Difference between arrow functions and normal functions in React Native - javascript

So I've always thought of arrow functions to be a new better and version of normal js functions until today. I was following a tutorial on how to use firestore to store data when I came across a problem that made realise the two are different and work in a weird way.
His code looked like this:
function Todos() {
const [ todo, setTodo ] = useState('');
const ref = firestore().collection('todos');
// ...
async function addTodo() {
await ref.add({ title: todo, complete: false});
// ...
My code looked like this:
const Todos = () => {
const ref = firestore().collection('todos');
const [todo, setTodo] = useState('');
const addTodo = async () => {
const res = await ref.add({ title: todos, complete: false });
Now his version worked, while mine didn't.
After changing my code to look like his, it worked. But the weird thing i realised was this: after clicking on the button that invoked that function for the first time (with his function), i changed the code back to mine and it worked the second time. I did some reading on the two functions but i couldn't get to reasoning behind why this happened.

Arrow functions and normal function are not equivalent.
Here is the difference:
Arrow function do not have their own binding of this, so your this.setState refer to the YourClass.setState.
Using normal function, you need to bind it to the class to obtain Class's this reference. So when you call this.setState actually it refer to YourFunction.setState().
Sample Code
class FancyComponent extends Component {
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ event }) // `this` is instance of handleChange
handleChange = (event) => {
this.setState({ event }) // `this` is instance of FancyComponent


What value to give void properties

I have this interface:
interface Props {
close: () => void;
disableButton: () => void;
showPrompt: boolean;
pol: string;
I'm trying to use it in a test. My problem is that I don't know what I should do with close and disableButton. They are just passed to that class so the state can be updated. What value do I give the variables for use in my shallow?
describe('<Reissue />', () => {
it('calls reissue service', () => {
const close = ???;
const disableButton = ???;
const showPrompt = true;
const pol = '123456';
const wrapper = shallow(<Reissue close={} disableButton={} showPrompt={showPrompt} pol={pol}/>);
The void keyword in this context is used to indicate that the function returns no value, hence you can just use an empty closure () => {}.
If you are using jest, you can also use jest.fn(), which will behave the same but has the benefit of capturing information that will help you during your tests (e.g. how many times the function have been called)
close and disableButton are functions so you should pass functions to them, even if empty empty ones -
const wrapper = shallow(<Reissue close={()=>()} disableButton={()=>()} showPrompt={showPrompt} pol={pol}/>);

Alternative to global variable when using clearTimeout & setTimeout

EDIT I used the wrong term in the title and question. I did not mean a global variable, but to instead declare timeoutID inside of the showNotification function.
I'm on my first week of testing Redux. I'm wondering if there is a more elegant / less hacky solution to using a glodal variable for the timeoutID? clearTimeout is used to guarantee that the last added notification is always shown for the full desired time, even if it would be added before the previous notification was set to "empty".
import { addQuote } from "./addQuote"
import { showNotification } from "./showNotification"
export const actionCreator = (quote, time) => {
return dispatch => {
dispatch(showNotification(quote, time))
let timeoutID = null
export const showNotification = (newQuote, time) => {
const message = `A new quote by ${newQuote.author} was added.`
return dispatch => {
dispatch({ type: 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION', data: message })
timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
dispatch({ type: 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION', data: '' })
}, time * 1000)
const initState = {
notification: ''
const notificationReducer = (state=initState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const message = action.data
return {
notification: message
return {
export default notificationReducer
It's not global, it's a closure, and that's one of the core principles in a module world (which was invented to circumvent having to make use of the global namespace!).
If it were global you could use the variable in any other JS file without ever explicitly importing it.
In actionCreator.js, which does import { showNotification } from "./showNotification", try to console.log(timeoutID) and you'll get undefined.
Closures are really nothing complicated; it just means that any function when declared will "remember" any local variables that were known ("in scope" is the more technically correct term for "known") at the point of the function's declaration, no matter when the function is called, or who calls it. Those variables known to a function via this mechanism are called closures.
There is not only nothing wrong with programming this way; it moreso is state of the art and in contrast to other far more verbose and lengthy solutions like passing parameters around, the most elegant way to solve the problem.

why is my gloval setInterval ID variable unavailable to a function?

