Are internal slot and internal methods actually implemented by JavaScript engines? - javascript

I was reading ECMA2019 (the same is true in ES6 too), where I found:
Each object in an ECMAScript engine is associated with a set of
internal methods that defines its runtime behaviour. These internal
methods are not part of the ECMAScript language. They are defined by
this specification purely for expository purposes. However, each
object within an implementation of ECMAScript must behave as specified
by the internal methods associated with it. The exact manner in which
this is accomplished is determined by the implementation.
I also found these Stack Overflow question1 and question2 and that their answers don't seem to give me the answer I am looking for.
My question is simple. If JavaScript engines decide not to implement some of them, then how would they ensure this statement of above spec -
However, each object within an implementation of ECMAScript must
behave as specified by the internal methods associated with it.
Let us take an example:
[[GetPrototypeOf]] , [[Get]] , [[Set]] , [[GetOwnProperty]] etc are essential internal methods. If a JavaScript engine refuses to implement them, how does it achieve this functionality? Clearly they have to implement it, just that they can choose to have different method name and different method signature as it is not enforced by spec on them?
Where am I wrong?
Similarly for internal slots too? If they don't have internal variables storing that state, how on earth will they maintain the state of that object when asked?
EDIT : I will add more details to clarify my question. Let us take an example of Object.getPrototypeOf(). This is an API for internal behaviour [[GetPrototypeOf]] and there are possible algorithm for implementing it. The question is not possible ways to implement it a behaviour - its about having a behaviour or not ! and still satisfying the spec overall object behaviour.

V8 developer here. I think this question has mostly been answered already in the comments, so I'll just summarize.
Are internal slot and internal methods actually implemented by JavaScript engines?
Generally not; the engine simply behaves as if its internals were structured in this way. Some parts of an implementation might be very close to the spec's structure, if it's convenient.
One way to phrase it would be: you could implement a JavaScript engine by first faithfully translating the spec text to code (in whichever language you choose to use for your engine), and then you'd be allowed to refactor the invisible internals in any way you want (e.g.: inline functions, or split them up, or organize them as a helper class, or add a fast path or a cache, or generally turn the code inside out, etc). Which isn't surprising, really: as long as the observable behavior remains the same, any program is allowed to refactor its internals. What the ECMAScript is making clear at that point is simply that the "internal slots" really are guaranteed to always be internal and not observable.
[[[Get]] etc] are essential internal methods. If a JavaScript engine refuses to implement them, how does it achieve this functionality?
It's not about refusing to implement something. You can usually implement functionality in many different ways, i.e. with many different ways of structuring your code and your objects. Engines are free to structure their code and objects any way they want, as long as the resulting observable behavior is as specified.
Let us take an example of Object.getPrototypeOf(). This is an API for internal behaviour [[GetPrototypeOf]]
Not quite. Object.getPrototypeOf is a public function that's specified to behave in a certain way. The way the spec describes it is that it must *behave as if there were an internal slot [[GetPrototypeOf]].
You seem to have trouble imagining an alternative way. Well, in many cases, engines will probably choose to have an implementation that's very close to having those internal slots -- perhaps mapped to fields and methods in a C++ class. But it doesn't have to be that way; for example, instead of class methods, there could be free functions: GetPrototypeImpl(internal::Object object) rather than internal::Object::GetPrototypeImpl(). Or instead of an inheritance/hierarchy structure, the engine could use switch-statements over types.
One of the most common ways in which engines' implementations deviate from the structure defined by the spec's internal slots is by having additional fast paths. Typically, a fast path performs a few checks to see if it is applicable, and then does the simple, common case; if the applicability check fails, it falls back to a slower, more complete implementation, that might be much closer to the spec's structure. Or maybe neither function on its own contains the complete spec'ed behavior: you could have GetPrototypeFromRegularObject and GetPrototypeFromProxy plus a wrapper dispatching to the right one, and those all together behave like the spec's hypothetical system of having a [[GetPrototypeOf]] slot on both proxies and regular objects. All of that is perfectly okay because from the outside you can't see a difference in behavior -- all you can see is Object.getPrototypeOf.
One particular example of a fast path is a compiler. If you implemented object behaviors as (private) methods, and loaded and called those methods every time, then your implementation would be extremely slow. Modern engines compile JavaScript functions to bytecode or even machine code, and that code will behave as if you had loaded and called an internal function with the given behavior, but it (usually) will not actually call any such functions. For example, optimized code for an array[index] access should only be a few machine instructions (type check, bounds check, memory load), there should be no call to a [[Get]] involved.
Another very common example is object types. The spec typically uses wording like "if the object has a [[StringData]] internal slot, then ..."; an engine typically replaces that with "if the object's type is what I've chosen for representing strings internally, then ...". Again, the difference is not observable from the outside: Strings behave as if they had a [[StringData]] internal slot, but (in V8 at least) they don't have such a slot, they simply have an appropriate object type that identifies them as strings, and objects with string type know where their character payload is, they don't need any special slot for that.
Edit: forgot to mention: see also for another way to explain it.


