ngx dropdown list get selected values - javascript

I am trying to use ngx dropdown list like this:
<ngx-dropdown-list [items]="categoryItems" id="categoriesofdata" [multiSelection]="true"
[placeHolder]="'Select categories'"></ngx-dropdown-list>
And I am getting all selected values like:
get selectedCategories() {
const items = this.categoryItems.filter((item: any) => item.selected);
return items.length ? JSON.stringify( => ({
value: item.value
}))) : '';
and output looks like:
I want to get only for example Surname instead of value and Surname.
How Can I do this?
Should I use for loop or is better option?

I think you're almost there, in fact you're doing a little too much. Your map function should just return the value you are interested in rather than creating a new structure.
get selectedCategories() {
const items = this.categoryItems.filter((item: any) => item.selected);
return items.length ? JSON.stringify( => item.value)) : '';
And as a personal preference, I would refactor to something like this:
get selectedCategories() {
if (!this.categoryItems.length) {
return '';
const surnames = this.categoryItems
.filter(item => item.selected)
.map(item => item.value);
return JSON.stringify(surnames);
I prefer to get out of a function early in the case where no further processing is required. And I would return the result of chained filter and map functions into a new surnames variable. The named variable signals the intention of the code, and keeps the array logic together.
This is just my preference though. Your code was almost there functionally.


Trying to build remove function, going wrong

I am trying to build a remove function to my weather app, the function working only on the last place in the array I tried via MAP loop but I get too many renders errors.
This is the sandbox URL of my project -
I don't get it if ts working on the last one why won't you on the first one?
(with for loop it's letting me edit only the last one, in map loop, it's saying too many renders)
Guys I stuck on this for 3 days now please help.
Here is your function:
let deleteFunc = (name) => {, index) => {
let updatedFavorite = allFavorite.filter((item, i) => ( = name));
First problem is that you mutate in filter function.
Second problem is that you are seting state inside the map, so you call setAllFavorite for each item in your allFavorite.
Your goal here is to construct new state first, and then apply it in one go, like this:
let deleteFunc = (name) => {
// this will return new array where item with name `name` removed, and will pass it into state setter
setAllFavorite(allFavorite.filter((item) => !== name));

Updating components based on sorted array. Angular (4.3)

Working with an array of data that we want to be able to sort for display in a component, and it doesn't seem to be sorting or updating the DOM, however I have a working code sample that properly demonstrates the concept, and it should be sorting, but in the angular app, it's simply not getting sorted.
The parent component that houses the original data stores the data on an Input parameter object called Batch, and the array we're sorting is on Batch.Invoices.Results. The event from the child component is fine, and the appropriate data is confirmed to bubble to the parent component.
The function that's supposed to sort the array looks like this:
public OnInvoiceSortChange({orderValue, orderAscending}){
console.log(`Invoice Sorting has been called. Value: ${orderValue} . Ascending? ${orderAscending}`);
console.log( => x.VendorName));
const sortingArray = [...this.BatchViewModel.Invoices.Results];
const sorted = sortingArray.sort((a, b) => a[orderValue] > b[orderValue] ? 1 : 0);
this.BatchViewModel.Invoices.Results = sorted;
console.log( => x.VendorName));
} else {
const sorted = sortingArray.sort((a, b) => a[orderValue] < b[orderValue] ? 1 : 0);
this.BatchViewModel.Invoices.Results = sorted;
console.log( => x.VendorName));
console.log( => x.VendorName));
All the console logs are for debugger visibility, and the output is this:
Where in my testing file (non-angular) looks like this:(where data is a direct copy of the array from the Angular app.
const ascendingData = [];
const descendingData = [];
const sortedDescending = descendingData.sort((a, b) => a['VendorName'] < b['VendorName']? 0 : 1)
const sortedAscending = ascendingData.sort((a, b) => a['VendorName'] > b['VendorName']? 0 : 1);
const vendorListAscending = => x.VendorName);
const vendorListDescending = => x.VendorName);
and the output looks like this:
So I see that the sorting should work, but it's just not happening in Angular.
How can I get the array sorted, and update the DOM as well?
The function you pass to sort is wrong. It is supposed to return a negative value for "less", a positive value for "greater" or zero for "equal". If orderValue is numeric then it's easiest to just return a[orderValue] - b[orderValue], if not then just change your 0 to -1.
(By the way, name orderKey could be a bit clearer maybe?)
I don't think angular has anything to do here, but I cannot tell now why you get different results. Anyway, your sort function is invalid (it states that a equals b, but at the same time b is greater than a), I hope fixing this function helps.

