I have a POST request that pulls data from a server, according to parameters that are adjustable by the user through number inputs. Simply listening to the change event is not enough, because I want the data to refresh while using the mousewheel to change the input value.
Calling my refresh function with something like that is clearly not optimal:
$('input').on('mousewheel', function(){
There would be a lot of requests, and because they are asynchronous, I can never know for sure if the last request to be completed will be the last one I send.
What I currently use is a setInterval to watch an object containing intervals (rounded timestamps) where a refresh has been requested. Inside the mousewheel listener, I add the next interval to the object, as a property/key, to avoid duplicates.
Something like that:
var i = 100;
var obj = [];
$('input').on('mousewheel', function(){
// add next interval to obj;
obj[Math.ceil(Date.now()/i)*i] = true;
var check = setInterval(function(){
// refresh if current interval is in obj
var t = Math.floor(Date.now()/i)*i;
delete obj[t]; // remove from obj
}, i);
I tested this code, on my machine, with i=50, and the object is always empty, which is what we want, but with i=30, as soon as I go too fast with the wheel, I see some old intervals accumulating in the object. This is caused by the setInterval is skipping beats, so whatever value I choose for i, some user with less CPU could "skip the wrong beat", and end up finishing his mouse wheel movement seeing a result that does not match the parameters value.
I feel like maybe i'm making this more complicated than it has to be, so i'm asking:
What would be the best way to pull data from server onmousewheel, considering:
1: I want to constantly refresh the data as the user rolls the wheel over an input field.
2: I want to be 100% sure the presented data after the wheel movement is always accurate.
Try using the document offsetheight like the below code. This will work when user scrolls down and reaches the end of scroll. The behavior is kind of like a recycler view of android.
window.onscroll = function(ev) {
if ((window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset ) >=
document.body.offsetHeight) {
alert("you're at the bottom of the page");
I have a game written in JavaScript and what it basically does is start a ten seconds timer and register the number of times the user is able to click on a certain button, before the timer elapses.
How the code works:
When a user clicks on the button, an element gets added to an array, using push function, then a different function returns the length of the array as the number of times clicked.
The problem with this:
If a user opens up the dev tools and alters the number of times an element is added to the array per click, this will change the outcome of the result.
My Approach:
What I decided to do is to store the length before I ran the push function and also after I ran the push function, then compare their differences and if it's greater than 1, it means something is not right. This seemed to work in my head until I wrote it down in code and discovered that if the user pushed multiple times before I checked the differences then it would go unnoticed. Please big brained guys, help me.
My code:
$('body').on('click', '.btn.z', function () {
// start listening
var timerStarted = false;
var tc = [];
function startCountingClicks () {
$('.Score').html('Your Score: '+gettc()+" clicks");
if (timerStarted == false) {
startTimer(10, $('#time'));
// user does multiple push before this function: startCountingClicks is called
var previous_length = tc.length; // get length before push
var new_length = tc.length; // get length after push
if (new_length - previous_length !== 1) {
console.log("fraud"); // this is supposed to catch a thief!!!
console.log(new_length+" "+previous_length);
timerStarted = true;
function gettc (){
// get number of clicks
return tc.length ;
A code that totally breaks this:
$('button').click(function(){tc.push(1); tc.push(1)})
I do not wish to protect against dev tools, though I am not against that method if it works. I just wish to get a better way of counting my clicks, a way that can't be affected by writing code on the dev tools.
You can't really stop people from doing stuff on the client side. It is pointless trying to prevent that. The best thing you can do is make sure whatever is sent matches what you expect on the server side.
I would like to know how to handle both local and sync storage in the right way in Chrome extension please.
This is my case:
I'm working on an extension for only a specific site (for now),
which contains a content-script and a popup.
The popup contains options where the user can make changes, then the values are sent to the content-script to show the changes on the page.
I'm looking to make as less saving and retrieving storage tasks as possible, and that in the end it will get saved in the sync storage and not just in local.
The sync storage got a per-minute limit, where the local one doesn't.
I know how to listen to the popup closed call from the content-script using a long-lived connection and listen to the onConnect and onDisconnect, and then I can do a save task, but is there a better way to save reading and writing to the storage?
All I can think of was having a background script where I can store the changes in variables and then just send them back and forward to and from the content-script and popup, so it's like having a storage without actually using the storage, but then how can I detect when the user leaves the specific domain and then do the single saving task, and also close/stop the background/event script?
The current limit on chrome.storage.sync sustained operations is 1 every 2 seconds (more accurately 1800 per hour), and a burst rate limit of 120 per minute.
