Pushing data from socket.io into array - javascript

I have the following problem that I cant seem to work out. I'm trying to get an array of arrays from my socket.io emitter that is structured like follows:
[ [{...},{...},{...}] , [{...},{...}] , [{...}] ]
Instead I get this:
I need all the arrays in one master array so that I can render bootstrap cards for each sub array.
Client side code:
const socket = io("http://localhost:5000");
socket.on('data', (dta) => {
function handleData(data) {
const masterArray= [];
Server side code:
for(let i = 0 ; i < alarmpanels.length ; i++) {
const ElkClient = elkClient.ElkClient;
let client = new ElkClient({
connection: {
name: alarmpanels[i].name,
host: alarmpanels[i].host,
port: alarmpanels[i].port,
secure: alarmpanels[i].secure,
zones: alarmpanels[i].zones
async function connectClient(client) {
await client.connect();
const zonesArray = client.options.connection.zones;
const arr = [];
try {
const clhost = client.options.connection.host;
const clport = client.options.connection.port;
const clsecure = client.options.connection.secure;
let data = await client.getArmingStatus();
for (i = 0 ; i < zonesArray.length ; i ++) {
const armUpState = await data.areas[i].armUpState;
const clName = client.options.connection.name;
const zoneName = zonesArray[i].name;
const siteName = zonesArray[i].site;
const clzone = zonesArray[i].zone;
const totalPanels = zonesArray[i].length;
const info = new PanelStatus(clhost, clport ,clsecure, clzone, siteName, clName, zoneName, armUpState, totalPanels);
io.on('connection', (socket, req) => {
socket.emit('data', {data: arr});
catch (err) {
console.log("Connection Lost!");

Your client code need slight changes
1) keep the masterArray declaration outside of handleData
2) When pushing to masterArray, use ... spread operator.
const masterArray = [];
const socket = io("http://localhost:5000");
socket.on("data", dta => {
function handleData(data) {
handleData([{ a: 4 }, { b: 5 }]);
handleData([{ z: 4 }]);
handleData([{ p: 4 }, { q: 5 }, { r: 5 }]);

If you can use es2020, you can use Array.flat()
let startingArray = [
entry1: 1,
entry2: 2,
entry3: 3
}, {
entry4: 4,
entry5: 5,
entry6: 6
}, {
entry7: 7,
entry8: 8,
entry9: 9
entry10: 10,
entry11: 11,
entry12: 12
}, {
entry13: 13,
entry14: 14,
entry15: 15
entry16: 16,
entry17: 17,
entry18: 18
const flattened = startingArray.flat()
console.log('startingArray', startingArray)
console.log('flattened', flattened)


How to assign an object returned by an async function to a variable

I have a function that scrapes a data from a website. THe function is this:
const getSharesInfo = async () => {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(url);
const $ = cheerio.load(data);
const elmSelector =
"#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_LiveTrading > table > tbody > tr";
const keys = [
"% Change",
"Close Price",
$(elmSelector).each((parentIdx, parentElm) => {
let keyIdx = 0;
const sharesObj = {};
.each((childIdx, childElm) => {
const tdValue = $(childElm).text();
if (tdValue) {
sharesObj[keys[keyIdx]] = tdValue;
return sharesObj;
} catch (err) {
It makes an object from the data scraped. Then when I run the function it console log the shareObj and output is like this:
Name: 'USLB',
LTP: '890.00',
'% Change': '0.79',
Open: '890.00',
High: '888.10',
Low: '888.10',
Qty: '24'
Name: 'VLBS',
LTP: '849.00',
'% Change': '0',
Open: '850.00',
High: '833.00',
Low: '834.00',
Qty: '285'
Name: 'WNLB',
LTP: '927.30',
'% Change': '-4.4',
Open: '965.00',
High: '927.30',
Low: '965.00',
Qty: '270'
I want to catch it and pass it to the home route. I have setup router like this.
app.get("/", async (req, res) => {
const shares = await getSharesInfo();
res.render("home", { shares });
But when I console log shares I get nothing. No errors no data nothing. It just prints some empty spaces. How can I solve this ??
Move the const sharesObj = {} declaration outside of the call to .each (= move it up 3 lines) and move the line return sharesObj; out of the .each loop, too (e. g.: move it down two lines).
As of now you create the constant binding inside .each and then return it inside the .each callback, not in getSharesInfo.
const getSharesInfo = async () => {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(url);
const $ = cheerio.load(data);
const elmSelector =
"#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_LiveTrading > table > tbody > tr";
const keys = [
"% Change",
"Close Price",
const sharesObj = {}; // <-- new position
$(elmSelector).each((parentIdx, parentElm) => {
let keyIdx = 0;
//const sharesObj = {}; <-- old position
.each((childIdx, childElm) => {
const tdValue = $(childElm).text();
if (tdValue) {
sharesObj[keys[keyIdx]] = tdValue;
//return sharesObj; <-- old position
return sharesObj; // <-- new position
} catch (err) {

