Events not triggering after appended element - javascript
So I'm trying to make dynamically added rows and when you enter numbers into those rows it should calculate some stuff, the first element that's not appended works fine but the rest isn't getting triggered.
I've tried multiple solutions using $(document).on('keyup change', 'element') and some more.
What I'm trying to achieve is that the calculations should work on every appended row as well.
jsFiddle added
You have few issues in your code.
First of all you do not have the attribute like data-target, row_margin, data-sum set in any of the newly appended element that you are using to find the specific element.
You also have to use delegation approach to attach the event handler which will allow you to fire/raise the event on the elements that are appended dynamically. You can pass this to the function so that you can refer elements only specific to the current table.
$('body').on('input', 'div.list div.list_row table', function(){
You also do not loop through using .each().
Try the following way:
var offer_rows_i = 2;
$('body').on('input', 'div.list div.list_row table', function(){
$("div.list").append(`<div class="container list_row mt3 w-100 zoomInDown animated fast" data-temp=${offer_rows_i}><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left" width="9.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_article" autocomplete="none" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="17%"><textarea data-target="row_text"></textarea></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="row_quantity" autocomplete="none" value="1" class="numbers" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_price_in" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_price_out" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_discount" autocomplete="none" class="numbers" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_margin" data-margin="0" data-percentage="0" autocomplete="none" value="0,00 (0%)" readonly="readonly" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="row_sum" data-sum="0" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" readonly="readonly" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="center" width="3.5%"><i class="fas fa-times" data-action="delete-row"></i></td>
offer_rows_i = offer_rows_i + 1;
function CalculateMargin(row){
var bruttoCalc = 0;
var summaCalc = 0;
//console.log("changing => " + $(row).data("temp"));
var quantity = $(row).find("input[data-target='row_quantity']").val();
var priceIn = $(row).find("input[data-target='row_price_in']").val();
var priceOut = $(row).find("input[data-target='row_price_out']").val();
var discount = $(row).find("input[data-target='row_discount']").val();
// Row calculations
var tbSumTotal = 0;
var priceInSum = (quantity*priceIn);
var priceOutSum = (quantity*priceOut);
var discountSum = ((priceOutSum/100)*discount);
var totalSum = (priceOutSum-discountSum);
// TB calculations
var tbDiscount = ((quantity*priceOut)*(discount/100));
var tbSum = ((quantity*priceOut)-tbDiscount);
var tbTotal = (tbSum - (quantity*priceIn));
if(!tbTotal || !isFinite(tbTotal)){
tbTotal = 0;
tbSumTotal = (tbSumTotal + (tbSum-(quantity*priceIn)));
// Percentage calculations
var marginRawPercentage = (tbTotal/(quantity*priceOut));
var marginPercentage = Math.round(parseFloat(tbTotal/tbSum)*100);
if(!marginPercentage || !isFinite(marginPercentage)){
marginPercentage = 0;
// Show results
$(row).find("input[data-target='row_margin']").val(parseFloat(tbSum-(quantity*priceIn)).toFixed(2).replace(".", ",") + " ("+marginPercentage+"%)");
$(row).find("input[data-target='row_sum']").val(parseFloat(priceOutSum-discountSum).toFixed(2).replace(".", ","));
background-color: #ffffff;
width: auto;
float: right;
padding: 8px 12px;
margin: 0 0 0 7px;
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border-radius: 3px;
color: #808080;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: 500;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.2s ease;
transition: all 0.2s ease;
div.section_button:hover, div.section_button:focus{
outline: none;
background-color: #fbfbfb;
border: 1px solid #ececec;
background-color: #305286;
border: 1px solid #305286;
color: #ffffff;
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.2s ease;
transition: all 0.2s ease;
div.section_button.colored:hover, div.section_button.colored:focus{
outline: none;
background-color: #203b64;
border: 1px solid #203b64;
margin: 15px 0 0 0;
div.list_row > table{
margin: 0;
table thead th{
background-color: #ffffff;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: 600;
color: #404040;
padding: 20px 10px 16px 10px;
border: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
table thead th:first-child{
border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
border-left: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
table thead th:last-child{
border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
border-right: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
table thead tr th input[type="checkbox"]{
margin: 2px 0;
padding: 0;
div.list_row > table tbody td{
background-color: #ffffff;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: 500;
color: #808080;
padding: 0;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.2s ease;
transition: all 0.2s ease;
div.list_row > table tbody tr:hover td, div.list_row > table tbody tr:focus td{
background-color: rgba(247, 247, 247, 0.5);
div.list_row > table tbody tr td input[type="checkbox"]{
margin: 2px 0;
padding: 0;
div.list_row > table tbody tr:last-child td:first-child{
border-radius: 0 0 0 3px;
div.list_row > table tbody tr:last-child td:last-child{
border-radius: 0 0 3px 0;
div.list_row > table tbody tr td input[type="text"]{
background-color: transparent;
width: calc(100% - 20px);
height: 44px;
border: 0;
padding: 0 10px;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: 500;
color: #606060;
div.list_row > table tbody tr td:nth-child(7) input[type="text"]{
background-color: rgba(247, 247, 247, 0.5);
border-left: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
border-right: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
div.list_row > table tbody tr td:nth-child(8) input[type="text"]{
background-color: rgba(247, 247, 247, 0.5);
border-left: 0;
border-right: 1px solid #f2f2f2;
div.list_row > table tbody tr td textarea{
background-color: transparent;
width: calc(100% - 20px);
height: 18px;
border: 0;
