Broken Delivery Estimate Calculator - javascript

I'm hoping someone can help me figure out how to code an app that allows you to select a mailing date with jquery datepicker, select Standard or First-class shipping from a dropdown, and calculate an estimated delivery date window (7-12 Days for Standard, 3-5 Days for First-class).
I had it working when the "Mailing in" [number] "Days" accepted a string input but then it broke when I added code for the datepicker.
I also need to keep weekends & holidays excluded from the shipping calculation.
Here's a link to the full pen:
$('#calculateShippingEstimate').click(function( event ) {
//Prevent button from 'submitting' and reloading the page
//Capture the mailing date
var $mailingDate = $("#mailingDate").val();
var $postageType = $("#postageType").val();
var $shipStateShippingDuration = eval('data.shipTimes.' + $postageType);
var $totalShippingTime = parseInt($mailingDate) + parseInt($shipStateShippingDuration);
//Create the date
var date = new Date();
var month = date.getMonth()+1;
var day = date.getDate() + parseInt($totalShippingTime);
var year = date.getFullYear();
<label>Mailing on</label>
<input id="mailingDate" placeholder="number"></input>
<select id="postageType">
<option value="Standard">Standard</option>
<option value="FirstClass">First-Class</option>
<input class="button" id="calculateShippingEstimate" type="submit" value="Get Estimated Delivery Date"></input>
<div class="results"></div>

Looking through your code snippet it seems like you're trying to hand roll a lot of features that already exist within the JS Date framework.
Once you get the starting date and the number of days for shipping, you can add those days together to create a final shipping date. From there and within a loop, you may go day by day and check whether the current date index is a weekday or not (using Date.getDay()).
With that you may check for Saturday [6] and Sunday [0] and then add days needed on top of the final date.
I've included my version of the code below with some console debugging but have not added code holidays. Holidays may be checked for using an array or map. Get all the holiday dates for a year and then have the current index check the holiday array/map to see if there are any matches. If there are, add another day to the final date.
The function for addDays is pulled from here. It adds some explanation which I think you'll find helpful.
function addDays(date, days) {
const copy = new Date(Number(date))
copy.setDate(date.getDate() + days)
return copy
$('#calculateShippingEstimate').click(function( event ) {
let mailingDateVal = $("#mailingDate").val();
let shippingDuration = data.shipTimes[$("#postageType").val()];
let mailingDate = new Date(mailingDateVal);
console.log("final Date: " + addDays(mailingDate, shippingDuration));
let finalDate = addDays(mailingDate, shippingDuration)
let mailingDateIndex = new Date(mailingDate);
while(mailingDateIndex <= finalDate) {
console.log("current mailDateIndex: " + mailingDateIndex)
if (mailingDateIndex === finalDate) {
// Weekend
if (mailingDateIndex.getDay() == 0 || mailingDateIndex.getDay() == 6) {
console.log("weekend day hit! Adding day to final...")
finalDate = addDays(finalDate, 1);
mailingDateIndex = addDays(mailingDateIndex, 1);


Kendo Js: Show previous dates which are disabled

I am facing an issue using Kendo Js Date Time Picker.
The situation is: "I have a date time picker which can only allow dates from current time onwards. Those pages have already been saved, when I am trying to show the date, the dates aren't showing though it became a back date.
My concern is: The input should show the date which has already been saved(Whether that is past or present), but it shouldn't allow user to select back date.
The code are below.
<input id="datetimepicker" />
let options = { //Setting options for the datepicker
value: new Date(),
dateInput: true,
disableDates: function (date) {
if (date <= new Date()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
const priorValue = new Date("8/31/2022 2:18 PM"); // Let Already selected date
let selector = "#datetimepicker";
let datetimepicker = $(selector).data("kendoDateTimePicker");
function roundToNearest30(date) { //Function to round minutes to nearest 30 minute.
date = new Date(date);
const minutes = 30;
const ms = 1000 * 60 * minutes;
return new Date(Math.round(date.getTime() / ms) * ms);
For your reference a sample dojo
I need to show the selected date which is disabled.
You can use the disableDates configuration to disable prior dates and the month.content configuration to define how the dates will be rendered and show/hide dates conditionally:
<script id="cell-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<span class="#= ( <= new Date() && !isInArray(, data.dates)) ? 'hidden' : 'visible' #">#= data.value #</span>
Here is a sample dojo.

