javascript create date from string and cast back to string - javascript

I am creating a date out of strings. I want my date to have the last hour and last minute of the given day. I have a calendar that is populating an input box with a date in the form 01-02-2020 (dd-mm-yyyy).
I want to add hours minutes and seconds to the date to make it look like this string: 2020-02-01 23:59:59.
I then want to sabtract x number of days from the date I've created to get a startdate.
My issue is that my date values are being somehow converted when I use the date functions. What I am doing is:
enddate = new Date(enddate);
enddate = enddate.setHours(23,59,59);
var startdate = new Date();
startdate.setDate( enddate.getDate() - 5);
I then want to concatenate my two dates to a string. Like ?startdate=2020-01-26 00:00:00&enddate=2020-02-01 23:59:59. Where the startdate has hours, minutes and seconds in the form 00:00:00 This string is what I ultimately want and it doesn't matter how I get to this start and enddate value. The steps above are just what I've tried. And actually the format of my dates in the the final string doesn't matter as long as it is something that sql can recognize and treat as a date.
How can I accomplish this?
Here is my full code:
enddate holds a date value in this form: 01-02-2020 (day month year european style)
datesplit = enddate.split("-");
enddate = new Date(datesplit[2],datesplit[0],datesplit[1]); //mm-dd-yyyy for US format
var startdate = new Date(enddate);
startdate.setDate(startdate.getDate() - daysback);
console.log("startdate and enddate: " + startdate + " - " + enddate)
//startdate and enddate: Tue Jan 28 2020 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) - Sun Feb 02 2020 23:59:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
console.log("startdate and enddate date string: " + startdate.toISOString() + " - " + enddate.toISOString());
//startdate and enddate date string: 2020-01-27T05:00:00.000Z - 2020-02-03T04:59:00.000Z
Why the added time in the last console log value when the date is cast to ISO?? That last format is what I want, but value is different.

var st = "01-02-2020";
var pattern = /(\d{2})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{4})/;
var dt = new Date(st.replace(pattern,'$3-$2-$1'));
enddate = new Date(dt);
var startdate = new Date(dt);
startdate.setDate( startdate.getDate() - 5);
function js_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss (mydate) {
now = new Date();
year = "" + mydate.getFullYear();
month = "" + (mydate.getMonth() + 1); if (month.length == 1) { month = "0" + month; }
day = "" + mydate.getDate(); if (day.length == 1) { day = "0" + day; }
hour = "" + mydate.getHours(); if (hour.length == 1) { hour = "0" + hour; }
minute = "" + mydate.getMinutes(); if (minute.length == 1) { minute = "0" + minute; }
second = "" + mydate.getSeconds(); if (second.length == 1) { second = "0" + second; }
return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
var query = '?startdate='+js_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss(startdate)+'&enddate='+js_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss(enddate);

Well the problem basically was that you assign the same variable to different uses. I separate it (by adding 1 to the second one) and that solve it:
const enddate = '02-01-2020';
const daysback = 5;
datesplit = enddate.split("-");
enddate1 = new Date(datesplit[2],datesplit[0],datesplit[1]); //mm-dd-yyyy for US format
var startdate = new Date(enddate1);
startdate.setDate(startdate.getDate() - daysback);
console.log("startdate and enddate: " + startdate + " - " + enddate)
//startdate and enddate: Tue Jan 28 2020 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) - Sun Feb 02 2020 23:59:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
console.log("startdate and enddate date string: " + startdate.toISOString() + " - " + enddate1.toISOString());
//startdate and enddate date string: 2020-01-27T05:00:00.000Z - 2020-02-03T04:59:00.000Z


How to convert strings of the format "6 Dec, 2022 " to a date? [duplicate]

