JavaScript detect when new object property is created - javascript

Imagine the following....
function MyFunctional()
this._internal = "";
var foo = new MyFunctional(); = 0; = "foobar";
how is it possible to fire an event whenever I call foo.x = y; or foo['x'] = y;? would it be to create a setTimeout and check against the last array of property names? that would seem kinda expensive ^^
Thanks for reading, hopeful for an answer :D

You can do it with proxy object which defines custom behavior for fundamental operations
function MyFunctional() {
this._internal = "";
var foo = new MyFunctional();
//define the object whose properties are functions that define the behavior
//of the proxy when an operation is performed on it.
const handler = {
set: function(obj, prop, value) {
if(!(prop in obj)) {
alert(`property '${prop}' added`);
obj[prop] = value;
const p = new Proxy(foo, handler); = 0; = "foobar"; = 2;


Run a function when deep property is set

I have an object like
const obj = { field1: obj1, field2: obj2 }
and now I'd like to run a function when anything in obj was changed:
function objChanged() { ... }
// decorate obj somehow ...
obj.field3 = data; // objChanged should be called (Proxy can see it)
obj.field1.val = data; //objChanged should be called (Proxy can't see it?)
AFAIK there is a MutationObserver which works only for DOM and Proxy which intercepts only own properties, right?
I do not own obj1 so I can not change it. Is there a way to achieve this functionality?
Following the piece of code will listen to object property you can iterate over object properties to listen all. I am curious, what are you trying to achieve?
const dog = { bark: true };
function Observer(o, property) {
var _this = this;
this.observers = [];
this.Observe = function (notifyCallback) {
Object.defineProperty(o, property, {
set: function (val) {
_this.value = val;
for (var i = 0; i < _this.observers.length; i++) {
get: function () {
return _this.value;
const observer = new Observer(dog, "bark");
observer.Observe(function (value) {
dog.bark = true;
dog.bark = true;
dog.bark = true;
dog.bark = true;
Orgil's answer works only with a single property that needs to be known and encoded. I wanted a solution which works for all properties, including later added. Inspired by his idea to create an observing object, I created a dynamic Proxy that adds another Proxies when needed.
In the following code dog1 serves as proxy: setting its properties modifies the original dog object and logs the assigned value to console.
function AssignProxy(o, fn, path) {
var tree = {};
if(!path) path = "obj";
return new Proxy(o, {
get: (_, prop) => {
if(typeof o[prop] != "object") return o[prop];
if(tree[prop] === undefined) tree[prop] = AssignProxy(o[prop], fn, `${path}.${prop}`);
return tree[prop];
set: (_, prop, val) => fn(o[prop] = val, prop, o, path) || 1
/****** TEST *******/
const dog = {
sounds: {},
name: "Spike"
let callback = (val, prop, o, path) => console.log(`assigning ${path}.${prop} to ${val}`)
const dog1 = AssignProxy(dog, callback, "dog1"); = "Tyke"; // overwrite property
dog1.age = 4; // create a property
dog1.sounds.howl = "hoooooowl"; // create a deep property
dog1.sounds.howl = {text: "hoowl", pitch: 5000}; // overwrite the deep property
var howl = dog1.sounds.howl; // access by reference
howl.pitch = 6000; // overwrite later added property
console.log(dog); // verify the original object

Accessing object properties in listener method

Let's say I have the following code:
var Obj = function() { = 1;
this.arr = [...] // array containing elements we want to add event listeners to
for (...) {
this.arr[i].addEventListener("click", this.listener, false);
Obj.prototype.listener = function() {
console.log( ); // DOES NOT WORK! *this* does not point to Obj.
var a = new Obj();
How do I access object properties (and methods) within a listener? I would assume I'd need to pass it as a parameter? Is the way I'm going about this structurally wrong?
When the function is called as an event listener, the context (this) is changed to something other that the object itself.
To resolve this, manually bind the context to the object instance in the constructor using bind(). This way, this will always point to the object instance, independent of the calling context:
var Obj = function() { = 'foo';
this.listener = this.listener.bind(this);
Obj.prototype.listener = function() {
var a = new Obj();{});
As suggested by #Tushar, you can use Function.prototype.bind() and pass as parameter
var Obj = function() {
var obj = this; = 1;
this.arr = [document.body];
for (var i = 0; i < obj.arr.length; i++) {
, obj.listener.bind(obj.arr[i],, false);
// note order of parameters; e.g., `prop`, `e`
Obj.prototype.listener = function(prop, e) {
console.log(prop, e); // `1`, `event` object
var a = new Obj();