I am writing a simple timer app and using setInterval for the first time. The project is in react typescript and I use the useReducer hook to manage state.
The project requires two separate timers, session and break, which may explain some of the code. The project also requires one button to start and stop the timer, hence I am using a single function.
I have redacted my reducer and types as the problem, as i understand, does not involve them, but some simple use of setInterval that I just don't get yet.
When the startStopTimer function is called a second time, the intervalID is undefined, even though it is declared globally.
const App = () => {
const [timerState, dispatch] = useReducer(timerStateReducer, initialTimerState
let intervalID: NodeJS.Timer;
const startStopTimer = () => {
let name: string = timerState.session.count !== 0 ? 'session' : 'break';
if (timerState[name].running) {
console.log('stopping timer' + intervalID);
//reducer sets running boolean variable to false
dispatch({type: ActionKind.Stop, name: name});
} else {
//reducer sets running boolean variable to true
dispatch({type: ActionKind.Start, name: name});
intervalID = setInterval(() => {
dispatch({type: ActionKind.Decrease, name: name});
}, 1000);
return (
//redacted JSX code
<button onClick={startStopTimer}>Start/Stop</button>
I have tried passing onClick as an arrow function (rather than a reference, i think?) and it behaves the same. I tried simplifying this with useState, but came across a whole 'nother set of issues with useState and setInterval so I went back to the useReducer hook.

How can I set State based on other state in functional component?

I build a simple todo app with a react with an array of todos:
const todos = [description: "walk dog", done: false]
I use the following two states:
const [alltodos, handleTodos] = useState(todos);
const [opencount, countOpen] = useState(alltodos.length);
This is the function which counts the open todos:
const countTodos = () => {
const donetodos = alltodos.filter((item) => {
return !item.done;
When I try to add a new todo, I also want to update the opencount state with the countTodos function.
const submitTodo = (event) => {
const data = {
description: todo,
done: false,
handleTodos([...alltodos, data]);
This does not work as expected, the when I run console.log(alltodos) it will show an empty array. The function itself works, but it seems to have a "delay", I guess based on the async nature of the useState hook.
I tried to pass the countTodos function as callback like this, since I have seen something similar in class based components.
handleTodos([...alltodos, data], () => {
I get the following error:
Warning: State updates from the useState() and useReducer() Hooks don't support the second callback argument. To execute a side effect after rendering, declare it in the component body with useEffect().
How can I solve this problem? What is the best way for me to update the state based on another state?
I think you should useEffect, (clearly stated on the log message ). this is an example :
const donetodos = alltodos.filter((item) => {
return !item.done;
You can refer to the documentation : https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html
Here is an example : https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hooks-useeffect-forked-4sly8

Dispatch undefined after binding to class in redux

Issue with a pattern i'm trying to use with redux.
I have a a mapDispatchToProps as below,
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
presenter: new Presenter(dispatch),
and my presenter constructor looks as below:
constructor(dispatch) {
this.dispatcher = dispatch;
If I check the value of it in the constructor and after it's set, all is well. However later when a method tries to use it, the value of dispatch is undefined.
If i save it to a var outside the class, i.e.
let dispatch;
class Presenter {
constructor(dispatcher) {
dispatch = dispatcher.bind(this)
I've tried using .bind() within the first constructor also but it keeps becoming undefined!
Class methods were of the form:
someMethod() {
//do stuff
which means they have their own this scope bound... I'd have to bind the individual methods in the constructor, such as:
constructor(dispatch) {
this.dispatch = dispatch;
this.someMethod = this.someMethod.bind(this);
Or turn them into => functions so they take their context from the surrounding class, i.e.
someMethod = () => dispatch(/* an action */);

