How to initialize a library in react-native - javascript

I'm trying to work with this react-native library, and in the documentation it says this:
Initialize Library
Somewhere high up in your project and way before calling any other method exposed by this library, your index file or equivalent is a good spot, ensure you initialize the library with your public key as follows:
import RNPaystack from 'react-native-paystack';
RNPaystack.init({ publicKey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE' });
How do I do this, without getting null object is not a function.
In my app.js I tried it with useEffect, tried with componentwillmount , tried several ways, same error.
I feel I'm doing it wrongly.
Can someone tell how to initialize a library properly in react native.
Thanks :)

This is most likely happening because you haven't linked the native modules properly. That's expected as you mentioned you're using Expo, which doesn't allow you to add custom native code. If you want to use this library, you'll have to eject from Expo. See the docs.


Nanoid library not working as a thingsboard resource

I need to generate a 10 character id for a project in Thingsboard, i'm facing a problem with the nanoid lib. I need to use the cdnjs so i've tried first with the 4.0 version (the index.browser.min.js one) and it's giving me this problem as soon as i click on execute. "Unexpexted token export" error.
So i tried with the 3.3.4 version Cannot use import statement outside a module.
Thingsboard lets you program in javscript and gives you a space for cdnjs to import library/resources Thingsboard.
I'm in a clean widget creation so i don't think something is interfering, i've tried with other lib (like uuid) and it works just fine. I've even tried with the html but the outcome it's the same.
Does somebody knows why it's doing like this and how to fix it?
self.onInit = function() {
nanoid => {

Why is jsfiddle saying the reference is undefined

I'm quite new to javascript and jsfiddle. I've been able to toy around with other fiddles that I find, but setting one up myself has proved difficult.
I'm attempting to use a library from npm to get a proof of concept for how it might work. I'm not sure why my import of the module is not working with jsfiddle.
What am I missing to get my fiddle working?
used the resourced bar to import the unpkg script
tried using the method outlined in the package readme
var json = [...]
jsonQuery('[DisplayText]', json)
When I follow the unpkg link I see that it has requires such as:
var State = require('./lib/state')
The problem is not only can the browser not understand require, it doesn't have files like ./lib/state available.
I think the problem here is that you are trying to download the raw source, which needs to be built with something like webpack before it can be used in the browser.

How to use i18n-iso-countries in React?

I'm working on a React app and trying to use the i18n-iso-countries package to get a countries object in English which has keys as iso codes and values as the country names. This is easy in node, as I've verified with a simple script running the way the i18n-iso-countries npm docs show, like this:
const countries = require("i18n-iso-countries");
But when I do this in my react app (made with create-react-app) like this ...
import countries from "i18n-iso-countries";
...I get an empty object back. When I log just countries (console.log(countries)) in React, I see the function "getNames" on it and the other functions the docs mention, so I'm not sure what gives.
Just needed to add this line!
Not sure why this needs to be added in React (and Angular - where I found answer How to use i18n-iso-countries in Angular 6 - and probably other ui libraries/frameworks) so if someone could explain that, that would be cool, but hey, at least it's working!
It is a little bit to late. But to answer jupiterjelly this line is needed for browser environment, so that your bundler knows that it needs to put this file in the bundle

Using existing cljs components in a React project?
There is this existing post about using existing ReactJS components in a CLJS/Reagent project. I'm looking to do the opposite. I have a bunch of CLJS components and would like to compile them into a ui library of some sort so that they can be used by React developers. That is, if I have a button CLJS component, I would like to be able to render that Button using < Button /> or mylib.Button(_) etc.. in a React/js app file.
I have read this - - extensively but it's not quite working out. I've been using ":target :node-library" and I can get simple functions (that return strings/numbers, for example) to compile and work in my app, etc.. but it doesn't work for entire components. For example, my cljs button component takes in :
defn button [props & children]
but when I try to pass in these parameters (I call {lib.button({}, {})} in my App.js file), I get errors like "No protocol method IMap.-dissoc defined", because I'm trying to pass JS objects into CLJS-only functions, I believe. Not sure how to resolve this..
I can explain more on this if it would help clarify. It would also be super helpful if anyone had a reference demo project or any resources they could link me to.
I only have a few suggestions:
You can try to build a new sample project to consume your library with lein new figwheel myproject and use JavaScript interop to move one step at a time closer to the native JS way of using your library.
You can create an interface namespace that can consume JS objects and wrap these into Clojure data structures to sort out the protocol errors you're seeing, eg. functions that take a props parameter and pass down (js->clj props) to the rest of the code underneath.
For the authoritative source, check the Reagent docs, especially this:

Parse can't find localStorage variable in React Native

I have a React Native app that works fine with the Chrome debugger open. Once I disable it though, I keep getting the following error whenever I try to make any Parse calls:
The call stack leads back to the following code attempting to log a user in:
success: function(res) {
error: function(error) {
console.log(error.code + ' ' + error.message);
I've tried removing the console statements, in case the error had to do with the console not being available, but no avail. This happens with other Parse calls, and always has to do with the missing localStorage variable.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Looks like there is a similar issue with Firebase.!topic/firebase-talk/Y_usPRhOIYA
They mention that the problem has to do with there not being a polyfill for localStorage.
The answers above are technically right, but Parse has provided a solution that doesn't require a polyfil or downgrading. This was due to my perpetual lack of reading. I found this on the Parse React docs:
As of version 1.6, the Parse JS SDK has a different build for React
Native. If you're using Parse+React on React Native, you'll need to
require the 'parse-react/react-native' package instead.
For example:
// For React Native apps
var React = require('react-native');
var Parse = require('parse/react-native');
var ParseReact = require('parse-react/react-native');
Sorry for not mentioning I was using Parse React as well. I thought the problem was just with Parse, as I hadn't begun to add data subscriptions via Parse React.
That's correct (with polyfill). There is no localStorage added as polyfill nor the Apple's embedded javascriptCore engine has localStorage implemented (where Chrome's v8 has it implemented of course). Main reason is that localStorage is synchronous and React should only work with asynchronous operations by design.
There is a nice solution/mini-polyfill that replaces localstorage with an in-memory version: . That should let parse use localstorage for cache (that's the main purpose they are using it now I believe). The data will not be persistently stored between application executions. I am not sure if you can disable localstorage use by Parse, but that's another possibility to explore.
I downgraded to 1.5.0 and working now.
"dependencies": {
"parse": "1.5.0",
I do not think that even being forced to use Parse+React is a good enough solution. For example I am building my app with Redux, it makes a lot more sense for me to keep all of my API Requests inside my action creators.
In 1.6.0 Parse is forcing us to use Local Storage, when React Native does not support it. React Native does however support AsyncStorage.
For me I just downgraded to 1.5, hopefully they will give an option to use Local Storage or Async Storage in the future.
So people that stumble upon this and would not like to be forced to use Parse+React your answer is to downgrade to 1.5, in your package.json change your dependencies to "parse": "1.5.0".
This problem can easily be fixed by:
npm install localstorage-polyfill
and then in App.js
import 'localstorage-polyfill';
EDIT: this error potentially means you have outdated or incompatible library dependencies. You can try to reinstall with rm -rf node_modules; npm install

