React: store uploaded array into global variable? - javascript

I'm currently working on using React to upload a CSV file and convert the data to an array so I can access phone numbers. I've actually got it almost completely functional, with just one problem: I can't figure out how to store the array properly in a variable (dataDump) on the global level. It stores it inside another array.
Here's a picture of my console so you can see what I mean.
I'm able to access the contents of dataDump if I use dataDump[0] (as seen in the function for handleClick), but that won't work for a global variable. I need to be able to send the array's values to other components/files, so I don't think having to call it like that will work. Chances are I'm over-complicating this in my head and the answer is incredibly simple, but I've spent the past 2-3 weeks learning React, Twilio, Mongodb etc. from scratch so my brain's not cooperating.
I'll appreciate any help! Thanks! Code below. (Note this is a component that's imported to the App page.)
import React from "react";
import CSVReader from "react-csv-reader";
var dataDump = [];
const papaparseOptions = {
header: true,
dynamicTyping: true,
skipEmptyLines: true,
transformHeader: header => header.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, "_"),
complete: function(results) {
var rows =;
let numbers = => a.phone_number); //make the results ONLY the phone numbers
// console.log(numbers);
document.getElementById("data2").innerHTML=numbers; //display the phone numbers
class Import extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {data:[]};
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleForce = data => {
// console.log(data.length);
this.setState({data: data});
handleClick = () => {
console.log("Next is Numbies:");
let numbies = dataDump[0].map(a => a.phone_number);
render() {
return (
<div className="container">
label="Select CSV file to import"
<button onClick={this.handleClick.bind(this)}>
<div id="data" />
<div id="data2" />
<div id="data3">
export default Import;
// export default DataController;

Under the hood React-Redux is using context and hooks these days, so don't bother implementing a Redux stack until you've outgrown the simpler, React API, or at least you've fixed your issue. Folks joke that Redux is like shooting a fly with a bazooka. More info on React-Redux internals here and here's the documentation for React's Context.
Some psuedo-code to get you on the right path:
// context.js
import { createContext } from 'react';
export const Store = createContext();
// app.js
import React from 'react';
import { Store } from './context';
import Import from './import'; // I wouldn't change the casing on or reuse a reserved keyword personally, maybe calling this something like 'CsvImporter' would be an improvement
function App() {
const [dataDump, setDataDump] = React.useState([]);
return (
<Store.Provider value={{ dataDump, setDataDump }}>
<Import dataDump={dataDump} setDataDump={setDataDump} />
Now your import component has two new props, dataDump and setDataDump. You can call setDataDump just like any other call to setting state. Nice!
So you need the dataDump in a new component? That's easy peasy, lemon squeezy, and all without global variables or tossing module scoping to the side:
// foobar.js
import React from 'react';
import { Store } from './context';
export function Foobar() {
// you probably want to do more than force render an array as a string, but this is just a proof of concept
return (
{({ dataDump, setDataDump }) => (
Just make sure that Foobar or other components are rendered as children of the Provider in app.js and now you have a 'global' context for passing around dataDumps.


Passing props to children not working In React

This should be super simple for some of you. I have a super simple app that I am making to teach myself the glory that is React and reactDom. Currently, I am pulling from an API (which actually works!), however, I am unable to see any data when rendering to the screen. Literally just two components. I am sure that I am using props or state wrong here, I just don't know where. It's possible that my map function is the problem as well.
Here is the code:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import axios from 'axios'
import { Table } from './Table'
export class DataList extends React.Component {
state = {
articles: []
componentDidMount() {
.then(res => {
render() {
<Table id={} articles={this.state.articles} />
export default DataList
And the child:
import React from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import key from "weak-key";
export const Table = (props) => (
<h1>Welcome to the Article List Page Home</h1>
<li>{ => {
export default Table;
The problem is that your map() call is not returning anything. You need to do something like:
<h1>Welcome to the Article List Page Home</h1>
{ =>
I'm not exactly sure what your desired output is, but generally you map over data to generate a set of dom elements.
The problem is
<li>{ => {
JSX expressions cannot be used in any arbitrary place. is already an expression, so creating a new one wouldn't make sense.
{article.titles} inside a function creates a block that does nothing. Nothing is returned from map callback, the array isn't mapped to anything.
Depending on what should resulting layout look like, it should be either
<li>{ => article.titles)}</li>
output titles within single <li> tag, or
{ => <li>{article.titles}</li>)}
to output a list of <li> tags.
ESLint array-callback-return rule can be used to prevent the problem with callback return value.

