Create regular expression to separate each word from . (dot) - javascript

I am trying to create a regular expression to separate each word from . (dot) in JavaScript.
function myFunction() {
var url = ""
var result
var match
if (match = url.match(/^[^\.]+\.(.+\..+)$/)) {
Actual result is:
match[0] :
match[1] :
Expected result is:
match[0] :
match[1] :
match[2] :
match[3] :
match[4] :
Please help me to create perfect regular expression.

Using a regex, in this case, might not be the best choice. You could simply split your string at the . and then join them when you need it.
function recursivelySplitText(arrayOfString, output) {
// check if the output is set, otherwise create it.
if(!output) {
output = [];
// we add the current value to the output
// we remove the first element of the array
arrayOfString.splice(0, 1);
// if we just have one element left in the array ( com ) we return the array
// otherwise, we call the function again with the newly splitted array.
return arrayOfString.length === 1 ? output : recursivelySplitText(arrayOfString, output);
const text = '';
// we need to split it first to have an array of string rather than a string.
Here i used recursion because it is fun, but it is not the only way of getting the same result.

Instead of a regex you could use a combination of split() and map() to create the output array you require. Try this:
function myFunction() {
var arr = "".split('.');
var output =, i) => arr.slice(i).join('.'));


JS/Javascript: .match returns an undefined value

I'm trying to retrieve every matching word from array but .match retuns an undefined function. I'm pretty sure I don't need to convert anything because I'm comparing two strings:
var hashtags = [ '#hr', '#acc', '#sales' ];
var message = "hello there #hr #acc";
var filteredMessage = _.filter( message.split( ' ' ), value => value.match( hashtags ) );
// suppose to return [ '#hr', '#acc' ]
You're using match() incorrectly. This function accepts a regular expression as a parameter and you're using it with an array.
You can achieve what you want by checking if the value is one of the array's elements.
Here is an example:
var hashtags = [ '#hr', '#acc', '#sales' ];
var message = "hello there #hr #acc";
var filteredMessage = _.filter( message.split( ' ' ), value => hashtags.indexOf(value) != -1 );
<script src=""></script>
The problem with what you are trying to do is hashtags are an array and match takes in a regular expression, so I don't think it is the method you want to use.
An alternative solution is to use the intersection function provided by lodash
_.intersection(hashtags, message.split(' '))
If you do want to use regular expressions (and match) I think you probably have to loop over both arrays to get an intersection.
Below works for me
var filteredMessage = message.split(' ').filter(word => hashtags.includes(word));
Since you are using underscore already:
filteredMessage = _.filter( message.split( ' ' ), value => _.find(hashtags, tag => tag === value))

JavaScript RegExp - find all prefixes up to a certain character

I have a string which is composed of terms separated by slashes ('/'), for example:
I want to find all the prefixes of this string up to an occurrence of a slash or end of string, i.e. for the above example I expect to get:
I've tried a regex like this: /^(.*)[\/$]/, but it returns a single match - ab/c/ with the parenthesized result ab/c, accordingly.
I know this can be done quite easily using split, I am looking specifically for a solution using RegExp.
NO, you can't do that with a pure regex.
Why? Because you need substrings starting at one and the same location in the string, while regex matches non-overlapping chunks of text and then advances its index to search for another match.
OK, what about capturing groups? They are only helpful if you know how many /-separated chunks you have in the input string. You could then use
var s = 'ab/c/def'; // There are exact 3 parts
// => [ "ab/c/def", "ab/c", "ab" ]
However, it is unlikely you know that many details about your input string.
You may use the following code rather than a regex:
var s = 'ab/c/def';
var chunks = s.split('/');
var res = [];
for(var i=0;i<chunks.length;i++) {
res.length > 0 ? res.push(chunks.slice(0,i).join('/')+'/'+chunks[i]) : res.push(chunks[i]);
First, you can split the string with /. Then, iterate through the elements and build the res array.
I do not think a regular expression is what you are after. A simple split and loop over the array can give you the result.
var str = "ab/c/def";
var result = str.split("/").reduce(function(a,s,i){
var last = a[i-1] ? a[i-1] + "/" : "";
a.push(last + s);
return a;
}, []);
or another way
var str = "ab/c/def",
result = [],
Plenty of other ways to do it.
You can't do it with a RegEx in javascript but you can split parts and join them respectively together:
var array = "ab/c/def".split('/'), newArray = [], key = 0;
while (value = array[key++]) {
newArray.push(key == 1 ? value : newArray[newArray.length - 1] + "/" + value)
May be like this
var str = "ab/c/def",
result = str.match(/.+?(?=\/|$)/g)
.map((e,i,a) => a[i-1] ? a[i] = a[i-1] + e : e);
Couldn't you just split the string on the separator character?
var result = 'ab/c/def'.split(/\//g);

