How do I loop through nested arrays? - javascript

I have this structure below, and I want to loop through the hierarchy without missing any object.
"countries": [
"name": "Denmark",
"id": "APA1",
"children": [
"name": "Zealand",
"id": "APA1.1",
"parentId": "APA1",
"children": [
"name": "Copenhagen",
"id": "APA1.1.1",
"parentId": "APA1.1",
"children": [
"name": "Dublin",
"id": "ANA1",
"parentId": "APA1.1.1.1",
"hostNames": [
"ip": ""
"ip": ""
"name": "Jutland",
"id": "APA1.2",
"parentId": "APA1",
"children": [
"name": "Nordjylland",
"id": "APA1.2.1",
"parentId": "APA1.2",
"children": [
"name": "Aalborg",
"id": "APA1.2.1.1",
"parentId": "APA1.2.1",
"children": [
"name": "Risskov",
"id": "ANA3",
"parentId": "APA1.2.1.1",
"hostNames": [
"ip": ""
"name": "Brabrand",
"id": "ANA4",
"parentId": "APA1.2.1.1",
"hostNames": [
"ip": ""
The reason why I want to loop through the hierarchy is that I want to turn this into a flat structure. So essentially I'm gonna take every object and move it to another array which has the structure that I want. I just want to know how to access the children.
The wanted result:
"applicationGroups": [
"id" : "APA1",
"name": "Denmark",
"name": "Zealand",
"id": "APA1.1",
"parentId": "APA1"
"name": "Copenhagen",
"id": "APA1.1.1",
"parentId": "APA1.1"
"name": "Dublin",
"id": "ANA1",
"parentId": "APA1.1.1.1"
"name": "Jutland",
"id": "APA1.2",
"parentId": "APA1"
"name": "Nordjylland",
"id": "APA1.2.1",
"parentId": "APA1.2"
"name": "Aalborg",
"id": "APA1.2.1.1",
"parentId": "APA1.2.1"
"name": "Risskov",
"id": "ANA3",
"parentId": "APA1.2.1.1"
"name": "Brabrand",
"id": "ANA4",
"parentId": "APA1.2.1.1"
I'm a bit new to JavaScript, and I don't really know where to start, but this example that I have given is not identical to the actual one that I'm working on, so I just want the principle so I can implement it myself in my actual code.

You could take a flatMap approach for the recursive call of a flattening callback.
flat = ({ hostNames, children = [], ...o }) => [o, ...children.flatMap(flat)],
data = { countries: [{ name: "Denmark", id: "APA1", children: [{ name: "Zealand", id: "APA1.1", parentId: "APA1", children: [{ name: "Copenhagen", id: "APA1.1.1", parentId: "APA1.1", children: [{ name: "Dublin", id: "ANA1", parentId: "APA1.1.1.1", hostNames: [{ ip: "" }, { ip: "" }] }] }] }, { name: "Jutland", id: "APA1.2", parentId: "APA1", children: [{ name: "Nordjylland", id: "APA1.2.1", parentId: "APA1.2", children: [{ name: "Aalborg", id: "APA1.2.1.1", parentId: "APA1.2.1", children: [{ name: "Risskov", id: "ANA3", parentId: "APA1.2.1.1", hostNames: [{ ip: "" }] }, { name: "Brabrand", id: "ANA4", parentId: "APA1.2.1.1", hostNames: [{ ip: "" }] }] }] }] }] }] },
result = data.countries.flatMap(flat);
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You can combine the Array.flat() method and this answer to flatten objects recursively.
Using recursive functions is the faster way to accomplish that.

To get a flat structure you could use reduce method to create recursive function.
const data = {"countries":[{"name":"Denmark","id":"APA1","children":[{"name":"Zealand","id":"APA1.1","parentId":"APA1","children":[{"name":"Copenhagen","id":"APA1.1.1","parentId":"APA1.1","children":[{"name":"Dublin","id":"ANA1","parentId":"APA1.1.1.1","hostNames":[{"ip":""},{"ip":""}]}]}]},{"name":"Jutland","id":"APA1.2","parentId":"APA1","children":[{"name":"Nordjylland","id":"APA1.2.1","parentId":"APA1.2","children":[{"name":"Aalborg","id":"APA1.2.1.1","parentId":"APA1.2.1","children":[{"name":"Risskov","id":"ANA3","parentId":"APA1.2.1.1","hostNames":[{"ip":""}]},{"name":"Brabrand","id":"ANA4","parentId":"APA1.2.1.1","hostNames":[{"ip":""}]}]}]}]}]}]}
function flat(data) {
return data.reduce((r, { children, }) => {
if (children) r.push(...flat(children))
return r;
}, [])
const result = flat(data.countries)


