Cannot check iframe window location from a website with different origin - javascript

I have a script that create an iframe like this, and I use the iframe to check authentication then redirect the main window :
var target ""
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "my-frame";
iframe.src = "/my-url/that?redirect=true&target=" + target
iframe.onload = function() {
into the iframeFn() function I want to check the location of the iframe itself to perform some controls before redirect:
function iframeFn() {
var myFrame = document.getElementById("my-frame");
var iframeWindow = myFrame.contentWindow;
if ( >= 0) {
window.location = '/'
I put this script in a cdn and I use this script in a website with the same origin url of the redirect target (, and it works. But if I try to use this script in a website with different origin ( I got this error:
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
at reloadInIFrame (
at HTMLIFrameElement.iframe.onload (
at this line
if ( >= 0) {
I've read this: SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame but I can't figure out how to use window.postMessage in my case.
NB: the second level domain is the same in both cases (
Thanks for your help!


How to input a value to textbox in iframe

I am trying to input a value from my website to another website loaded in the iframe.
For example, I loaded in my iframe and i need to input login credentials from my website.
var iframe = document.getElementById('content_frame');
var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
var elem = document.getElementById('userEmail');
while executing the second line, i've got the below error
SecurityError: Permission denied to access property "document" on cross-origin object
You can not do that because of same-origin policy .

Get the height of a same domain iframe when that iframe is inside a different domain iframe?

I have a site which has a media player embedded inside an iframe. The media player and the site are on the same domain, preventing cross-origin issues. Each page, the main page as well as the media player page, have a bit of code which finds the height and width of any parent iframe:
var height = $(parent.window).height();
var width = $(parent.window).width();
No problems so far....until:
A client wants to embed my site inside an iframe on his own site. His site is on a different domain. Now, my iframe is inside another iframe and my code is throwing cross-origin errors.
The following does not throw errors:
var test1 = parent.window; // returns my site
var test2 =; // returns client site
The following does throw cross-origin errors:
var test3 = parent.window.document;
var test4 = $(parent.window);
var test5 =;
var test6 = $(;
How do I get the height of the iframe on my domain without the cross-origin errors? I'm hoping for a pure javascript/jQuery solution.
Options which will not work for my solution are:
Using document.domain to white list the site.
Modifying the web.config to white list the site.
Like in Inception, I must go deeper. Please help.
You will need to use Javascript's messager. First, you need to define a function like this:
function myReceiver(event) {
//Do something
Then you need an event listener:
window.addEventListener("message", myReceiver);
You will need something like this on both sides. Now, you can send a message like this to the iframe:
innerWindow.contentWindow.postMessage({ message: {ResponseKey: "your response key", info1: "something1", info2: "something2"}}, innerWindow.src)
and this is how you can send a message to the parent:
window.parent.postMessage({ message: {ResponseKey: "your response key", info1: "something1", info2: "something2"}}, myorigin);
The only missing item in the puzzle is myorigin. You will be able to find it out in your iframe using event.origin || event.originalEvent.origin in the message receiver event.
However, the pages using your site in their pages inside an iframe will have to include a Javascript library which will handle the communication you need. I know how painful is this research, I have spent days when I have done it before to find out the answer.
Your code is running from the iframe in the middle of the parent and the child window. So, anytime you call
and your site is embedded inside an iframe and the parent is a different domain (Same origin policy), an error will be thrown. I would recommend first checking if the parent is the same origin. You need to wrap this check in a try catch.
NOTE: Most browsers, but not Edge, will not throw an error if the parent is http://localhost:xxx and the iframe is http://localhost:zzz where xxx is a different port number than zzz. So, you also need to manually check the origins match by comparing the protocol, domain, and port.
var isEmbeddedInCrossOriginIframe = false;
try {
var originSelf = (window.self.location.protocol + '//' +
window.self.location.hostname +
(window.self.location.port ? ':' +
window.self.location.port : '')).toLowerCase();
var originParentOrSelf = (window.parent.location.protocol + '//' +
window.parent.location.hostname +
(window.parent.location.port ? ':' +
window.parent.location.port : '')).toLowerCase();
isEmbeddedInCrossOriginIframe = originSelf != originParentOrSelf;
catch(err) {
isEmbeddedInCrossOriginIframe = true;
Your solution will then be:
var height = $(isEmbeddedInCrossOriginIframe ? window : parent.window)
var width = $(isEmbeddedInCrossOriginIframe ? window : parent.window)

Error: Permission denied to access property "document"