how to print a javascript object's elements

i am new to javascript and i currently have an object printed to console when i use the following code:
clickEvents: {
click:function(target) {
when i view console i can see the following object:
i am banging my head against a wall to write code that takes the object and prints it to a div using the .append() method. i am extermely new to working with javascript objects, and would appreciate any help trying to tease out an object and/or print the object data.
is events the object name? would i tease out the eventDate using something like events->eventDate?
I've made this over ~15 minutes so it's imperfect; there are types and edge cases surely unaccounted for and the design of the function could be better - not to mention that performing all of this as a giant string and then setting that as HTML is likely bad practice (I'm used to React now, ha!). Regardless, this will iterate over any array or object you pass to it and print it all in a big <ul> recursively.
const targetEl = document.querySelector('.js-target')
if (!targetEl) return
// Small helper functions
const isObj = data => typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data) && data !== null
const isArr = data => Array.isArray(data)
const dataToHTML = (data, noNode = false) => {
if (isObj(data)) {
const accumulator = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, set) => acc + `<li><strong>${set[0]}</strong>: ${dataToHTML(set[1], true)}</li>`, '')
return `<ul>${accumulator}</ul>`
else if (isArr(data)) {
const accumulator = data.reduce((acc, item) => acc + dataToHTML(item), '')
return `<ul>${accumulator}</ul>`
else return noNode ? data : `<li>${data}</li>`
const logHTML = dataToHTML(exampleData)
targetEl.innerHTML = logHTML
Assuming that your data/variable is named exampleData.
Any questions pop them in the comments :-)
I'm not sure if you have a div that you want to append to already, but you would do something like this ->
document.getElementById("toBeAppendedTo").innerHTML =[0].eventDate; where toBeAppendedTo is the id of the div you're trying to add this text to.
append() is a jquery function, not a javascript function.
That won't have any formatting and will just be the string value 07-28-2017 in a div.

if statement in a mapping

Currently I'm getting a
continue must be inside a loop
which I recognize as a syntax error on my part because it should be fixed.
Will fixing this to retain this logic in an if statement work with the mapping?
sales = {
if (isNaN(+d.BookingID) == false && isNaN(+d["Total Paid"]) == false) {
return [+d.BookingID, +d["Total Paid"]];
} else {
map is meant to be 1:1.
If you also want filtering, you should filter and then map
sales = (
.filter(d => (!isNaN(+d.BookingID)&& !isNaN(+d["Total Paid"]))
.map(d => [+d.BookingID, +d["Total Paid"]];
As others have mentioned, you cannot "continue" from within a map callback to skip elements. You need to use filter. To avoid referencing the fields twice, once in the filter, and once in the map, I'd filter afterwards:
sales = data
.map(d => [+d["bookingId"], +d["Total Paid"]])
.filter(([id, total]) => !isNaN(id) && !isNaN(total));
or, to make it easier in case you later want to include additional values in the array:
sales = data
.map(d => [+d["bookingId"], +d["Total Paid"]])
.filter(results => results.every(not(isNaN)));
function not(fn) { return x => !fn(x); }
function allNotNaN(a) { return a.every(not(isNaN)); }
and the, using parameter destructuring:
sales = data
.map(({bookingId, "Total Paid": total)) => [bookingId, total])

Cyclejs and trigger events with values

I m trying to learn cyclejs and reactive programming, and I can't get how to manage events with values.
For example,I need to create four functions that makes some maths operations such as :
Here's the code that I have :
function main ({DOM}) {
const secondNumber$ = DOM
.map(ev =>
const firstNumber$ = DOM
.map(ev =>
const addClick$ = DOM
.filter(value => console.log(value))
.scan((nb1, nb2) => nb1 + nb2)
return {
DOM: addClick$.map(result =>
button('.add', 'Add'),
h2('Result is : ' + result)
It doesn't work at all and I can't figure out in my mind what I m doing wrong out there.
I m looking for a simple explanation how can I make this working ? I feel just like the merging streams of secondNumber$ and firstNumber$ are not correct and I can't find why..
Any idea ?
EDIT : I got that I shouldn't use the operator I was using, but use withLatestFrom.
The fact is that I m using xstream and so I have to map / flatten :
import {
} from '#cycle/dom';
* Counter
* #param {Object} sources Contains the inputs
* #return {Object} The output sinks
function counter(sources) {
const input1$ = sources.DOM
.map(ev =>
const input2$ = sources.DOM
.map(ev =>
const add$ = sources.DOM
const resultAddition$ = add$
.map(ev => input1$
.map(value => input2$
.map(value2 => Number(value) + Number(value2)))
return {
DOM: resultAddition$.map(item => {
console.log(item); // triggered each time an input is modified
return div([
h1(`Super new value : ${item}`),
input('.input1', {
attrs: {
type: 'text'
input('.input2', {
attrs: {
type: 'text'
button('.add', 'Ajouter')
export default counter;
From now, I have got in mind what the code should do, mapping on each click the operation and flatten the two input$ to get my result only when clicking the button
The fact is that the result value is changing on input and not and click. And more important, it changes on input only after the first click on the add button that is not what I want to.
What am I doing wrong this time ?
Thanks for your replies
It seems like you want combineLatest, not merge.
Both combineLatest and merge are "combination operators". They bring multiple Observables together and output one Observable. However, combineLatest is for "AND" combinations, while merge is for "OR" combinations.
You probably need "AND", because you want the value from first-number AND the value from second-number. That said, you want those values only when an add click happens. In that case, there is a variant of combineLatest called withLatestFrom. It allows you to sample the values from first-number AND second-number, but only when the add click happens.
const addClick$ = DOM
const added$ = addClick$
.withLatestFrom(firstNumber$, secondNumber$,
(click, first, second) => first + second
As a side note, you should never do something like .filter(value => console.log(value)). The function for filter is a predicate. It's supposed to be a "condition" function that returns a boolean. If you want to debug, use .do(value => console.log(value)).
PS: I'm assuming you were using RxJS v4.

