Vuex - update object in mutation - javascript

After the user clicks a button I want to replace the data in my vuex store with the data from my local object. But I am stuck at the mutation. Here is some code for more details.
This is the method that is called after the user clicks a button.
(this.tableview is a local object with the same values as the vuex object)
updateVuexTableview() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log("Update Vuex Table view");
In this method my vuex action is called. Which looks like this:
(updTableview is the new data that I want to insert)
async updateTableview({commit}, updTableview) {
const response = await axios.put(
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
This is the mutation that is called. That's where I am stuck. I have tried to pop the data and push it again, but nothing works so far.
updateTableviewMut: (state, updTableview) => {
This right here is my state:
const state = {
tableview: {
"thema_c": true,
"status_c": true,
"priority_c": true,
"custom1_c": true,
"custom2_c": true,
"customFieldName1": "Custom1",
"customFieldName2": "Custom2"

You cannot update an object by .push you have to reassign object or set a specific field.
Just change your code like this:
If you want to add a key value pair you can do:
updateTableviewMut: (state, updTableview) => {
state.tableview['keyname'] = updTableview
Or if you want to reassign an object you can do:
updateTableviewMut: (state, updTableview) => {
state.tableview = updTableview


mutate in useSWR hook not updating the DOM

It's a next.js app and I populate the data using a useSWR hook.
const { data, error } = useSWR('/api/digest', fetcher, {
revalidateOnFocus: false,
The issue is that the DOM doesn't get updated as expected after the mutate() line below. But if I hard code the data as updatedData and pass it as the arg for the mutate it works normally. The fact is that data and the updatedData are the same. See comments below.
Edit: If I click on any Navbar <Link/> it gets updated.
Any clues of what is happening?
const handleAddRowClick = async () => {
const newRow = { category: selectedCategory, entity: selectedEntity }
console.log(data); // This data is equal to updatedData
const updatedData = {
"subscription": {
"materialFact": [
"headlines": [
"onemagazine" // ***This is the value added.
// mutate('/api/digest', data, false) // This does not works.
mutate('/api/digest', updatedData , false) // It works.
I am assuming that the data property you use in handleAddRowClick is the same that you get from useSWR. Now, if you update some deeply nested object in data, it doesn't change the data reference. It still points to the old object. So, if you pass it again to mutate, for mutate, the object is still the same and hence, it won't trigger a re-render.
I would recommend that you do something like the following to derive updatedData from data and then pass it to the mutate function.
const handleAddRowClick = async () => {
const updatedData = {,
subscription: {,
[selectedCategory]: [[selectedCategory],
mutate('/api/digest', updatedData , false);
On a side note, you can also use something like immer to simplify copying the state.

Redux toolkit filter() not working when wanting to display new array at the same time

I am currently building a clothing shop in which you can add products to the cart, and delete each one of them as you like and it makes the cart re-render and display a new cart without that product within it.
so I've made a Slice for cart in redux. the 'addProduct' part works fine, but the 'deleteProduct' reducer which uses filter() doesn't work. (when i click my delete button nothing happens, and no changes in difference in Redux Devtools)
my slice:
const selectedProductsSlice = createSlice({
reducers: {
addProduct:(state,{payload}) => {
state.checkoutPrice += payload.price
deleteProduct:(state,{payload}) => {
state.productList.filter((foundProduct) => !==
my button and handleDelete:
<button className="btn-delete" onClick={handleDelete(product)}>Delete</button>
function handleDelete(p) {
filter didnt work in every possible way i tried. so i changed my way and did this instead to work. but still i wonder why didnt filter() method work properly.
deleteProduct: (state, { payload }) => {
const foundIndex = state.productList.findIndex((p) => {
return ===
The filter operation creates a new array without changing the existing instance. Therefore you need to assign it to state.
deleteProduct: (state, { payload }) => {
return {
productList: state.productList.filter(
foundProduct => !==
You also need to change the way you call the handleDelete in the onClick handler.
onClick={() => handleDelete(product)}
Filter methods returns new array so you have to update your existing array tool. Please update your slice:
const selectedProductsSlice = createSlice({
reducers: {
addProduct:(state,{payload}) => {
state.checkoutPrice += payload.price
deleteProduct:(state,{payload}) => {
state.productList=state.productList.filter((foundProduct) => !==
I went through exactly same problem as you.
I solved this problem just to move my reducer to another existing reducer
Hope you to get through it. I couldn't pass it by

