hyperlink on update button (ajax json) - javascript

It's my first time using json and I'm trying to make an update button on a table that i make with ajax json, there is a problem that i can't put id_news attribute on the tag along with the target link. I tried put it next to the target link, but it doesn't work, and even the tables doesn't show anything, is there any way to make it work?
$(document).ready(function() {
function display_data_info() {
type: 'ajax',
url: '<?php echo base_url()?>/information/data_read_info',
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var html = '';
var i;
var no;
var id_news;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
no = +1;
html += '<tr>' +
'<td>' +
no +
'</td>' +
'<td>' +
data[i].news_title +
'</td>' +
'<td>' +
data[i].news_info +
'</td>' +
'<td>' +
data[i].news_status +
'</td>' +
'<td><a href="<?php echo site_url("information/display_update_info/".data[i].id_news); ?>" class="btn btn-app">' +
'<i class="fas fa-edit"></i> ' +
'</a>' +
'</td>' +

[wanted to post just a comment, but haven't enough reputation yet. Perhaps a moderator can change my feedback into a comment?]
I see multiple typos and mistakes here:
In the first php part, put a ; after base_url()
You are not initializing no before you do no += 1
Instead of no += 1 you do no = +1 (which may accidentally overcome the previous error but it's probably not what you want)
In the <td><a href=.... line you are mixing up single and double quotes
In that same line, your javascript variable is inside PHP. data[i].id_news does not exist in PHP scope.
Check your web console and PHP error log, there will be several errors.


How to pass/generate table with parameters from one page to another

Hi i having a scenario where i am generating a dynamic table along with the dynamic button and when ever user clicks that button it has to get that row value and it has generate another dynamic table by taking this value as parameter .Till now i tried generating a dynamic table and with button and passed a parameter to that function here i stuck how to pass /accept a parameter to that function so that by using ajax call it can generate another dynamic table.
type: 'GET',
url: xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx,
data: "Id=" + clO + Name_=" + cl+ "",
success: function (resp) {
var Location = resp;
var tr;
for (var i = 0; i < Location.length; i++) {
tr = tr + "<tr>
tr = tr + "<td style='height:20px' align='right'>" + Location[i].Amount + "</td>";
tr = tr + "<td style='height:20px' align='right'>" + Location[i].Name + "</td>";
tr = tr + '<td><input type="button" class="nav_button" onclick="test(\'' + Location[i].Amount + '\',\'' + Location[i].Name + '\')"></td>';
tr = tr + "</tr>";
document.getElementById('d').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('Wise').innerHTML = "<table id='rt'>" + "<thead ><tr><th style='height:20px'>Amount</th>" + "<th style='height:20px'>Name</th>""</tr></thead>"
+ tr + "<tr><td align='left' style='height:20px'><b>Total:"+ TotBills +"</b></td><td style='height:20px' align='right'><b></b></td></tr>" +
document.getElementById('Wise').childNodes[0].nodeValue = null;
error: function (e) {
function test(value,val1,val2) {
navigator.notification.alert(value + ";" + val1 + ";" + val2);
// here i have to pass the another ajax by basing on the the onclick
so here in the function i have to pass the parameters and have to display in the new page and how is it possible ?
To pass data from a page to another your best bet is localStorage and SessionStorage;
SessionStorage - Similar to a cookie that expires when you close the browser. It has the same structure as the localStorage, but there is no way to change its permanence time, whenever closing will be deleted.
LocalStorage - This is similar to a cookie, but it never expires, so while there were records in the AppCache for that domain, the variable will exist (unless the user creates a routine to remove it).
Both attributes were added by HTML5. The above items called web storage. But there are other forms of local storage through HTML5, such as WebSQL database, Indexed Database (IndexDB), as well as conventional files (File Access).
// Store
localStorage.setItem("lastname", "Smith");
// Retrieve
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("lastname");
Is it what you meant ?
It's unclear what you're after, but I think I see where you're headed. From the code you included, it seems like you want something like this instead:
// This will take the user to a separate page, passing your parameters
function test(val1,val2) {
window.location.href("/UrlGoesHere?Amount=" + val1 + "&Name=" + val2);
Another option, based on what you've said, is to redraw the table. You could do that with something like this:
function test(val1,val2) {
type: 'GET',
url: "/UrlGoesHere",
data: "Amount=" + val1 + "&Name=" + val2,
success: function (resp) {
// redraw table here