Why use DOMStringList rather than an array?

I've recently discovered the DOMStringList, which can be found in an IndexedDB's list of store names. It seems like a DOMStringList is just a simplified version of an array, which has only two methods item() and contains(). There is no useful methods like indexOf, filter, forEach that you'll find on an Array. Why use this kind of object? What are DOMStringList's advantages?
The existence of DOMStringList is a historical accident. Today, in modern APIs, the same use cases are met by using an Array instance.
It was introduced into web APIs because we needed something array/list-like, that cannot be modified. The "cannot be modified" part is important, because there's no good answer for what would happen to a modifiable array in scenarios like
At the time the first API using DOMStringList was introduced, the people designing the API did not know how to make this work with Arrays. So, they designed DOMStringList. It was used for a couple of APIs, namely location.ancestorOrigins and db.objectStoreNames.
But then, the people designing such web APIs figured out how to introduce non-modifiable arrays. This actually took two separate tries:
Introducing the use of frozen Array instances, via the FrozenArray<> Web IDL type. See whatwg/webidl#52, and the linked bug there.
Introducing the use of proxies around Array instances, via the ObservableArray<> Web IDL type. See whatwg/webidl#840, and the linked bug there.
The difference between these two is that frozen Arrays cannot be modified, even by the browser; whereas proxies around Arrays can be modified by the browser. (Or even by the web developer, if the spec in question allows that.)
So, can we move everything using DOMStringList to use one of these modern solutions? No. Because there is code in the wild which depends on db.objectStoreNames.item() and db.objectStoreNames.contains() working, and that would break if we moved to actual Array instances, which don't have those methods.
So we might need a third Array wrapper type if we want to fully obliterate the legacy array-like classes from the web platform, and start using true Arrays. It would be a subclass of Array, with an extra method or two, and possibly a proxy wrapped around that. Nobody has yet made moves in that direction.
(Other legacy array-like classes, you say? Yes: in addition to DOMStringList, we have TouchList, AnimationNodeList, CSSRuleList, DOMRectList, FileList, ... see this list of classes on the web platform with an item() method, most (but not all) of which are of this sort.)

Abstract Operations in JavaScript [duplicate]

The ES6 specification states that abstract operations are not part of the language, but they are used internally. Some of these operations, such as CreateHTML look generally useful... Is there really no way of accessing them? No deep prototype hackery to get at these functions?
When one is describing the semantics of a programming language / API it is really important to get everything right and non-ambiguous. Imagine now that you are describing how should String.prototype.fontcolor(color) work. That's part of the API that you need define so you must be rigorous about it and you start listing requirements:
If the string is empty, then...
If the color is empty, then...
If the color is not a valid color, then...
Now if you have repeating requirements for multiple functions, then you can generalize those requirements and just tell whoever's implementing the standard to apply the requirements to some other function (e.g. 'Requirements 1 and 2 also hold for String.prototype.fontsize'). Instead of just saying 'Requirements 1 and 2 also hold for...' you can define the public API operations using an abstract operation e.g. 'Call RequirementsForStringPrototypeAcceptingOneArgument and exit if it returns false' where RequirementsForStringPrototypeAcceptingOneArgument contains req. 1 and 2.
Note that those requirements themselves are not part of the API. There aren't designed to be and there's no need for them to be - there are just a tool for avoiding repetition in the standard. The implementation may really choose to have a CreateHTML function somewhere but it may as well just put a bunch of if statements if they deem it better. Thus, no, there's no way to access these operations as
The implementation may not have such a function in the first place.
There's no reason for the implementation to expose them.
Even if they did expose some helper internal function, they have no reason to expose it with the name mentioned in the standard or have it do the exact same thing as in the standard - it's all internal details to the implementation.

how are javascript properties added to and looked up on objects?