padding: 16px 10px 8px 10px;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: 500;
color: #606060;
resize: none;
div.list_row > table tbody tr td i.fas{
margin: 16px 0;
-webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-moz-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-ms-transition: all 0.2s ease;
-o-transition: all 0.2s ease;
transition: all 0.2s ease;
div.list_row > table tbody tr td i.fas:hover{
color: #404040;
section#economy div.offer_calc table{
margin: 5px 0 0 0;
padding: 0 0 15px 0;
border-bottom: 1px dotted #ececec;
section#economy div.offer_calc table:last-child{
border-bottom: 0;
padding: 0;
section#economy div.offer_calc table tr td{
padding: 2px 0;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 9pt;
font-weight: 500;
color: #808080;
section#economy div.offer_calc table tr td:first-child{
font-weight: 600;
section#economy div.offer_calc table:nth-child(3n) tr:last-child td{
padding: 8px 0;
font-weight: 600;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="section_button colored" data-action="new-offer-row"><i class="fas fa-equals"></i> New row</div>
<br /><br />
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<th valign="top" align="left" width="9.5%">Artikel</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="17%">Free text</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="10%">Quantity</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%">In price</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%">Out price</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%">Discount %</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%">TB</th>
<th valign="top" align="left" width="10%">Sum</th>
<th valign="top" align="center" width="3.5%"></th>
<div class="list">
<div class="container list_row mt3 w-100" data-temp="1">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left" width="9.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_article" autocomplete="none" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="17%"><textarea data-target="row_text"></textarea></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="row_quantity" autocomplete="none" value="1" class="numbers" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_price_in" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_price_out" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_discount" autocomplete="none" class="numbers" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_margin" data-margin="0" data-percentage="0" autocomplete="none" value="0,00 (0%)" readonly="readonly" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="row_sum" data-sum="0" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" readonly="readonly" /></td>
<td valign="top" align="center" width="3.5%"><i class="fas fa-times" data-action="delete-row"></i></td>
The problem you asked, that every row you added should be working as well as your first line, which in technical term is that every dynamically added row should also register and trigger the same event as the first fixed row, is rather a simple question. However, your real objective of this table is a bit complicated, in fact this may be a code sample useful to me too:
In first line, by completing at least Quantity, In price, Out price (or maybe you required to input the first 2 columns first), the table should automatically compute and output TB and Sum.
By clicking "New row" button, a new row with same column as the first line should be added into the table
In the new added line, by completing at least Quantity, In price, Out price, the table should automatically compute and output TB and Sum.
Down to your own code now:
Your first row almost works fine, only when some of the case
(input order), your TB and Sum may result NaN, but this is just a
small bug to fix.
The second line you added by clicking the button did not work.
The reason that this happened is because the first row is written in HTML, and when JS $("div.list div.list_row table").on(...) is loaded, it has detected the only row in HTML. And this makes the first row element registered to keyup and change event that calls to CalculateMargin() function.
The second row is added dynamically, and it is not yet register to any event at this point. Therefore, it will not apply CalculateMargin() function.
So in order to make the second row work, all you need to do is to register the row with $("div.list div.list_row table").on(...). This is the simple part.
Debugging method:
If you have Firefox or Chrome to inspect your
code/page, by comparing the two rows of elements, you will find under
Event Listeners, only row one has got change and keyup event
listed, and row two has nothing in it.
Try to replace part of your code:
$("div.list div.list_row table").on('keyup change', function(){
// test if the event is triggered
alert ("altered");
And you will see that by adding a new row, your new row won't pop up this alert message like the first one.
So in your next part of your code:
$("div.list").append('<div class="container list_row mt3 w-100 zoomInDown animated fast" data-temp="'+offer_rows_i+'"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" align="left" width="9.5%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none"></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="17%"><textarea data-target=""></textarea></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="1"></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="0,00"></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="0,00"></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none"></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="12.5%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="0,00 (0%)" readonly="readonly"></td><td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="0,00" readonly="readonly"></td><td valign="top" align="center" width="3.5%"><i class="fas fa-times" data-action="delete-row"></i></td></tr></tbody></table></div>');
offer_rows_i = offer_rows_i + 1;
// register and enable event for new row
$("div.list div.list_row table").on('keyup change', function(){
// test if the event is triggered
alert ("altered");
Now both your line applies to your event, with new problem:
Your event **triggered multiple times. Besides your two events change and keyup that causes double trigger, every time you click on "New row" button all the row elements will register to event by code $("div.list div.list_row table").on(...), and it will add to the element event list instead of replacing previous event.