Adding methods to an JavaScript object

I could create an object with some methods, and later add a property to it as follows:
var myObj = (function () {
var my = {};
return my;
How could I create the object first and add a property, and then later add the methods afterwards?
//How do I add the above methods to myObj?
I guess there are two solutions:
Merge the objects:
var myObj = {...};
// ...
var objWithMethods = (function() { ... }());
Object.assign(myObj, objWithMethods);
(Object.assign is an ES6 methods. A polyfill can be found in the link, libraries often also provide a method with similar behavior).
Pass the object the methods should be assigned to as argument:
var myObj = {};
myObj = (function (obj) {
var my = obj || {};
return my;
You can do an extend operation using an existing object
var myObj = {...}
var myAdditionalMethods = { someMethod : function(){ } }
//extend the object
for(var i in myAdditionalMethods)
myObj[i] = myAdditionalMethods[i];
there are a lot of libraries that have this functionality built in, but that is how you would do it without one
Even prototype can add the functions to original object.
var myObj = function() {
this.myProperty = 123;
myObj.prototype.method1 = function method1() {
myObj.prototype.method2 = function method2() {
var newObj = new myObj();

stringify javascript function

I am in the final stages of a game development and i have a bunch of objects like this;
roomBedroom = function () {
this.title = "Bedroom";
this.description = "I'm in a bedroom";
this.noun = "bed";
this.entities = new Array();
var bedroom = new roomBedroom();
What I want to do now is place all of my game objects into an array;
var savedGameObjects = {};
savedGameObjects['bedroom'] = bedroom;
var jsonGame = JSON.stringify(savedGameObjects);
The plan is to then save the savedGameObjects array and then recall it when the user loads the game again.
If I replace savedGameObjects['bedroom'] = bedroom; with savedGameObjects['bed'] = 'slappy'; it works but not when I have the object.
I really need to save the objects in their current state. I'd rather not go through each object saving key pieces of information one by one.
This feels like a bit of a hack, but its the best I can come up with right now
Your serialization/deserializtion utility
This is going to attach to obj.__prototype before serialization. Upon deserializing, the prototype will be put back in place.
(function(global) {
function serialize(obj) {
obj.__prototype =;
return JSON.stringify(obj);
function deserialize(json) {
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
obj.__proto__ = global[obj.__prototype].prototype;
return obj;
global.serialize = serialize;
global.deserialize = deserialize;
A sample "class"
(function(global) {
function Foo() {
this.a = "a";
this.b = "b";
Foo.prototype.hello = function() {
global.Foo = Foo;
Let's try it out
var foo = new Foo();
var json = serialize(foo);
var newFoo = deserialize(json);
console.log('a', newFoo.a); // a
console.log('b', newFoo.b); // b
newFoo.hello(); // hello
Watch out for some gotchas
If you use an expression to define your "class", you will have a nameless constructor
var Foo = function() {};
var foo = new Foo();; // ""
As opposed to a named function
function Foo() {}
var foo = new Foo();; // Foo
In order for serialize and deserialize to work, you will need to use named functions
Another gotcha
The deserialize method expects your "classes" to exist on the in the same namespace (window in this case). You could encapsulate your game object classes in another way, just make sure that you reconfigure the deserialize method so that it can find the prototypes as needed.
Making this better
Instead of attaching serialize to the global window, you could have serialize live on (e.g.) the GameObject.prototype then your individual classes could inherit from GameObject. Serializing an object would then be as simple as
var json = foo.serialize();
// {"a":"a","b":"b","__prototype":"Foo"}
You could then define deserialize as GameObject.deserialize and restoring foo would be
var foo = GameObject.deserialize(json);
An alternative solution
Instead of implementing a custom serializer and deserializer, you could make very clever use of the Factory Method Pattern.
This might be a little verbose, but it does give you individual control over how a game object should be deserialized/restored.
var savedData = // your normal JSON here
var player = Player.create(savedData.player);
var items = [];
for (var i=0, i<savedData.items.length; i++) {
var map = Map.create(;
This was a pretty interesting problem and I'm sure you're not the first to encounter it. I'm really curious to see what other people come up with.
If I run the following code in a browser there is no problem getting the JSON string of the bedroom object, not sure what the problem is.
Note that JSON is data and bedroom is an object, bedroom may have behaviour like turnOffLight() that JSON doesn't have.
roomBedroom = function () {
this.title = "Bedroom";
this.description = "I'm in a bedroom";
this.noun = "bed";
this.entities = new Array();
var bedroom = new roomBedroom();
var savedGameObjects = {};
savedGameObjects['bedroom'] = bedroom;
//logs {"bedroom":{"title":"Bedroom","description":
// "I'm in abedroom","noun":"bed","entities":[]}}
So if you want to re create object instances from JSON data then you can change your constructor:
roomBedroom = function (args) {
//following fails fast and loud, you could silently
//fail by setting args to {}
if(typeof args!=="object")
throw new Error("Have to create roomBedroom by passing an object");
//or do args={} to silently fail
this.title = args.title||"Bedroom";
this.description = args.description||"I'm in a bedroom";
this.noun = args.noun||"bed";
//if entities are objects with behavior
// you have to re create them here passing the JSON data
// as I've done with roomBedroom
this.entities = args.entities||new Array();
var jsonString='{"bedroom":{"title":"Bedroom",'+
'"description":"I\'m in a bedroom",'+
var bedroom = new roomBedroom({});
bedroom.title="Master Bedroom";
//serialize bedroom to a json string
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(bedroom);
//create a roomBedroom instance named br2 using
// the serialized string
var br2=new roomBedroom(JSON.parse(jsonString));
//compare if they are the same
I have an approach that might work for you. You can see it in action on JSFiddle.
The main point is to use the reviver parameter to JSON.parse to reconstruct your object when it's parsed.