Creating a new array from the parents of array child element

I have the following array
"id": "111",
"name": "1111",
"children": [
"id": "22222",
"name": "2222",
"children": [
"id": "AAAA",
"name": "AAAA",
"children": [
"id": "DDD",
"name": "DDD"
"id": "EEE",
"name": "EEE"
"id": "BBBB",
"name": "BBB",
"children": [
"id": "FFF",
"name": "FFF"
"id": "GGG",
"name": "GGG",
"children": [
"id": "7777",
"name": "7777"
"id": "8888",
"name": "8888"
And I would like to create an array with the parents of a child by its ID.
So for example if I wanted to get the path to the child with ID "FFF", then the array would look like something like this:
["1111", "2222", "BBB", "FFF"]
How could I go about doing that?
You could take an iterative and recursive approach.
function getItems({ children, ...object }, key, value) {
var temp;
if (object[key] === value) return [object];
if (children) children.some(o => temp = getItems(o, key, value));
return temp && [object, ...temp];
var data = { id: "111", name: "1111", children: [{ id: "22222", name: "2222", children: [{ id: "AAAA", name: "AAAA", children: [{ id: "DDD", name: "DDD" }, { id: "EEE", name: "EEE" }] }, { id: "BBBB", name: "BBB", children: [{ id: "FFF", name: "FFF" }, { id: "GGG", name: "GGG", children: [{ id: "7777", name: "7777" }, { id: "8888", name: "8888" }] }] }] }] };
console.log(getItems(data, 'id', 'FFF'));
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You could implement a recursive search to find all paths and return the correct one when you reach the desired name-value pair.
const isObject = (obj) => obj === Object(obj);
let data = loadData();
let expected = [ '1111', '2222', 'BBB', 'FFF' ];
let actual = findPath(data, 'name', 'FFF');
console.log(JSON.stringify(expected) === JSON.stringify(actual));
function findPath(data, key, value, includeIndicies=false) {
let opts = { found : null, includeIndicies : includeIndicies };
findPathInternal(data, key, value, opts, []);
return opts.found;
function findPathInternal(node, key, val, opts, path) {
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
for (let i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
findPathInternal(node[i], key, val, opts, opts.includeIndicies ? path.concat(i) : path);
} else if (isObject(node)) {
if (node[key] === val) {
opts.found = path.concat(val); return; // Exit
} else {
let keys = Object.keys(node);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
findPathInternal(node[keys[i]], key, val, opts, path.concat(node[key]));
function loadData() {
return {
"id": "111",
"name": "1111",
"children": [{
"id": "22222",
"name": "2222",
"children": [{
"id": "AAAA",
"name": "AAAA",
"children": [{
"id": "DDD",
"name": "DDD"
"id": "EEE",
"name": "EEE"
"id": "BBBB",
"name": "BBB",
"children": [{
"id": "FFF",
"name": "FFF"
"id": "GGG",
"name": "GGG",
"children": [{
"id": "7777",
"name": "7777"
"id": "8888",
"name": "8888"
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Convert nested Json to flat Json with parentId to every node

The following Json structure is a result of Neo4J apoc query. I want to convert this nested Json to flat Json structure as shown in the second json.
"child1": [
"_type": "EntityChild1",
"name": "Test222",
"_id": 2
"child2": [
"_type": "EntityChild2",
"name": "Test333",
"_id": 3,
"child2_child1": [
"_type": "EntityChild2_1",
"name": "Test444",
"_id": 6,
"child2_child1_child1": [
"_type": "EntityChild2_1_1",
"name": "Test555",
"_id": 7
"_type": "EntityParent",
"name": "Test000",
"_id": 1,
"child3": [
"_type": "EntityChild3",
"name": "Test111",
"_id": 4
"child4": [
"_type": "EntityChild4",
"name": "Test666",
"_id": 5
This is the result i am looking for, I also want the parentId appended to every node. If no parent is there for a particular node then it should have parentid as -1.
"_type": "EntityParent",
"name": "Test000",
"_id": 1,
"parentid": -1
"_type": "EntityChild1",
"name": "Test222",
"_id": 2,
"parentid": 1
"_type": "EntityChild2",
"name": "Test333",
"_id": 3,
"parentid": 1
"_type": "EntityChild2_1",
"name": "Test444",
"_id": 6,
"parentid": 3
"_type": "EntityChild2_1_1",
"name": "Test555",
"_id": 7,
"parentid": 6
"_type": "EntityChild3",
"name": "Test111 ",
"_id": 4,
"parentid": 1
"_type": "EntityChild4",
"name": "Test666",
"_id": 5,
"parentid": 1
Let me know if any further information is required.
You could take an iterative and recursive approach by using a function which takes an array and a parent id for the actual level.
If a property starts with child, it calls the function again with the actual _id and pushes all items to the result set.
function getFlat(array, parentid) {
return array.reduce((r, o) => {
var temp = {};
Object.entries(o).forEach(([k, v]) => {
if (k.startsWith('child')) {
r.push(...getFlat(v, o._id));
} else {
temp[k] = v;
temp.parentid = parentid;
return r;
}, []);
var data = [{ child1: [{ _type: "EntityChild1", name: "Test222", _id: 2 }], child2: [{ _type: "EntityChild2", name: "Test333", _id: 3, child2_child1: [{ _type: "EntityChild2_1", name: "Test444", _id: 6, child2_child1_child1: [{ _type: "EntityChild2_1_1", name: "Test555", _id: 7 }] }] }], _type: "EntityParent", name: "Test000", _id: 1, child3: [{ _type: "EntityChild3", name: "Test111", _id: 4 }], child4: [{ _type: "EntityChild4", name: "Test666", _id: 5 }] }],
flat = getFlat(data, -1);
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Objects keys value to be updated with arrays value