In BIRT, i have a column containing a datetime stored as a string. I need to convert these string to datetime format and put the result in another column using Javascript.
The string is the form of: for example: Fri 21 Feb 2014, 09:40 AM.
Hence this when converted to a datetime format and exported to excel, the column should be treat as a date.
Can any one of you help me to do it?
Other answers do not take into consideration this question is in a BIRT context.
Create a computed column in your dataset, with "Date time" as datatype
Enter as expression:
new Date(row["myDateStringField"]);
Where "myDateStringField" is your DateTime column in a String format. Then use this computed column in your report instead of the String column.
That's it!
Checkout momentjs!
You can parse your time of any format like
moment("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY");
In your case, you don't even have to specify the format. It automatically recognizes it.
And you can output ISO format or convert it to a Javascript Date object.
This is extremely easy to do with javascript. The following code will make a date in a format that Excel will recognize as a date.
var dateString = 'Fri 21 Feb 2014, 09:40 AM';
var date = new Date(dateString);
var yr = date.getFullYear();
var mo = date.getMonth() + 1;
var day = date.getDate();
var hours = date.getHours();
var hr = hours < 10 ? '0' + hours : hours;
var minutes = date.getMinutes();
var min = (minutes < 10) ? '0' + minutes : minutes;
var seconds = date.getSeconds();
var sec = (seconds < 10) ? '0' + seconds : seconds;
var newDateString = yr + '-' + mo + '-' + day;
var newTimeString = hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec;
var excelDateString = newDateString + ' ' + newTimeString;
If you just want to reformat 'Fri 21 Feb 2014, 09:04 AM' as '2014-02-21 09:04', then the following will do:
function stringToTimestamp(s) {
var t = s.match(/[\d\w]+/g);
var months = {jan:'01',feb:'02',mar:'03',apr:'04',may:'05',jun:'06',
function pad(n){return (n<10?'0':'') + +n;}
var hrs = t[4] % 12;
hrs += /pm$/i.test(t[6])? 12 : 0;
return t[3] + '-' + months[t[2].toLowerCase()] + '-' + pad(t[1]) + ' ' +
pad(hrs) + ':' + pad(t[5]);
console.log(stringToTimestamp('Fri 21 Feb 2014, 09:04 AM')); // 2014-02-21 09:04
use the ISO format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS or YYYY-MM-DD
new Date('2011-04-11T11:51:00');
new Date('2011-04-11');