Separate value from string using javascript

I have a string in which every value is between [] and it has a . at the end. How can I separate all values from the string?
This is the example string:
[value01][value02 ][value03 ]. [value04 ]
//want something like this
v1 = value01;
v2 = value02;
v3 = value03;
v4 = value04
The number of values is not constant. How can I get all values separately from this string?
Use regular expressions to specify multiple separators. Please check the following posts:
How do I split a string with multiple separators in javascript?
Split a string based on multiple delimiters
var str = "[value01][value02 ][value03 ]. [value04 ]"
var arr = str.split(/[\[\]\.\s]+/);
arr.shift(); arr.pop(); //discard the first and last "" elements
console.log( arr ); //output: ["value01", "value02", "value03", "value04"]
How This Works
.split(/[\[\]\.\s]+/) splits the string at points where it finds one or more of the following characters: [] .. Now, since these characters are also found at the beginning and end of the string, .shift() discards the first element, and .pop() discards the last element, both of which are empty strings. However, your may want to use .filter() and your can replace lines 2 and 3 with:
var arr = str.split(/[\[\]\.\s]+/).filter(function(elem) { return elem.length > 0; });
Now you can use jQuery/JS to iterate through the values:
$.each( arr, function(i,v) {
console.log( v ); // outputs the i'th value;
And arr.length will give you the number of elements you have.
If you want to get the characters between "[" and "]" and the data is regular and always has the pattern:
then you can get the chars using match to get sequences of characters that aren't "[" or "]":
var values = '[value01][value02 ][value03 ][value04 ]'.match(/[^\[\]]+/g)
which returns an array, so values is:
["value01", "value02 ", "value03 ", "value04 "]
Match is very widely supported, so no cross browser issues.
Here's a fiddle:
Regex patern: /(\w)+/ig
Matches all words using \w (alphanumeric combos). Whitespace, brackets, dots, square brackets are all non-matching, so they don't get returned.
What I do is create a object to hold results in key/value pairs such as v1:'value01'. You can iterate through this object, or you can access the values directly using objRes.v1
var str = '[value01][value02 ][value03 ]. [value04 ]';
var myRe = /(\w)+/ig;
var res;
var objRes = {};
var i=1;
while ( ( res = myRe.exec(str) ) != null )
objRes['v'+i] = res[0];

traversing string in javascript

I have a number of strings concatenated together
"[thing 1,thing 2,cat in the hat,Dr. Suese]"
I would like to traverse this string to stop at a specific comma (given an index) and return the substring immediately after the comma and before the next comma. The problem is I need to do it in JavaScript. I assume it would be something like this
function returnSubstring(i,theString){
var j,k = 0;
while(theString.charCodeAt(k) != ','){
while(i > 0){
if (theString.charCodeAt(j) == ','){
return theString.substring(j,k);
Is this what it should look like or is there some syntax issue here
I would like to traverse this string to stop at a specific comma (given an index) and return the substring immediately after the comma and before the next comma.
--> Let's assume specific index for comma accpeted is 8 i.e. first comma index, you can do :
var givenCommaIndex = 8;
var value = "[thing 1,thing 2,cat in the hat,Dr. Suese]";
var subString = value.substring(givenCommaIndex+1, value.indexOf(",", givenCommaIndex+1));
// Output :
"thing 2"
I can write the reusable function like below, it will not just work for comma but other delimiters as well :
function getSubString(str, delimiter, indexOfDelimiter) {
// TODO : handle specific cases like str is undefined or delimiter is null
return str.substring(indexOfDelimiter+1, str.indexOf(delimiter, indexOfDelimiter+1));
You may split :
var token = "[thing 1,thing 2,cat in the hat,Dr. Suese]"
.slice(1,-1) // remove [ and ]
[2]; // the third token
Or use a regular expression :
var token = "[thing 1,thing 2,cat in the hat,Dr. Suese]"

How to extract a string using JavaScript Regex?

I'm trying to extract a substring from a file with JavaScript Regex. Here is a slice from the file :
SUMMARY:Dad's birthday
the field I want to extract is "Summary". Here is the approach:
extractSummary : function(iCalContent) {
input : iCal file content
return : Event summary
var arr = iCalContent.match(/^SUMMARY\:(.)*$/g);
function extractSummary(iCalContent) {
var rx = /\nSUMMARY:(.*)\n/g;
var arr = rx.exec(iCalContent);
return arr[1];
You need these changes:
Put the * inside the parenthesis as
suggested above. Otherwise your matching
group will contain only one
Get rid of the ^ and $. With the global option they match on start and end of the full string, rather than on start and end of lines. Match on explicit newlines instead.
I suppose you want the matching group (what's
inside the parenthesis) rather than
the full array? arr[0] is
the full match ("\nSUMMARY:...") and
the next indexes contain the group
String.match(regexp) is
supposed to return an array with the
matches. In my browser it doesn't (Safari on Mac returns only the full
match, not the groups), but
Regexp.exec(string) works.
You need to use the m flag:
multiline; treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working
over multiple lines (i.e., match the beginning or end of each line
(delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the
whole input string)
Also put the * in the right place:
"DATE:20091201T220000\r\nSUMMARY:Dad's birthday".match(/^SUMMARY\:(.*)$/gm);
//------------------------------------------------------------------^ ^
Your regular expression most likely wants to be
A helpful little trick I like to use is to default assign on match with an array.
var arr = iCalContent.match(/\nSUMMARY:(.*)$/g) || [""]; //could also use null for empty value
return arr[0];
This way you don't get annoying type errors when you go to use arr
This code works:
let str = "governance[string_i_want]";
let res = str.match(/[^governance\[](.*)[^\]]/g);
res will equal "string_i_want". However, in this example res is still an array, so do not treat res like a string.
By grouping the characters I do not want, using [^string], and matching on what is between the brackets, the code extracts the string I want!
You can try it out here:
Good luck.
(.*) instead of (.)* would be a start. The latter will only capture the last character on the line.
Also, no need to escape the :.
You should use this :
var arr = iCalContent.match(/^SUMMARY\:(.)*$/g);
this is how you can parse iCal files with javascript
function calParse(str) {
function parse() {
var obj = {};
while(str.length) {
var p = str.shift().split(":");
var k = p.shift(), p = p.join();
switch(k) {
case "BEGIN":
obj[p] = parse();
case "END":
return obj;
obj[k] = p;
return obj;
str = str.replace(/\n /g, " ").split("\n");
return parse().VCALENDAR;
example =
'PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN\n'+
'SUMMARY:Bastille Day Party\n'+
cal = calParse(example);