Below is my Attempt, I have an object which has array of objects within it, it has a field: 'positionTitle'.
I also have an array of objects which also has a 'positionTitle'
They both have similar data I want all of the values for the positionTitles in my 'individualsData' to go into 'graphData' and be able to now use this new graphData!
I think my attempt is wrong its treating them both as arrays?
Thanks, Dale
graphData = {
"engagementAreas": [{
"id": "1",
"engagementTypes": [{
"name": "forestry",
"engagements": []
"name": "houses",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "3434",
"positionTitle": "Manager"
}, {
"name": "landscaping",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1343",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "4545",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager"
IndividualData = [{
"account": {
"id": "001b000003WnPy1AAF",
"fullName": "Adnan A. Khan"
"positions": [{
"id": "a16b0000004AxeBAAS",
"organizationId": "001b0000005gxmlAAA",
"organizationName": "a",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager, Energy",
"positionLevel": "5-Middle Management & Advisers",
"isPrimary": true,
"startDate": "2016-10-07",
"endDate": null
}, {
"account": {
"id": "0010X000048DDMsQAO",
"fullName": "Christine Leong"
"positions": [{
"id": "a160X000004nKfhQAE",
"organizationId": "001b0000005gxmlAAA",
"organizationName": "a",
"positionTitle": "Managing Director",
"positionLevel": "4-Head of Business Unit/Head of Region",
"isPrimary": true,
"startDate": "2018-03-05",
"endDate": null
What I expect to see:
NEWgraphData = {
"engagementAreas": [{
"id": "1",
"engagementTypes": [{
"name": "forestry",
"engagements": []
"name": "houses",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "3434",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager, Energy" <== from individualsdata
}, {
"name": "landscaping",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1343",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "4545",
"positionTitle": "Managing Director" <== also from individuals data
}, i) => {
el.engagementTypes.engagements.members.position.positionTitle = individualsData.positions.positionTitle;
return el;
As engagementTypes, engagements and members properties are also array of objects, you have to loop them as well as below., i) => {
el.engagementTypes.forEach((et) => {
et.engagements.forEach((eg) => {
eg.members.forEach((mem) => {
mem.position.positionTitle = individualsData.positions.positionTitle; // make sure this is correct
return el;
Here is the solution. but you have to choose what individual data item will be the pick for the positionTitle, i) => {
return,i2) => {
return (el3,i3) => {
return,i4) => {
return el4.position.positionTitle =individualsDt[0].positions.[0].positionTitle;// take a look here, i just pick positionTitle staticly
see implementation in console here enter link description here

Ramda to loop over array

Loop may be the wrong term, but it kind of describes what I am attempting.
I want to give structure to flat data, but I also need to keep track of the array it came from.
Basically my rules are (per array):
If level 1 exists- give it the name of the item, and a typechild array. EACH time a level 1 appears (even in the same array) it should create a new entry.
Inside typechild, put the any items with level >1
If NO level 1 exists- give it the name of the item, and a typechild array.
My code below is almost there, with the exception that it should create an array EVERYTIME it sees a level 1. My example will make sense:
Input data
"title": "Test 1",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
"name": "Food",
"level": 1
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
"title": "Test 2",
"type": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
Note: Animal and Food are both LEVEL 1 items. So it should create two ARRAYS like so...
Desired output
name: "Animal",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Chicken"
name: "Food",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Chicken"
name: "NoName",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Foo"
Ramda attempt (try here:
const levelEq = (n) => pipe(prop('level'), equals(n));
const topLevel = pipe(prop('type'), find(levelEq(1)));
const topLevelName = pipe(topLevel, propOr('NoName', 'name'));
const extract2ndLevel = pipe(pluck('type'), flatten, filter(levelEq(2)));
const convert = pipe(
map(zipObj(['name', 'typechild']))
Something like this?
var output = [{
"name": "Animal",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"level": 2
}, {
"name": "Food",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"name": "No name",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
}, {
"name": "Baz",
"level": 2
let out = {},
typechild = {},
const data = [{
"title": "Test 1",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Food",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"title": "Test 2",
"type": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
}, {
"title": "Test 3",
"type": [{
"name": "Baz",
"level": 2
}, {
"title": "Test 4",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"level": 2
data.forEach((node) => {
k = false;
typechild[node.title] = [];
node.type && node.type.forEach((t, i) => {
if (t.level == 1) {
k = true;
!out[] ? out[] = {
typechild: typechild[node.title]
} : out[].typechild = out[].typechild.concat(typechild[node.title]);
} else {
if (i == node.type.length - 1 && !k && typechild[node.title].length) {
out['No name'] = out['No name'] || {
name: 'No name',
typechild: []
out['No name'].typechild = out['No name'].typechild.concat(typechild[node.title]);

