query for an AD user with JS (in html page) - javascript

I building an HTML page and in one of its text boxes I want the user to input the employee number and for it to be validated (whether the number is already in use or not) with a simple button.
The AD query itself is pretty simple and a single line in powershell can do it.
Get-ADUser -Filter {employeenumber -eq "XXXXXXX"}
the problem starts (at least for me) in how to integrate this into the HTML page. I started reading in google but all the answers I found take me into PHP and JavaScript and really complex scripts (50+ lines of code) and since I have no knowledge in any of those languages, it becomes a tedious job for (what i assumed) a simple thing.
Is there a simple way to accomplished this (either by writing a function in JS or by calling for an external PS script)? The HTML itself uses a simple <table> and some buttons that run very simple functions from a .js file located in the same folder (no IIS or other web servers are involved. Im running this locally for now).

Active Directory works with the LDAP protocol and doesn't have a RESTful API by default.
It is impossible to send an LDAP request from the front-end side (I.E from the browser). See this post
In many aspects (security, reliability, etc) the best way to do this would be to do this on the server side.


Would like to write a javascript that helps me to find documents in a folder

I would like to write a js for an offline website (located on a local Windows server or any other server). It's supposed to look for files like PDFs in several directories and display them as search result on the "website", which isn't a real website, since it's on a local server and not in the web. The PDF is supposed to open in the browser after clicking it. I already have this kind of search engine as a php file, which I wrote with some help from friends. I also want to share this site with other friends. Basically I'll send them the whole folder with the html - document (or the .php site), so they can use it to search for certain pdfs in the folder. Its like a offline wiki for medical research documents. But I don't want them to always install php on their local servers, so they can run my php-searchmachine, thus I need to write it new as a javascript. By google and stack overflow I came across this solution https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/javascript/find+file+in+directory+javascript but it seems like that this needs node.js, so all have to install node.js, which is similar to installing php, I guess (im not familiar with node.js). Also I'm not sure if node.js is running on a normal client or server, which is not a webserver.
How can I start with such a project? Is javascript the correct attempt to solve this?
Windows Search has the ability to search PDF contents when boosted by a PDF (index) iFilter, this means the user can search and find instantly a new search word or a saved search it took only a second to hand enter this search (actually took longer to save for double click next time) just for illustration I chose a word I knew was in one file and actually found it is also in two other PDFs.
The problem for your JS coding is how to use JavaScript to interface with Windows Search since using explorer I could not run that search on a remote server shared library drive (I could see their contents as per second screen but for search, had to pull a local library copy down to my documents) and that is where your JS skills come into play. Personally I would avoid JS and use a VLC method to share view via a remote Lan server or simpler invoke a plain text indexed local copy of remote files for download as and when required.

Altering a server file through javascript code

So I have a setup of a tablet connected to a Raspberry Pi computer. I want to be able to have a webpage hosted on the Pi change the contents of a file also hosted on the Pi (which will be used in a python script that i have written). I tried having the file inside a hidden iframe, but while my javascript ran, it didn't ever actually change the contents.
How can i set up communication between the webpage and the server files? I know nothing about jQuery in the slightest, but if i have to use it, I will.
While you can actually do something with files in HTML5, you must know that Javascript is a client-side script. In other words JS 'runs' on the persons browser and not really your server.
Languages like PHP actually run on your server, and therefor are able to achieve what you want.
I'm not THE Javascript expert, and you might even be able to modify a server file with JS but it will be 'hacky' and have a poor implementation and you might need to run a sort of API on your server that actually does the changing..
Save yourself the trouble of doing it like that and pick the right language for the job. I would suggest PHP. Its fairly easy to set that up and run the website. PHP has enough ways to create, view and modify files on the server itself: http://php.net/manual/en/book.filesystem.php

How to make links inside ng-repeat indexable by SEO?

I have code like this in the root page (e.g. http://www.example.com):
<div ng-repeat="url in urls">
<a ng-href="{{url}}"/>url</a>
Each url is just a SEO-friendly-sub-url (e.g. http://www.example.com/pages/hello-world)
I am aware that Google now executes Javascript (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.no/2014/05/understanding-web-pages-better.html), but I still can't get those sub-urls being indexed (only the root page is indexed).
How to make it indexable?
If possible, the solution should not depend on third party services such as seo4ajax or prerendex.io
Not to long but we ran into same issue. We used severals techniques so google can index our website in better way. But honestly saying that that doesn't worked well. We ditched our the front-end framework and decided to go with rails. Now, we are quite happy with rails tubrolinks.
This are our few work arounds, may be that will be helpful for you.
We first created site map. And, then submitted to google via webmaster tool.
When google crawl the website , it sends something like Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) as user agent (notice Googlebot, thats important). We created one middleware which checks all requests whether they are coming from search engine or not. You can get the list of all such user agents from google (may be http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php will help too). We returned the static page (which essentially contain all data which webpage do but it isnt dynamic).
You might be interested in https://github.com/prerender/prerender_rails
You should create server side page for ajax crawling, managing "_escaped_fragment_" in your rewrite rules.