I do this with a general-purpose reviver that can be configured for multiple different types, although here the only one used is the RoomBedroom constructor. This implementation assumes that you have simple copy constructors that create new objects using a reference to an existing one. (For other, more sophisticated possibilities, see an answer to another question I gave in February.) To make it easy to have a copy constructor, I have one more function that accepts a very simple constructor function and a set of default values and builds a copy constructor function for you.
var MultiReviver = function(types) {
return function(key, value) {
var type;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
type = types[i];
if (type.test(value)) {
return new type.constructor(value);
return value;
var makeCloningConstructor = (function() {
var clone = function(obj) {return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));};
var F = function() {};
return function(Constructor, defaults) {
var fn = function(obj) {;
var self = this;
var config = obj || {};
Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function(key) {
self[key] = clone(defaults[key]);
Object.keys(config).forEach(function(key) {
self[key] = clone(config[key]);
F.prototype = Constructor.prototype;
fn.prototype = new F();
fn.constructor = Constructor;
return fn;
// Note: capitalize constructor functions
var RoomBedroom = makeCloningConstructor(function RoomBedroom() {}, {
title: "Bedroom",
description: "I'm in a bedroom",
noun: "bed",
entities: [] // Note: use `[]` instead of `new Array()`.
RoomBedroom.prototype.toggleLight = function() {
this.lightOn = !this.lightOn;
RoomBedroom.prototype.checkLights = function() {
return "light is " + (this.lightOn ? "on" : "off");
var bedroom = new RoomBedroom();
bedroom.windowCount = 3; // add new property
bedroom.noun = "king-sized bed"; // adjust property
bedroom.toggleLight(); // create new propery, use prototype function
var savedGameObjects = {};
savedGameObjects['bedroom'] = bedroom;
var jsonGame = JSON.stringify(savedGameObjects);
var reviver = new MultiReviver([{
constructor: RoomBedroom,
test: function(obj) {
var toString = Object.prototype.toString, str = "[object String]",
arr = "[object Array]";
return == str && == str && == str && == arr;
var retrievedGameObjects = JSON.parse(jsonGame, reviver);
// data comes back intact
console.log(JSON.stringify(retrievedGameObjects, null, 4));
// constructor is as expected
console.log("Constructor: " +;
// prototype functions work
I don't know if it's precisely what you were looking for, but I think it's at least an interesting approach.
the faster route
It is better — from an optimisation point of view — to do as Adeneo states, which is power each of your Game Objects by an exportable simple object i.e:
roomBedroom = function(){ = {}; = 'Bedroom'
/// and so on...
These can then be easily stored and re-imported just by JSON.Stringifying and overwriting the data property. For example, you could set-up the system that Maček mentions (+1) which is to give each of your game objects serialize and deserialize functions:
roomBedroom.prototype.serialize = function(){
return JSON.stringify( );
roomBedroom.prototype.deserialize = function( jstr ){ = JSON.parse(jstr);
the quicker way
However, you can make a simple addition to what you already have using the following:
First enhance your Game Objects with an objectName property. This is because and are unreliable and do strange things the further back in time you go, far better to use a string you have set in stone.
var roomBedroom = function ( title ) {
this.objectName = "roomBedroom";
this.title = title;
this.description = "I'm in a bedroom";
this.noun = "bed";
this.entities = new Array();
Then the additional code to help with storage:
var storage = {};
/// add your supported constructors to this list, there are more programmatic
/// ways to get at the constructor but it's better to be explicit.
storage.constructors = {
'roomBedroom' : roomBedroom
/// take an instance and convert to simple object = function( obj ){
if ( obj.toStorage ) {
return obj.toStorage();
else {
var keep = {};
for ( var i in obj ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(i) && !obj[i].call ) {
keep[i] = obj[i];
return keep;
/// take simple object and convert to an instance of constructor
storage.from = function( obj ){
var n = obj && obj.objectName, c = storage.constructors[n];
if ( n && c ) {
if ( c.fromStorage ) {
return c.fromStorage( obj );
else {
var inst = new c();
for ( var i in obj ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(i) ) {
inst[i] = obj[i];
return inst;
else {
throw new Error('`' + n + '` undefined as storage constructor');
Once you have that you can use it like so:
var savedGameObjects = {};
savedGameObjects['bedroom'] = roomBedroom("bedroom"));
savedGameObjects['bedroom2'] = roomBedroom("bedroom2"));
var jsonGame = JSON.stringify(savedGameObjects);
savedGameObjects = JSON.parse(jsonGame);
for( var i in savedGameObjects ) {
savedGameObjects[i] = storage.from(savedGameObjects[i]);
You can also be specific about the way objects get stored/unstored by supplying toStorage and fromStorage methods on your constructed instances and constructors respectively. For example, you could use the following if you only wanted to store titles of roomBedrooms. Obviously this is an unrealistic use-case, you'd more often use this to avoid storing cached or computed sub-objects and properties.
roomBedroom.prototype.toStorage = function( obj ){
var ret = {};
ret.title = obj.title;
return ret;
roomBedroom.fromStorage = function( obj ){
var inst = new roomBedroom();
inst.title = obj.title;
return inst;
The above also means you can take advantage of improving your Game Object construction by providing parameters, rather than iterating over properties which can be slow and error-prone.
roomBedroom.fromStorage = function( obj ){
return new roomBedroom( obj.title );
Or even:
roomBedroom.fromStorage = function( obj ){
return new roomBedroom( obj ); // <-- the constructor processes the import.
The above code relies on the existence of hasOwnProperty which is not present cross-browser yet, a polyfill should be used until it is... or, if you aren't doing anything complicated with prototype inheritance you don't need to worry and can remove it from the code.
you can declare a big variable like
var world = {};
and each small variable declare as
var bedroom = world.bed = (world.bed || new roomBedroom());
remember never change bedroom to another object, i think this will work fine, but looks too long winded