Duplicate array items in Vuex state (using

So I have this app built in Vue and using Vuex. I connect to a Node/Express backend with Socket.Io to be able to push data from the server to client instantly when needed.
The data pushed to the clients are in the form of an object which is then stored in an array in VUEX. Each data object pushed into the array has a unique string attached to it.
This string is used to compare the objects already pushed into the array in VUEX. If there are duplicates they won't be stored. If not equal = they are stored.
I then use ...mapGetters to get the array in Vuex and loop through it. For each object a component is rendered.
HOWEVER - sometimes the same object is rendered twice even though the array in VUEX clearly only shows one copy.
Here is the code in the VUEX Store:
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
insiderTrades: [],
mutations: {
ADD_INSIDER_TRADE(state, insiderObject) {
if (state.insiderTrades.length === 0) {
// push object into array
} else {
state.insiderTrades.forEach((trade) => {
// check if the insider trade is in the store
if (trade.isin === insiderObject.isin) {
// return if it already exists
} else {
// push object into array
getters: {
insiderTrades(state) {
return state.insiderTrades;
Here is the some of the code in App.vue
mounted() {
// //establish connection to server
this.$socket.on('connect', () => {
this.connectedState = 'ansluten';
this.connectedStateColor = 'green';
console.log('Connected to server');
//if disconnected swap to "disconneted state"
this.$socket.on('disconnect', () => {
this.connectedState = 'ej ansluten';
this.connectedStateColor = 'red';
console.log('Disconnected to server');
// recieve an insider trade and add to store
this.$socket.on('insiderTrade', (insiderObject) => {
this.$store.commit('ADD_INSIDER_TRADE', insiderObject);
Your forEach iterates the existing items and adds the new item once for every existing item. Use Array.find:
ADD_INSIDER_TRADE(state, insiderObject) {
const exists = state.insiderTrades.find(trade => trade.isin === insiderObject.isin);
if (!exists) state.insiderTrades.unshift(insiderObject);
You don't need the initial length check

How to save initial state value in a variable vuejs

I have an object with some data in the vuex store that I will need to use in a component,I have accessed the data with a getter in the component. I am trying to save the initial value of that object in a variable in a way that it doesn't change/update when the data in the store changes, this will allow me to do a comparison condition.
the code is below, the object accessed by 'getSelectedLocation' is what I need the original value of kept.
data() {
return {
toggle: this.getSelectedLocation?.local,
computed: {
...mapGetters({ getUser: 'user/getUser', getSelectedLocation: 'support/getSelectedLocation' }),
methods: {
async updateUsersLocation() {
const usersCol = new UsersCollection(this.$fire.firestore)
const id =
const location = this.getSelectedLocation
return await usersCol.updateUsersLocation({ id, location })
You need two things. First to make a copy of that object, so it cannot change by reference the initial object, then to freeze it, so it cannot change itself.
const copy = Object.assign({}, this.getSelectedLocation())

react redux duplicate keys even when setting a unique key

I have an array of 6 objects which have a uid and nothing else. This is so I can repeat over them and have some placeholder content until an object is ready to be added into the array. I set a unique key when a new object is selected. However if I select the same object twice, even though I'm setting a unique key. It seems to update the unique key on the duplicate item (even though the unique key is different).
Might be easier to see the code/app in action here, an example of the problem would be clicking squirtle then blastoise, take a note of the uid's shown. Then click squirtle again and for some reason it updates the old squirtle with the new squirtles uid causing a duplicate key error. or see code below. Math.random is just placeholder until I can get this working correctly.
const initState = {
party: [
{ uid: 0 },
{ uid: 1 },
{ uid: 2 },
{ uid: 3 },
{ uid: 4 },
{ uid: 5 }
When I click on something this is triggered:
handleClick = pokemon => {
// setup a uid, will need a better method than math.random later
pokemon.uid = Math.random();
This then calls a dispatch which triggers the following reducer. Which essentially just checks if the object has no normal ID then replace the content with the payload sent over. It does this but also somehow updates any previous objects with the same uid even though the if statement does not run against them.
const rootReducer = (state = initState, action) => {
if (action.type === "ADD_POKEMON") {
let foundFirstEmptyPoke = false;
const newArray =, index) => {
if (typeof === "undefined" && foundFirstEmptyPoke === false) {
foundFirstEmptyPoke = true;
pokemon = action.payload; // set the data to the first object that ios empty
// if we get to the last pokemon and it's not empty
if (index === 5 && foundFirstEmptyPoke === false) {
pokemon = action.payload; // replace the last pokemon with the new one
return pokemon;
return {
party: newArray
return state;
The problem here is that, when you click to select a pokemon, you mutate the data you retrieved from the API:
handleClick = pokemon => {
pokemon.uid = Math.random(); // HERE
You actually mutate the react state. What you should do is clone your pokemon data object, add an uid to the clone you just generated and update your redux state with it:
handleClick = pokemon => {
uid: Math.random()
That way, no references to the actual react state are kept. Because that was what was happening when you say it updates the old squirtle with the new squirtles uid. When you tried to add another pokemon, you updated the data you retrieved from your API which was also referenced from your first pokemon slot (from your redux state).
In react/redux it's always better to not mutate objects:
this.props.addToParty({...pokemon, uid: Math.random()});
You are mutating the state. Use spread syntax *** to copy the state before updating.
return {
party: newArray