When adding properties to a JavaScript object are they added in an ordered way (alphabetical etc). And if so does that mean when you lookup a property on a JavaScript object that a quick algorithm is used like a binary tree search? I did a search for this and just found lots of explanations for prototype inheritance which I already understand I'm just interested in how a property is looked up within a single level of the prototype chain.
That entirely depends on the implementation. Google's V8 engine probably does it differently than Firefox's JagerMonkey. And they almost certainly does it different than IE6. Looking up a property in an object is just an interface (a fairly common Map interface as programmers would call it). The only thing Javascript guarantees you is the methods of the interface, no details about implementation, and that's a good thing. It could be a hash table (probably) or it could be a linked list (less likely, but possible) or it could even be a binary search tree.
The point is that we don't know how it's implemented, nor should we. And you should make no assumptions about the implementation. As is common with abstraction in programming, just assume it's magic. :)
Here is a high level description of how v8 does it using hidden classes it then looks up the property value by using the fixed offset provided by the definition of the hidden class. It also confirms that most other implementations use a dictionary type data object.

I want to stop using OOP in javascript and use delegation instead

After dabbling with javascript for a while, I became progressively convinced that OOP is not the right way to go, or at least, not extensively. Having two or three levels of inheritance is ok, but working full OOP like one would do in Java seems just not fitting.
The language supports compositing and delegation natively. I want to use just that. However, I am having trouble replicating certain benefits from OOP.
How would I check if an object implements a certain behavior? I have thought of the following methods
Check if the object has a particular method. But this would mean standardizing method names and if the project is big, it can quickly become cumbersome, and lead to the java problem (object.hasMethod('emailRegexValidatorSimpleSuperLongNotConflictingMethodName')...It would just move the problem of OOP, not fix it. Furthermore, I could not find info on the performance of looking up if methods exist
Store each composited object in an array and check if the object contains the compositor. Something like: object.hasComposite(compositorClass)...But that's also not really elegant and is once again OOP, just not in the standard way.
Have each object have an "implements" array property, and leave the responsibility to the object to say if it implements a certain behavior, whether it is through composition or natively. Flexible and simple, but requires to remember a number of conventions. It is my preferred method until now, but I am still looking.
How would I initialize an object without repeating all the set-up for composited objects? For example, if I have an "textInput" class that uses a certain number of validators, which have to be initialized with variables, and a class "emailInput" which uses the exact same validators, it is cumbersome to repeat the code. And if the interface of the validators change, the code has to change in every class that uses them. How would I go about setting that easily? The API I am thinking of should be as simple as doing object.compositors('emailValidator','lengthValidator','...')
Is there any performance loss associated with having most of the functions that run in the app go through an apply()? Since I am going to be using delegation extensively, basic objects will most probably have almost no methods. All methods will be provided by the composited objects.
Any good resource? I have read countless posts about OOP vs delegation, and about the benefits of delegation, etc, but I can't find anything that would discuss "javascript delegation done right", in the scope of a large framework.
Further explanations:
I don't have code yet, I have been working on a framework in pure OOP and I am getting stuck and in need of multiple inheritance. Thus, I decided to drop classes totally. So I am now merely at theoretical level and trying to make sense out of this.
"Compositing" might be the wrong word; I am referring to the composite pattern, very useful for tree-like structures. It's true that it is rare to have tree structures on the front end (well, save for the DOM of course), but I am developing for node.js
What I mean by "switching from OOP" is that I am going to part from defining classes, using the "new" operator, and so on; I intend to use anonymous objects and extend them with delegators. Example:
var a = {};
compositor.addDelegates(a,["validator", "accessManager", "databaseObject"]);
So a "class" would be a function with predefined delegators:
function getInputObject(type, validator){
var input = {};
return input;
Does that make sense?
1) How would I check if an object implements a certain behavior?
Most people don't bother with testing for method existance like this.
If you want to test for methods in order to branch and do different things if its found or not then you are probably doing something evil (this kind of instanceof is usually a code smell in OO code)
If you are just checking if an object implements an interface for error checking then it is not much better then not testing and letting an exception be thrown if the method is not found. I don't know anyone that routinely does this checking but I am sure someone out there is doing it...
2) How would I initialize an object without repeating all the set-up for composited objects?
If you wrap the inner object construction code in a function or class then I think you can avoid most of the repetition and coupling.
3) Is there any performance loss associated with having most of the functions that run in the app go through an apply()?
In my experience, I prefer to avoid dealing with this unless strictly necessary. this is fiddly, breaks inside callbacks (that I use extensively for iteration and async stuff) and it is very easy to forget to set it correctly. I try to use more traditional approaches to composition. For example:
Having each owned object be completely independent, without needing to look at its siblings or owner. This allows me to just call its methods directly and letting it be its own this.
Giving the owned objects a reference to their owner in the form of a property or as a parameter passed to their methods. This allows the composition units to access the owner without depending on having the this correctly set.
Using mixins, flattening the separate composition units in a single level. This has big name clash issues but allows everyone to see each other and share the same "this". Mixins also decouples the code from changes in the composition structure, since different composition divisions will still flatten to the same mixed object.
4) Any good resources?
I don't know, so tell me if you find one :)

The disadvantages of JavaScript prototype inheritance, what are they?