To solve this you will have to clear all pre-registered event and re-register.
Here is the code: 1. Add new row event trigger test
Now you could uncomment your CalculateMargin() to replace the test message alert ("altered").
However, the second line still compute as expected. This is because (like #Qonvex620 #Rob Moll) said, when code processing to var quantity = _this.find("input[data-target='row_quantity']").val(); and so on, the data fetched results undefined.
That is because the code could not find row_quantity here. Check your code in append, you will see <td valign="top" align="left" width="10%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="1"></td> where data-target="" means there is no value (row_quantity) for it. This applies to following elements:
Here is the final code that works for you: 2. Enable all row cell event
In the html for your first row which is plain-old html you have this:
<td valign="top" align="left" width="9.5%"><input type="text" data-target="row_article" autocomplete="none" /></td>
Notice the Custom Data Attribute named data-target is assigned a value of "row_article".
However, in your dynamic code the CDA named data-target is assigned a value of "".
<td valign="top" align="left" width="9.5%"><input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none"></td>
You just need to add the corresponding value in your dynamic code to all of the td's that have this data-target CDA.
Provide a value for your data-target since you are getting input's value through their data-target attached to them.
In you first row it will definitely work because you had provided value on their data-target. like this
<input type="text" data-target="row_price_in" autocomplete="none" value="0,00">
However in your newly added input, you just put like this without providing any data-target value
<input type="text" data-target="" autocomplete="none" value="0,00>
Adjust Border Radius on button when div is collapsed/hidden/not active
I am using the Collapsible divs code from here: And I had asked here how to make the divs visible by default & that was answered here: Make Collapsible Divs NOT hidden by default But, now I have a problem with my CSS because, I have added border-radius to mine. So when it's open, it works fine - it has a rounded border around the whole .collapsible/.inside pair, but when it's closed I don't know how to have the rounded border on the .container button (because how I have the code makes the bottom of the collapsible not rounded) - how to I give "not active" CSS code, I guess? var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible"); var i; for (i = 0; i < coll.length; i++) { coll[i].addEventListener("click", function() { this.classList.toggle("active"); var content = this.nextElementSibling; if (! || === "block") { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } }); } .collapsible { background-color: #007784; color: white; cursor: pointer; width: 97%; border:2px solid #000000; border-bottom:0px; border-radius:15px 15px 0px 0px; text-align: center; outline: none; font-size: 16px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin-top:3px; padding:2px; } .collapsible:hover { background-color: #0066FF; border-bottom:0px; border-radius:15px 15px 0px 0px; margin-top:3px; } .active { background-color: #007784; border-bottom:0px; border-radius:15px 15px 0px 0px; margin-top:3px; } .inside { padding: 0; width: 97%; display: block; overflow: hidden; border-top:0px; border-left: 2px solid #000000; border-right: 2px solid #000000; border-bottom: 2px solid #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-radius:0px 0px 15px 15px; } /*unrelated coding*/ table.trials {border:0; border-collapse:collapse; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; text-align:center; background-color:#000000; border-radius:15px; } table.trials tr td {border: 1px solid #000000;} table.trials tr td:first-child {border-left:0;} table.trials tr td:last-child {border-right:0;} table.trials tr:last-child td {border-bottom:0;} .trials tr:last-child td:first-child {border-radius:0px 0px 0px 13px;} .trials tr:last-child td:last-child {border-radius:0px 0px 13px 0px;} td {background-color:#FFFFFF;} td.NA {background-color:#CCCCCC;} .divider td {height:3px; padding:0px; background-color:#000000;} <button type="button" class="collapsible">CH — Conformation Champion <span style="font-size:14px; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic;">total: 15 pts / 3 Majors</span></button> <div class="inside" style="padding:0;"><!------------CH - Conformation Champion------------------------------------------------------> <table class="trials" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2px" style="width:100%; margin:0; border-radius:0;"> <tr><!------DATE: Weekday — Month ##, YYYY-------> <td width="25%">Saturday – August 20, 2016</td> <td width="25%">Sunday – September 11, 2016</td> <td width="25%">Sunday – January 22, 2017</td> <td width="25%">Sunday – May 7, 2017</td> </tr> <tr><!------HOST CLUB----------------------------------> <td width="25%">Olympic Kennel Club</td> <td width="25%">Eugene Kennel Club</td> <td width="25%">Tualatin Kennel Club</td> <td width="25%">Olympia Dog Fanciers Association</td> </tr> <tr><!------LOCATION: Venue — City, State--------> <td width="25%">Enumclaw, WA</td> <td width="25%">Brownsville, OR</td> <td width="25%">Portland, OR</td> <td width="25%">Elma, WA</td> </tr> <tr><!------JUDGE--------------------------------------> <td width="25%">Judge: Adrian Woodfork</td> <td width="25%">Judge: Nancy Simmons</td> <td width="25%">Judge: John Ronald</td> <td width="25%">Judge: Roger Pritchard</td> </tr> <tr class="award"><!