Checking difference between two date and display custom message

Hello I have input on registration form and want to retrieve the value of input and compare it with the current date using JavaScript and display message after check age if age less than 18 year and display custom message on the bottom of input.
var dateControl = document.querySelector('input[type="date"]').getFullYear();
var startDate = new Date(document.getElementById('date1').value);
and this is the HTML
<input type="date" name="date" class="form-control" id="date1" value="{{ old('date', date('Y-m-d')) }} " onclick="checkDate()">
<div id="currentdate"></div>
but is give old value after each click.
and the message not displayed
Best regards
Not much code to go from but I think you may need this function anyway to compare the date you receive from the form with the current date and get the difference
function process() {
var today = new Date();
var date = new Date(document.getElementById("date1").value);
var diff = Number((today.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 31536000000).toFixed(0);
if (diff >= 18) {
// Your form submission goes here
} else {
// your error handeling goes here
PS: That this method won't give you the difference in an exact way,
it will just give you the difference between the years.

How to have javascript presets today's date in HTML form

I am developing a project with Django.
I have an html webpage containing a form which has a date field.
I want javascript compile it with today's date as soon as my user lands on that webpage, so that he/she gets a kind of "default date".
I have in my html page (templates/aggiungi_terminologia.html), the date field:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="glossary_entry_input_21">Data di inserimento della terminologia</label>
<small id="inputHelp" class="form-text text-muted">Compilare solo se รจ nota la data di pubblicazione del documento fonte, altrimenti inserire la data di oggi.</small>
<input name="Data_inserimento_entry" type="date" value="01/01/1900" class="form-control" id="date_to_turn_into_today" placeholder="">
and then the javascript call at the end of the form:
{% load static %}
<script> src="{% static 'get_today_date.js' %}"</script>
And then, inside my javascript function (static/js/get_today_date.js):
var today = moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY');
document.getElementById("date_to_turn_into_today").value = today;
and since I am using moment.js, I added 'moment' in> INSTALLED_APPS ,
and to install moment I run on my console:
pip install django-staticfiles-moment
But when I run the server, all I get on that field is this:
My console is returning:
WARNINGS: app_glossario.glossary_entry.Data_inserimento_entry:
(fields.W161) Fixed default value provided.
HINT: It seems you set a fixed date / time / datetime value as default for this field. This may not be what you want. If you want to
have the current date as default, use
Why javascript is not replacing the date?
How can I make it work?
NOTE: the problem lies in the connection between js, html and django
Continue from comment about duplicated or not, take a look:
var now = new Date();
var day = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
var month = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var today = now.getFullYear()+"-"+(month)+"-"+(day);
document.getElementById('inputDate').value = today;
<input type="date" id="inputDate" />
Please check this also.
I've seen similar behavior (where the input field shows a date placeholder instead of my desired date) when I provided a date string that was incorrectly formatted. The input element seems to need a format like yyyy-mm-dd.
Here's a pretty intuitive solution using vanilla JS. The default value of the input element will be the (locale-specific) date.
(And most of the further info you might want about JS Dates can be found here on MDN.)
// Selects input element
dateInput = document.getElementById("date"),
// Defines Date object
date = new Date(),
// Extracts component parts of Date object
year = date.getFullYear(),
month = date.getMonth(),
day = date.getDate(),
// Defines a function to add a leading zero if needed
pad = part => part < 10 ? "0" + part : part,
// Formats date to meet the `input` element's expectations -- like: `yyyy-mm-dd`
// (Adds +1 to month b/c `getMonth()` uses a zero-based array)
dateString = year + "-" + pad(month + 1) + "-" + pad(day);
// Inserts date string into input element
dateInput.defaultValue = dateString;
// Repeats this process for the "time" parts
timeInput = document.getElementById("time"),
hours = date.getHours(),
minutes = date.getMinutes(),
seconds = date.getSeconds(),
timeString = pad(hours) + ":" + pad(minutes) + ":" + pad(seconds);
timeInput.defaultValue = timeString;
<input id="date" type="date" />
// Optional input for time
<input id="time" type="time" />
Here is what I did.
In a javascript file called
stored at path
I inserted
function get_today_date() {
var now = new Date();
var day = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
var month = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var today = now.getFullYear()+"-"+(month)+"-"+(day);
document.getElementById('date_to_turn_into_today').value = today;
as suggested here .
Then in the HTML page, before the closing </body> tag, I inserted
{% load static %}
<script type="text/javascript" src={% static "js/get_today_date.js" %}></script>
<script> get_today_date() </script>
and it works perfectly.
There was no neet to install the module moment, and even if my console returns
WARNINGS: app_glossario.glossary_entry.Data_inserimento_entry: (fields.W161) Fixed default value provided. HINT: It seems you set a fixed date / time / datetime value as default for this field. This may not be what you want. If you want to have the current date as default, use
my app works fine.
The previous code did not work just because I forgot to call the function in HTML, so I just had to add
But in the end I am not sure if I correctly installed the moment module required for the previuos javascript script.

