Problems to import json with VueJs - javascript

So, I'm trying to import a json file to be able to set some params in my application. The code I'm using to import my json is:
import json from './json/config.json'
export default {
data() {
return {
URL_FILE_IMPORT: json.fileImport,
... and my config.json is very simple so far:
"fileImport": "<my_url_goes_here>",
The problem is that I'm facing this error:
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors
This relative module was not found:
* ./json/config.json in ./src/services/config.js
But I have access to the file, if I click in the ./json/config.json path.
I've seen that there are some differences between some vue.js versions about the json configuration. I'm not 100% sure how to see the version I'm using, but my #vue/cli-service is version 4.2.2. Does anyone knows how to solve it?
So, I've found my solution. It was very simple, I just needed to use
const jsonData = require('../json/config.json');
... and with this I can access jsonData.fileImport

Маке sure the path is correct, if you make import in file ./src/services/config.js with path "./json/data.json" it will look for json in ./src/services/json. Where exactly is your folder /json, if it is in src folder then import should be "../json/data.json". Usually there is alias in web-pack "#" which is to "/src", then import will be "#/json/config.json"


Module not found: Error: Can't resolve - Parsed request is a module

I have class components based project (a requirement by company, can't change to function components)
Once I ran elint --fix and started the project again, it gives me this error just for one file.
Parsed request is a module
using description file: C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\shop\package.json (relative paist or is not a directory
C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\shop\src\node_modules doesn't exist or is not a directory
looking for modules in C:\Users\Computer\Desktop\shop\node_modules
The file only contains an exported function that I use elsewhere to dispatch data. I'm not sure why it's looking in node_modules or how to fix this error.
The file looks something like this :
import store, { addToCart } from '../redux/store'
export function addToCartFunc (---props---) {
---code ----
I have no idea why this was happening, my guess it was recognizing the file as some kind of webpack but I fixed it by importing it as :
import { addToCartFunc } from './addToCartFunc.js'
instead of (like all others):
import { addToCartFunc } from './addToCartFunc'

Do I need the three.js.master folder to use OBJLoader2.js ? 404 not found

So i'm beginning to use three.js, trying to import a OBJ file using OBJLoader2.js locally (no npm). But when try to add import {OBJLoader2} from '';
It comes up with 404 not found errors for three.module.js,Mesh Reciever.js and OBJLoaderParser. And checking inside the OBJLoader2 file, it has imports for those files
import {
} from "../../../build/three.module.js";
import { OBJLoader2Parser } from "./obj2/OBJLoader2Parser.js";
import { MeshReceiver } from "./obj2/shared/MeshReceiver.js";
import { MaterialHandler } from "./obj2/shared/MaterialHandler.js";
Does this mean to use the OBJLoader2.js i need to use the whole three.js.master file then?. Because ive watched youtube tutorials and they seem to just copy and paste the OBJLoader2.js file inside their directory without errors. Thanks
I resolved the problem thanks #Mugen97. It is because I took the OBJloader.js file from jsm not the js folder.

Getting 'Module not found' although file exists

I downloaded the angular starter and ran the app and it ran well. Now I Added a new file "people.service.ts" located in "src/app/services/people.service.ts".
When I try to import it, I get an error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'services/people.service' in
This is the code I use to import it (in src/app/app.module.ts):
import {PeopleService} from 'services/people.service';
I'm sure that there's no typos because the IDE recognizes it. There isn't any TypeScript error in the entire project. The file 'services/people.service' does contain a class named PeopleService.
Any help will be profoundly appreciated. Please let me know if you need any additional information.
The problem is that you're using absolute path instead of a relative path. Change the import to the following:
import {PeopleService} from './services/people.service';
TypeScript 2.0+
In TypeScript 2.0 you can add a baseUrl property in tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "."
// etc...
// etc...
Then you can import everything as if you were in the base directory:
import {PeopleService} from 'services/people.service';
On top of this, you could add a paths property, which allows you to match a pattern then map it out. For example:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"services/*": [
// etc...
// etc...
Which would allow you to import it from anywhere like so:
import {PeopleService} from 'services/people.service';
From there, you will need to configure whatever module loader you are using to support these import names as well. Right now the TypeScript compiler doesn't seem to automatically map these out.
You can read more about this in the github issue. There is also a rootDirs property which is useful when using multiple projects.
You can directly change the absolute path to relative path like this:
import {PeopleService} from './services/people.service';

