Good afternoon folks!
I'm using React NumberFormat for currency formatting, it works well, but I couldn't reproduce with it the behavior I want for my page.
I would like the user to type in the 1010 input, and the input automatically corrects it to $ 10.10.
However, all the methods I found, when the user types 1010, he corrects it for $ 1010.00.
How do I get to this behavior in real time in the input? As soon as the user types, it is already formatting.
I need a regular expression or code, where:
I type - return code
1010 ===> 10.10
1000 ====> 10.00
1050 =====> 10.50
100050 ====> 1,000.50
You can try making a "format" function like below:
function formatCurrency(currencyString) {
let firstHalf = currencyString.substring(0, currencyString.length - 2);
let secondHalf = currencyString.substring(currencyString.length - 2, currencyString.length);
return parseFloat(`${firstHalf}.${secondHalf}`).toLocaleString('en-EN', {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'});
// example use case:
let cur = formatCurrency('1010'); // returns: '$10.10'
cur = formatCurrency('101010') // returns: '$1,010.10'
This way you are always getting the last two characters on the right side of the decimal, as you're trying to do, and using localization to properly format the number.
I am using d3-format's format function to round some numbers (yes, I know this isn't necessary).
When I format negative numbers, I get a string of a negative number, as expected. However, when I convert it back into a number using the + shorthand, it returns NaN. This is not what should happen. I should get back a regular negative number.
import {format} from "d3-format"; //version 3.1.0
let numberFormatter = d3.format(".3f");
let neg = -2.333;
let negString = "-2.333";
let d3negString = numberFormatter(neg);
//the strings look the same
console.log(d3negString) // "-2.333"
console.log(negString) // "-2.333"
//both strings have the same type of 'string'
console.log(typeof negString === typeof d3negString); // true
//but they are not equal
console.log(negString === d3negString); // false
//normal strings work as expected
console.log(isNaN(+negString)); // false
//but strings from d3-format function returns NaN
console.log(isNaN(+d3negString)); // true
It says that both strings have the same type 'string', however their values are not equal?? Even though the text is equal?
What is the true type of d3-formatted number strings? They can't just be normal strings, right? Why is it returning NaN? Is this a bug?
MacOS Big Sur
Chrome 96.0.4664.110
The change log of d3, shows that in version 2.0.0 the following was changed:
Change the default minus sign to the minus sign (−) instead of hyphen-minus (-).
In this thread on D3's github are some interesting comments:
D3 did use the minus sign originally, but people complained about that, too (e.g., #595), primarily because there was an expectation that d3.format would use the same symbol as JavaScript’s number.toString. The minus sign was thus replaced with hyphen-minus in 2.10.0 (da3131c, #756).
This is now available as an opt-in by specifying the locale’s minus property. And I’m considering making the minus sign the default (again) in the next major version.
The reason this doesn't work is because the 'minus' characters, despite appearing identical, are different unicode symbols.
Luckily, d3 provides a way to change the default minus character to whatever you choose using the formatLocale function.]
'HYPHEN-MINUS' U+002D unicode character is recognized as a 'negative sign'.
// import {format} from 'd3-format' //do not directly import format with default settings
import { formatLocale} from "d3-format"
const format = formatLocale({ minus: "\u002D"}).format
let numberFormatter = d3.format(".3f");
let neg = -2.333;
let negString = "-2.333";
let d3negString = numberFormatter(neg);
console.log(d3negString) // "-2.333"
console.log(negString) // "-2.333"
console.log(typeof negString === typeof d3negString); // true
console.log(negString === d3negString); // true
console.log(isNaN(+negString)); // false
console.log(isNaN(+d3negString)); // false
The larger moral of the story is that d3-format's goal is NOT to round numbers - it is to make number look nice as text. To prevent problems, use Math.round() or "-2.3333".toFixed(3) // => -2.333 to round numbers in javascript.
I am currently building a JavaScript web scraper for a grocery store that processes a title of a product and then returns the item count, volume and price per litre of a product. Most of the product titles look something like this:
Coca cola (vanilla flavour) 12 x 330 mL
In order to obtain meta data about this product, I have written a Regular Expression. It will look for look for a word boundary followed by a 1 or 2 digit number, whitespace, the string 'x', another whitespace and finally a 1, 2 or 3 digit number:
const filter = new RegExp(/\b\d{1,2}\sx\s\d{1,3}/);
I then test each result for a match with the Regular Expression and then calculate the item count, item volume, volume in litres and then the price per litre.
if (result.title.match(filter)) {
result.itemCount = parseInt(result.title.match(/\d{1}\s/));
result.itemVolume = parseInt(result.title.match(/\d{2,3}\s/));
result.litreVolume = (result.itemCount * result.itemVolume) / 1000;
result.pricePerLitre = +(result.price / result.litreVolume).toFixed(2);
} else {
result.itemCount = 1;
result.itemVolume = parseInt(result.title.match(/\d{2,3}\s/));
result.litreVolume = result.itemVolume / 1000;
result.pricePerLitre = +(result.price / result.litreVolume).toFixed(2);
90% of the results look good, but sometimes I get unexpected results. For example:
an item count of NaN, which may have to do with the fact that some titles contain several more numbers (Coca Cola (4-Way) 12 x 330 mL))
a volume of Infinity
a price per litre that is way too high
Clearly I am doing something wrong with my approach to calculating the desired meta data. What would be a better way of doing calculations with RegEx? Am I missing something that would make my calculations less prone to errors?
