Blank Chart When Parsing Data From Async Function in Angular - javascript

I have a problem when I want to parse the data, which get from http call, and parsing it to chart data that located ngoninit. When page reload, the chart is show blank data. Can you help me to solve this problem? I am using Chartist.js and Angular 4.
The html:
<div class="col-md-4">
[title]="'Email Statistics'"
[subtitle]="'Last Campaign Performance'"
[footerIconClass]="'fa fa-clock-o'"
[footerText]="'Campaign sent 2 days ago'">
The ngOnInit:
async ngOnInit() {
console.log('Halo from ngOnInit');
const data1 = await this.serviceDashboard.getAllGeografika().toPromise();
const data2 = await this.serviceDashboard.getAllHistorika().toPromise();
const data3 = await this.serviceDashboard.getAllKeramologika().toPromise();
this.data1 = data1.length;
this.data2 = data2.length;
this.data3 = data3.length;
this.emailChartType = ChartType.Pie;
this.emailChartData = {
series: [this.data1, this.data2, this.data3]
this.emailChartLegendItems = [
{ title: 'Open', imageClass: 'fa fa-circle text-info' },
{ title: 'Bounce', imageClass: 'fa fa-circle text-danger' },
{ title: 'Unsubscribe', imageClass: 'fa fa-circle text-warning' }

1) I would prefer rxjs over async/await paradigma.
ngOnInit() {
console.log('Halo from ngOnInit');
const data1$ = this.serviceDashboard.getAllGeografika();
const data2$ = this.serviceDashboard.getAllHistorika();
const data3$ = this.serviceDashboard.getAllKeramologika();
this.chartContext$ = combineLatest([data1$, data2$, data3$])
map(([d1, d2, d3]) => {
return {
emailChartType: ChartType.Pie,
emailChartData: [d1, d2, d3],
emailChartLegendItems = [
{ title: 'Open', imageClass: 'fa fa-circle text-info' },
{ title: 'Bounce', imageClass: 'fa fa-circle text-danger' },
{ title: 'Unsubscribe', imageClass: 'fa fa-circle text-warning' }
// And template
<div class="col-md-4">
*ngIf="chartContext$ | async as chart"
[title]="'Email Statistics'"
[subtitle]="'Last Campaign Performance'"
[footerIconClass]="'fa fa-clock-o'"
[footerText]="'Campaign sent 2 days ago'">
2) Anyway 1) maybe won´t help you. Chartist.js and Angular 4? You should maybe consider better chart library and current (9) version of Angular. D3.js has never failed anyone (but you would have to create your own chart components :-))
3) Have you tried just put dummy fake data in your chart without querying the API and see if it works?


I need to save single objects in LocalStorage, but i have the whole array saved

I don't get how i am supposed to save only a single object a not the whole array. I am trying to create a movie watchlist. If I click "add to watchlist", the single object should be saved in LocalStorage. If I hit remove from watchlist, the object should get removed. I tried to write down methods to regulate all of that, but i guess somethings wrong. The data comes from an API request. Here's the code:
<div class="card" v-for="movie in movies"
<button type="submit" #click="storeMovie" >
<button type="submit" #click="removeMovie">
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
//Cambiare il nome con quello del componente creato
name: 'HomeComp',
data () {
return {
movies: [],
movie: "",
mounted () {
.then(response => {
this.movies =
// console.log(
.catch(error => {
this.errored = true
.finally(() => this.loading = false)
if (localStorage.movies) {
this.movies = JSON.parse(localStorage.movies);
watch: {
movies: {
handler(newMovies) {
localStorage.movies = JSON.stringify(newMovies);
methods: {
getMovie() {
this.movies = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("movie"));
storeMovie() {
if ( {
// push the new movie to list
// store the data in localStorage
localStorage.setItem("movies", JSON.stringify(this.movies));
// clear the input = "";
removeMovie() {
<style scoped lang="scss">
/*Inserire style componente*/
tried to parse ad stringify, but i think i'm doing it wrong in some way. Also written some methods, not working
Few observations as per the code you posted :
As you want to store the new movie through input, Aggiungi button should come outside of v-for loop.