What does 'this' refer to in this function?

The entire code snipped is:
var observer = {
addSubscriber: function(callback) {
this.subscribers[this.subscribers.length] = callback;
removeSubscriber: function(callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.subscribers.length; i++) {
if (this.subscribers[i] === callback) {
publish: function(what) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.subscribers.length; i++) {
if (typeof this.subscribers[i] === 'function') {
make: function(o) { // turns an object into a publisher
for(var i in this) {
o[i] = this[i];
o.subscribers = [];
It depends on how it is called. I see it is part of an object literal called observer.
observer.make(o) would mean this == observer., o) would mean this == otherObj.
new observer.make(o) would make a new object to be this
So it would do something like this.
var model = {
name: 'bike',
id: 4,
gears: 7
//now model has methods from observer
"this" refers to "observer" assuming that is the object in which it was invoked (and in 99% of cases it is);
so: observer.addSubscriber
in the method addSubscriber, "this" will refer to "observer".
When you have objects within objects (or nodes) it can be confusing to resolve "this":
observer = {
node: $("myDiv"),
callIt: function(){
// note "this.node" - node belongs to observer
this.node.onclick = function(){
// "this" now refers to the "node" object
// onclick was invoked by node
this, is how you refere at the scope of a function. it's the function itsel.!!! this example in prototypejs framework is quite handy.
for example if you the following code.
function foo(){
//here this is foo
var x = {}; //object
var me = this;
var img = new Image();
img.load = function(){
//but here this is img.load.. is the scope of the function =)
// if you want to use the x object you have to assing this FOO a global variable is why you use me = this;
me //is foo :P

