How to test functions in a function using Jest - javascript

I have some code that has functions inside functions, and I want to be able to unit test the functions inside the parent function.
I am looking to have tests that unit test these and spy on them (both requirements are needed).
export default parentFunction = () => {
const innerFunction = () => {
//that does stuff
const anotherInnerFunction = () => {
//that does more stuff
//and at some point, the functions are called
//like this
const anotherFunction = () => {
//or like this
I have not been able to find a way to test these inner functions. I have tried the following.
Example test
import parentFunction from "myfile"
it("should call innerFunction", () => {
//this causes an error in jest
const innerFunctionSpy = jest.spyOn(parentFunction, "innerFunction")
it("will return a value from anotherInnerFunction", () => {
//this does not work
const value = parentFunction.anotherInnerFunction()
//this also does not work
const value = parentFunction().anotherInnerFunction()
Does the parent function need to be refactored in order to be able to tests these inner functions? If my parent function was an object then I could test these, however, I am not sure if I can refactor my code to work like this.
For example
export default parentFunction = {
innerFunction: () => {
//that does stuff
//more code

You cannot access the variables or functions scoped inside another function in JavaScript. Unless you explicitly expose them by returning them from that function or export them from the module. This is not about Jest, this is how it works in JavaScript.
jest.spyOn(parentFunction, "innerFunction")
The above line of code indicates to Jest that the innerFunction function is set as a property of the parentFunction object but that is not the case. In fact innerFunction is a function scoped inside the parentFunction which cannot be accessed from outside of the scope of parentFunction. Unless you return it explicitly or define it on the module level scope and then export it.
But the inner workings or the implementation details of such inner functions should not be exposed, but if it is needed it should be marked as such using an _ before its name, take the following example:
//scoped to the module
const _innerFunction = () => {
//that does stuff
//scoped to the module
const _anotherInnerFunction = () => {
//that does more stuff
//exported as a public API
const anotherFunction = () => {
const publicApi = {
// expose the private functions for unit tests
export default publicApi;
Then in your Jest test case:
import publicApi from "myfile"
it("should call anotherFunction", () => {
const anotherFunctionSpy = jest.spyOn(publicApi, "anotherFunction")
expect(anotherFunctionSpy ).toHaveBeenCalled()
it("should call _innerFunction", () => {
const innerFunctionSpy = jest.spyOn(publicApi, "_innerFunction")
expect(innerFunctionSpy ).toHaveBeenCalled()


How to spyOn an exported standalone function using javascript jest?

It is a very simple scenario but I've struggled to find an answer for it.
export function foo() {
export function bar() {
// do something
import { foo, bar } from "./helpers";
describe("tests", () => {
it("example test", () => {
const barSpy = // how can i set this up?
I can't do const spy = jest.spyOn(baz, 'bar'); because I don't have a module/class to put in place of "baz". It is just an exported function.
Jest mock inner function has been suggested as a duplicate but unfortunately it doesn't help with my scenario.
Solutions in that question:
Move to separate module: I cannot do this for my scenario. If I am testing every function in my application, this would result in me creating 10s of new files which is not ideal. (To clarify, I think this solution would work but I cannot use it for my scenario. I am already mocking a separate file function successfully in this test file.)
Import the module into itself:
import * as helpers from "./helpers";
describe("tests", () => {
it("example test", () => {
const barSpy = jest.spyOn(helpers, 'bar');
results in:
Expected number of calls: >= 1
Received number of calls: 0
This is the closed solution:
export function bar() {
// do something
export function foo() {; // <-- have to change to instead of bar()
// or; would also work.
import * as utils from './utils';
describe('tests', () => {
it('example test', () => {
const barSpy = jest.spyOn(utils, 'bar');;
Or take a look this duplicated question