------SCORE/PLACE/POINT------------> <td width="25%"><i class="W">WB</i> — 1 pt</td> <td width="25%"><i class="W">WB</i> / <i class="BOW">BOW</i> / <i class="BOS">BOS</i> — 2 pts</td> <td width="25%"><i class="W">WB</i> — 1 pt</td> <td width="25%"><i class="W">WB</i> — 3 pt Major</td> </tr> <tr class="divider"><td colspan="4"></td></tr><!--------------------------------DIVIDER--------------------------------> <tr><!------DATE: Weekday — Month ##, YYYY-------> <td width="25%">Monday – May 29, 2017</td> <td width="25%">Sunday – June 25, 2017</td> <td width="25%">Monday – July 10, 2017</td> <td width="25%" class="NA"> </td> </tr> <tr><!------HOST CLUB----------------------------------> <td width="25%">Kennel Club of the California Sierra</td> <td width="25%">Clackamas Kennel Club</td> <td width="25%">Puyallyp Valley Dog Fanciers</td> <td width="25%" class="NA"> </td> </tr> <tr><!------LOCATION: Venue — City, State--------> <td width="25%">Placerville, CA</td> <td width="25%">Canby, OR</td> <td width="25%">Puyallup, WA</td> <td width="25%" class="NA"> </td> </tr> <tr><!------JUDGE--------------------------------------> <td width="25%">Judge: Pat Hastings</td> <td width="25%">Judge: Minna-Liisa Koltes</td> <td width="25%">Judge: Sheila DiNardo</td> <td width="25%" class="NA"> </td> </tr> <tr class="award"><!------SCORE/PLACE/POINT------------> <td width="25%"><i class="W">WB</i> / <i class="BOW">BOW</i> / <i class="BOS">BOS</i> — 3 pt Major</td> <td width="25%"><i class="W">WB</i> / <i class="BOW">BOW</i> — 1 pt</td> <td width="25%"><i class="BOB">BOB</i> — 4 pt Major</td> <td width="25%" class="NA"> </td> </tr> </table> </div>
You can add a CSS rule { border-radius: 15px; } This says when the button has both the collapsible and the active classes the border radius should be 15px all around. Additionally I would avoid directly manipulating and make the display block or none also based on classes.
Syntax error from copy to clipboard command = unable to copy Text and template
Good day. I've been trying top figure out why the copy to clipboard not working despite of putting the correct form name, please advise what would be the best command, i've been trying so hard couldn't seem to make it work. here is the sample of the form or template im working on I was hoping to use the copy to clipboard function so i can copy the title and content of each line if (window.event.srcElement == frm.copyform){ frm.holdtext.value = Template; Copied=frm.holdtext.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand('copy'); alert('Copied to Clipboard!'); } <script> <script> } if (window.event.srcElement == frm.copyform){ frm.holdtext.value = Template; Copied=frm.holdtext.createTextRange(); Copied.execCommand('copy'); alert('Copied to Clipboard!'); } } </SCRIPT> <head> <body> <!--Special comment--> <!--Style--> <style type="text/css"> /* Some Generic styles */ H1 { Color: #9c33ff; font-size: 20px; isplay: inline-block; } H2 { font-size: 15px; Color: #751aff; font-size: 13px; } Body { -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; width: 580px; height: 800px; border: none; font: normal 12px/1 "Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif; color: rgba(2,2,2,1); text-align: center; -o-text-overflow: ellipsis; text-overflow: ellipsis; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(-45deg, rgba(153,103,206,1) 0, rgba(247,221,200,0.57) 49%, rgba(140,226,226,1) 100%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(153,103,206,1) 0, rgba(247,221,200,0.57) 49%, rgba(140,226,226,1) 100%); background: linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(153,103,206,1) 0, rgba(247,221,200,0.57) 49%, rgba(140,226,226,1) 100%); background-position: 50% 50%; -webkit-background-origin: padding-box; background-origin: padding-box; -webkit-background-clip: border-box; background-clip: border-box; -webkit-background-size: auto auto; background-size: auto auto; } label{ display: inline-block; float: left; clear: left; width: 250px; text-align: Left; } input { display: inline-block; float: center; } TBODY { font-size: 14px; Color: #313133; font-size: 13px; } #tickettemplate { font-size: 15px; Color: #313133; font-size: 13px; } </style> <!--Html starting point--> <h1>i</h1> <h2>i</h2> <P align=center><IMG src="" alt="" width="80" height="83"></P> <FORM name=tickettemplate id=tickettemplate> <!-- Table to contain page title and buttons --> <TABLE> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=center colSpan=4> <DIV></DIV></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><INPUT name=Reset onclick="resetForm();return false;" type=reset value="Clear All Fields"> </TD> <TD><INPUT name=copyform onclick="val1();return false;" type=button value="Copy to Clipboard"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Table for General information --><BR> <!--This is where i started--> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 13pt; BORDER-TOP: gray solid; BORDER-RIGHT: gray solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray solid; BORDER-LEFT: gray solid" 14pt? FONT-SIZE:><STRONG>General Info</STRONG></TD></TR> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>Name:</TD> <TD><INPUT name=cname_singleuser id=cname_singleuser size=50> </TD> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>User ID:</TD> <TD><INPUT name=userid_singleuser0 id=userid_singleuser0 size=50> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top>Callback no.: </TD> <TD><INPUT name="callback no" id=callbackno0 size=50></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>Email Address:</TD> <TD><INPUT name=emailaddy_singleuser id=emailaddy_singleuser size=50></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>Office Location</TD> <TD><INPUT name=oloc_singleuser id=oloc_singleuser