Using ember-cli-sheetjs in an ember component

I'm creating a website using ember and am currently having difficulty using the 'ember-cli-sheetjs' module in a component titled 'add-student.js'. I cannot seem to call any functions in the documentation using my current code.
To get the module in ember I added it to my dev dependencies inside package.json and then ran the "npm install" command which successfully installed the "ember-cli-sheetjs" module. I then try and use it by writing:
import Ember from 'ember';
import xlsx from 'npm:ember-cli-sheetjs';
//have also tried directly using the sheetjs module after
//installing sheetjs with the command
//npm install xlsx --save-dev
//import xlsx from 'npm:xlsx';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
fileinput: null, //this is set with an input handler in the hbs
actions: {
fileLoaded: function() {
console.log(this.get('fileinput')); //properly outputs the file name
var workbook = xlsx.readFile(this.get('fileinput'));
However this results an error saying:
add-student.js:134 Uncaught TypeError: _npmEmberCliSheetjs.default.readFile is not a function
I feel like the problem is that its not following the correct path to the function (which exists in the function documentation). If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be a huge help.
Link to the module:
If anyone runs into this problem I have figured out a work around.
First in your index.html include the line:
<script src="assets/parsing/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
Next create a folder inside public (if it doesn't already exist) called assets. Next create a folder inside assets called 'parsing' and a folder in 'parsing' called 'dist'. Next in 'dist' create a file called 'xlsx.full.min.js'.
Next copy and paste the code from: into the xlsx.full.min.js file.
Finally, in whatever component you want to use the sheetjs module in just put the following below your import statement:
/* global XLSX */
This is a work around but it does allow you to use the sheetjs module.
Use Bower
// bower.json
"dependencies": {
"js-xlsx": "^0.11.5"
// ember-cli-build.js
module.exports = function(defaults) {
and in your component as #Russ suggested:
import Ember from 'ember';
/* global XLSX */

Typescript compiler error when importing json file

So the code is simple:
} }
import json = require('../static/calls.json');
the generated javascript is correct and when running the node js server, the console log json.SERVER prints '{ requests: { one: '1' } }', as it should.
The typescript compiler (commonjs) however, somehow does not particularly like this situation and throws: "Cannot find module '../static/calls.json'".
Ofcourse I tried writing a .d.ts file, like this:
declare module '../static/calls.json'{
var exp:any;
export = exp;
this then obviously throws: "Ambient module declaration cannot specify relative module name".
I also tried different variants, like:
declare module 'calls.json' {
import * as json from '/private/static/calls.json';
export = json;
and then requiring:
import json = require('calls.json');
None work properly and have their own little compiler errors :)
I want to use an external .json file because I use commonjs serverside and amd clientside and I want a single file for loading constants.
Use var instead of import.
var json = require('./calls.json');
You're loading a JSON file, not a module, so import shouldn't be used is this case. When var is used, require() is treated like a normal function again.
If you're using a Node.js definition, everything should just work, otherwise require will need to be defined.
TS 2.9 added support for well typed json imports. Just add:
"compilerOptions": {
"resolveJsonModule": true
in your tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json. Now imports such as:
import json = require('../static/calls.json');
import * as json from '../static/calls.json';
should be resolved and have proper typings too!
Another solution is to change data.json to data.ts and export like this
export default {
"key" : {
and import as you would expect:
import { default as data } from './data'
This can also be done by using import statement if using webpack v2 which is already packed with json-loader.
Note that this is not async
import data from './data.json';//Note that this is not async
Also, in your typings.d.ts file add the following wildcard module to avoid typescript error saying: Cannot find module
declare module "*.json" {
const value: any;
export default value;
For anyone interested in async imports, check this article by 2uality
As of Typescript 2.9 you can import JSON file natively without any additional hack/loader needed.
The following excerpt is copied from said link above.
...TypeScript is now able to import JSON files as input files when using the node strategy for moduleResolution. This means you can use json files as part of their project, and they’ll be well-typed!
"dry": false,
import settings from "./settings.json";
settings.debug === true; // Okay
settings.dry === 2; // Error! Can't compare a `boolean` and `number`
For Angular 6 it can work with simple HTTP get call as below
//interface, could be Array , object
export interface ResultJSON{
//Read JSON file for 3DWide
getJSON() {
return this.http.get(this.filepathUrl);
Component :import both service and interface and use as below
resultJSON :ResultJSON;
.subscribe((data: ResultJSON) => {
this.resultJSON= data;