So, your job is to ensure sync happens no more often than once per 2 seconds.
I would make an event page that deals with chrome.storage.onChanged event and syncs the two areas. Which is a surprisingly hard task due to local echo!
// event.js, goes into background.scripts in manifest
// Those will not persist if event page is unloaded
var timeout;
var queuedChanges = {};
var syncStamp = 1;
chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(function(changes, area) {
// Check if it's an echo of our changes
if(changes._syncStamp && changes._syncStamp.newValue == syncStamp) {
if(area == "local") {
// Change in local storage: queue a flush to sync
// Reset timeout
if(timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); }
// Merge changes with already queued ones
for(var key in changes) {
// Just overwrite old change; we don't care about last newValue
queuedChanges[key] = changes[key];
// Schedule flush
timeout = setTimeout(flushToSync, 3000);
} else {
// Change in sync storage: copy to local
if(changes._syncStamp && changes._syncStamp.newValue) {
// Ignore those changes when they echo as local
syncStamp = changes._syncStamp.newValue;
commitChanges(changes, chrome.storage.local);
function flushToSync() {
// Be mindful of what gets synced: there are also size quotas
// If needed, filter queuedChanges here
// Generate a new sync stamp
// With random instead of sequential, there's a really tiny chance
// changes will be ignored, but no chance of stamp overflow
syncStamp = Math.random();
queuedChanges._syncStamp = {newValue: syncStamp};
// Process queue for committing
commitChanges(queuedChanges, chrome.storage.sync);
// Reset queue
queuedChanges = {};
timeout = undefined;
function commitChanges(changes, storage) {
var setData = {};
for(var key in changes) {
setData[key] = changes[key].newValue;
storage.set(setData, function() {
if(chrome.runtime.lastError) {
The idea here is to sync 3 seconds after the last change to local. Each new change is added to the queue and resets the countdown. And while Chrome normally does not honor DOM timers in event pages, 3 seconds is short enough to complete before the page is shut down.
Also, note that updating an area from this code will fire the event again. This is considered a bug (compare with window.onstorage not firing for changes within current document), but meanwhile I added the _syncStamp property. It is used to distinguish the local echo, though there is a tiny chance that the stamp will result in a collision
Your other code (content script) should probably also rely on onChanged event instead of a custom "okay, I changed a value!" message.
Morning all, I'm looking for some kind of Javascript event I can use to detect when a mobile browser window regains focus, after either a user closes/minimizes their browser (to go back to a home screen/different app), or if the device resumes from sleep (either the user powering it off, or it going to sleep after a screen timeout).
I'd like to be able to find a single event that works for everything, but I know that's unlikely! The pageshow event works for iOS devices, but it's rather sketchy for use with everything else. I've tried focus and DOMActivate but neither of them seem to have the desired effect.
The page may not always have form elements on it, and I don't really want the user to have to touch the page again to trigger the event.
The requirement for such an event is caused by our code periodically checking for new content by making XHR requests. These are never sent when the browser is asleep, so we never get new content to restart the timeouts.
Thanks for any help you guys may be able to provide!
We had a similar issue and solved it something like this:
var lastSync = 0;
var syncInterval = 60000; //sync every minute
function syncPage() {
lastSync = new Date().getTime(); //set last sync to be now
updatePage(); //do your stuff
setInterval(function() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if ((now - lastSync) > syncInterval ) {
}, 5000); //check every 5 seconds whether a minute has passed since last sync
This way you would sync every minute if your page is active, and if you put your browser in idle mode for over a minute, at most 5 seconds will pass before you sync upon opening the browser again. Short intervals might drain the battery more than you would like, so keep that in mind when adapting the timings to you needs.
Better than an interval would be to add a window blur listener and a window focus listener. On blur, record current time. On focus, validate you are still logged in / sync'd / whatever you need to do.
Basically exactly the same thing but it runs only when necessary rather than slowing your entire page down with an interval.
var $window = $(window),
$window.__INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD = 60000;
$window.add(document.body); //necessary for mobile browsers
$window.declareActivity = function () { $window.__lastEvent = new Date(); };
var diff = (new Date()) - $window.__lastEvent;
if (diff > $window.__INACTIVITY_THRESHOLD) {
$window.on("inactivity", "", null, function () {
//your inactivity code
Though that blur event seems sketchy if the phone is powering off and I don't know that I would trust it in all circumstances / mobile devices. So I'd probably throw in something like this:
$(document.body).on("click scroll keyup", "", null, $window.declareActivity);
so that my inactivity timer works for when the user just walks away as well. Depending on your site, you may want to adjust that exact event list - or simply throw in a $window.declareActivity(); into your existing scripts that respond to user inputs.