For removeStore event, You need to pass the store id from a template so that we can filter out the movies array.
Live Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
movies: [],
movie: ''
mounted() {
// This data will come from API, Just for a demo purpose I am using mock data.
this.movies = [{
id: 1,
title: 'Movie A',
release_date: '06/12/2022'
}, {
id: 2,
title: 'Movie B',
release_date: '07/12/2022'
}, {
id: 3,
title: 'Movie C',
release_date: '08/12/2022'
}, {
id: 4,
title: 'Movie D',
release_date: '09/12/2022'
}, {
id: 5,
title: 'Movie E',
release_date: '10/12/2022'
methods: {
storeMovie() {
const newMovieID = + 1;
id: newMovieID,
release_date: '06/12/2022'
removeMovie(movieID) {
this.movies = this.movies.filter(({ id }) => id !== movieID)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
Add new movie : <input type="text" v-model="movie"/>
<button type="submit" #click="storeMovie()">
<div class="card" v-for="movie in movies"
<button type="submit" #click="removeMovie(">

How to save updated an embedded picklist selection on a custom Lightning Datatable?

I am using a 'Custom Datatable' solution in order to modify picklist values within a datatable. Project code may be referenced here:
I have made changes so that I can retrieve data from the custom object: Payment__c, and I am attempting modify the picklist values for the Payment_Status__c field. My 'debugging' method has been to create numerous console.log statements to verify data during the updating process. Picklist values are currently hardcoded (have not figured out how to dynamically pull from SF yet). Inline edit of individual cells works fine, and I am able to save those values as well (though changes are not reflected until I perform a manual page refresh). Picklist selection is working, but I am unable to save the currently selected picklist value in the datatable.
I believe that the intended trigger event for picklist selection changes--'valueselect', is not being fired, and the handleSelection method is not receiving this event when a new picklist selection is made.
The lightning component used on Salesforce is c-customDatatableDemo:
import { LightningElement, track, wire } from 'lwc';
import getPayments from '#salesforce/apex/PaymentController.getPayments';
import saveRecords from '#salesforce/apex/PaymentController.saveRecords';
import { updateRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
import { refreshApex } from '#salesforce/apex';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
export default class CustomDatatableDemo extends LightningElement {
#track data = [];
//have this attribute to track data changed
//with custom picklist or custom lookup
#track draftValues = [];
#track lastSavedData = [];
connectedCallback() {
this.columns = [
label: 'Name',
fieldName: 'Name',
editable: false
}, {
label: 'Invoice Number',
fieldName: 'Invoice_Number__c',
editable: true
}, {
label: 'Invoice Amount',
fieldName: 'Invoice_Amount__c',
type: 'currency',
editable: true
}, {
label: 'Invoice Date',
fieldName: 'Invoice_Date__c',
type: 'date',
editable: true
}, {
label: 'Payment Status',
fieldName: 'Payment_Status__c',
type: 'picklist',
placeholder: 'Choose Status',
options: [
{ label: 'Needs to Be Paid', value: 'Needs to Be Paid' },
{ label: 'Issued', value: 'Issued' },
{ label: 'Voided', value: 'Voided' },
] // List of Payment Status picklist options
, value: {fieldName: 'Payment_Status__c' } // default value for picklist
, context: {fieldName: 'Id' } // binding Payment Id with context variable to be returned back
label: 'Description', fieldName: 'Work_Description__c', type: 'text', editable: true
// Get Payments data
.then(result => { = result;
this.error = undefined;
.catch(error => {
this.error = error; = undefined;
// Save last saved copy
this.lastSavedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
updateDataValues(updateItem) {
let copyData = [...];
copyData.forEach(item => {
if (item.Id === updateItem.Id) {
for (let field in updateItem) {
console.log('updateDataValues() item.Id = ' + JSON.stringify(updateItem.Id));