ADD #url.action with parameter on Table cell in AJAX

I am new to this and I want to add a action method on table cell. The problem is Table is generated by java-script(AJAX).
Here's code:
url: "GetData",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
success: function (obj) {
$tbl.append('<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Last Executed Date</th><th>Status</th></tr>');
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
$tbl.append(' <tr><td> ' + obj[i].senderId + '</td><td>' + obj[i].subject + '</td><td>' + obj[i].msg + '</td><td>TESTING</td></tr>');
Now instead of <a href="#"> I want to add Action Method #URL.Action on that <td>. Here's my Action Method:
<a href=#Url.Action("SingleSentShow","Home", new { msgId ='+obj[i].senderId+',receiverId='+obj[i].senderId+ })>
But it shows error, I can't use javascript variable obj[i].senderId with c# code #Url.Action("SingleSentShow","Home", new { msgId ='+obj[i].senderId+'...
How can I fix this, or is there any other solution to add link or onClick on Table cell and pass data with it ?
David is right, but a simplified way for easy understanding.
var href = #Url.Action("SingleSentShow","Home", new { msgId ="__msgID__" ,receiverId="__receiverID__" });
href = href.replace("__mgsID__",obj[i].senderId).replace("__receiverID__",obj[i].senderId);
$tbl.append(' <tr><td> <a href="' + href + '">' + '... the rest of your line');
Both will work fine.
Update: As per Comment.
Move the value of href to data-href and set href to # and add a new class for script to work. And when the link is clicked we can swap the values.
$tbl.append(' <tr><td> <a href=# class=Test data-href="' + href + '">' + '... the rest of your line');
And add the below script.
$(document).on('click', '.Test', function () {
You can't mix server-side code and client-side code like that.
One option might be to put the base action URL in a JavaScript variable, and then append your query string parameters to it in JavaScript code. Something like this:
var singleSentShowURL = '#Url.Action("SingleSentShow","Home")';
This would result in something like this client-side:
var singleSentShowURL = '/Home/SingleSentShow';
Then in your loop you could use that variable to manually build the URL. Something like this:
$tbl.append(' <tr><td> <a href="' + singleSentShow + "?msgId=" + obj[i].senderId + "&receiverId=" + obj[i].senderId + '">' + '... the rest of your line');
You might split it into multiple lines for readability:
var href = singleSentShow + "?msgId=" + obj[i].senderId + "&receiverId=" + obj[i].senderId;
$tbl.append(' <tr><td> <a href="' + href + '">' + '... the rest of your line');

How to pass a specific object to a function through an html link?

Currently I am working on a site where I receive a list of objects from a data base and I am listing them in a pop-up table. I'd like one column of the table to list the object id and another to list links which call a function for that specific object. My issue is that I do not know how to do this when appending this data to a table.
Any ideas?
var tableContent ="<tr>";
for( var i =0; i<results.length ; i++)
tableContent += "<td>" + results[i].get("id") + "</td>"
tableContent += "<td>" + "<a>Open ID Contents</a>" + "</td>"
//I want this link to pass results[i] to a function^
tableContent += "</tr>"
You can construct your a items in this way:
var $a = $('<a class="hasPopupData">...</a>');
$a.data('popup', { /*Your data goes here */ });
And then handle clicks using code like this:
$parentTable.on('click', 'a.hasPopupData', function(){
var $a = $(this),
data = $a.data('popup');
return false;
Note that jQuery attaches data to DOM node in ‘native’ presentation, without converting them to JSON first.
There are a variety of ways. A simple way is to pass the variable as JSON.
var js = "afunction('" + JSON.stringify(results[i]) + "');return false;"
tableContent += "<td>" + '<a onclick="' + js + '">Open ID Contents</a>' + "</td>"

displaying a jquery variable on another page

Ok, so I have a table with each row having check boxes at the start of each table row. When a user clicks the table rows he/she wants to display and hits the submit button I want those table rows to show up on another page. I am doing this by creating a variable just like this:
var data;
var title = $('#dimTableTitle td').html();
data = '<table id="dimTable">';
data += '<tbody>';
data += '<tr id="dimTableTitle">' + '<td colspan="100">' + title + '</td>' + '</tr>'
data += '<tr id="dimHeading">';
data += '<td>' + $(this).html() + '</td>';
$('#dimTable tr').has(':checkbox:checked').each(function(){
data += '<tr>'
data += '<td>' + $(this).html(); + '</td>'
data += '</tr>'
data += '</tr>'
data += '</tbody>';
data += '</table>';
The variable 'data' displays just fine on the original page but when I try and load it into a new div or other container on a different page I only receive the entire table, not the selected table rows. I want to display that new variable onto a new page that pops up when a user clicks on the submit button. Any help would be appreciated.
You can send data with post method, (async)
url: "a.php?" + params,
async: false,
cache: false,
dataType: "html",
success: function(html){
returnHtml = html;
Note 1: Source code is written just to give you ideas.
Local storage is the way to go.

Call a javascript function inside a dynamic row Jquery

Good day guys. I am trying to implement onclick function in a dynamically created table in jQuery. But each time I click the button, I get this error
(Unexpected token ILLEGAL)
in my console.
But when I click on the error, there's no code on the line it's pointing to.
Here is the code :
var tbl="";
$.each(result,function(key,val) {
var mail=val.Email;
tbl+="<tr class='odd gradeX'> ";
tbl+="<td>" + val.Name + "</td>";
tbl+="<td>"+ val.Email +"</td>";
tbl+="<td>"+ val.Gender +"</td>";
tbl+="<td>" + val.Qualification + "</td>";
tbl+="<td>" + val.Experience + "</td>";
tbl+="<td>" + val.Note + "</td>";
tbl+="<td><a onclick='javascript:call(" + mail +");' class='btn btn-success btn-small'><i class='icon-edit icon-white'></i>" + "EDIT" + "</a></td>"
Please I'd like to know what am I doing wrong, it displays the table perfectly. Just the onclick function.
Here is the function am trying to call :
function call(name)
alert("Called"+ name);
Try changing
".....onclick='javascript:call(" + mail +");'...."
".....onclick='javascript:call(\"" + mail +"\");'....."
Try it like,
Add a class mail-link to your html link like,
tbl+="<td><a data-email='"+mail+"' class='mail-link btn btn-success btn-small'><i class='icon-edit icon-white'></i>" + "EDIT" + "</a></td>"
change name of function call to something else may callFun.
<a onclick='javascript:callFun(\"" + mail +"\");'>mail</a>
or alternate is
<a emailId='" + mail +"'>mail</a>

