy") ) {
var ul = $('ul');
var height = ul.css('height');
var width = ul.css('width');
ul.css('top', "-" + height);
ul.fadeToggle(50, function () {
//add open class depending on what's toggled to
if (ul.hasClass('open')) {
} else {
else {
If you need to further prevent clicking on the opened menu from closing the menu, add an else if that tests for children of that menu.
You dont' really need all that code. All you need is jquery's toggle class to accomplish what you want. simple code like one below should work.
Example Code
$(document).ready(function() {
Firstly, you are defining a document.on function within a document.on function which is fundamentally wrong, you just need to check it once and execute the function once the document is ready.
Secondly why do you want to bind an event to ? it's not really a good idea.
I think you should also look at the hover function which might be useful to you in this case.
Working Fiddles
JSfiddle with click function
JSfiddle with hover function

Hack: Disable click click with jQuery

I'm hacking a gallery plugin where I want to disable the click event for the thumbnail and replace it with a hover event.
This is what I did:
$(function() {
var galleries = $('.ad-gallery').adGallery();
$('.ad-thumb-list a').hover(function() {
$('.ad-thumb-list a').click(function() {
return false;
The plugin doesn't allow me to set event to use. So Instead of changing it from their code, I'll just add a little tweak on top of it.
So I want to disable the click event for the 'thumbnail' and just use 'hover' event instead.
Any got and ideas? I'm also open to other approach as long as it meets my requirement.
Thank You!
Trying to implement Steph Skardal and Nicosunshine suggestion:
var thumbs = $('.ad-thumb-list a'),
oldfunction ="events").click["function () { context.showImage(i); context.slideshow.stop(); return false; }"];
edit: My Solution:
I use return false to restrict it from going to the url but it does not restrict in calling the function. Any alternative ideas?
var galleries = $('.ad-gallery').adGallery();
var thumbs = $('.ad-thumb-list a');
thumbs .hover(
function () {
function () {
); function () { return false; });
You want to use jQuery's unbind method, to unbind the click event. It will have to be called after the plugin is called. E.g.:
$('.ad-thumb-list a').unbind('click');
You could try to unbind the click method and then bind the original function to the hover.
If you can't get the original function you can get it by seeing what the console returns if you throw:
$('.ad-thumb-list a').data("events").click; //name of the property that has the function
then you grab that function and do:
var thumbs = $('.ad-thumb-list a'),
oldfunction ="events").click["theValueYouGotInTheConsole"];
Here is an example of what I ment with "theValueYouGotInTheConsole", in the image I'm accessing the click property, and then the "4" is where the function is stored.
If you don't want to hardcode the value you can do:
var dataEvents ="events").click,
for(var functionEvent in dataEvents) {
oldFunction = dataEvents[functionEvent];
break; //I'm assuming there's only one event