why not get correctly date, (plus 1 day) in javascript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to add days to Date?
(56 answers)
Incrementing a date in JavaScript
(19 answers)
How can I add 1 day to current date?
(10 answers)
Closed 12 months ago.
I am trying to get JavaScript to display tomorrows date in format (dd-mm-yyyy)
I have got this script which displays todays date in format (dd-mm-yyyy)
var currentDate = new Date()
var day = currentDate.getDate()
var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1
var year = currentDate.getFullYear()
document.write("<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>")
Displays: 25/2/2012 (todays date of this post)
But how do I get it to display tomorrows date in the same format i.e. 26/2/2012
I tried this:
var day = currentDate.getDate() + 1
However I could keep +1 and go over 31 obviously there are not >32 days in a month
Been searching for hours but seems to be no answer or solution around this?
This should fix it up real nice for you.
If you pass the Date constructor a time it will do the rest of the work.
24 hours 60 minutes 60 seconds 1000 milliseconds
var currentDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var day = currentDate.getDate()
var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1
var year = currentDate.getFullYear()
document.write("<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>")
One thing to keep in mind is that this method will return the date exactly 24 hours from now, which can be inaccurate around daylight savings time.
Phil's answer work's anytime:
var currentDate = new Date();
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1);
The reason I edited my post is because I myself created a bug which came to light during DST using my old method.
The JavaScript Date class handles this for you
var d = new Date(2012, 1, 29) // month is 0-based in the Date constructor
// Wed Feb 29 2012
d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)
// Thu Mar 01 2012
// 1
Method Date.prototype.setDate() accepts even arguments outside the standard range and changes the date accordingly.
function getTomorrow() {
const tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); // even 32 is acceptable
return `${tomorrow.getFullYear()}/${tomorrow.getMonth() + 1}/${tomorrow.getDate()}`;
Using JS only(Pure js)
new Date()
//Tue Oct 06 2020 12:34:29 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0))
//Tue Oct 06 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0,0)).toLocaleDateString('fr-CA')
new Date(+new Date() + 86400000);
//Wed Oct 07 2020 12:44:02 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(+new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) + 86400000);
//Wed Oct 07 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(+new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0,0)+ 86400000).toLocaleDateString('fr-CA')
//don't forget the '+' before new Date()
Day after tomorrow
Just multiply by two ex:- 2*86400000
You can find all the locale shortcodes from
I would use the DateJS library. It can do exactly that.
The do the following:
var d = new"dd-mm-yyyy"); - gives you today at midnight.
The below uses a combination of Roderick and Phil's answers with two extra conditionals that account for single digit months/days.
Many APIs I've worked with are picky about this, and require dates to have eight digits (eg '02022017'), instead of the 6 or 7 digits the date class is going to give you in some situations.
function nextDayDate() {
// get today's date then add one
var nextDay = new Date();
nextDay.setDate(nextDay.getDate() + 1);
var month = nextDay.getMonth() + 1;
var day = nextDay.getDate();
var year = nextDay.getFullYear();
if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month }
if (day < 10) { day = "0" + day }
return month + day + year;
Use cases :
Date.tomorrow() // 1 day next
Date.daysNext(1) // alternative Date.tomorrow()
Date.daysNext(2) // 2 days next.
IF "tomorrow " is not depend of today but of another Date different of, Don't use static methods but rather you must use non-static :
i.e: Fri Dec 05 2008
var dec5_2008=new Date(Date.parse('2008/12/05'));
dec5_2008.tomorrow(); // 2008/12/06
dec5_2008.tomorrow().day // 6
dec5_2008.tomorrow().month // 12
dec5_2008.tomorrow().year //2008
dec5_2008.daysNext(1); // the same as previous
dec5_2008.daysNext(7) // next week :)
Dateold=Date;function Date(e){var t=null;if(e){t=new Dateold(e)}else{t=new Dateold};t.month=t.getMonth()+1;t.year=t.getFullYear();return t}Date.prototype.daysNext=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return new Date(this.getTime()+24*60*60*1e3*e)};Date.prototype.daysAgo=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return Date.daysNext(-1*e)};Date.prototype.tomorrow=function(){return this.daysNext(1)};Date.prototype.yesterday=function(){return this.daysAgo(1)};Date.tomorrow=function(){return Date.daysNext(1)};Date.yesterday=function(){return Date.daysAgo(1)};Date.daysNext=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return new Date((new Date).getTime()+24*60*60*1e3*e)};Date.daysAgo=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return Date.daysNext(-1*e)}
Method 1: If you don't have problem in using other library, then this could work for you using moment.js
moment().add('days', 1).format('L');
Method 2: Using Date.js,
<script type="text/javascript" src="date.js"></script>
var tomorrow = new"dd-mm-yyyy");
This method uses external library and not the native Date library.
As my bootstrap-datetimepicker was using moment.js and native date library, I preferred method 1. This question mentions these and some other methods.
Its really simple:
1: Create date object with today' date and time.
2: Use date object methods to retrieve day, month and full year and concatenate them using the + operator.
Sample Code:
var my_date = new Date();
var tomorrow_date = (my_date.getDate() + 1) + "-" + (my_date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + my_date.getFullYear();
function getMonday(d)
// var day = d.getDay();
var day = #Config.WeekStartOn
diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6 : 0);
return new Date(d.setDate(diff));
The same as the original answer, but in one line:
var tomorrow = new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
The numbers stand for 24 hours 60 minutes 60 seconds 1000 milliseconds.
you can try this:
function Tomorrow(date=false) {
var givendate = (date!=false) ? new Date(date) : new Date();
givendate.setDate(givendate.getDate() + 1);
var day = givendate.getUTCDate()
var month = givendate.getUTCMonth()+1
var year = givendate.getUTCFullYear()
result ="<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>";
return result;
var day = Tomorrow('2020-06-30');
console.log('tomorrows1: '+Tomorrow('2020-06-30'));
console.log('tomorrows2: '+Tomorrow());
//to get date of tomorrow
let tomorrow=new Date(`${(new Date()).getFullYear()}-${(new Date()).getMonth()+1}-${(new Date()).getDate()+1}`);
//for dd-mm-yy format
//-----------Date Configuration march 18,2014----------------------
var date = new Date();
y = date.getFullYear(), m = date.getMonth();
var EndDate = new Date();
switch (DateFilter) {
case 'today': var StartDate = EndDate; //todays date
case 'yesterday':
var d = new Date();
var previousDate = new Date(d.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
var StartDate = new Date(previousDate.yyyymmdd()); //yesterday Date
case 'tomorrow':
var d = new Date();
var NextDate = new Date(d.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
var StartDate = new Date(NextDate.yyyymmdd()); //tomorrow Date
case 'thisweek': var StartDate = getMonday(new Date()); //1st date of this week
case 'thismonth': var StartDate = new Date(y, m, 1); //1st date of this month
case 'thisyear': var StartDate = new Date("01/01/" + date.getFullYear()); //1st date of this year
case 'custom': //var StartDate = $("#txtFromDate").val();
var d = new Date();
var StartDate = new Date(d.getTime() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); //one month ago date from now.
if (DateFilter != "custom") {
var SDate = $.datepicker.formatDate('#Config.DateFormat', StartDate); $("#txtFromDate").val(SDate);
var EDate = $.datepicker.formatDate('#Config.DateFormat', EndDate); $("#txtToDate").val(EDate);
//-----------Date Configuration march 18,2014----------------------
var curDate = new Date().toLocaleString().split(',')[0];
Simply! in format.
Date.prototype.NextDay = function (e) {
return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate() + ("string" == typeof e ? parseInt(e, 10) : e));
// tomorrow
console.log(new Date().NextDay(1))
// day after tomorrow
console.log(new Date().NextDay(2))