making exe form HTML and Javascript

I was wondering I have PHP based server side stuff that accepts ajax requests and sends back JSON for JS. And I have HTML and JS based "client" now I would like to create exe(windows aplication) that would look the same as the "client" in browser but without browser. Preferably somehow grab that HTML and JS and "compile it" to regural client that would still send out AJAX calls and procesing JSON data.
To clarify things:
Server(on webserver) is PHP procesing incoming AJAX calls and diplaing JSON as result.
Client(what I want to convertt to exe) is HTML and JS(Jquery) page(application).
I want for user to have option two to dowload client for windows so he/she dont have to use browser.
With https://electron.atom.io/ from Github you can develop Windows, Mac and Linux applications with Javascript, Html and CSS. You can also build mobile application with your web development skills. https://cordova.apache.org/.
You can use Electron, but if you just want something quick and easy to use, try Scriptonit. It's exactly for this kind of use. (Check out the documentation and the examples to see if this is the one for you.)
It's basically one exe plus a few sidecar files in a folder called app/, then it just works like a local browser without the frames & head. Also, it can access local files and run OS commands, even capture their output.
Side note 1: Yes it's mine, as you can see on the link - but no, that's not why I'm recommending it
Side note 2: It's 0.9 so it's not perfect, let me know if it misbehaves.
I don't think you can make a desktop application with markup languages. but then am also a newbie in this stuff but what I think you need is to develop a GUI in a programming language like java for example Swing docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/ to mimic the apearance of your webpage. Then connect to your server by socket programming.

Is it possible access other webpages from within another page

Basically, what I'm trying to do is simply make a small script that accesses finds the most recent post in a forum and pulls some text or an image out of it. I have this working in python, using the htmllib module and some regex. But, the script still isn't very convenient as is, it would be much nicer if I could somehow put it into an HTML document. It appears that simply embedding Python scripts is not possible, so I'm looking to see if theres a similar feature like python's htmllib that can be used to access some other webpage and extract some information from it.
(Essentially, if I could get this script going in the form of an html document, I could just open one html document, rather than navigate to several different pages to get the information I want to check)
I'm pretty sure that javascript doesn't have the functionality I need, but I was wondering about other languages such as jQuery, or even something like AJAX?
As Greg mentions, an Ajax solution will not work "out of the box" when trying to load from remote servers.
If, however, you are trying to load from the same server, it should be fairly straightforward. I'm presenting this answer to show how this could be done using jQuery in just a few lines of code.
<div id="placeholder">Please wait, loading...</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.js">
<script type="text/javascript>
$(document).ready(function() {
If you are trying to load a resource from a different server than the one you're on, one way around the security limitations would be to offer a proxy script, which could fetch the remote content on the server, and make it seem like it's coming from your own domain.
Here are the docs on jQuery's load method : http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load
There is one other nice feature to note, which is partial-page-loading. For example, lets say your remote page is a full HTML document, but you only want the content of a single div in that page. You can pass a selector to the load method, as in my example above, and this will further simplify your task. For example,
$('#placeholder').load('/path/to/my/locally-served/page.html #someTargetDiv');
Best of luck!-Mike
There are two general approaches:
Modify your Python code so that it runs as a CGI (or WSGI or whatever) module and generate the page of interest by running some server side code.
Use Javascript with jQuery to load the content of interest by running some client side code.
The difference between these two approaches is where the third party server sees the requests coming from. In the first case, it's from your web server. In the second case, it's from the browser of the user accessing your page.
Some browsers may not handle loading content from third party servers very gracefully (that is, they might pop up warning boxes or something).
You can embed Python. The most straightforward way would be to use the cgi module. If the script will be run often and you're using Apache it would be more efficient to use mod_python or mod_wsgi. You could even use a Python framework like Django and code the entire site in Python.
You could also code this in Javascript, but it would be much trickier. There's a lot of security concerns with cross-site requests (ah, the unsafe internet) and so it tends to be a tricky domain when you try to do it through the browser.