console.log('updateItem[field] = ' + JSON.stringify(updateItem[field]));
item[field] = updateItem[field];
console.log('UPDATED--item[field] = ' + updateItem[field]);
//write changes back to original data = [...copyData];
console.log(' = ' + JSON.stringify(;
let tempData = [];
//console.log('tempData = ' + JSON.stringify(tempData));
updateDraftValues(updateItem) {
console.log('stringify draft updateItem = ' + JSON.stringify(updateItem));
let draftValueChanged = false;
let copyDraftValues = [...this.draftValues];
//store changed value to do operations
//on save. This will enable inline editing &
//show standard cancel & save button
let i = 0;
copyDraftValues.forEach(item => {
if (item.Id === updateItem.Id) {
console.log('i = ' + i);
for (let field in updateItem) {
console.log(i + '. UpdateDraftValues--item id if selected...item Id = ' + item.Id + ' & item value = ' + item.value);
item[field] = updateItem[field];
console.log('item[field] = ' + updateItem[field]);
draftValueChanged = true;
console.log('draftValueChanged = TRUE');
//draftValueChanged = true;
if (draftValueChanged) {
console.log('copyDraftValues = ' + JSON.stringify(copyDraftValues));
this.draftValues = [...copyDraftValues];
//console.log('draftValues = ' + JSON.stringify(draftValues));
} else {
this.draftValues = [...copyDraftValues, updateItem];
let testDraftValues = {... this.draftValues};
console.log('JSON.stringify(testDraftValues) = ' + JSON.stringify(testDraftValues));
//listener handler to get the context and data
//updates datatable
picklistChanged(event) {
console.log('EVENT type - ' + event.type);
let dataReceived =;
let updatedItem = { ...dataReceived };
console.log('picklistChanged()...updatedItem = ' + JSON.stringify(updatedItem));
/* console.log('event.value = ' + event.value);
this.value =;
let dataReceived =;
let updatedItem = { ...dataReceived };
console.log('updatedItem.context ' + updatedItem.context);
console.log('updatedItem.value ' + updatedItem.value);
console.log('updatedItem = ' + JSON.stringify(updatedItem));
console.log('picklistChanged() = ' + JSON.stringify(updatedItem)); */
handleSelection(event) {
/* event.stopPropogation();
let dataReceived =;
let updatedItem = { ...dataReceived };
this.updateDraftValues(updatedItem); */
console.log('STOP--handleSelection() = ' + JSON.stringify(updatedItem));
//handler to handle cell changes & update values in draft values
handleCellChange(event) {
console.log('handleCellChange value = ' + JSON.stringify(this.updateDraftValues));
handleSave(event) {
if (event.type === 'picklistchanged'){
console.log('Updated items = ', this.draftValues);
// save last saved copy
this.lastSavedData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
console.log('this.lastSavedData = ' + JSON.stringify(this.lastSavedData));
this.fldsItemValues = event.detail.draftValues;
console.log('this.fldsItemValues = ' + JSON.stringify(this.fldsItemValues));
const inputsItems = this.fldsItemValues.slice().map(draft => {
const fields = Object.assign({}, draft);
console.log('JSON.stringify() fields ' + JSON.stringify(fields));
return { fields };
// Show toast after successful update
const promises = => updateRecord(recordInput));
Promise.all(promises).then(res => {
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Success',
message: 'Records Updated Successfully!!',
variant: 'success'
this.fldsItemValues = [];
return this.refresh();
}).catch(error => {
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Error',
message: 'An Error Occured!!',
variant: 'error'
}).finally(() => {
// Clear draft values
this.draftValues = [];
// Refresh the window after successful save
//cmp.find("table-component-id").set("v.draftValues", null);
handleCancel(event) {
//remove draftValues & revert data changes = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.lastSavedData));
this.draftValues = [];
async refresh() {
console.log('async refresh');
await refreshApex(;
<lightning-card title="Invoicing" icon-name="custom:custom17">
<div class="slds-var-m-around_medium">
<template if:true={data}>
<template if:true={data.error}></template>
<p>Selected value is: {value}</p>