Unit Testing ES6 Class with External Dependency

I'm trying to set a unit testing boilerplate for my company. Our front end projects are built with ES6 classes and have a dependency to our core product. The front end code gets wrapped through a build process in a whole other block of code that is basically a closure and captures the dependency. So we don't have to manually import it in order to use it.
Let's say the dependency is called productScope and it's an object that has some DOM models, internal APIs and parameters among many other things necessary for each project. At the moment, Mocha throws ReferenceError: productScope is not defined. How can I mock this object? Or should I just use the actual object?
class someClass {
constructor() {
const id = productScope.items[0].id
const item = productScope.domModel.querySelector('.some-div')
This get wrapped in core code like below:
(function(productScope) {
// front end code goes here
Testing file:
import someClass from '../../js/someClass'
describe('someClass', function() {
const someClass = new someClass()
it('should be a class', function() {
You can try something like this
describe('#someClass', () => {
let someClass;
beforeEach(() => {
global.productScope = {
// mocking productScope object
it('should be a class', () => {
someClass = new SomeClass;
afterEach(() => {
delete global.productScope;
or alternatively if you want more specific mock logic for each test case
describe('#someClass', () => {
let someClass;
it('should be a class', () => {
global.productScope = {
// mocking productScope object
// Test logic start
someClass = new SomeClass;
// Test logic end
delete global.productScope;
Looks like productScope is a global variable.
Something like this should work for you.
import someClass from '../../js/someClass';
describe('someClass', function() {
let someClass;
beforeEach(() => {
global.productScope = {
// you mock definition
someClass = new someClass();
it('should be a class', function() {
I'm with other answers as well, as managing global variables seems to be the simplest and most straightforward solution.
However, you can use toString to get class's string representation, and eval it to bind to closure's scope:
class someClass {
constructor() { = scopedId
// pass class as an argument
function scopeFactory(classDef) {
// define scoped data
let scopedId = 2;
// eval is used to bind class to the local closure
// so `scopedId` will be in charge
return eval("(" + classDef + ")");
const scopedSomeClass = scopeFactory(someClass);
console.log(new scopedSomeClass)
Note that eval(someCLass.toString()) doesn't work without parentheses.
You can add it as a helper function, into your project.

expressjs server.js this is undefined, how can I refer to server

In an ExpressJS setup, I have server.js where I do the following:
import { call_method } from '../hereIam.mjs';
const process_db = async () => {
console.log(this); // undefined
console.log(this) // undefined
And then, from hereIam.mjs I want to call a parent method, but this is undefined
export const call_method = parent_this => console.log(parent_this); // undefined
I tried to include classes in server.js, in an attempt to force having a this
class AppServer {
constructor() {
const process_db = async () => call_method(this);
But it seems that the arrow functions inside classes doesn't compile in (experimental) NodeJS (this should be another question)
How I can do this is by avoiding the arrow notation to be able to use classes inside Express, and then instantiate a class that provides a this.
class AppServer {
async process_db() {call_method(this)};
let server = new AppServer();
The question would be, the only way of getting a this reference is by using objects/classes?
You could use the the bind method and pass through any object to be used as the this context.
However, arrow functions receive the context from that which they are called from, function() {} function syntax use the context that was bound to them either implicitly by the context they were defined in or explicitly using this bind method.
So, an alternative to using classes would be to bind a simple object to the method, something like:
const call_method = require('../hereIam.mjs');
const process_db = async function() {
const context = {
name: 'bound context',
parent_method: async function() {
console.log('Good evening');
Presuming hereIam.mjs contains:
module.exports = parent_this => console.log(parent_this);
then the script will output:
{ name: 'bound context',
parent_method: [AsyncFunction: parent_method] }
{ name: 'bound context',
parent_method: [AsyncFunction: parent_method] }

How to test class instance inside a function with Jest

I have the following hypothetical scenario:
// file MyClass.js in an external package
class MyClass {
myfunc = () => {
// do something
// file in my project
function myFunctionToBeTested() {
const instance = new MyClass()
I need to create a test with Jest that makes sure instance.myFunc was called
One of the option is to replace MyClass module with mock implementation
const mockmyfunc = jest.fn()
jest.mock("path/to/external/package/MyClass", () => {
return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {myfunc: mockmyfunc}
And then write following test
it("Test myfunc called in functionToBeTested", () => {
Note that this is not the only way, you can dive into for other alternatives.
If the myfunc would be an actual function (which i guess is not an option since it's external package?)
export class MyClass {
myFunc() {
// do smth
and you would not need to replace the implementation, you could be using jest's automock
import MyClass from "path/to/external/package/MyClass"
it("Test myfunc called in functionToBeTested", () => {
const mockMyFunc = MyClass.mock.instances[0].myFunc
you can mock out the class and assign the default export of that file to a variable as follows:
const FakeClass = require('../someFile.js').default;
then access calls to a function on your mock class like this:

js call function via closure vs call on es6 module

I have 2 functions defined like this:
export function builder(){ ... };
export function action() { return () => builder() };
Now I am trying to write a test that mock the builder function and return {};
import * as m from 'redux/modules/mymodule';
it('call buildSolrUrl', () => {
const spy = expect.spyOn(m, "builder").andReturn({});
The problem is that builder does not get mock in that case.
If I change my code for:
export function action() { return () => this.builder() };
The method is mocked but my program does not work anymore because action() return a function that is executed later and this is not resolved to the right object.
To resume: My code works because the call to builder() is done via closure.
The tests are unable to mock the function that way because the function is called via the closure.
What is the best way to deal with this?