Iterating through multiple documents

I'm running into some difficulties iterating through a list of documents. I'm working on an app for distributing season tickets amongst friends and I've created a document store in mongodb. When I post the teamId and number of tickets (groups) it creates a document with the below structure.
draftOwner: '',
draftState: 'active',
draftCreate: 1659240148635,
draftGroups: 2,
homeTeam: '',
homeId: 17,
draftInvites: '',
homeSchedule: [
date: '2022-10-14T23:30:00Z',
home_id: 17,
home_name: 'Detroit Red Wings',
away_id: 8,
away_name: 'Montréal Canadiens',
ticketName_0: '',
ticketOwner_0: '',
ticketName_1: '',
ticketOwner_1: ''
date: '2022-10-17T23:30:00Z',
home_id: 17,
home_name: 'Detroit Red Wings',
away_id: 26,
away_name: 'Los Angeles Kings',
ticketName_0: '',
ticketOwner_0: '',
ticketName_1: '',
ticketOwner_1: ''
date: '2022-10-23T21:00:00Z',
home_id: 17,
home_name: 'Detroit Red Wings',
away_id: 24,
away_name: 'Anaheim Ducks',
ticketName_0: '',
ticketOwner_0: '',
ticketName_1: '',
ticketOwner_1: ''
}, ... ]
Example of my post method that creates documents for reference.
const createDraft = (req, res, next) => {
const teamId = parseInt(req.query.id);
const draftGroups = parseInt(req.query.groups);
const url = nhlScheduleAPI + teamId.toString() + season;
let settings = { method: "Get"};
fetch(url, settings)
.then(res => res.json())
.then((json) => {
let games = json['dates'];
let draftSchedule = [];
for (let i = 0; i < games.length; i++) {
let row = {};
if (games[i]['games'][0]['teams']['home']['team']['id'] === teamId) {
Object.assign(row, {date: games[i]['games'][0]['gameDate']});
Object.assign(row, {home_id: games[i]['games'][0]['teams']['home']['team']['id']});
Object.assign(row, {home_name: games[i]['games'][0]['teams']['home']['team']['name']});
Object.assign(row, {away_id: games[i]['games'][0]['teams']['away']['team']['id']});
Object.assign(row, {away_name: games[i]['games'][0]['teams']['away']['team']['name']});
for (let n = 0; n < draftGroups; n++) {
let ticketName = "ticketName_" + n.toString();
let ticketOwner = "ticketOwner_" + n.toString();
Object.assign(row, {[ticketName]: ""})
Object.assign(row, {[ticketOwner]: ""})
let newDraftObj = new Object({ draftOwner: "", draftState: "active", draftCreate: Date.now(),
draftGroups: draftGroups, homeTeam: "", homeId: teamId, draftInvites: "", homeSchedule: draftSchedule });
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
async function run() {
try {
const database = client.db("ticketdrafterDB");
const drafts = database.collection("drafts");
const result = await drafts.insertOne(newDraftObj);
} finally {
await client.close();
So now what I am running into issues with is iterating through the list of the currently {draftState: active} drafts. I'm trying to show a page that just has a table output of each object showing [draftCreate, homeTeam, draftOwner]. Here is what I have created so far and I'm getting console output, so the objects are being retrieved but I just can't display them to the client for some reason.
const homeView = (req, res, next) => {
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
async function run() {
try {
const database = client.db("ticketdrafterDB");
const collection = database.collection("drafts");
const query = { draftState: "active" };
const options = { projection: { homeSchedule: 1 }};
const drafts = collection.find(query, options);
if ((await drafts.count()) === 0) {
console.log("No documents found!")
res.render('index', {drafts: drafts});
} finally {
await client.close();
each draft in drafts
p #{draft.draftState}
Would really appreciate any guidance here, thanks in advance!
try turning the drafts cursor into an array with method toArray:
const results = await drafts.toArray();
res.render('index', {drafts: results});