Two different API calls - calculate exchange rate

I'm making two separate requests to different APIs to receive the [Bitcoin/USD] and then [GBP/USD]. I'm using axios to setup a promise, and on both calls successfully resolving, I'm setting both values to state set.State{}.
I'm trying to calculate the exchange rate between GBP/Bitcoin, but for the life of me can't wrap my head around how best to do it. It's also been a little while since I've used React, so any advice on improving what I've got would be great.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import axios from 'axios';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
conv: [],
GBP: [],
XBT: [],
componentDidMount() {
axios.all([this.getXbt(), this.getGbp()])
.then(axios.spread( (xbtValue, gbpValue) => {
const XBT =;
const GBP =;
const conv = this.calcConversion(GBP, XBT);
this.setState({conv, GBP, XBT});
calcConversion(x, y) {
// Calculate conversion value here
return x / y;
getXbt() {
return axios.get('');
getGbp() {
return axios.get('');
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<div id="crypto-conversion">
<span className="left">{this.state.conv}</span>
<div id="crypto-container">
<span className="left">{this.state.GBP}</span>
<span className="right">{this.state.XBT}</span>
export default App;
Assuming the APIs are returning the data as GBP/1USD and USD/1XBT, then the conversion rate is simply the product of the two values and will result in GBP/1XBT.
It's also been a little while since I've used React, so any advice on improving what I've got would be great.
Your code looks fine so far. I like the way you handled the API calls, and the setState() call follows convention as far as only calling it once.
Also, I've just realized if you're willing to shell out $95/mo, the Open Exchange Rates API provides a /convert endpoint that supports BTC.

how to get data from graphql server using react and react-apollo?

After about 6-8 hours trying, I'm resorting to help.
All I want is to query my graphql server and the response data to be entered into my react component as props (See ParameterBox.js). Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
For Reference: INDEX.JS FILE (Likely correct)
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'react-apollo';
import App from './App';
const networkInterface = createNetworkInterface({
uri: 'http://localhost:3001/graphql'
const client = new ApolloClient({
networkInterface: networkInterface
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<App />
For Reference: APP.JS FILE (I think it's correct)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ParameterBox from './ParameterBox';
class App extends Component {
<ParameterBox />
export default App;
PARAMETERBOX.JS FILE (Here is where the issue is, somewhere...)
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import { gql, graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import ParameterList from './ParameterList';
class ParameterBox extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = { data: [] };
this.loadParamsFromServer = this.loadParamsFromServer.bind(this);
//*** Old Method ***/
// I still set my data using the old methods of API urls. I want to switch to GraphQL
.then (res => {
this.setState({ data: });
//**** end old method ****/
componentDidMount() {
<div >
<h2> Parameters: </h2>
<p> HOW DO I GET IT HERE? {this.props.AllParamsQuery } </p>
data={ }/>
const AllParams = gql`
query AllParamsQuery {
params {
export default graphql(AllParams, {name: 'AllParamsQuery'})(ParameterBox);
You may find it helpful to review the Apollo documentation for basic queries here.
When you wrap your component with the graphql HOC, it will send your query to the server and then make the result available to your component as So, the result for your particular query would be found at (the operation name, AllParamsQuery is not referenced inside the returned data).
The other thing to bear in mind is that the GraphQL is asynchronous, so while will always be available, initially it will be empty. Your render logic will need to account for that fact by verifying that is truthy before tyring to render it. You can also check whether the query is still in flight or has completed.
Edit: because you define a name property (AllParamsQuery) inside the config object you pass to graphql(), your query results will be available as that prop instead of data -- i.e. 'this.props.AllParamsQuery.params`.