HTML Date : Get Correct date in yyyy - mm - dd

I am using HTML date function and javascript to get exact date in YYYY-mm-dd. its working fine for me except for 1st day of the month.
Ex: 1st Feb 2016 is converted to 2016-01-32
function mydate1(cachedDate) {
var today = new Date();
if (cachedDate === undefined) {
console.log("no cached value found");
var d = new Date(document.getElementById("dt").value);
sessionStorage.setItem('dateCached', document.getElementById("dt").value);
console.log("set session value :" + sessionStorage.getItem('dateCached'));
} else {
var d = new Date(cachedDate);
sessionStorage.setItem('dateCached', d);
console.log("set session value :" + sessionStorage.getItem('dateCached'));
if (today < d) {
alert("No Record Found ..... ");
dt = d.getDate();
dt = ('0' + dt).slice(-2);
mn = d.getMonth();
mn = ('0' + mn).slice(-2);
yy = d.getFullYear();
var x = yy + "-" + mn + "-" + dt;
document.getElementById("ndt").value = dt;
<input type="date" class="form-control" id="dt" onchange="mydate1();" />
<input type="text" id="ndt"/>
I tried couple of solutions from google but nothing is working for me .. can some one help me fixing the script.
First, you shouldn't need to increment the value returned by getDate(), because
the value returned by getDate() is an integer between 1 and 31.
This is in contrast to getMonth(), where
The value returned by getMonth() is an integer between 0 and 11.
Second, you might try specifying the time zone when you construct the new Date object:
var d = new Date(document.getElementById("dt").value + "(GMT)");
The Date.parse() method is implementation-dependent, so it's possible to encounter inconsistencies when parsing a date string. In my browser (Chrome 47), I see different Date objects if the string to parse includes a space at the end:
d = new Date("2016-02-01")
Sun Jan 31 2016 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
d = new Date("2016-02-01 ")
Mon Feb 01 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
Although i was not able to find the exact bug in my above code .... but i managed to partially solve the problem (Need to add code to validate month > 12 and change year if required )
dt = d.getDate();
dt = ('0' + dt).slice(-2);
mn = d.getMonth();
mn = ('0' + mn).slice(-2);
yy = d.getFullYear();
var x = yy + "-" + mn + "-" + dt;
var y = new Date(yy, mn, 0);
dd = y.getDate();
if (dd < dt) {
console.log("in test.....");
mn = ('0' + mn).slice(-2);
var x = yy + "-" + mn + "-" + '01';
console.log("test" + x);

Parsing date and time from formatted date

I have a date in the following format:
Wed Jul 17 2013 13:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)
Can anyone tell me how to parse the date
Wed Jul 17 2013
and time out of this without using string functions
One of the simplest ways is to make sure your LOCALES are set properly, which allows you to do something like this:
var myStrDate = 'Wed Jul 17 2013 13:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)';
var myDate = Date.parse(myStrDate);
var myDateOnly = myDate.toLocaleDateString();
var myTimeOnly = myDate.toLocaleTimeString();
Here's a great place to start:
You can construct a Date object with the date string, combined with additional functions to get the required output. dayname() returns the dayname, monthname() returns the three-letter month name.
I've used for outputting results - alert() can be used as an alternative if appropriate.
function dayname(d)
var names = [ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri","Sat" ];
return names[d.getDay()];
function monthname(d)
var names = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
return names[d.getMonth()];
// construct new date object passing date string as parameter
var d = new Date("Wed Jul 17 2013 13:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)"); + ' ' + monthname(d) + ' ' + d.getDate() + ' ' + d.getFullYear());
For the time, this gettime() function checks the hour to output am or pm correctly, and for correct formatting-:
function gettime(d)
var ampm = "am";
var hour = d.getHours();
var mins = d.getMinutes();
if (hour >= 12)
hour = hour - 12;
ampm = "pm";
if (hours < 10)
hours = "0" + hours;
if (mins < 10)
mins = "0" + mins;
return hour + ":" + mins + ampm;
var ms = Date.parse(new Date("Wed Jul 17 2013 13:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)"));
var curr_date = ms.getDate();
var curr_month = ms.getMonth() + 1; //Months are zero based
var curr_year = ms.getFullYear();
var hours = ms.getHours();
var mins = ms.getMinutes();
suf = (hours >= 12)? 'pm' : 'am';
hours = hours % 12;
document.write(curr_date + "-" + curr_month + "-" + curr_year + " " + hours + ":" + min + " " + suffix);
Also try using moment.js, you can format dateTime as you wish.
Here great reference to learn date functions in javascript