size=50></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>Current Location:</TD> <TD><INPUT name=cloc_singleuser id=cloc_singleuser size=50></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>Exisitng/Related:</TD> <TD><INPUT name=exrelated_singleuser id=exrelated_singleuser size=50></TD></TR> <TD vAlign=top>Business Unit/Client:</TD> <TD><INPUT name=client1 id=client1 size=50> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR> <TABLE width=750 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TABLE style="FONT-SIZE: 13pt; BORDER-TOP: gray solid; BORDER-RIGHT: gray solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray solid; BORDER-LEFT: gray solid" 14pt? FONT-SIZE:><STRONG>Brief Description</STRONG></TD></TR> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=middle>Issue: </TD> <TD><INPUT name=Issue id=issue0 size=50></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top>Number of Users Affected: </TD> <TD><INPUT name="Number of users Affected" id=numberofusers0 size=50></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top>Business Impact:</TD> <TD><SELECT name="Business Impact" id=businessimpact0 size=1 type="text"> <OPTION value="" selected></OPTION> <OPTION value=Minor>P4 Minor</OPTION> <OPTION value=Medium>P3 Medium</OPTION> <OPTION value=High>P2 High</OPTION> <OPTION value=Major>P1 Major</OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD width=400 vAlign=top><p>Additional information/ Incident Description:</p></TD> <TD><TEXTAREA name=Description id=Description1 rows=8 cols=60 wrap=virtual></TEXTAREA></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE width=750> <TBODY> <TR><BR><STRONG>Choose the Category:</STRONG></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Not sure where you got that code from, but seems to be wrong. If you are copying the text from an input it is pretty straight forward. Focus, select, and copy from a click action. function copy(event) { var selector ='data-copy') var elem = document.querySelector(selector) elem.focus() document.execCommand('copy') } document.querySelectorAll('[data-copy]').forEach( function () { this.addEventListener('click', copy) }) <textarea id="foo">Hello world</textarea> <button type="button" id="btnCopy1" data-copy="#foo">copy</button> <hr/> <textarea id="bar">Hello world</textarea> <button type="button" id="btnCopy2" data-copy="#bar">copy</button>
How to apply css to print div
I am currently working on a project which was already done now it requires some enhancement.I will give you a slight jist of it.It has a search functionality and after clicking that name displayed in the result it displays additional details.Now the client has asked to add the print option also,which will print the displayed .I have also implement this functionality.Now the main problem is that the print preview page does not take any css of the last page.I have used css int the HTML page only.Please see the code.I have referred Print the contents of a DIV question .But it uses css externally.How could I use it when I have defined it internally. I know this might be a very basic question But I am very new to the CSS world. Thanks in advance...` Edit: I have applied the #print tag.But it was not taking the css even after that.Thats why I have voted to remain this question as unique P.S. I didnt code this piece of shit, someone else did. <script type="text/javascript"> function printDiv(divName) { var printContents = document.getElementById(divName).innerHTML; '.td{'+ ' width:205px;'+ 'margin-top:10px;'+ 'margin-bottom:10px;'+ 'margin-left:10px;'+ '}'+ 'table{'+ 'border-collapse:collapse;'+ 'border:1px solid #FF0000;'+ '}'+ 'table td{'+ 'border:1px solid #000;'+ '}' '</style>';; w.document.write(printContent); w.print(); w.close(); } </script> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; font: 85% "Open Sans", Tahoma, sans-serif; } .dataGrid { border: 1px solid #48627A; padding: 0; width: 99%; height: 100%; background: #FFFFFF; text-align: left; } .title { color: #004e90; font-weight: bold; font-family: "Open Sans", Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .res td{ font-size: 12px; font-family: open sans, arial; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; width: auto; padding: 4px; } .dataGridTitle{ border: 1px solid #0D1115; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 3px; padding-bottom: 1px; padding-left: 3px; background: #48627A; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font: bold 0.8em verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } .dataGridElement{ padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 3px; padding-bottom:1px; padding-left: 3px; background: #E8EAEA; color: #000000; font: 0.8em verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } .td{ width:205px; font: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; } <form> <div id="print"> <div class="dataGrid" style="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-left:10px;" > <h1 style="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-left:10px;" >Partner Details</h1> <table class="res" style="table-layout:fixed; margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;margin-left:10px;" > <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="username">Name</label> </td> <td ><label for="username">{$item.partnername}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Address</label> </td> <td><label for="surname">{$item.address}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Contact Number</label> </td> <td><label for="surname">{$item.cnumber}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Contact Person</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$item.cperson}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Email</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">School Center</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$item.school_center}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Training Date</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$item.t_date}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Certification Date</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$item.c_date}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">No.Teachers</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$item.no_teacher}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label for="surname">Teachers Certified</label> </td> <td class = "td res" ><label for="surname">{$item.cert_teacher}</label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td title" ><label </form> </div> </div>