How to change the angular-material datepicker current date color

I want to change the color of the current date in angular-material if that day is disabled since I have made a function that disables 2 days from now.
Example if today is 8-24-16 the datepicker disables 8-24-16 (today) and 8-25-16 (tomorrow), so I want to change the color that displays the current date if the date is disabled. Because when the current date disabled it shows the current date 8-24-16 (today) in a very light blue that is hard to see so I want to change that color to a different color that highlights more.
I tried looking at the css of angular-material but I couldn't find anything related to the css color of a disabled current date or a normal not disabled current date. I don't mind changing the color of both the normal current date and the disable current date. Also, my function that disabled the days sets the date from to days from now I don't know if this affects something.
Here is my code
<div class="form-group">
<label>Delivery Date:</label>
<md-datepicker ng-model="myDate" md-placeholder="Enter date"
My Controller
//adding two days
$scope.maxDate = new Date(
$scope.myDate.getDate() + 2);
$scope.minDate = new Date(
$scope.myDate.getDate() + 2);
$scope.myDate = $scope.minDate;
$scope.disabledWeekends = function (date) {
var day = date.getDay();
return day === 1 || day === 2 || day === 3
|| day === 4 || day === 5;
You can add new class for disable date's html tags eg: class="disableDates" and define color for this class in your css file.

Age vertification input box - calculate if over 18 years

I have an input box where you should put your year of birth in. If the number is below 1998 you should gain access, if it's over 1998 you should go to another page.
I know this could possible be a mixture of javascript and html, but I can't figure out how to make the code and hoped you guys could help me!
This is the action that should happen, if the user is born in 1998 or before:
<div id="btn-close-modal" class="close-modal-03">
Hope you can help me :-)
I'm using jQuery.
Get the year from the input - $('input').val().
Get the current year - new Date().getFullYear().
Check if the diff between them is larger than 18.
Like this:
$('#age_validation_btn').click(function() {
var age = $('#age_validation_input').val();
if (new Date().getFullYear() - parseInt(age) >= 18) {
alert('older than 18');
else {
alert('younger then 18');
<script src=""></script>
<input type="number" id="age_validation_input" /><button id="age_validation_btn">Validate</button>
A better way is to use :::
db=new Date("original time string from input field with type date here");
db1=new Date();
var d= db1.getFullYear()-db.getFullYear();
if (d>limit) {alert("decide what to do you are not upto limit");}

