Using React components inside KnockoutJS - javascript

We have a big web application mostly built using KnockoutJS. I'm looking at if there is a possibility to migrate to React, but in a way that require rewriting the entire application. My idea was to use a bottom-up approach: start by replacing the basic building blocks one by one.
I was inspired by some prior work to call ReactDOM.render inside a KnockoutJS binding handler:
ko.bindingHandlers.react = {
init() {
return {controlsDescendantBindings: true};
update(element, valueAccessor) {
const {component, props} = valueAccessor();
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(component, props), element);
Knockout has its own dependency tracking system, so it will call the update method whenever some data changes.
It works perfectly, and the component is re-rendered to reflect any changes to data. However, it breaks down when data is updated inside a React event handler. E.g., this component does not work as expected:
const Input = function ({value}) {
return <input type="text"
onChange={e => value(}/>;
Note: value in this case is a ko.observable, and calling it like in the event handler will cause the bindingHandler's update method to be called, which in turn calls ReactDOM.render. However, this render only works once, after that the component stops updating.
The issue is demonstrated in this CodePen. Click the box and try to type something. One update goes through, after than, the component's function stops being called.
Edit: I believe the issue is that the second call to ReactDOM.render (when the value is updated by the user in the onChange handler) is not synchronous. This means that Knockout's dependency detection cannot work and any subsequent calls no longer call the update method of the binding handler.
Can this be circumvented somehow?

As I guessed, the issue seems to be that ReactDOM.render is asynchronous in some cases - in this case when called from an event handler in React.
This means that if you dereference any observables that you depend on in the update method itself, Knockout's dependency tracking mechanism works as expected. This is why the modification Gawel1908 proposed makes it work - not because the value is "reset", but because props.value is dereferenced.
I decided to instead use a convention: always unwrap any such observables in the valueAccessor itself:
<div data-bind="react: { component: Input, props: { value: val(), setValue: val }}">
And don't unwrap it in the component:
const Input = function ({value, setValue}) {
return <input
onChange={e => setValue(}/>;
Updated, working codepen.

For me worked:
update(element, valueAccessor) {
const {component, props} = valueAccessor();
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(component, props), element);
if you refresh your observable it will work but unfortunetaly i don't know how.


React hooks onclick event with multiple params without unnecessary rerender?

I am using react hooks and functional components and was wondering how I can add multiple params to an react onClick event.
I know there are different options to achieve this. In the past I used this style below (from
class LoggingButton extends React.Component {
handleClick() {
console.log('this is:', this);
render() {
// This syntax ensures `this` is bound within handleClick
return (
<button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>
Click me
But now I am facing this exact described problem from the official react docs. I am getting to many rerenders because of these arrow functions in the onClick attribute:
The problem with this syntax is that a different callback is created
each time the LoggingButton renders. In most cases, this is fine.
However, if this callback is passed as a prop to lower components,
those components might do an extra re-rendering. We generally
recommend binding in the constructor or using the class fields syntax,
to avoid this sort of performance problem.
I have put my function already in a useCallback hook. But if I use this function in a onClick event with an arrow function it will trigger rerenders again.
If I change it to the function reference only it is not triggering rerenders.
So far this is fine.
But: How do I add multiple parameters to this functionreference when using react hooks and functional components.
Will I get by default always the e (event parameter?) as first parameter?
Can somebody explain to me when and how I am getting the react event parameter and when I will not receive this event?
How can I add multiple params beside the event parameter in my onClick attribute?
For example:
What if I have this function and want to use it in the react onClick attribute, prevent unnecessary rerender and add multiple different parameter in the function call
const myClickFunction = (e, value1, value2, value3) => {
// ...
// this would trigger rerenders because of the arrow function how do I prevent this?
<button onClick={(e) => myClickFunction(e, "input1", "input2", "input3")}>
Click me
One trick I like to use in this case is to "bind" the parameters to rendered element using data attributes
const myClickFunction = (e) => {
const value1 = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-value1')
const value2 = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-value2')
const value2 = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-value2')
// this would trigger rerenders because of the arrow function how do I prevent this?
<button onClick={myClickFunction} data-value1="a" data-value2="b" data-value3="c">
Click me
This way you can memoise your function using useCallback safely and you can reuse the same function if you want to pass it to array of children for example. This is not ideal, you couple parents and children and you can only use data which is serializeable to string (basically only primitives).
Better solution would be to store your values somewhere out of component tree so you can access them without closures (for example in redux-thunk you don't need to pass a lot of stuff around, you can just get data you need from store directly by calling getState)

HyperHTML - is it possible to update a component state without re rendering the entire component DOM?