I have a HTML Document which contains an iframe. Whenever I try to access or modify this iframe with JS I get Error: Permission denied to access property "document".
I am using frame.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML or frame.contentWindow.document.body.onload or similar such attributes to access or modify the iframe. (In the given code the iframe is referred to as frame.)
For the web-app I am developing, access to these attributes are necessary and I can't do without these (or similar alternatives).
Accessing and then modifying webpages in iframes of other websites is known as Cross-site scripting or XSS and it is a technique used by malicious hackers to prey on unsuspecting victims.
A policy by the name of "Same-Origin Policy" is implemented by browser makers to prevent such behaviour and arbitrary execution of JS code.
This error can be prevented by hosting the parent document and the document in the iframe in the same domain and subdomain, and making sure that the documents are loaded using the same protocol.
Examples of Incompatible Pages: & & &
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is a solution to this problem.
For Example:
If would like to share with, a header can be sent with the document which looks like the following:
To send it with HTML just put it in a <META HTTP-EQUIV="..."> tag, like this:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" CONTENT="">
You can still bypass this issue with the help of YQL even though you don't have access to the header part of the receiving window. With the Postmessage method also you need to edit the recipient window script. But using this method you can load any iframe without touching their scripts. Check this out!
<iframe src="" width="500" height="300"></iframe>
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];
var url = iframe.src;
var getData = function (data) {
if (data && data.query && data.query.results && data.query.results.resources && data.query.results.resources.content && data.query.results.resources.status == 200) loadHTML(data.query.results.resources.content);
else if (data && data.error && data.error.description) loadHTML(data.error.description);
else loadHTML('Error: Cannot load ' + url);
var loadURL = function (src) {
url = src;
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '*%20from%20data.headers%20where%20url%3D%22' + encodeURIComponent(url) + '%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&';
var loadHTML = function (html) {
iframe.src = 'about:blank';;
iframe.contentWindow.document.write(html.replace(/<head>/i, '<head><base href="' + url + '"><scr' + 'ipt>document.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if( && == "A") { e.preventDefault(); parent.loadURL(; } });</scr' + 'ipt>'));
You can use postMessage
Window 1 - receiving
window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
function receiveMessage(event)
var origin = event.origin || event.originalEvent.origin;
// For Chrome, the origin property is in the event.originalEvent object.
if (origin !== "")
// ...
Window - 2 Transmitting
var popup = details...);
"The user is 'bob' and the password is 'secret'",
You have to create another pair to intercommunicate.

Error when trying to 'Unloading/Removing content from an iFrame'

I'm trying to remove the content from an iFrame and I get this SO question: Unloading/Removing content from an iFrame.
The problem is that when I'm trying to code the solutions given, I get this error on the debug console in the FireBug: Permission denied to access property 'document'.
What I'm doing is this:
var frame = document.getElementById("idFrame"),
frameDoc = frame.contentDocument || frame.contentWindow.document; //error here
What is the problem here? What I'm doing wrong?
Same error when I tried to do:
That's normal. Try:
var frame = document.getElementById("idFrame");
frame.src = "about:blank";
You can't play with the content of iframe because it would be a vector for XSS attack.
You can do this only if the iframe source is in the same domain as containing document.

Getting URL of the top frame

Inside a facebook application I need to check what is the top frame (the main window) URL, and show content accordingly.
I tried using the following:
if (top.location.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("") <0) { ... }
Which works well if the page is not inside an iframe, but when the page is loaded within an iframe (as it does when used as facebook application) the code generates
"Uncaught TypeError: Property
'toString' of object # is not a
Is there any way I can fix this code (with cross-browser compatibility - maybe with jQuery)?
It is true that cross origin concerns will prevent you from accessing this top window location. However, if you just want the parent window location of the iframe you can get at it via the document.referrer string.
Within your iframe you'd grab the url:
var parentURL = document.referrer
I've used this successfully in my own iframe apps. Also, be aware that if you navigate within your iframe the referrer will change.
Nicholas Zakas has a write-up on his blog:
The problem you are having that you are not allowed to access top.location across different document domains.
This is a security feature built in to browsers.
Read up on XSS and why the security precautions are in place :)
You can also learn a great deal by reading about the same origin policy
With Martin Jespersen adviced fix, I could check address in iFrame and standart top address:
//this is fix for IE
if (!window.location.origin) {
window.location.origin = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ':' + window.location.port: '');
//and here we will get object of address
var urls = (window.location != window.parent.location) ? document.referrer: document.location;
//Martins adviced fix for checking if You are not in iFrame
if ( === window) {
urls = urls.origin;
//and now indexOf works in both ways - for iFrame and standart top address
if (urls.indexOf("") != -1 ) {
//do stuff
This could work:
if (self!=top && document.referrer.toLowerCase().indexOf("") <0) { ... } long as you don't navigate inside the frame.
But it's not really a good solution ^^
If you need as much information as possible about the top page location:
function getTopLinkInfo() {
var topLinkInfo = {};
try {
// Only for same origins
topLinkInfo.topHref = top.location.href;
// Security exception: different origins
catch (error) {
try {
var ancestorOrigins = window.location.ancestorOrigins;
// Firefox doesn't support window.location.ancestorOrigins
if (ancestorOrigins) {
topLinkInfo.parentsDomains = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ancestorOrigins.length; i++) {
// Sometimes referrer refers to the parent URL (but not always,
// e.g. after iframe redirects).
var bottomW = window;
var topW = window.parent;
topLinkInfo.parentsReferrers = [];
// In case of empty referrers
topLinkInfo.parentsHrefs = [];
while (topW !== bottomW) {
bottomW = bottomW.parent;
topW = topW.parent;
} catch (error) {/* Permission denied to access a cross-origin frame */}
return topLinkInfo;
var result = getTopLinkInfo();