flattening nested json object

"children": [
"children": [
"dateAdded": 1493033302670,
"id": "1534",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1",
"title": "data1",
"url": "data2"
"children": [
"dateAdded": 1489571506844,
"id": "1451",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1401",
"title": "data3",
"url": "data4"
"dateAdded": 1490363326576,
"dateGroupModified": 1490363326576,
"id": "1401",
"index": 1,
"parentId": "1",
"title": "daily"
"children": [
"dateAdded": 1481787664555,
"id": "1429",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1407",
"title": "data56",
"url": "data"
"dateAdded": 1483365608504,
"id": "1430",
"index": 1,
"parentId": "1407",
"title": "data34",
"url": "data55"
This is a representation of Chrome bookmarks data.
If the object has url property it means that is a bookmark. If it does not have url property it is a folder.
It is a tree structure.
I would like to create flatten object with additional property named type. Like:
"dateAdded": 1489571506844,
"id": "1451",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1401",
"title": "title",
"url": "some url",
"type": "bookmark"
"dateAdded": 1489571506844,
"id": "1451",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1402",
"title": "title2",
"url": "some url2"
"type": "folder"
Thanks in advance.
You could use an iterative and recursive approach for getting flat data.
function flatten(array) {
var result = [];
array.forEach(function iter(o) {
var temp = {},
keys = Object.keys(o);
if (keys.length > 1) {
keys.forEach(function (k) {
if (k !== 'children') {
temp[k] = o[k];
temp.type = 'url' in o ? 'bookmark' : 'folder';
Array.isArray(o.children) && o.children.forEach(iter);
return result;
var data = [{ children: [{ children: [{ dateAdded: 1493033302670, id: "1534", index: 0, parentId: "1", title: "data1", url: "data2" }, { children: [{ dateAdded: 1489571506844, id: "1451", index: 0, parentId: "1401", title: "data3", url: "data4" }], dateAdded: 1490363326576, dateGroupModified: 1490363326576, id: "1401", index: 1, parentId: "1", title: "daily" }, { children: [{ dateAdded: 1481787664555, id: "1429", index: 0, parentId: "1407", title: "data56", url: "data" }, { dateAdded: 1483365608504, id: "1430", index: 1, parentId: "1407", title: "data34", url: "data55" }] }] }] }];
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
I've made a function that iterates through an array containing objects. If a given object has a property called children, the function calls itself. If it doesn't, then it gets pushed to a new array flattenedBookmarks.
The Solution
var flattenedBookmarks = [];
function flattenBookmarks(bookmarks) {
for (var i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i++) {
var potentialBookmark = bookmarks[i];
if (potentialBookmark.hasOwnProperty("url")) {
potentialBookmark.type = "bookmark";
} else {
potentialBookmark.type = "folder";
if (potentialBookmark.hasOwnProperty("children")) {
if (potentialBookmark.hasOwnProperty("dateGroupModified")) {
} else {
You should probably be returning the flattened array from the function instead of storing it in a new global array flattenedBookmarks, but at least this will get you started.
The example shows how to do it
data = [
"children": [
"children": [
"dateAdded": 1493033302670,
"id": "1534",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1",
"title": "data1",
"url": "data2"
"children": [
"dateAdded": 1489571506844,
"id": "1451",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1401",
"title": "data3",
"url": "data4"
"dateAdded": 1490363326576,
"dateGroupModified": 1490363326576,
"id": "1401",
"index": 1,
"parentId": "1",
"title": "daily"
"children": [
"dateAdded": 1481787664555,
"id": "1429",
"index": 0,
"parentId": "1407",
"title": "data56",
"url": "data"
"dateAdded": 1483365608504,
"id": "1430",
"index": 1,
"parentId": "1407",
"title": "data34",
"url": "data55"
data2 = [];
function search(data) {
for (n in data) {
if (typeof data[n] == 'object') {
if (data[n].id != undefined) {
if (data[n].url != undefined) {
} else {