import LightningDatatable from 'lightning/datatable';
//import the template so that it can be reused
import DatatablePicklistTemplate from './picklist-template.html';
import { loadStyle } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import CustomDataTableResource from '#salesforce/resourceUrl/CustomDataTable';
export default class CustomDataTable extends LightningDatatable {
static customTypes = {
picklist: {
template: DatatablePicklistTemplate,
typeAttributes: ['label', 'placeholder', 'options', 'value', 'context'],
constructor() {
loadStyle(this, CustomDataTableResource),
]).then(() => {})
picklist-template.html (Same folder as customDataTable)
<c-datatable-picklist label={typeAttributes.label} value={typeAttributes.value}
placeholder={typeAttributes.placeholder} options={typeAttributes.options} context={typeAttributes.context}>
import { LightningElement, api, track } from 'lwc';
export default class DatatablePicklist extends LightningElement {
#api label;
#api placeholder;
#api options;
#api value;
#api context;
handleChange(event) {
//show the selected value on UI
this.value = event.detail.value;
//fire event to send context and selected value to the data table
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('picklistchanged', {
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
detail: {
data: { context: this.context, value: this.value }
<div class="picklist-container">
<lightning-combobox name="picklist" label={label} value={value} placeholder={placeholder} options={options}
import { LightningElement, wire, track } from 'lwc';
import getAccounts from '#salesforce/apex/lwcEditSaveRowCtrl.getAccounts';
import { updateRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import { refreshApex } from '#salesforce/apex';
const columns = [
label: 'Name',
fieldName: 'Name',
type: 'text',
}, {
label: 'Phone',
fieldName: 'Phone',
type: 'phone',
editable: true,
}, {
label: 'Industry',
fieldName: 'Industry',
type: 'text',
editable: true,
}, {
label: 'Type',
fieldName: 'Type',
type: 'text',
editable: true
}, {
label: 'Description',
fieldName: 'Type',
type: 'text',
editable: true
export default class LwcEditSaveRow extends LightningElement {
columns = columns;
#track accObj;
fldsItemValues = [];
cons(result) {
this.accObj = result;
if (result.error) {
this.accObj = undefined;
saveHandleAction(event) {
this.fldsItemValues = event.detail.draftValues;
const inputsItems = this.fldsItemValues.slice().map(draft => {
const fields = Object.assign({}, draft);
return { fields };
const promises = => updateRecord(recordInput));
Promise.all(promises).then(res => {
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Success',
message: 'Records Updated Successfully!!',
variant: 'success'
this.fldsItemValues = [];
return this.refresh();
}).catch(error => {
new ShowToastEvent({
title: 'Error',
message: 'An Error Occured!!',
variant: 'error'
}).finally(() => {
this.fldsItemValues = [];
async refresh() {
await refreshApex(this.accObj);
<div class="slds-m-around_medium">
<h3 class="slds-text-heading_medium"><lightning-icon icon-name="custom:custom84" size="small"></lightning-icon> <strong style="color:#270086; font-size:13px; margin-right:5px;"> How to inline Edit/Save Rows With Lightning Datatable in Lightning Web Component (LWC) </strong></h3>
<template if:true={}>
<lightning-datatable key-field="Id"
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Example of changing and saving non-picklist value in datatable:
Changing and saving non-picklist value
Example of changing and saving a picklist value:
Changing and saving picklist value (1)
Last bit of console output:
Changing and saving picklsit value (2)
As this is my first time working with Lightning Web components, I would greatly appreciate any assistance you may provide. Thanks in advance.
I was able to get this custom data table component working for something I am developing to effectively bind records as rows. Here 2 differences I notice:
I did not include onvalueselect and oncellchange methods for the component html declaration, only the onpicklistchanged.
