Using svelte with events in ag-grid custom tool panel - javascript

I´ve a working custom tool panel in ag-grid. The problem is that events like onclick don´t work inside the custom tool panel. I´ve put the function in every place i can think of but i always get:
Uncaught ReferenceError: externalFilterChanged is not defined at
I´ve opend a enterprise ticket with ag-grid and attached the code you see on github. But they tell me it is svelte related and they don´t support svelte.
Please have a look if you have a deeper understanding of svelte than i have.
Code on Github
I can get it to work by putting the function in window. But that doesn´t seem like a good solution.


typeerror: n is not a function while using jquery plug-in

Always thanks to everyone who help his/her best to be better together.
I am a designer and a web-publisher at the same time, but a beginner-leveled newbie.
I'm trying to apply a jquery plug-in named 'sequencer' by skruf.
However, when I apply to my website, this type-error repeatedly shows up.
Here is the demo page of Skruf, the maker of this plug-in below.
and these are the errors I got in the script.
Please advice me how I could get through this problem.
Jquery screenshot
Console screenshot
P.S Is there any possibility to collide or crash if there are multiple jquery plug-ins?

Critical Error: Object doesn't support this property or method addeventlistener

actually I have a really weird problem, that I have been trying to solve for two weeks.
to begin with, I am using sharePoint 2010. we created two dashboards that fetch information from lists and then display them in a graphical form, simply the javaScript script using AJAX get the list and then use the information. its worth mentioning that I am using Jquery
here is a picture of what I am talking about:
lets say this is dashboard1
is working like a charm in all browser even internet explorer
the problem is with another dashboard, dashboard2,
the problem with dashboard2 is that, a jquery problem as I copied from the console:
Critical Error: Object doesn't support this property or method addeventlistener
to get what I mean, the navigation bars on the right get its html from the list that I fetch and I use jquery and bootstrab for collapse , this is how the not working page looks like:
the navigation bar doesn't get its items, the graphs don't load
I have tried this fix but it didn't work.
what I suspected is that, this problem is related to sharePoint somehow,let me tell you what else I have tried, I made another copy of the index.html which is the main index page for dashboard1 the working dashboard, and I called it test.html which has exactly the same code, its supposed to work right ? because this is just a copy of the index.html that is working in internet explorer and all browsers, but surprisingly it didn't work and I got the same error that I got when I run the other index2.html the one for the other dashboard (dashboard2).
what can cause this problem? and fixes can I try? Its nothing related to the code ( I can share the code if you want) but its a bug related to sharepoint or Microsoft explorer or both !
Critical Error: Object doesn't support this property or method addeventlistener

Zombie.js jQuery Load Error 'j.getClientRects is not a function'

So first I have read this Stack Overflow question and it doesn't look like my same issue.
Basically I'm trying to use Mocha and Zombie.js to run some tests on my Node.js site.
I'm trying to check to see if I can create a user. In the end I would like to check to see if my bootstrap modal exists. Basically I have the bootstrap modal wrapped in an EJS if statement so there is defiantly a chance it might not exist. So that is why I'm trying to run tests on it.
But currently it's not even working with browser.assert.success(); so I'm currently just trying to solve this before moving on to checking for elements.
browser.visit('/login', function() {
browser.fill('email', '');
browser.fill('password', 'testtest');
browser.pressButton('Login').then(function() {
}).then(done, done);
In this case I should be running the following code on the page the browser is currently on.
When running this unit test it gives me the following error.
}return c}function Q(a){var b;for(b in a)if(("data"!==b||!n.isEmptyObject(a[b]))&&"toJSON"!==b)return!1;return!0}function R(a,b,d,e){if(M(a)){var f,g,h=n.expando,i=a.nodeType,j=i?n.cache:a,k=i?a[h]:a[h]&&h;if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||"string"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a[h]=c.pop()||n.guid++:h),j[k]||(j[k]=i?{}:{toJSON:n.noop}),"object"!=typeof b&&"function"!=typeof b||(e?j[k]=n.extend(j[k],b):j[k].data=n.extend(j[k].data,b)),g=j[k],e||(||({}),,void 0!==d&&(g[n.camelCase(b)]=d),"string"==typeof b?(f=g[b],null==f&&(f=g[n.camelCase(b)])):f=g,f}}function S(a,b,c){if(M(a)){var d,e,f=a.nodeType,g=f?n.cache:a,h=f?a[n.expando]:n.expando;if(g[h]){if(b&&(d=c?g[h]:g[h].data)){n.isArray(b)?b=b.concat(,n.camelCase)):b in d?b=[b]:(b=n.camelCase(b),b=b in d?[b]:b.split(" ")),e=b.length;while(e--)delete d[b[e]];if(c?!Q(d):!n.isEmptyObject(d))return}(c||(delete g[h].data,Q(g[h])))&&(f?n.cleanData([a],!0):l.deleteExpan
TypeError: j.getClientRects is not a function
at k (
at Object.n.extend.pixelMarginRight (
at a.getComputedStyle.Sa (
at Function.n.extend.css (
at Y (
at n.fn.extend.css (
at c.setScrollbar (
at (
at .<anonymous> (
Looks to me like for some reason Zombie.js isn't loading jQuery on that page or there is an error. But in that previous Stack Overflow question and answer at the beginning of the question it looks like Zombie.js can load jQuery.
Are you not able to load jQuery with Zombie.js? How can I fix this? Seems like a very simple thing to test pages with jQuery. Any ideas?
Let me know if you need any additional information or anything. Thanks.
EDIT for some reason when downgrading to jQuery version 1.11.3 it seems to work and the error goes away. Any reason for this?
This bug is fixed :
Adopting jsdom 8/9 as the fix for your problem was harder than I
wanted. It should be pretty easy to add a dummy implementation for
getClientRects() just to get past that specific failure. I'll try that
and see how it goes
Add a stub implementation of getClientRects() was straightforward. I've published 5.0.1 with a fix for this specific failure.

WordPress Theme Uncaught TypeError

My website was working fine until the other day. I don't know what's happened but the dropdown system for everything has stopped working completely - even the Admin bar.
When I open up the JavaScript Console in Google Chrome when I'm on the site homepage, I get this message for each dropdown item:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on'...
I don't know how to fix this, I've looked everywhere. Would it be in the themes "Header.php" file? If so, whereabouts?
I found the problem! I wen into the plugins section of Wordpress and disabled "LikeLocker". The only problem is, now I've got to go into the plugins code and try to figure it out haha.
Thank you anyway!

Simple dashboard application

I am trying to have some fun with dashboard widgets, so I tried a simple application :
There will be a button over the widget which when clicked will open
StackOverflow website in safari.
To implement it, I tried this:
Created a custom dashboard widget.
Added a button to it from library.
Associated gotoStackOverflow handler with onclick event.
in body of function gotoStackOverflow, I wrote this code:'','Stackoverflow','width=400, height=300');
When I 'Run' the application I found no browser window appearing on click of the button.
Can anyone suggest me where I may be wrong or/ and some useful links to play with dashcode and dashboard widgets?
Your code runs fine, when I recreate it. Maybe you have pop-ups blocked in Safari?
have you added
to the plist? if not the outside world will not be available.
I have used following code to solve my problem:
function gotoStackOverflow(event)
cheers... :)

