Next Js Router beforePopState , access state of component in handler - javascript

I am using Next js Router.beforePopState event and i want to access value of useState variable which i created in react component in which this handler is defined, sample code below , but whenever i access the state it is empty or set to default value for example in below code goaway state value i always get in handler as empty string "" even though i have set in code a different value, is there a way i can get the state value in handler?
const [goAway, setGoAway] = useState("");
const browserTabcloseHandler = e => {
e.preventDefault(); // If you prevent default behavior in Mozilla Firefox prompt will always be shown
// Chrome requires returnValue to be set
e.returnValue = "";
useEffect(() => {
if (window) {
Router.beforePopState(() => {
//if (componentShouldBeSavedAsDraft(componentData)) {
const result = window.confirm("are you sure you want to leave?");
if (!result) {
window.history.pushState("/", "");
console.log(goAway); // this value is always "" even though set differently in code.
return result;
window.onbeforeunload = browserTabcloseHandler;
//"routeChangeStart", handleRouteChange);
return () => {
if (window) {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
Router.beforePopState(() => {
return true;
}, []);

i was able to find solution for same what i was missing is adding property in useEffect below code fixed the issue-
const [goAway, setGoAway] = useState("");
const browserTabcloseHandler = e => {
e.preventDefault(); // If you prevent default behavior in Mozilla Firefox prompt will always be shown
// Chrome requires returnValue to be set
e.returnValue = "";
useEffect(() => {
if (window) {
Router.beforePopState(() => {
//if (componentShouldBeSavedAsDraft(componentData)) {
const result = window.confirm("are you sure you want to leave?");
if (!result) {
window.history.pushState("/", "");
console.log(goAway); // this value is always "" even though set differently in code.
return result;
window.onbeforeunload = browserTabcloseHandler;
//"routeChangeStart", handleRouteChange);
return () => {
if (window) {
window.onbeforeunload = null;
Router.beforePopState(() => {
return true;
}, [goAway]); // this fixed the issue


infinite requestAnimationFrame Loop in next.js

I am trying to recreate this app in next.js
To start the data collection, I added a onMouseDown MouseEvent on the button which, triggers this code:
const handleGatherDataForClass: MouseEventHandler = (e) => {
let classNumber = parseInt('data-1hot'));
console.log('inside EventHandler:', { classNumber });
let state = gatherDataState === STOP_DATA_GATHER ? classNumber : STOP_DATA_GATHER;
console.log({ state });
classNumber = positive integer
gatherDataState = -1 (default)
Here is the original code snippet from the working app:
After the state of the gatherDataState variable changes, the useEffect hook should run the dataGatherLoop function, which takes frames from the video stream and converts it into tensors:
useEffect(() => {
}, [gatherDataState]);
function dataGatherLoop() {
console.log('inside Loop: ', {
if (videoPlaying && gatherDataState !== STOP_DATA_GATHER) {
let imageFeatures = tf.tidy(function() {
let videoFrameAsTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(VIDEO);
let resizedTensorFrame = tf.image.resizeBilinear(
let normalizedTensorFrame = resizedTensorFrame.div(255);
return mobilenet.predict(normalizedTensorFrame.expandDims()).squeeze();
setTrainData((prev) => ({
trainX: [...prev.trainX, imageFeatures],
trainY: [...prev.trainY, gatherDataState],
// Intialize array index element if currently undefined.
let newCount = [...examplesCount];
if (examplesCount[gatherDataState] === undefined) {
newCount[gatherDataState] = 1;
} else {
This loop runs, as long as the gatherDataState variable is a positive integer (not equal to -1)
After the mouse button is released, an onMouseUp event is triggered which runs the same handleGatherDataForClass function as the onMouseDown event. This should change the state back to -1 and therefore stop the Loop.
Even though the state is changing to -1 after the onMouseUp event is triggered, the gatherDataState ends up being a positive integer every time.. Therefore the loop is not stopping. (there is NO setGatherDataState function anywhere else in the code)
I tried:
writing the gatherDataLoop function inside the handleGatherDataForClass event handler and passing the gatherDataState variable as an argument
using a global variable for gatherDataState instead of a react state to save the current gatherDataState
canceling the requestAnimationFrame loop with the cancelAnimationFrame function (saving the id globally and as state)
I am not exactly sure why, but
using useRef to store the values being used inside the requestAnimationFrame loop, as well as the id for canceling the loop and
taking the loop out of the useEffect Hook and writing it inside the ClickEventhandler
worked for me.
Here is the code:
const handleGatherDataForClass: MouseEventHandler = (e) => {
let classNumber = parseInt('data-1hot'));
gatherDataStateRef.current = classNumber;
isCollectingRef.current = !isCollectingRef.current;
if (isCollectingRef.current) {
collectRequestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(dataGatherLoop);
} else {
function dataGatherLoop() {
console.log('inside Loop: ', gatherDataStateRef.current);
let imageFeatures = tf.tidy(function () {
let videoFrameAsTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(VIDEO);
let resizedTensorFrame = tf.image.resizeBilinear(
let normalizedTensorFrame = resizedTensorFrame.div(255);
return mobilenet.predict(normalizedTensorFrame.expandDims()).squeeze();
setTrainData((prev) => ({
trainX: [...prev.trainX, imageFeatures],
trainY: [...prev.trainY, gatherDataStateRef.current],
if (examplesCountRef.current[gatherDataStateRef.current] === undefined) {
examplesCountRef.current[gatherDataStateRef.current] = 1;
} else {
examplesCountRef.current[gatherDataStateRef.current] += 1;
collectRequestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(dataGatherLoop);