You may want to use your custom server side controller method instead of the built-in uiRecordApi->updateRecord one. Something tells me this may not play nice with row data from the data table. In my implementation, I was simply able to pass the draftValues over to the server side method which has a single parameter of list of sObject:
async saveRecords(event){
const updatedFields = event.detail.draftValues;
this.draftValues = [];
this.showSpinner = true
await saveRelatedRecords({sObjs: updatedFields}) // server side save
.then((result) => {
this.updateMessage = result;
this.showSpinner = false;
if(this.updateMessage == 'success'){
this.showToast('Success', 'Record(s) Updated', 'success');
} else{
this.showToast('Error', this.updateMessage, 'error');
await refreshApex(this._wiredRecordData);
this.unsavedData = this.records;
} catch (error) {
this.showSpinner = false;
this.showToast('Error while updating or refreshing records', error.body.message, 'error');
In regards to your data not refreshing, I suggest you wire your getPayments method so that you can always get a fresh set from the server side, rather than trying to keep track of and maintain data changes on the client side, something like:
const { data, error } = getRecsResult;
this._wiredRecordData = getRecsResult;
this.records = data;
Then after your success toast in your save method, you can use
await refreshApex(_wiredRecords); and lwc knows to rerender based on the wiring (or at least I think that's how it works.)
Lastly, here is the server side controller method I have to dynamically generate column header information so it does not need to be hard coded into the component. However I did need to modify the custom component a bit to include a new "fieldapi" attribute so that the client side method knows what field to set for the changed value during the onpicklistchanged action.
public static String getColumnHeaders(String sObjAPI, String fieldAPIs)
List<ColumnHeaderInfo> colHeaders = new List<ColumnHeaderInfo>();
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult sObjDesc = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(sObjAPI).getDescribe();
Boolean objIsUpdateable = sObjDesc.isUpdateable();
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objFields = sObjDesc.fields.getMap();
for(String field: fieldAPIs.split(','))
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDesc = objFields.get(field).getDescribe();
ColumnHeaderInfo colHeader = new ColumnHeaderInfo();
colHeader.label = fieldDesc.getLabel();
colHeader.fieldName = fieldDesc.getName();
colHeader.editable = fieldDesc.isUpdateable() && sObjDesc.isUpdateable();
colHeader.type_x = fieldDesc.getType().name().toLowerCase();
if(colHeader.type_x == 'picklist')
colHeader.type_x = 'picklist';
List<Schema.PicklistEntry> picklistValues = fieldDesc.getPicklistValues();
colHeader.typeAttributes = new TypeAttributes();
colHeader.typeAttributes.options = new List<Option>();
for(Schema.PicklistEntry ple: picklistValues)
Option opt = new Option();
opt.value = ple.getValue();
opt.label = ple.getLabel();
colHeader.typeAttributes.context = new FieldName();
colHeader.typeAttributes.context.fieldName = 'Id';
colHeader.typeAttributes.value = new FieldName();
colHeader.typeAttributes.value.fieldName = fieldDesc.getName();
colHeader.typeAttributes.fieldapi = fieldDesc.getName();
// multi-select picklist fields not supported so make them read-only
if(colHeader.type_x == 'multipicklist'){
colHeader.editable = false;
return JSON.serialize(colHeaders).replaceAll('type_x', 'type');
private class ColumnHeaderInfo
public String label;
public String fieldName;
public String type_x;
public Boolean editable;
public TypeAttributes typeAttributes;
private class TypeAttributes
public String placeholder;
public List<Option> options;
public FieldName value;
public FieldName context;
public FieldName label;
public FieldName tooltip;
public String fieldapi;
public String target;
private class Option
public String label;
public String value;
private class FieldName
public String fieldName;

Vue.js: Return image with method after axios.get

<li v-for="people in projectData.employees" :key="people._id">
<b-img :src="colleagueImages(people)"
async colleagueImages(people) {
console.log(people); // =>
let profileImage = await axios.get("" + people + "&s=200&def=avatar", {
headers: {
'accept': 'image/jpeg'
return 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + btoa(
new Uint8Array(
.reduce((data, byte) => data + String.fromCharCode(byte), '')
The console.log(profileImage) returns the following:
The API I am using is returning a Base64 Image.