Understanding React Higher-Order Components

Can someone please explain Higher-order components in React. I have read and re-read the documentation but cannot seem to get a better understanding. According to the documentation, HOCs help remove duplication by creating a primary function that returns a react component, by passing arguments to that function.
I have a few questions on that.
If HOCs create a new enhanced component, can it be possible not to pass in any component as argument at all?
In an example such as this, which is the higher order component, the Button or the EnhancedButton.
I tried creating one HOC like this:
// createSetup.js
import React from 'react';
export default function createSetup(options) {
return class extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {};
this.testFunction = this.testFunction.bind(this);
testFunction() {
console.log("This is a test function");
render() {
return <p>{}</p>
// main.js
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import createSetup from './createSetup';
render((<div>{() => createSetup({name: 'name'})}</div>),
Running this does not show the HOC, only the div
Can anyone help out with a better example than the ones given?
A HOC is a function that takes a Component as one of its parameters and enhances that component in some way.
If HOCs create a new enhanced component, can it be possible not to pass in any component as argument at all?
Nope, then it wouldn't be a HOC, because one of the conditions is that they take a component as one of the arguments and they return a new Component that has some added functionality.
In an example such as this, which is the higher order component, the Button or the EnhancedButton.
EnhanceButton is the HOC and FinalButton is the enhanced component.
I tried creating one HOC like this: ... Running this does not show the HOC, only the div
That's because your createSetup function is not a HOC... It's a function that returns a component, yes, but it does not take a component as an argument in order to enhance it.
Let's see an example of a basic HOC:
const renderWhen = (condition, Component) =>
props => condition(props)
? <Component {...props} />
: null
And you could use it like this:
const EnhancedLink = renderWhen(({invisible}) => !invisible, 'a');
Now your EnhancedLink will be like a a component but if you pass the property invisible set to true it won't render... So we have enhanced the default behaviour of the a component and you could do that with any other component.
In many cases HOC functions are curried and the Component arg goes last... Like this:
const renderWhen = condition => Component =>
props => condition(props)
? <Component {...props} />
: null
Like the connect function of react-redux... That makes composition easier. Have a look at recompose.
In short, If you assume functions are analogues to Components, Closure is analogous to HOC.
Try your createSetup.js with:
const createSetup = options => <p>{}</p>;
and your main.js
const comp = createSetup({ name: 'name' });
A higher-order component (HOC) is an advanced technique in React for reusing component logic. Concretely, a higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.
A HOC is a pure function with zero side-effects.
Suppose we have a component that needs to be rendered only when a user is authenticated — it is a protected component. We can create a HOC named WithAuth() to wrap that protected component, and then do a check in the HOC that will render only that particular component if the user has been authenticated.
A basic withAuth() HOC, according to the example above, can be written as follows:
// withAuth.js
import React from "react";
export function withAuth(Component) {
return class AuthenticatedComponent extends React.Component {
isAuthenticated() {
return this.props.isAuthenticated;
* Render
render() {
const loginErrorMessage = (
Please login in order to view this part of the application.
return (
{ this.isAuthenticated === true ? <Component {...this.props} /> : loginErrorMessage }
export default withAuth;
The code above is a HOC named withAuth. It basically takes a component and returns a new component, named AuthenticatedComponent, that checks whether the user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated, it returns the loginErrorMessage component; if the user is authenticated, it returns the wrapped component.
Note: this.props.isAuthenticated has to be set from your application’s
logic. (Or else use react-redux to retrieve it from the global state.)
To make use of our HOC in a protected component, we’d use it like so:
// MyProtectedComponent.js
import React from "react";
import {withAuth} from "./withAuth.js";
export class MyProectedComponent extends React.Component {
* Render
render() {
return (
This is only viewable by authenticated users.
// Now wrap MyPrivateComponent with the requireAuthentication function
export default withAuth(MyPrivateComponent);
Here, we create a component that is viewable only by users who are authenticated. We wrap that component in our withAuth HOC to protect the component from users who are not authenticated.
// Higher order components are JavaScript functions used for adding
// additional functionalities to the existing component.
// file 1: hoc.js (will write our higher order component logic) -- code start -->
const messageCheckHOC = (OriginalComponent) => {
// OriginalComponent is component passed to HOC
const NewComponent = (props) => {
// business logic of HOC
if (!props.isAllowedToView) {
return <b> Not Allowed To View The MSG </b>;
// here we can pass the props to component
return <OriginalComponent {...props} />;
// returning new Component with updated Props and UI
return NewComponent;
export default messageCheckHOC;
// file 1: hoc.js -- code end -->
// file 2: message.js -- code start -->
// this is the basic component we are wrapping with HOC
// to check the permission isAllowedToView msg if not display fallback UI
import messageCheckHOC from "./hoc";
const MSG = ({ name, msg }) => {
return (
{name} - {msg}
export default messageCheckHOC(MSG);
// file 2: message.js -- code end -->
// file 3 : App.js -- code start --->
import MSG from "./message.js";
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<MSG name="Mac" msg="Heyy !!! " isAllowedToView={true} />
<MSG name="Robin" msg="Hello ! " isAllowedToView={true} />
<MSG name="Eyann" msg="How are you" isAllowedToView={false} />
// file 3 : App.js -- code end --->

Bundle.js not recognizing one of my files?

Please bear with me because I am a javascript newbie, and just starting to learn react.
I am trying to make a small app but I keep getting an error that one of my files is not found... specifically this:
bundle.js:56 Uncaught Error: Cannot find module "./components/search_bar"
My file structure is that I have my index.js in a folder called src, then my search bar(search_bar.js) in a folder called components. I have triple checked the spelling on them but I continue to get this error.
This is my index.js
import SearchBar from './components/search_bar';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
//Create a componant (some /HTML)
const API_KEY = 'AIzaSyC3Z3qTpvAacDLYEIxaueKflFJbWvdIHsw';
const App = () => {
return (
<SearchBar />
// Put that componant on the page (the DOM)
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('.container'));
And this is my search_bar.js
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class SearchBar extends Component {
contructor(props) {
// when user updates the search bar this term will get updated.
this.state = { term: ''};
render() {
//update state
//use set state everywhere besides constructor!!
return (
<input onChange={event => this.setState({term:})}
Value of the input: {this.state.term}
export default SearchBar;
Any Ideas as to what I am doing wrong here?
Can you confirm the following directory structure?
It seems like your current directory structure might instead look like this:
my_project/src/index.js, my_project/components/search_bar.js
AHHH I left an 's' out of constructor... so search_bar.js was unable to compile. I have been looking at this for about an hour now...