I recently watched Douglas Crockford's JavaScript presentations, where he raves about JavaScript prototype inheritance as if it is the best thing since sliced white bread. Considering Crockford's reputation, it may very well be.
Can someone please tell me what is the downside of JavaScript prototype inheritance? (compared to class inheritance in C# or Java, for example)
In my experience, a significant disadvantage is that you can't mimic Java's "private" member variables by encapsulating a variable within a closure, but still have it accessible to methods subsequently added to the prototype.
function MyObject() {
var foo = 1; = 2;
MyObject.prototype.getFoo = function() {
// can't access "foo" here!
MyObject.prototype.getBar = function() {
return; // OK!
This confuses OO programmers who are taught to make member variables private.
Things I miss when sub-classing an existing object in Javascript vs. inheriting from a class in C++:
No standard (built-into-the-language) way of writing it that looks the same no matter which developer wrote it.
Writing your code doesn't naturally produce an interface definition the way the class header file does in C++.
There's no standard way to do protected and private member variables or methods. There are some conventions for some things, but again different developers do it differently.
There's no compiler step to tell you when you've made foolish typing mistakes in your definition.
There's no type-safety when you want it.
Don't get me wrong, there are a zillion advantages to the way javascript prototype inheritance works vs C++, but these are some of the places where I find javascript works less smoothly.
4 and 5 are not strictly related to prototype inheritance, but they come into play when you have a significant sized project with many modules, many classes and lots of files and you wish to refactor some classes. In C++, you can change the classes, change as many callers as you can find and then let the compiler find all the remaining references for you that need fixing. If you've added parameters, changed types, changed method names, moved methods,etc... the compiler will show you were you need to fix things.
In Javascript, there is no easy way to discover all possible pieces of code that need to be changed without literally executing every possible code path to see if you've missed something or made some typo. While this is a general disadvantage of javascript, I've found it particularly comes into play when refactoring existing classes in a significant-sized project. I've come near the end of a release cycle in a significant-sized JS project and decided that I should NOT do any refactoring to fix a problem (even though that was the better solution) because the risk of not finding all possible ramifications of that change was much higher in JS than C++.
So, consequently, I find it's riskier to make some types of OO-related changes in a JS project.
I think the main danger is that multiple parties can override one another's prototype methods, leading to unexpected behavior.
This is particularly dangerous because so many programmers get excited about prototype "inheritance" (I'd call it extension) and therefore start using it all over the place, adding methods left and right that may have ambiguous or subjective behavior. Ultimately, if left unchecked, this kind of "prototype method proliferation" can lead to very difficult-to-maintain code.
A popular example would be the trim method. It might be implemented something like this by one party:
String.prototype.trim = function() {
// remove all ' ' characters from left & right
Then another party might create a new definition, with a completely different signature, taking an argument which specifies the character to trim. Suddenly all the code that passes nothing to trim has no effect.
Or another party reimplements the method to strip ' ' characters and other forms of white space (e.g., tabs, line breaks). This might go unnoticed for some time but lead to odd behavior down the road.
Depending on the project, these may be considered remote dangers. But they can happen, and from my understanding this is why libraries such as Underscore.js opt to keep all their methods within namespaces rather than add prototype methods.
(Update: Obviously, this is a judgment call. Other libraries--namely, the aptly-named Prototype--do go the prototype route. I'm not trying to say one way is right or wrong, only that this is the argument I've heard against using prototype methods too liberally.)
I miss being able to separate interface from implementation. In languages with an inheritance system that includes concepts like abstract or interface, you could e.g. declare your interface in your domain layer but put the implementation in your infrastructure layer. (Cf. onion architecture.) JavaScript's inheritance system has no way to do something like this.
I'd like to know if my intuitive answer matches up with what the experts think.
What concerns me is that if I have a function in C# (for the sake of discussion) that takes a parameter, any developer who writes code that calls my function immediately knows from the function signature what sort of parameters it takes and what type of value it returns.
With JavaScript "duck-typing", someone could inherit one of my objects and change its member functions and values (Yes, I know that functions are values in JavaScript) in almost any way imaginable so that the object they pass in to my function bears no resemblance to the object I expect my function to be passed.
I feel like there is no good way to make it obvious how a function is supposed to be called.