JavaScript how to get tomorrows date in format dd-mm-yy [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to add days to Date?
(56 answers)
Incrementing a date in JavaScript
(19 answers)
How can I add 1 day to current date?
(10 answers)
Closed 12 months ago.
I am trying to get JavaScript to display tomorrows date in format (dd-mm-yyyy)
I have got this script which displays todays date in format (dd-mm-yyyy)
var currentDate = new Date()
var day = currentDate.getDate()
var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1
var year = currentDate.getFullYear()
document.write("<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>")
Displays: 25/2/2012 (todays date of this post)
But how do I get it to display tomorrows date in the same format i.e. 26/2/2012
I tried this:
var day = currentDate.getDate() + 1
However I could keep +1 and go over 31 obviously there are not >32 days in a month
Been searching for hours but seems to be no answer or solution around this?
This should fix it up real nice for you.
If you pass the Date constructor a time it will do the rest of the work.
24 hours 60 minutes 60 seconds 1000 milliseconds
var currentDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var day = currentDate.getDate()
var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1
var year = currentDate.getFullYear()
document.write("<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>")
One thing to keep in mind is that this method will return the date exactly 24 hours from now, which can be inaccurate around daylight savings time.
Phil's answer work's anytime:
var currentDate = new Date();
currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 1);
The reason I edited my post is because I myself created a bug which came to light during DST using my old method.
The JavaScript Date class handles this for you
var d = new Date(2012, 1, 29) // month is 0-based in the Date constructor
// Wed Feb 29 2012
d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)
// Thu Mar 01 2012
// 1
Method Date.prototype.setDate() accepts even arguments outside the standard range and changes the date accordingly.
function getTomorrow() {
const tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); // even 32 is acceptable
return `${tomorrow.getFullYear()}/${tomorrow.getMonth() + 1}/${tomorrow.getDate()}`;
Using JS only(Pure js)
new Date()
//Tue Oct 06 2020 12:34:29 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0))
//Tue Oct 06 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0,0)).toLocaleDateString('fr-CA')
new Date(+new Date() + 86400000);
//Wed Oct 07 2020 12:44:02 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(+new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) + 86400000);
//Wed Oct 07 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
new Date(+new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0,0)+ 86400000).toLocaleDateString('fr-CA')
//don't forget the '+' before new Date()
Day after tomorrow
Just multiply by two ex:- 2*86400000
You can find all the locale shortcodes from
I would use the DateJS library. It can do exactly that.
The do the following:
var d = new"dd-mm-yyyy"); - gives you today at midnight.
The below uses a combination of Roderick and Phil's answers with two extra conditionals that account for single digit months/days.
Many APIs I've worked with are picky about this, and require dates to have eight digits (eg '02022017'), instead of the 6 or 7 digits the date class is going to give you in some situations.
function nextDayDate() {
// get today's date then add one
var nextDay = new Date();
nextDay.setDate(nextDay.getDate() + 1);
var month = nextDay.getMonth() + 1;
var day = nextDay.getDate();
var year = nextDay.getFullYear();
if (month < 10) { month = "0" + month }
if (day < 10) { day = "0" + day }
return month + day + year;
Use cases :
Date.tomorrow() // 1 day next
Date.daysNext(1) // alternative Date.tomorrow()
Date.daysNext(2) // 2 days next.
IF "tomorrow " is not depend of today but of another Date different of, Don't use static methods but rather you must use non-static :
i.e: Fri Dec 05 2008
var dec5_2008=new Date(Date.parse('2008/12/05'));
dec5_2008.tomorrow(); // 2008/12/06
dec5_2008.tomorrow().day // 6
dec5_2008.tomorrow().month // 12
dec5_2008.tomorrow().year //2008
dec5_2008.daysNext(1); // the same as previous