I am registering a keyup event that, when activated, shows a list of proposed subjects (using JSON).
My problem is that when a keyup is registered it somehow seems to remember the previous keyup(s) as well. This means that in stead of sending one request with JSON it sends multiple requests with JSON (depending on how many keyups have been registered). This is ofcourse very inefficient and I would like to settle with just 1 request per keyup.
What have I tried
I have tried stepping through every action that is taken by the program. The problem occurs when I reach the second keyup statement (the first is to register a keyup in my template, the second one is a keyup in the class I am using which retrieves the value from the specified field). From this point on every keyup somehow gets "added" to the previous ones, resulting in for example:
3 previous keys were pressed -> (example) backspace gets pressed -> 4 keyups are now registered for the backspace keyup, all containing the same information.
I have tried setting up statements etc which check if previous events were the same as the current one, but that really didn't work out. The class works on different sites so I think the problem lays somewhere else, possibly the template (which contains another event that registers keyups, but completely removing that does not change anything) which was created be different programmers over time (and it's kind of a mess though I can't see anything that should create this weird behaviour).
Relevant code
The template code:
$('subject_input').addEvent('keyup', function(event){
var project_id = $('projectId').options[$('projectId').selectedIndex].get('value');
if(project_id != "" && project_id != 0){ //Als er een project geselecteerd is
var elInput = $('subject_input');
var gc = new GooCompleter('subject_input', {
action: '/houroverview/ajax_subjects/'+project_id+'/', // JSON source
param: 'search', // Param string to send
listbox_offset: {x: 0, y: 0}, // Listbox offset for Y
typebox_offset: {x: 1, y: 1},
delay: 100, // Request delay to 0.1 seconds
//Irrelevant code
Class code keyup:
// Retrieve suggestions on keyup
this.field.addEvent('keyup', function(event) {
console.log(event); //this shows the amount of keyups etc.
//more code
I should point out that I'm not all that great with JavaScript which means its taking me a lot of time to figure some stuff out. I still can't see anything in this code that should produce such weird behavior.
What is causing this weird behaviour and how can I get rid of it?
According to documentation, GooCompleter watches for keypresses by itself. You only need to initialize it once (e.g. in a domready event handler).
With your current implementation, a new instance of GooCompleter is created on every keyup, so after e.g. 10 keyups there are 10 GooCompleters, each monitoring for keypresses and sending AJAX requests (so that a subsequent keyup will lead for 10 GooCompleters to send 10 AJAX requests).
Yeah, according to your code, every keyup seems to make a new request. This is not weird behavior, just what your code does. The browser says that keyup happened every time keyup happens (any key is released on the keyboard) and your code sends a request as a reaction to each keyup.
You could ignore all but the last when they come back but you can also be more effective and not send any requests until the user stops typing for, say, 500 ms.
$('subject_input').addEvent('keyup', throttle( function(event) {
//Once no keyup has happened for 500ms, this function is then called normally
}, 500 ));
Definition for throttle:
function throttle( fn, timeout ) {
var timerid = 0;
return function() {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments),
ctx = this;
timerid = setTimeout( function() {
fn.apply( ctx, args );
}, timeout );
I have a web-application for iPhone, and I need to trigger a Javascript function when the web page is in focus, in other words, when Safari is open.
What I want to accomplish is to start a timer in some way when the user clicks on a tel-link and starts the call. When the call ends, Safari pops up again, and the timer ends.
Is there any way to do this?
Best Regards
try this:
if you trigger the link for the call set the actual time in a localStorage-item.
$("#yourButton").click(function() {
var actualTime = new Date().getTime();
window.localStorage.setItem('callStart', actualTime);
after that you need to read the Storage after user ends up the call.
You can set this in the document.ready on the opening page.
in $(document).ready(function() {})
// check for the localStorageItem
if (window.localStorage.getItem('callStart')) {
// get it
var timeStart = window.localStorage.getItem('callStart');
var now = new Date().getTime();
Now calculate here the difference now - timeStart
and you will get seconds, minutes or whatever you want
// !!! Dont forget to clear the localStorageItem
This is what I would try. The Usage of the HTML5-localStorage gives you the possibility to store key/values and data isnt lost if user stops the app or device is automatically locked.
Hope this helps a bit.
ADDED: You even can store JSON as the value in the localStorageItem. So you can set an callID and implement a calling-history for your users.