If i understand correctly filter \b\d{1,2}\sx\s\d{1,3} works, but your sub filters do not (\d{1}\s)...
I only used to using regex in c# but, i saw you could use groups in java also.
change your pattern to (\b\d{1,2})\sx\s(\d{1,3}). When you put brackets in your regex, that part becomes a group that you can acces afterwards.
As i said, i haven't used java in a few years, but i picked this code snippet from the web. It shows how to use groups in java. As pattern you should use the (\b\d{1,2})\sx\s(\d{1,3}). If it is the same as in c# group(0) is the whole result, group(1) is your first actual group, group(2) is the second.
// Create a Pattern object
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(pattern);
// Now create matcher object.
Matcher m = r.matcher(line);
if (m.find( )) {
System.out.println("Found value: " + );
System.out.println("Found value: " + );
I think you can write it with less code than stated above, but you get the picture ;-)
I use this function to format numbers in my app, it's supposed to return a decimal number with a symbol, and accepts the max value to determine the symbol as well as the number to format as arguments:
function generateAmountAxis(maxVal){
var prefix = d3.formatPrefix(maxVal);
var format = d3.format(".2s");
return function(number){
return format(prefix.scale(number)) + prefix.symbol;
When I run it on a group of numbers:
generateAmountAxis(1000000000)(2000000000) // returns "2.0G"
generateAmountAxis(1000000000)(2100000000) // returns "2.1G"
generateAmountAxis(1000000000)(500000000) //returns "500mG" !!
my question is - why does it show 500mG for half a billion? i want it to show 0.5G
you need to change your format
(This may not be exact according to your requirement, as it would wrap 2.0 to 2, but you should know that the issue is with your format specifier)
see this fiddle
EDIT: you can use d3.format('.1f') for displaying results up to 1 floating point. see the updated fiddle:
For more information on formatters:
Do you know if toFixed is a localized function?
I mean, will this:
var n = 100.67287;
show "100.67" on english US OS/browsers
and "100,67" (with comma) on Italian OS/browsers?
(Italian or any other local system that uses comma as decimal separator).
Late addition: with Number.toLocaleString() now available on everything bar IE 10 & below, this works, albeit rather long-winded:
var n = 100.67287;
console.log(n.toLocaleString(undefined, {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2
Using undefined or 'default' for the language code will use the browser default language to format the number.
See for full details.
If you're free to extend the Number prototype, you could defined Number.toLocaleFixed().
No, this will always return a point. The ECMA 262-spec [] states it should be a point.
You can use this:
var n = 100.67287;
On my german system the result is
No sadly, there is no real solution in pure jQuery/JavaScript. You'll need Globalize. The problem is that both toFixed() and toLocaleString() take a number and return a string. So you can never use them together. :( If you call foo.toFixed(2).toLocaleString() you won't get the localization (i.e. '1.234' in en should be '1,234' in fr) because its working on the result of toFixed() which is a string, not a number. :(
I need to compare a float value entered in a web form against a range. The problem is that the client computers may have various locale settings, meaning that user may use either "." or "," to separate the integer part from decimal one.
Is there a simple way to do it? As it is for an intranet and that they are only allowed to use IE, a VBScript is fine, even if I would prefer to use JavaScript.
EDIT: Let me clarify it a bit:
I cannot rely on the system locale, because, for example, a lot of our french customers use a computer with an english locale, even if they still use the comma to fill data in the web forms.
So I need a way to perform a check accross multiple locale "string to double" conversion.
I know that the raise condition is "what about numbers with 3 decimal digits", but in our environment, this kind of answer never happen, and if it happens, it will be threated as an out of range error due to the multiplication by a thousand, so it's not a real issue for us.
In Javascript use parseFloat on the text value to get a number. Similarly in VBScript use CDbl on the text value. Both should conform to the current locale settings enforce for the user.
This code should work:
function toFloat(localFloatStr)
var x = localFloatStr.split(/,|\./),
x2 = x[x.length-1],
x3 = x.join('').replace(new RegExp(x2+'$'),'.'+x2);
return parseFloat(x3);
// x2 is for clarity, could be omitted:
//=>x.join('').replace(new RegExp(x[x.length-1]+'$'),'.'+x[x.length-1])
alert(toFloat('1,223,455.223')); //=> 1223455.223
alert(toFloat('1.223.455,223')); //=> 1223455.223
// your numbers ;~)
alert(toFloat('3.123,56')); //=> 3123.56
alert(toFloat('3,123.56')); //=> 3123.56
What we do is try parsing using the culture of the user and if that doesn't work, parse it using an invariant culture.
I wouldn't know how to do it in javascript or vbscript exactly though.
I used KooiInc's answer but change it a bit, because it didn't reckon with some cases.
function toFloat(strNum) {
var full = strNum.split(/[.,]/);
if (full.length == 1) return parseFloat(strNum);
var back = full[full.length - 1];
var result = full.join('').replace(new RegExp(back + '$'), '.' + back);
return parseFloat(result);
Forbid using any thousands separator.
Give the user an example: "Reals should look like this: 3123.56 or 3123,56". Then simply change , to . and parse it.
You can always tell user that he did something wrong with a message like this:
"I don't understand what you mean by "**,**,**".
Please format numbers like "3123.56."