at last I found an answer. I don't know the reason why #media was not working correctly. So I used css styling in the print function itself. w.document.write('<style>h1{font-size:20px;color:#76C04E;width:90%;}</style>'); w.document.write('<style>body{background: #FFFFFF; color: #000000; font: 85% arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; }</style>'); w.document.write('<style>.res td{font-size: 12px;font-family: open sans, arial; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; width: auto;padding: 4px;} </style>'); Now the css is correctly taken in the print preview page. But it works only in firefox.Will update the answer accordingly when I find the solution for chrome Thanks.
I forgot to mention that you need to link media query print tag in tag <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print"> I prefer to use external css file Use media tag in css file: All your print styles go here inside #media print{...} #media print { .header, .footer, .navigation{ display: none !important; } } There are some rules, keep in mind that you don't need bunch of things while printing, menus, sidebars etc...
Iframe can't display HTML while a browser can
I am having hard time to make my Iframe display my html string which happens to be : var='<BODY style="MARGIN: 0px" bgColor=#ffffff marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var Caller_User_Type = 'ESS'; var Locale_Date_Order = '2'; var User_Browser_Type = ''; var Page_ID = '266'; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language=javascript> var wlocationxx = ''; wlocationxx = String(window.location); if (wlocationxx.substring(0,7) == 'http://'){ window.location = 'https://' + wlocationxx.substring(7) } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript src="../../../System/CONFIG/Common_Functions.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript type=text/javascript src="../../../scripts/modeling_script.js"></SCRIPT> <TABLE id=PageStart_1 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" height="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD height="100%" vAlign=top> <TABLE id=PageStart_2 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" height="100%" valign="top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD height="1%" width="100%"> 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src="../../../system/exb/exb_images/vert_black_bar.gif" width=1 height="100%"> </TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Title8pt><B>Welcome</B><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Value9pt>Rahul Raina<BR><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Title8pt><B>Plan Sponsor:</B><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Value8pt>McKinsey & Company<BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Title8pt><B>Plan Name:</B><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Value8pt>Retirement Program (Profit-Sharing Retirement Plan (PSRP) and Money Purchase Pension Plan (MPPP), where applicable)<BR><BR></TD></TR> <TR> <TD height="100%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><IMG border=0 src="images/clear_px.gif" width=160 height=1> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD> <TD class=Body_Title9pt height="100%"> </TD> <TD height="100%" vAlign=top width="100%"><!-- begin exb_global.asp --><!-- end exb_global.asp --> <FORM id=frmHome method=post name=frmHome><INPUT id=postAction type=hidden name=postAction> <BR> <TABLE id=Table1 border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" valign="top"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=Body_Value16pt>Home</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=Body_Value9pt> </TD></TR><!-- 0011 S, 0013, 0014 --><!--<tr> <td class="Body_Value9pt">Submit your annual Asset Allocation form between September 15 and October 6, 2008. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Body_Value9pt"> </td> </tr> --><!-- 0011 E --><!-- 0009 S --><!-- <tr> <td class="Body_Value10pt"> <a href="EXB_RSQ_Rebalance_Elections_View.asp"> <font color="#db5500"><b>Click here to complete your Asset Allocation form</b></font></a> </td> </tr> --><!-- 0009 E--></TBODY></TABLE><BR><INPUT id=sMassAnouncementXML value='<?xml version="1.0"?><anouncement_text><rows>0</rows></anouncement_text>' type=hidden name=sMassAnouncementXML> <INPUT id=isMessageViewed value=True type=hidden name=isMessageViewed> <INPUT id=sSubGroup value=D218354ECFF824224F45F173EC46FFED type=hidden name=sSubGroup> <TABLE id=Table3 border=1 rules=none cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="80%"> <TBODY> <TR class=Table_Header> <TD width=5></TD> <TD><B>Special Message from McKinsey & Company</B></TD> <TD width=10></TD></TR> <TR> <TD height=8 colSpan=3></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt> <TD width=5></TD> <TD><B>Do we have your current e-mail address?