Result won't update VAR

I am trying to run a query, inside AXIOS which gets data from a 3rd party URL. Then uses some of that data to search our mongoDB database.
However it seems it won't update var total = 0
While the query below does function correctly, the return result won't allow me to set that it to the query.
Promise.all(arr.forEach( async (id,index) => {
const search = await geoLocation.find({
'location': {
'$geoWithin': {
'$box': [
[-35.2418503, -13.5076852], [112.8656697, 129.0020486]
total = search.length;
See the full code below
var array = [];
var pointarray = []
var total = 0;
areas.forEach((id,index) => {
if(id.type == "Point"){
pointarray[index] = "N"+id.id;
array[index] = "R"+id.id;
var arraySearch = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/lookup?osm_ids="+array.toString()+"&polygon_geojson=1&bbox=1&format=json";
var pointSearch = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/lookup?osm_ids="+pointarray.toString()+"&polygon_geojson=1&bbox=0&format=json"
const requestOne = axios.get(arraySearch);
const requestTwo = axios.get(pointSearch);
axios.all([requestOne, requestTwo])
.then(axios.spread((...responses) => {
const responseOne = responses[0]
const responseTwo = responses[1]
process the responses and return in an array accordingly.
return [
.then(arr => {
Promise.all(arr.forEach( async (id,index) => {
//const middleIndex = id[index].boundingbox.length / 2;
//const firstHalf = id[index].boundingbox.splice(0, middleIndex);
//const secondHalf = id[index].boundingbox.splice(-middleIndex);
const query = [{
$match: {
location: {
$geoWithin: {$box:[[Number(firstHalf[0]),Number(firstHalf[1])],[Number(secondHalf[0]),Number(secondHalf[1])]]
$count: 'id'
const search = await geoLocation.find({
'location': {
'$geoWithin': {
'$box': [
[-35.2418503, -13.5076852], [112.8656697, 129.0020486]
total = search.length;
// total = search.length;
// const search = geoLocation.aggregate(query).toArray.length;
.catch(errors => {
console.log("ERRORS", errors);
.then(function () {