I have the following hyperHTML component, everything is working as intended, the only issue is that the entire component DOM re renders on every this.setState() call.
My question:
Is there a way to update the notification string on the DOM without re rendering the entire component DOM ?
const { hyper } = hyperHTML;
class searchComponent extends hyper.Component {
constructor(data) {
this.setState({ notification: '' });
onChange() {
// ...
if ( condition ) {
this.setState(() => ({ notification: 'notification text!' }));
// ...
async listTags() {
// async content
render() {
this.html `
<div id="search_container">
<select name="tags" id="tags_search" class='form-control m0' multiple="multiple" onChange=${this.onChange}>
any: this.listTags(),
placeholder: 'incoming..!',
<div class="search_notification">
<!-- I want to re render only this part of the DOM -->
There are few gotchas in your code.
To start with, that onChange won't work as expected, you are losing the context as it is. You either just use onchange HTML event, and you call the method onchange and you use simply this as event listener:
const { hyper } = hyperHTML;
class SearchComponent extends hyper.Component {
onchange() {
this instaneof SearchComponent; // true
render() { return this.html`
<div id="search_container">
<select onchange=${this}>
or you bind the onChange method within the constructor.
You also forgot to return this.html inside render(), which is something needed if you want to place your component on the DOM.
However, assuming these were irrelevant errors there for quick demo code sake, you need to understand that async world is async.
If you have an asynchronous operation there's no way you can tell if that resolved or not, you just pass it along, and this is exactly what you are doing.
You are changing the state of the component expecting that previously async operations would not be triggered again.
But how can the component know if such state change would produce a different layout? The TL;DR answer is that it cannot, the slightly longer one is that you have an asynchronous, unrelated, behavior, attached to each updates but you want that asynchronous behavior to be triggered only once, and not per update.
Possible solutions
You can either create a sub component a part, and instantiate it once during the SearchComponent initialization (constructor) or simply use a placeholder that makes more sense than the current one.
Indeed, right now you are creating output like <select>incoming..!</select> which makes no sense as standard HTML.
A select can have option tags, using it as a generic container of some text is like abusing its potentials.
What you want is something like a disabled=${this.optionsResolved} on the select, and ${this.options} as array of its content.
In this way you have no changes whatsoever while resolving your options, and a proper list of options once that happens.
You can see an example in this Code Pen

react-codemirror beforeChange event

I am using react-codemirror node module as follows:
The change event works fine, but I can't seem to hook up with the beforeChange event. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I have declared handlers in my class as follows:
onBeforeChange(change) {
console.log('calling beforeChange');
onChange(newCode) {
code: newCode
Author of react-codemirror2 here. I stumbled upon your question and wanted to follow up with a detailed answer as there are some breaking changes in 3.x. The component now ships with an UnControlled and Controlled variant based on different use cases. I see you are calling setState within the onBeforeChange callback. In your case, I'd suggest leveraging the controlled component as such...
import {Controlled as CodeMirror} from 'react-codemirror2'
onBeforeChange={(editor, data, value) => {
this.setState({value}); // must be managed here
onChange={(editor, metadata, value) => {
// final value, no need to setState here
With the controlled variant, managing state is required on the value prop to see any changes.
Additionally, the UnControlled component also has an onBeforeChange callback as well, yet with different behavior as such...
import {UnControlled as CodeMirror} from 'react-codemirror2'
onBeforeChange={(editor, data, value, next) => {
// hook to do whatever
onChange={(editor, metadata, value) => {
Here however, onChange will be deferred until next is invoked if onBeforeChange is specified. If not, onChange will fire regardless. Important to note, though, with the UnControlled variant, the editor will always react to input changes - the difference will simply be if onChange is called or not.
These changes were inspired due to the needs of the community and I encourage you to open an issue should anything not be working as you expect.
It turns out react-codemirror does NOT expose the beforeChange event.
However, react-codemirror2 does. A switch of library fixed this for me!
My final callback code:
onBeforeChange(cm, change, callOnChange) {
const options = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, this.props.options)
if (options.singleLine) {
var after = change.text.join('').replace(/\n/g, '')
change.update(change.from,, [after])
onChange(cm, change, code) {
this.setState({ code })
if (this.props.onChange) {