</B><BR>To confirm or update your e-mail address, go to Administration Menu>Personal Profile. <P></P><B>The 2013 Annual Decisions Period is over.</B><BR>Your next opportunity to change your allocation will be in the fall of 2014. <P></P></TD><!-- 0026: removed <b> tags --> <TD width=10></TD></TR> <TR> <TD height=8 colSpan=3></TD></TR> <TR class=Table_Header> <TD width=5></TD> <TD><B>Participant Information</B></TD> <TD width=10></TD></TR> <TR> <TD height=8 colSpan=3></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt> <TD></TD> <TD>Rahul Raina</TD> <TD></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt> <TD></TD> <TD>Bangalore</TD> <TD></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt> <TD></TD> <TD>Karanataka,<SPACE> <SPACE><SPACE>560001</TD> <TD></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt height=20 vAlign=bottom> <TD></TD> <TD>Email Address: <B></B> </TD> <TD></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt height=20 vAlign=bottom> <TD></TD> <TD>Plan Status: Term & Awaiting Payment</TD> <TD></TD></TR> <TR height=5></TR> <TR> <TD height=8 colSpan=3></TD></TR> <TR class=Table_Header> <TD width=5></TD> <TD><B>Balance Information</B></TD> <TD width=10></TD></TR> <TR> <TD height=8 colSpan=3></TD></TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt> <TD></TD> <TD height=20 vAlign=top>Account balances are current as of October 31, 2013.</TD> <TD></TD> <TR> <TR class=Body_Value8pt> <TD></TD> <TD>Value $98,390.82</TD> <TD></TD></TR> <TR height=5></TR> <TR> <TD height=8 colSpan=3></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR> <P><FONT size=2 face="verdana, helvetica, arial"><B>Click here for an Instant Web Statement</B></FONT></P><BR></FORM> <SCRIPT language=Javascript> //0023 function fn_getReport(siteURL) { document.frmHome.postAction.value = "report"; document.frmHome.submit(); } function winOpen(siteURL) {, "","resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,width=640," + "height=480,directories=no,status=no,scroll=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,left=100,top=20"); } //0005 -S function OpenAnouncement(PlanID,GroupID,PartID) { var url = "../../../System/Exb/Exb_Includes/RSQ_Mass_Anouncement.asp?read=" + document.getElementById("isMessageViewed").value + "&groupid=" + GroupID + "&subgroupid=" + document.getElementById("sSubGroup").value ; if(document.getElementById("imgNew") != null) { document.getElementById("imgNew").style.display = "none"; } var popupwindow = ""; popupwindow =,"Mass_Announcement","resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,width=500," + "height=500,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,left=200,top=100"); popupwindow.focus(); } //0005 -E </SCRIPT> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle> <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=StatusBar2 height=20 width="50%">Copyright 2003 Aon Consulting</TD> <TD class=StatusBar2 height=20 width="50%" align=right>Security and Privacy Statement</TD></TR> <TR> <TD class=StatusBar1 height=20 colSpan=2 align=middle>Contact Us | Print Screen | Log Off</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Start: 12/8/2013 10:46:06 AM End : 12/8/2013 10:46:07 AM Host : --> <DIV style="Z-INDEX: 5000; BORDER-BOTTOM: transparent 0px solid; POSITION: absolute; BORDER-LEFT: transparent 0px solid; WIDTH: 686px; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: visible; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-TOP: transparent 0px solid; TOP: 66px; CURSOR: default; BORDER-RIGHT: transparent 0px solid; LEFT: 292px" id=hmExbDCPart title="" sp="null"> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 47px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 0px" id=hmExbDCPart_I1 title="" hh="46">Home</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 83px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 47px" id=hmExbDCPart_I2 title="" hh="82">Select Plan</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 100px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 130px" id=hmExbDCPart_I3 title="" hh="99">Account Menu</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 93px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 230px" id=hmExbDCPart_I4 title="" hh="92">Withdrawals</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 121px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 323px" id=hmExbDCPart_I5 title="" hh="120">Annual Decisions</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 105px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 444px" id=hmExbDCPart_I6 title="" hh="104">Administration</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 80px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 549px" id=hmExbDCPart_I7 title="" hh="79">Contact Us</DIV> <DIV style="POSITION: absolute; PADDING-BOTTOM: 4px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #db5500; FONT-STYLE: normal; PADDING-LEFT: 4px; WIDTH: 57px; PADDING-RIGHT: 4px; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Verdana, Tahoma; HEIGHT: 22px; VISIBILITY: inherit; FONT-SIZE: 9pt; OVERFLOW: hidden; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: hand; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; PADDING-TOP: 4px; LEFT: 629px" id=hmExbDCPart_I8 title="" hh="57">Log Off</DIV></DIV></BODY>' Please ignore the complex html page code. I just want to say that when I copy this in a notepad and save it as a .html page It renders the page properly which should have been. But when I am trying to display this in an iframe using this it doesn't display anything: var textBody = $(printstr); var iframeBody = $('#test').contents().find('body'); iframeBody.append(textBody.html()); Here printstr is the string that contains the html string. Any help would be appreciated.