Run Promise all in an await for loop

I have a nested array of Promise function. Eg:
let callSet = [
[ func1 , func2 , func3],
[ func4 , func5 , func6],
[ func7 , func8 , func9],
the response of await func1() will be in below structure:
data : [ {id: 1} , {id:2}],
status: 400
I want to run it in a for loop so that they run in batch sequentially and incrementally load the data into array as they come in. Tried below code but I am lost on how to do it:
const finalData = [];
private asyncForEach(PromiseGroups): Promise<any> {
return PromiseGroups.reduce(async (acc, cItem) => {
const results = await acc;
const res = await Promise.all(cItem) as any;
finalData = [...finalData , ...[].concat(...res.map(r => r.data))];
return results
}, Promise.resolve([]))
I would like to load it in as:
[ {id: 1}, {id:2} , {id: 3} ..... ]
and this should get updated as the Promise all is getting resolved
I want to wait till func1 , func2 , func3 is resolved and then move to func4 , func5 , func6 . and once I get data of func4 , func5 , func6 , I want to push it with the data of func1 , func2 , func3
Try the below code:
private init(){
let callSet = [
[ func1 , func2 , func3],
[ func4 , func5 , func6],
[ func7 , func8 , func9],
this.asyncForEach(callSet,this.fetchInBatch.bind(this) )
private asyncForEach(funcGrpList, execFunc) {
return funcGrpList.reduce((p,funcList) => {
return p.then(() => execFunc(funcList));
}, Promise.resolve());
private fetchInBatch(pageGroupList) {
return Promise.all(pageGroupList).then((res: any) => {
this.finalData = [...this.finalData , ...[].concat(...res.map(r => r.data))];
This should work as expected
Edit: Assuming the last array result is return directly because there is no need to wait for next loop to be finished.
async function run(callSet) {
const output = [];
let prev = [];
const len = callSet.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const array = await Promise.all(callSet[i].map(func => func()));
const data = array.map(item => item.data);
if (i === 0) {
// no need to append item to output
// just append item to previous array for next loop to use.
} else if (i < len) {
// append item to output from previous result.
prev = [];
// append data to previous result for next loop.
} else {
//last loop, just append data from previous result and current result
This will call the execution sets in the requested order and timing and add the return data as soon as the group of promises returns
const finalData = [];
async function execute() {
for (const set of callSet) {
const resp = await Promise.all(set.map(f => f()));
finalData.push(...resp.map(r => r.data).flat());
Once execute() is called finalData will be updated asynchronously once for each 'row' of functions.
For future readers
resp.map(r => r.data).flat() is due to the specified promises payload. If someone needs just to pack the results together the code would be:
for (const set of callSet) {
const resp = await Promise.all(set);
If you want to load the data in chunks but produce flat array of results, your easiest option is to use async/await syntax:
interface Data {
id: number
interface DataResponse {
data: Data[];
status: number;
type AsyncCall = () => Promise<DataResponse>;
/* ... */
const result: Data[] = [];
for(const chunk of callSet) {
const chunkResult = await Promise.all(chunk.map(f => f()));
result.push(...chunkResult.flatMap(x => x.data));
Playground Link
JavaScript demo:
/* mock section */
const fakeFunc = (id1, id2) => ()=>
data : [{id: id1} , {id: id2}],
status: 400
const func1 = fakeFunc(1, 2),
func2 = fakeFunc(3, 4),
func3 = fakeFunc(5, 6),
func4 = fakeFunc(7, 8),
func5 = fakeFunc(9, 10),
func6 = fakeFunc(11, 12),
func7 = fakeFunc(13, 14),
func8 = fakeFunc(15, 16),
func9 = fakeFunc(17, 18)
/* /mock section */
async function main() {
let callSet = [
[ func1 , func2 , func3],
[ func4 , func5 , func6],
[ func7 , func8 , func9],
const result = [];
for(const chunk of callSet) {
const chunkResult = await Promise.all(chunk.map(f => f()));
result.push(...chunkResult.flatMap(x => x.data));
return result;
.then(r => console.log(r));
I you prefer to use the Promise API only, instead of async/await, then you can reduce into a promise like this:
interface Data {
id: number
interface DataResponse {
data: Data[];
status: number;
type AsyncCall = () => Promise<DataResponse>;
/* ... */
const result = callSet.reduce((p: Promise<Data[]>, chunk: AsyncCall[]) =>
p.then(acc =>
Promise.all(chunk.map(f => f()))
.then(chunkResult => acc.concat(chunkResult.flatMap(x => x.data))))
, Promise.resolve([]));
Playground Link
JavaScript demo:
/* mock section */
const fakeFunc = (id1, id2) => () =>
data : [{id: id1} , {id: id2}],
status: 400
const func1 = fakeFunc(1, 2),
func2 = fakeFunc(3, 4),
func3 = fakeFunc(5, 6),
func4 = fakeFunc(7, 8),
func5 = fakeFunc(9, 10),
func6 = fakeFunc(11, 12),
func7 = fakeFunc(13, 14),
func8 = fakeFunc(15, 16),
func9 = fakeFunc(17, 18)
/* /mock section */
function main() {
let callSet = [
[ func1 , func2 , func3],
[ func4 , func5 , func6],
[ func7 , func8 , func9],
const result = callSet.reduce((p, chunk) =>
p.then(acc =>
Promise.all(chunk.map(f => f()))
.then(chunkResult => acc.concat(chunkResult.flatMap(x => x.data))))
, Promise.resolve([]));
return result;
.then(r => console.log(r));
However, it is a bit ugly. It can be improved by extracting some functions:
interface Data {
id: number
interface DataResponse {
data: Data[];
status: number;
type AsyncCall = () => Promise<DataResponse>;
/* ... */
const combineWith = (acc: Data[]) => (chunkResult: DataResponse[]) =>
acc.concat(chunkResult.flatMap(x => x.data));
const process = (chunk: AsyncCall[]) => (acc: Data[]) =>
Promise.all(chunk.map(f => f()))
/* ... */
const result = callSet.reduce((p: Promise<Data[]>, chunk: AsyncCall[]) =>
, Promise.resolve([]))
Playground Link
JavaScript demo:
/* mock section */
const fakeFunc = (id1, id2) => () =>
data : [{id: id1} , {id: id2}],
status: 400
const func1 = fakeFunc(1, 2),
func2 = fakeFunc(3, 4),
func3 = fakeFunc(5, 6),
func4 = fakeFunc(7, 8),
func5 = fakeFunc(9, 10),
func6 = fakeFunc(11, 12),
func7 = fakeFunc(13, 14),
func8 = fakeFunc(15, 16),
func9 = fakeFunc(17, 18)
/* /mock section */
const combineWith = (acc) => (chunkResult) =>
acc.concat(chunkResult.flatMap(x => x.data));
const process = (chunk) => (acc) =>
Promise.all(chunk.map(f => f()))
function main() {
let callSet = [
[ func1 , func2 , func3],
[ func4 , func5 , func6],
[ func7 , func8 , func9],
const result = callSet.reduce((p, chunk) =>
, Promise.resolve([]));
return result;
.then(r => console.log(r));

Mock ReadableStream

Consider following code:
fetch("/").then(response => {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let res = 0;
return reader.read().then(function processResult(result) {
if (result.done) {
return res;
const part = decoder.decode(result.value, { stream: true });
res += part.length;
return reader.read().then(processResult);
}).then(res => console.log(res));
Now I want to test it. I'm mocking fetch to return fake response that should provide some reader. I want that reader to return 2 portions of data (see pieces array):
import { stub } from "sinon";
const pieces = [
new Uint8Array([65, 98, 99, 32, 208]), // "Abc " and first byte of "й"
new Uint8Array([185, 209, 139, 209, 141]), // Second byte of "й" and "ыэ"
const fetchStub = stub(window, "fetch");
body: {
getReader() {
// What's here?
Is there something I can simply write in getReader or I should fully mock it like I do with fetch?
Mocked it manually:
fetchStub = stub(window, "fetch");
body: {
getReader() {
let i = 0;
return {
read() {
return Promise.resolve(
i < pieces.length
? { value: pieces[i++], done: false }
: { value: undefined, done: true }