With my current code I only get the following error in my browser console:
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "src". Expected String, got Promise.
Since you don't have all the data you need to render in the first place, you have to change attributes afterwards. First, you need to use Vue components for your items, so your "src" attribute will be reactive; second, you start the requests for your items after you rendered your app. Please see this mockup.
Vue.component('todo-item', {
template: `
<input type="checkbox"
<del v-if="done">
{{ text }}
<span v-else>
{{ text }}
<span v-if="like">
♥ {{like}}
props: ['id', 'text', 'done', 'like'],
methods: {
toggle: function(){
this.done = !this.done
let todos = [
{id: 0, text: "Learn JavaScript", done: false, like: null },
{id: 1, text: "Learn Vue", done: false, like: null },
{id: 2, text: "Play around in JSFiddle", done: true, like: null },
{id: 3, text: "Build something awesome", done: true, like: null }
const v = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
todos: todos
todos.forEach((item) => {
// This is just a mock for an actual network request
window.setTimeout(() => { = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100)
}, Math.random() * 2000)
In this example I have the basic todo-list app with a fake "like" count for each item, which is calculated asynchronously. After setting up my app, I wait for the "like" attribute values (in my example I just wait a random value of milliseconds).

How To Display My Invoice Data In Invoice Template

I'm using Laravel 5.7 & VueJs 2.5.* ...
I have invoices table, i need to display specific invoice in a new component, so user can see whatever invoice he wants or print that invoice.
I don't know how to do that, i'm just playing around, if you could help me out, i'll be very grateful to you.
<router-link> to the component
<router-link to="/ct-invoice-view" #click="openInvoice(ctInvoice)">
<i class="fas fa-eye fa-lg text-blue"></i>
Displaying Customer information here like this:
<div class="col-sm-4 invoice-col">
<address v-for="ctInvoice in ctInvoices" :key="">
<strong>Customer Info</strong><br>
Name: <span>{{ ctInvoice.customer.customer_name }}</span>
Invoice view component data() & method{}
data() {
return {
ctInvoices: {},
customers: null
methods: {
openInvoice(ctInvoice) {
.get("api/ct-invoice/show/" + this.viewInvoice)
}) => (this.ctInvoices =;
Image for Better Understanding
You need to look at Dynamic Route matching:
Then you need to use axios.get in invoice views beforeMount function where this.$ will hold the invoice ID you want to load if the link is applied like so:
<router-link :to="`/ct-invoice-view/${}`">
<i class="fas fa-eye fa-lg text-blue"></i>
I suggest not navigating away from the list, it can be irritating for users having filtered the list then returning to it to look at more invoices and having to filter again unless the filter options and current results are sticky
There are a number of ways of doing this and they are lengthy to example, Typically I would make proper use of a modal and the invoice view load the data on display but to get you started a basic in page solution to experiment with, then try adapting in a reusable modal component later:
<button #click="showInvoice =">
<i class="fas fa-eye fa-lg text-blue"></i>
data() {
return {
loading: false,
invoice: {},
customers: null
computed: {
showInvoice: {
get: function() {
return this.invoice.hasOwnProperty('id');
set: function(value) {
if(value === false) {
this.invoice = {};
// could check a cache first and push the cached item into this.invoice else load it:
this.loading = true;
axios.get("api/ct-invoice/show/" + value).then(response => {
// you could push the invoice into a cache
this.invoice =;
}).cache(error => {
// handle error
}).finally(() => {
this.loading = false;
In view-invoice component have a close button with bind #click="$emit('close')"
Check this article for how $emit works:
<div v-if="loading" class="loading-overlay"></div>
<view-invoice v-if="showInvoice" :invoice="invoice" #close="showInvoice = false" />
<table v-else>....</table>
Hide the table when displaying the invoice, experiment with using v-show instead of v-if upon loosing table content state.
Inside your invoice view, property called invoice will contain the invoice data.
Check this article for how to use props:
Hint: The #close listens to the $emit('close')
Could also make use of when switching between table and invoice view.
I did something like this, it's working for me, can u just review it for me:
<router-link> to the Invoice View component
<router-link v-bind:to="{name: 'ctInvoiceView', params: {id:}}">
<i class="fas fa-eye fa-lg text-blue"></i>
Getting Data of Specific Invoice ID Like This:
created: function() {
.get("/api/ct-invoice/" + this.$
}) => {
this.form = new Form(data);
.catch(error => {

Filter/Function causing infdig

I am making a pie chart for my data. I am using Angular Chart (and subsequently, charts.js).
My data looks like this (vm being the controller):
vm.persons = [
cart: [
id: 1,
category: 'food'
id: 2,
category: 'clothes'
name: 'adams',
cart: [
id: 3,
category: 'automobile'
id:1, category: 'food'
As such, my template looks like:
<div ng-repeat="person in vm.persons">
<div class="person-header">{{}}</div>
<!-- chart goes here -->
<canvas class="chart chart-pie" chart-data="person.cart | chart : 'category' : 'data'" chart-labels="person.cart | chart : 'category' : 'labels'"></canvas>
<div class="person-data" ng-repeat="item in person.cart">
I decided to go with a filter for the chart as I thought that would be appropriate, DRY and reusable:
angular.module('myModule').filter('chartFilter', function() {
return function(input, datum, key) {
const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([...input.slice()])); // maybe a bit overboard on preventing mutation...
const entries = Object.entries(copy.reduce((o,n) => {o[n[datum]] = (o[n[datum]] || 0) + 1}, {}));
const out = {
labels: => entry[0]);
data: => entry[1]);
return out[key];
THIS WORKS, and the chart does show up, with the proper data. However per the console, it throws an infdig error every time. Per the docs, it's because I am returning a new array, which I am because it is almost a different set of data. Even if I get rid of copy (which is meant to be a separate object entirely) and use input directly (input.reduce(o,n), etc.) it still throws the error.
I tried also making it into a function (in the controller):
vm.chartBy = (input, datum, key) => {
const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([...input.slice()])); // maybe a bit overboard on preventing mutation...
const entries = Object.entries(copy.reduce((o,n) => {o[n[datum]] = (o[n[datum]] || 0) + 1}, {}));
const out = {
labels: => entry[0]);
data: => entry[1]);
return out[key];
and in the template:
<canvas class="chart chart-pie" chart-data="vm.chartBy(person.cart, 'category', 'data')" chart-labels="vm.chartBy(person.cart, 'category', 'labels')"></canvas>
However this is throwing an infdig error as well.
Does anyone know how to not get it to through an infdig error each time? That is what I am trying to solve.
As you pointed out, you can't bind to a function which produces a new array or the digest cycle will never be satisfied that the new value matches the old, because the array reference changes each time.
Instead, bind only to the data and then implement the filter in the directive, so that the filtered data is never bound, just shown in the directive's template.
<canvas class="chart chart-pie" chart-data="person.cart" chart-labels="person.cart"></canvas>
app.directive('chartData', function(){
return {
template: '{{chartData | chart : "category" : "data"}}',
scope: {
'chartData': '='
app.directive('chartLabels', function(){
return {
template: '{{chartLabels | chart : "category" : "labels"}}',
scope: {
'chartLabels': '='
app.filter('chart', function() {
return function(input, datum, key) {
return out[key];
I've hardcoded the datum/key strings in the directives but you could pass those in as additional bindings if needed.
Simple Mock-up Fiddle