A good way to store large blobs of page content that you want to use from JavaScript (where by "good" I mean, at least, "much better than as a gigantic JavaScript string constant") is to use a <script> element with a non-executable "type" attribute: <script id=frameContent type=text/content> <BODY class=whatever> <!-- ... --> </BODY> </script> Then you can fetch the contents of the script by accessing the .innerHTML property of the DOM element. (That's why the example gives the element an "id" value — it makes it easy to find.) Now, in your case, this approach will run into a problem because you're trying to include all those <script> elements inside the frame content. That could be worked around by using some alternative marker instead of the </script> closing tags: <script id=frameContent type=text/content> <BODY class=whatever> <!-- ... --> <script src=some/script.js><#script> </BODY> </script> Then when you fetch the content you'd replace "#script" with "/script": var frameContent = document.getElementById("frameContent") .innerHTML .replace(/#script/ig, "/" + "script"); A completely different approach would be to drop the idea of including your frame content like that, and simply host that page on your server and let the browser fetch it separately. It'd be much less messy, at the cost of an added HTTP transaction.
Adding/Removing classes on table data onclick
I would like to add a class for a table cell that matches the hover color onclick or on select of the cell. I have this javascript (that doesnt work currently): $('#tblContainer').click(function() { var $this = $(this); // Remove highlight $this.closest("tr").find("td.guidelines").removeClass("guidelines"); // Add it to this one $this.closest("td").addClass("guidelines2"); }); With these 3 main classes (guidelines, guidelines2- the class I want it to change to, and guidelines:hover): table.rubrictable td.guidelines { background: #FFF; padding: 6px; text-align:left; color:#666666; font-size:9pt; font-style:plain; border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee; border-left: 1px solid #eeeeee; border-bottom: 2px solid #666666; width:150; background: #FFF; background: -moz-linear-gradient(left top , #E6E6E6, #FFF); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%,#E6E6E6), color-stop(100%,#FFF)); } table.rubrictable td.guidelines2 { background: #3C0; padding: 6px; text-align:left; color:#666666; font-size:9pt; font-style:plain; border-right: 1px solid #eeeeee; border-left: 1px solid #eeeeee; border-bottom: 2px solid #666666; width:150; } table.rubrictable td.guidelines:hover { background:#3C0; } And here is my html: <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="tblContainer" class="rubrictable"> <th class="dimensionstitle">ROWS (Dimensions)</th> <th class="level">Delicious<br /> 4</th> <th class="level">Good<br /> 3</th> <th class="level">Needs Improvement<br / 2</th> <th class="level">Poor <br /> 1 </th> <th class="dimensionstitle">COMMENTS</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="dimensions" nowrap="nowrap">Number of Chips </td> <td class="guidelines">Chocolate chip in every bite</td> <td class="guidelines">Chips in about 75% of bites</td> <td class="guidelines">Chips in about 50% of bites</td> <td class="guidelines"Too few or too many chips</td> <td class="dimensions"><img src="Icons/edit-green.gif" width="16" height="16" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dimensions">Texture </td> <td class="guidelines">Chew</td> <td class="guidelines">Chewy in middle, crisp on edges</td> <td class="guidelines">Texture either crispy/crunchy or 50% uncooked</td> <td class="guidelines">Texture resembles a dog biscuit</td> <td class="dimensions"><img src="Icons/edit-green.gif" width="16" height="16" /></td> </tr> </table> And you can see an example here in my FIDDLE
You've put your click() handler on the table itself, so when you do $this.closest("tr"), it's looking for an element that is an ancestor (not a child) of the table and that is a tr. It won't find it. Just change the click declaration to $('#tblContainer td').click(function() {
As JacobM stated, you need to use the td on the cell. $('#tblContainer td').click(function() { However, your table has a class for all the options you would like to be selectable. That means you could use #tblContainer .guidelines instead. $('#tblContainer .guidelines').click I also believe this is what you are trying to achieve: