How to set img.src in HTML from responseText in Javascript? - javascript

I followed this answer & file downloading is successful. The facing problem is to set downloaded image file into the img.src tag.
Image link:
function onReadyState(e){
let r =;
if(r.readyState != 4 || r.status != 200){
let img = document.getElementById('downloaded-img')
let base64 = btoa(r.response)
img.src = 'data:image/jpg;base64,'+base64
I tried to convert responseText into base64 to set img.scr for display downloaded image. But I got error,
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The
string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.
at XMLHttpRequest.downloadCompleted
Then I used below code by following this answer.
let base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(r.responseText)))
The error is gone. But img is still whitespace. How can I resolve it? Thanks in advance...
I used this link. It throws below error,
Access to XMLHttpRequest at
from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
I used this link too, Didn't got any error But I got same blank area instead of image.

btoa receive a string as an argument, but you have a stream. You can use URL.createObjectURL for get a blob url
const url = '';
const img = document.querySelector('img');
fetch(url).then(data => data.blob()).then(blob => {
const src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
img.src = src;
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
<img height="150"/>
For download an image from url:
var a = document.createElement('a');

One long way is to use FileReader that assuming you received the data as blob
so this should work (hopefully) :
xml = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET", "YOUR URL", true)
xml.responseType = "blob"
var blob
xml.onload = function(e){blob = xml.response;}
file = new FileReader()
var base64
file.onloadend = function() {base64 = file.result}
img = document.getElementById('downloaded-img')
img.src = base64


Download base64 encoded file

In React, I uploaded a file using:
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
let base64data = reader.result;
This gives me a Base64 encoded text data:application/octet-stream;base64,JVBERi0xLj...
This is fine as when I decode 'JVBERi0xLj...' I get the correct text in case of a text file.
When a download request is made to the server I get the same data back but I'm having a difficulty downloading the file. I receive the same base64 encoded string in the response from the server but unable to open the downloaded file.
I have done the following:
const blob = new Blob([fetchData], { type: 'application/pdf' })
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = blob; = 'doc.pdf';;
Any ideas?
Note: The upload file is converted to base64 to avoid any http communication issues.
Solution following your suggestions:
let fetchDataModified = `data:application/pdf;base64,${fetchData }`;
let a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = fetchData; = 'doc.pdf';;
When converting to Base64 during upload the data type was set to 'application/octet-stream'. However, when downloading I changed that to 'application/pdf' following Vaibhav's suggestion and used createElement instead of createObjectURL and it worked. Thank you
“data:application/pdf” + the base64 string that you saved into our database

How to Convert image URL from server (API / ImageURL) to Base64 in Vue.Js

A lot of reference I see about this problem is about upload file and convert to base64 but in my case I want to convert an Image URL from server and convert it to base64 but I still failed to do it, right now I tried it like this, but it still failed since it doesn't show anything
this is my html:
<div v-if="questionData">
<img class="img-preview-download" :src="questionData.image_url? getBase64Image(questionData.image_url) : ''" alt="img-preview">
this is my method:
getBase64Image(img) {
console.log("cek base64 : ", btoa(img));
return `data:image/jpeg;base64,${btoa(img)}`;
I read some using file reader but isn't it only for file when you upload a data using input? can someone help me to solve this? I'm using Vue.Js for the framework
when I used this method I got result like this:
So this is my answer for my future self, who might be forget and stumble again in this problem!
You can solve it by making a new image and inside that image file, you can add your src so the image can be process when still loading or onload.
Since it is you, You might be remove the last image.src = url to get a clean code, but this is important, if you remove that line, image.onload will not be trigger because it will search for the image source. and if you try to use image.srcObject to put it with mediaStream it will give you Resolution Overloaded since you still not find the answer for this problem, it is okay, you can use the image first since your step is to achieve how to get file from Image URL. so this is the method you use to solve this problem:
downloadPreview() {
const el = this.$refs.printMe;
const options = {
type: 'dataURL'
this.$html2canvas(el, options).then(data => {
this.output = data;
const a = document.createElement('a'); = 'none';
a.href = data;
// this is just optional function to download your file = `name.jpeg`;
convertImgUrlToBase64(url) {
let self = this;
var image = new Image();
image.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous'); // use it if you try in a different origin of your web
image.onload = function () {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this, 0, 0);
function(source) {
var newImg = document.createElement("img"),
url = URL.createObjectURL(source);
newImg.onload = function() {
// no longer need to read the blob so it's revoked
newImg.src = url;
// If you ever stumble at 18 DOM Exception, just use this code to fix it
// let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg").replace("image/jpeg", "image/octet-stream");
let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg");
console.log("cek inside url : ", url);
if(url === backgroundImg) {
} else {
image.src = url;
assignImageBase64(img) {
this.imgBase64 = img;
just for information, I use this library to change the div into image file:
If you ever wondering why I give self.assignImageBase64(dataUrl); this function in the end, this is because I still wondering how onload works, and how to return Base64 url to the parent thats why I just assign it again in another function since it easier to do.

Turning image response from server into downloadable file

I'm making an ajax POST call to my server, generating an ugly remote download URL, passing that to nginx with proxy_pass and then serving the file to the client. See here for process. The image seems to make it to the client, I just can't get it to download.
As seen in screenshots, the chrome response preview shows the jpeg, the headers look good (content-disposition attachment).
How can I turn this response into a downloadable file for the user?
I've tried, however, the file that gets downloaded is corrupted and 150% size of the real image. Here's my attempt, it does download a file, but the file is corrupted with the message - Error interpreting JPEG image file (Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xef 0xbf)
const filenameRegex = /filename[^;=\n]*=((['"]).*?\2|[^;\n]*)/;
const matches = filenameRegex.exec(_responseHeaders['content-disposition']);
let fileName = '';
if (matches != null && matches[1])
fileName = matches[1].replace(/['"]/g, '');
let fileType = _responseHeaders['content-type'];
let blob = new Blob([_response], {type: fileType});
let URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
let downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
if (fileName)
// use HTML5 a[download] attribute to specify filename
let a = document.createElement('a');
// safari doesn't support this yet
if (typeof === 'undefined')
window.location = downloadUrl;
a.href = downloadUrl; = fileName;
window.location = downloadUrl;
setTimeout(function ()
}, 100); // cleanup
I had to set the ajax (axios) response type to 'blob' as the default is json. See -
Once the response was blob, I just piped the _response to URL.createObjectURL and then rest of the code I posted worked like a charm

PDF is blank when downloading using javascript

I have a web service that returns PDF file content in its response. I want to download this as a pdf file when user clicks the link. The javascript code that I have written in UI is as follows:
var blob=new File([response],'myBill.pdf',{type: "text/pdf"});
var link=document.createElement('a');
'response' contains the PDF byte array from servlet outputstream of 'MyPdfFileAPIstreamURl'. And also the stream is not encrypted.
So when I click the link, a PDF file gets downloaded successfully of size around 200KB. But when I open this file, it opens up with blank pages. The starting content of the downloaded pdf file is in the image.
I can't understand what is wrong here. Help !
This is the downloaded pdf file starting contents:
solved it via XMLHttpRequest and xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', './api/exportdoc/report_'+id, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function(e) {
if (this.status == 200) {
var blob=new Blob([this.response], {type:"application/pdf"});
var link=document.createElement('a');
link.href=window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);"Report_"+new Date()+".pdf";;
i fetched the data from server as string(which is base64 encoded to string) and then on client side i decoded it to base64 and then to array buffer.
Sample code
function solution1(base64Data) {
var arrBuffer = base64ToArrayBuffer(base64Data);
// It is necessary to create a new blob object with mime-type explicitly set
// otherwise only Chrome works like it should
var newBlob = new Blob([arrBuffer], { type: "application/pdf" });
// IE doesn't allow using a blob object directly as link href
// instead it is necessary to use msSaveOrOpenBlob
if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
// For other browsers:
// Create a link pointing to the ObjectURL containing the blob.
var data = window.URL.createObjectURL(newBlob);
var link = document.createElement('a');
document.body.appendChild(link); //required in FF, optional for Chrome
link.href = data; = "file.pdf";;
function base64ToArrayBuffer(data) {
var binaryString = window.atob(data);
var binaryLen = binaryString.length;
var bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryLen);
for (var i = 0; i < binaryLen; i++) {
var ascii = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
bytes[i] = ascii;
return bytes;
I was facing the same problem in my React project.
On the API I was using of express to attach the PDF file in the response. By doing that, I was receiving a string based file. That was the real reason why the file was opening blank or corrupted.
In my case the solution was to force the responseType to 'blob'. Since I was making the request via axios, I just simply added this attr in the option object:
axios.get('your_api_url_here', { responseType: 'blob' })
After, to make the download happen, you can do something like this in your 'fetchFile' method:
const response = await youtServiceHere.fetchFile(id)
const pdfBlob = new Blob([], { type: "application/pdf" })
const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(pdfBlob)
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = blobUrl
link.setAttribute('download', customNameIfYouWantHere);
solved it thanks to rom5jp but adding the sample code for golang and nextjs
in golang using with gingonic context
c.Header("Content-Description", "File-Transfer")
c.Header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary")
c.Header("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename="+fileName)
c.Header("Content-Type", "application/pdf; charset=utf-8")
in next js
const convertToPDF = (res) => {
const uuid = generateUUID();
var a = document.createElement('a');
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([res],{type: "application/pdf"}));
a.href = url; = 'report.pdf';;
const convertFile = async() => {'http://localhost:80/fileconverter/upload', {
"token_id" : cookies.access_token,
"request_type" : 1,
"url" : url
responseType: 'blob'
}, (err) => {
I was able to get this working with fetch using response.blob()
.then((response) => response.blob())
.then((response) => {
const blob = new Blob([response], {type: 'application/pdf'});
const link = document.createElement('a'); = 'some.pdf';
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);;
Changing the request from POST to GET fixed it for me

Load image into FileReader

I want to load an image from an url into filereader in order to obtain a data url of that image. I tried to search for the solution on google but i can only find solutions to read them from the file input on a local computer.
If you want a usable data-URI representation of the image, then I suggest to load the image in a <img> tag, paint it on a <canvas> then use the .toDataURL() method of the canvas.
Otherwise, you need to use XMLHttpRequest to get the image blob (set the responseType property on the XMLHttpRequest instance and get the blob from the .response property). Then, you can use the FileReader API as usual.
In both cases, the images have to be hosted on the same origin, or CORS must be enabled.
If your server does not support CORS, you can use a proxy that adds CORS headers. In the following example (using the second method), I'm using CORS Anywhere to get CORS headers on any image I want.
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '//');
x.responseType = 'blob';
x.onload = function() {
var blob = x.response;
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onloadend = function() {
var dataUrl = fr.result;
// Paint image, as a proof of concept
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = dataUrl;
The previous code can be copy-pasted to the console, and you will see a small image with YouTube's favicon at the bottom of the page. Link to demo:
Alternative download with fetch:
60789', {
headers: {},
}).then((response) => {
return response.blob();
}).then((blob) => {
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onloadend = function() {
var dataUrl = fr.result;
// Paint image, as a proof of concept
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = dataUrl;
}).catch((e) => console.log(e));