react-redux store not updating within onClick function

I'm experiencing this weird issue where my react-redux store is updating, but is not updating within the function that calls the actions. is undefined, then I set it to an integer with this.props.actions.activeSet(activeProc), but it remains undefined and enters the next if condition.
I know my app is working because everything else works with having the correct value.
Is this supposed to happen?
After doing some testing, it appears that the state remains the same inside the onClick function.
All calls to console.log(this.props) made within the onClick function show no change to the state, but adding setTimeout(() => {console.log(this.props)}, 1) at the end to test shows that the state is being updated.
Other parts of the app are working as intended, with state changes applied immediately.
But I still don't understand what is going on.
Component function code
() => {
console.log(; // undefined
if ( === undefined && this.props.readyQueue.length > 0) {
let activeProc = this.props.readyQueue[0];
this.props.actions.activeSet(activeProc); // set to an integer
console.log(; // still remains undefined
if ( === undefined) {
function mapStateToProps(state, props) {
return {
Action code
export const activeSet = (procId) => {
return {
type: 'ACTIVE_SET',
Reducer code
case 'ACTIVE_SET':
return Object.assign({}, state, {
active: action.procId
Your Redux state updates synchronously with the dispatch of your action. Your reducer has executed by the time the dispatch call returns.
However, React isn't Redux. Redux tells React-Redux's wrapper component that the state has changed. This also happens before dispatch returns.
React-Redux then tells React that the component needs to be rerendered by calling forceUpdate. React then waits until it feels it's a good time to take care of that. I haven't looked, but it probably uses setImmediate or equivalent but it's async. This allows React to batch updates and maybe there are other reasons.
In any case, the React-Redux wrapper component will get rendered by React when the time comes and it'll use your mapStateToProps to distill theprops out of the state and then passes them to React as props for your actual component. Then, when React feels it's an okay time, it calls your render method or function. It may do all kinds of things in before that, such as calling componentWillReceiveProps or rendering some other component that also needs rendering. In any case it's none of our business. React does its thing. But when your Render function is called, your props will now reflect the new state.
You shouldn't rely on new state in an onClick handler. The onClick should only call the bound action creator, which I guess is now more aptly called an action dispatcher. If something needs to be done with the new state, you should use Redux-Thunk middleware and create a thunked action creator. These have access to getState and if they don't perform any internal async stuff, then the entire action can actually be just as synchronous as a simple dispatch (not that you'd need that in a simple onClick handler).
Finally, React is very asynchronous in nature. Think of it as telling React what you want (component + props) and letting React take it from there. If React needs to know how to turn a component into DOM elements, it'll call your component's render function. How or when React does is thing is an implementation detail that doesn't concern us.

ReactJs: change state in response to state change

I've got a React component with an input, and an optional "advanced input":
[ basic ]
Hide Advanced...
[ advanced ]
The advanced on the bottom goes away if you click "Hide Advanced", which changes to "Show Advanced". That's straightforward and working fine, there's a showAdvanced key in the state that controls the text and whether the advanced input is rendered.
External JS code, however, might change the value of advanced, in which case I want to show the [advanced] input if it's currently hidden and the value is different than the default. The user should be able to click "Hide Advanced" to close it again, however.
So, someone external calls cmp.setState({advanced: "20"}), and I want to then show advanced; The most straightforward thing to do would just be to update showAdvanced in my state. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to update some state in response to other state changes in React. I can think of a number of workarounds with slightly different behavior, but I really want to have this specific behavior.
Should I move showAdvanced to props, would that make sense? Can you change props in response to state changes? Thanks.
Okay first up, you mention that a third party outside of your component might call cmp.setState()? This is a huge react no-no. A component should only ever call it's own setState function - nothing outside should access it.
Also another thing to remember is that if you're trying change state again in response to a state change - that means you're doing something wrong.
When you build things in this way it makes your problem much harder than it needs to be. The reason being that if you accept that nothing external can set the state of your component - then basically the only option you have is to allow external things to update your component's props - and then react to them inside your component. This simplifies the problem.
So for example you should look at having whatever external things that used to be calling cmp.setState() instead call React.renderComponent on your component again, giving a new prop or prop value, such as showAdvanced set to true. Your component can then react to this in componentWillReceiveProps and set it's state accordingly. Here's an example bit of code:
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
showAdvanced: this.props.showAdvanced || false
componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {
if (typeof nextProps.showAdvanced === 'boolean') {
showAdvanced: nextProps.showAdvanced
toggleAdvancedClickHandler: function(e) {
showAdvanced: !this.state.showAdvanced
render: function() {
return (
<div>Basic stuff</div>
<button onClick={this.toggleAdvancedClickHandler}>
{(this.state.showAdvanced ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' Advanced'}
<div style={{display: this.state.showAdvanced ? 'block' : 'none'}}>
Advanced Stuff
So the first time you call React.renderComponent(MyComponent({}), elem) the component will mount and the advanced div will be hidden. If you click on the button inside the component, it will toggle and show. If you need to force the component to show the advanced div from outside the component simply call render again like so: React.renderComponent(MyComponent({showAdvanced: true}), elem) and it will show it, regardless of internal state. Likewise if you wanted to hide it from outside, simply call it with showAdvanced: false.
Added bonus to the above code example is that calling setState inside of componentWillReceiveProps does not cause another render cycle, as it catches and changes the state BEFORE render is called. Have a look at the docs here for more info:
Don't forget that calling renderComponent again on an already mounted component doesn't mount it again, it just tells react to update the component's props and react will then make the changes, run the lifecycle and render functions of the component and do it's dom diffing magic.
Revised answer in comment below.
My initial wrong answer:
The lifecycle function componentWillUpdate will be ran when new state or props are received. You can find documentation on it here:
If, when the external setState is called, you then set showAdvanced to true in componentWillUpdate, you should get the desired result.
EDIT: Another option would be to have the external call to setState include showAdvanced: true in its new state.