dec5_2008.daysNext(7) // next week :)
Dateold=Date;function Date(e){var t=null;if(e){t=new Dateold(e)}else{t=new Dateold};t.month=t.getMonth()+1;t.year=t.getFullYear();return t}Date.prototype.daysNext=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return new Date(this.getTime()+24*60*60*1e3*e)};Date.prototype.daysAgo=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return Date.daysNext(-1*e)};Date.prototype.tomorrow=function(){return this.daysNext(1)};Date.prototype.yesterday=function(){return this.daysAgo(1)};Date.tomorrow=function(){return Date.daysNext(1)};Date.yesterday=function(){return Date.daysAgo(1)};Date.daysNext=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return new Date((new Date).getTime()+24*60*60*1e3*e)};Date.daysAgo=function(e){if(!e){e=0}return Date.daysNext(-1*e)}
Method 1: If you don't have problem in using other library, then this could work for you using moment.js
moment().add('days', 1).format('L');
Method 2: Using Date.js,
<script type="text/javascript" src="date.js"></script>
var tomorrow = new"dd-mm-yyyy");
This method uses external library and not the native Date library.
As my bootstrap-datetimepicker was using moment.js and native date library, I preferred method 1. This question mentions these and some other methods.
Its really simple:
1: Create date object with today' date and time.
2: Use date object methods to retrieve day, month and full year and concatenate them using the + operator.
Sample Code:
var my_date = new Date();
var tomorrow_date = (my_date.getDate() + 1) + "-" + (my_date.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + my_date.getFullYear();
function getMonday(d)
// var day = d.getDay();
var day = #Config.WeekStartOn
diff = d.getDate() - day + (day == 0 ? -6 : 0);
return new Date(d.setDate(diff));
The same as the original answer, but in one line:
var tomorrow = new Date( + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
The numbers stand for 24 hours 60 minutes 60 seconds 1000 milliseconds.
you can try this:
function Tomorrow(date=false) {
var givendate = (date!=false) ? new Date(date) : new Date();
givendate.setDate(givendate.getDate() + 1);
var day = givendate.getUTCDate()
var month = givendate.getUTCMonth()+1
var year = givendate.getUTCFullYear()
result ="<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>";
return result;
var day = Tomorrow('2020-06-30');
console.log('tomorrows1: '+Tomorrow('2020-06-30'));
console.log('tomorrows2: '+Tomorrow());
//to get date of tomorrow
let tomorrow=new Date(`${(new Date()).getFullYear()}-${(new Date()).getMonth()+1}-${(new Date()).getDate()+1}`);
//for dd-mm-yy format
//-----------Date Configuration march 18,2014----------------------
var date = new Date();
y = date.getFullYear(), m = date.getMonth();
var EndDate = new Date();
switch (DateFilter) {
case 'today': var StartDate = EndDate; //todays date
case 'yesterday':
var d = new Date();
var previousDate = new Date(d.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
var StartDate = new Date(previousDate.yyyymmdd()); //yesterday Date
case 'tomorrow':
var d = new Date();
var NextDate = new Date(d.getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
var StartDate = new Date(NextDate.yyyymmdd()); //tomorrow Date
case 'thisweek': var StartDate = getMonday(new Date()); //1st date of this week
case 'thismonth': var StartDate = new Date(y, m, 1); //1st date of this month
case 'thisyear': var StartDate = new Date("01/01/" + date.getFullYear()); //1st date of this year
case 'custom': //var StartDate = $("#txtFromDate").val();
var d = new Date();
var StartDate = new Date(d.getTime() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); //one month ago date from now.
if (DateFilter != "custom") {
var SDate = $.datepicker.formatDate('#Config.DateFormat', StartDate); $("#txtFromDate").val(SDate);
var EDate = $.datepicker.formatDate('#Config.DateFormat', EndDate); $("#txtToDate").val(EDate);
//-----------Date Configuration march 18,2014----------------------
var curDate = new Date().toLocaleString().split(',')[0];
Simply! in format.
Date.prototype.NextDay = function (e) {
return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate() + ("string" == typeof e ? parseInt(e, 10) : e));
// tomorrow
console.log(new Date().NextDay(1))
// day after tomorrow
console.log(new Date().NextDay(2))