addEventListener returns undefined in Javascript

I want set the addEventListner value to int value,
const stringItem = window.addEventListener("click",(e) => {
const itemTarget =;
const itemParent =;
const strItem = parseInt(itemParent.slice(5));
return strItem;
}, false);
let currentItem = stringItem;
stringItem return undefined, but I want the strItem to be returned
I want to access the strItem value outside the addEventListener.
How do I do that?
The addEventListener returns undefined as a function (see link). You are passing a function to the addEventListener which gets called whenever you click on the window. The return value of that function will be lost. To be able to use that value outside of the function you will have to do something like this:
let stringItem;
window.addEventListener("click",(e) => {
const itemTarget =;
const itemParent =;
const strItem = parseInt(itemParent.slice(5));
stringItem = strItem;
return strItem;
}, false);
The last two line of your code wouldn't work as they're executed as soon as the eventListener gets added. The currentItem will always be undefined. I would advise you to read more on using callback function in javascript.
The return value of the callback function is discarded. It doesn't make sense to return anything. window.addEventListener doesn't return anything. It doesn't make sense to store the result in a variable stringItem.
You can create a variable outside of the function and store the value in it:
let value = 0;
document.querySelector('#button1').addEventListener("click",(e) => {
}, false);
document.querySelector('#button2').addEventListener("click",(e) => {
value = 0;
}, false);
document.querySelector('#button3').addEventListener("click",(e) => {
}, false);
<button id="button1">Increment</button>
<button id="button2">Reset</button>
<button id="button3">Show</button>

useCallback does not inherit parent props

I'm detecting keypresses in a component that is aware of what dialog component is currently open elsewhere in the app via a prop, currentDialog. Normally I'd be able to access this prop in a nested function but it seems this isn't possible when using useCallback:
export const AllAreaNav = (props) => {
console.log('AllAreaNav / props.currentDialog: ', props.currentDialog); // displays correct dialog
const handleKeyPress = useCallback((event) => {
console.log('AllAreaNav / handleKeyPress / props.currentDialog: ', props.currentDialog); // displays undefined
if(event.keyCode === 70) {
//Do whatever when F is pressed
console.log("F key pressed");
if (props.currentDialog == "DialogSearchBar") {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar being active
} else {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar NOT being active
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Listener for keypresses
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress, false);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress, false);
}, []);
return (
So now I'm a little unsure of a straightforward way of passing this as a parameter - assuming this would be the next step. From researching I believe it's fine to add another parameter alongside event? That this should work as I intend:
const handleKeyPress = useCallback((event, currentDialog) => {
However, I'm not entirely sure of how to initially pass this to the function. If I modify the listener to be:
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyPress(event, props.currentDialog, false);
I'm unsure if this is correct, or where exactly to define event in this context, in the manner handleKeyPress defaults its as a parameter.
It seems that you were trying to resolve the problem by parametrizing the callback but you did not have an event in your context. In order to parametrize AND have the event in context, you must create a closure on the currentDialog parameter.
You can try this solution:
* move callback definition outside the component
* and create a closure on currentDialog (function returning a function)
const handleKeyPress = (currentDialog) => (event) => {
if (event.keyCode === 70) {
//Do whatever when F is pressed
console.log("F key pressed");
if (currentDialog == "DialogSearchBar") {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar being active
} else {
// Take action based on DialogSearchBar NOT being active
export const AllAreaNav = (props) => {
console.log("AllAreaNav / props.currentDialog: ", props.currentDialog); // displays correct dialog
useEffect(() => {
// Listener for keypresses
const listener = handleKeyPress(props.currentDialog); // use closure to create a callback closured on currentDialog value
return () => {
}, [handleKeyPress, props.currentDialog]); // pass callback and currentDialog value to dependency array
return { jsxElements };

make variable available in other function

I have a function
function formSubmitListener() {
$(".js-form").submit(event => {
let input = fetchInput();
if (isValid) {
validateInput returns a isValid boolean of true (if all fields on a form have been filled out) that I need to make available for the if statement. If at all possible I want to prevent the use of a global variable.
How do I make the boolean available ?
function formSubmitListener() {
$(".js-form").submit(event => {
let input = fetchInput();
let isValid = validateInput(input);
if (isValid == true) {
this might be what you want. set the validateInput(input) function call to a variable and use that variable since it will store the true/false.
or another way by putting the direct function in the if where it checks whats returned
function formSubmitListener() {
$(".js-form").submit(event => {
let input = fetchInput();
if (validateInput(input)) {

How can I completely exit from inside a .forEach that is inside a function

I have this method:
wordFormDirty = (): boolean => {
var self = this;
angular.forEach(self.word.wordForms, function (wf, key) {
var wordFormNgForm = 'wordFormNgForm_' + wf.wordFormId
if (!self[wordFormNgForm].$pristine) {
return true;
return false;
From what I see this never returns true. Can someone give me advice as to how I can implement this so that a form that's not pristine will make the wordFormDirty() method return true.
can you try this, in this case, if I've undestand the issue, the first time there is a value true the result is set to true otherwise it remains false
wordFormDirty = (): boolean => {
var self = this;
var result = false;
angular.forEach(self.word.wordForms, function (wf, key) {
var wordFormNgForm = 'wordFormNgForm_' + wf.wordFormId
if (!self[wordFormNgForm].$pristine) {
result = true;
return result;
If you wish to get a result directly from walking the Array, consider using other methods than forEach. E.g.:
return Object.values(this.word.wordForms).some(
({ wordFormId }) => !this[`wordFormNgForm_${wordFormId}`].$pristine

