How to add react component inside .Net aspx page - javascript

I have one react app which provides multiple components like <Button> <Label>. I want to render those component inside apsx page.
For example.
I know we can use iframe in aspx page to render react app or #script.render in cshmtl file. But am looking for some another way to render inside aspx page.
am new to dot net. I have created one ASP.Net web Application using MS visual studio.Any help would be really helpful..
Got this github link for this. enter link description here
Now I want to understand how I can add multiple react components, webpack, babel, package.json etc.

You could create a with a class (e.g. "react-component") and then in your JS code do the following:
ReactDOM.render(, document.querySelector('react-component'));


How to embed a Razor component inside an element added on the JavaScript side

In the Blazor WebAssembly App, I would like to embed a Razor component in a div element newly added on the JavaScript side. Please let me know if there is a better way.
What I want to do
Prepare components such as Sample.razor in advance
Call JavaScript functions in response to button clicks on the initial page
Add div element by createElement in the called JavaScript function
Embed the Sample.razor component within the div element added above
What I tried
Use innerHTML for the div element added in 3. above, and include a call tag for the Razor component.(<Sample></Sample>)
-> Nothing is shown.
Add elements such as iframe/object/embed in innerHTML and include the path to the razor component. (src='/sample')
-> Not Found. (Because this is a WebAssembly app, component pages are not rendered if we request to a server.)
Visual Studio 2019
.NET 5
Project creation from Visual Studio using Blazor WebAssembly template
If you have prepared the Simple.Razor component in advance, one way you can achieve this is assign this component under if condition as follows,
and on press of a button change visible variable in a function followed by,
and it will do what you want this way you dont have to do JSInjection.

Is it possible to convert html homepage to a react component to render in Index.js Create-React-App

I have an existing templated website that i want to continue with react. I decided to use create-react-app for that, but i do not know how to move the html based template to the react application. What i am trying to do now is to find a way to create a functional component out of the html file and then pass it to the index.js file for rendering. What i don't know is if this will work. Any ideas on the best way to do this?
There have tiny changes with HTML and JSX. JSX use className instead of class and htmlFor instead of for as mentioned up there.
If you are using VS code editor, here are your steps to make things a bit easier:-
In Vs code, Download an extension name HTML to JSX.
open your raw HTML code with VS code.
Select all code you want to convert.
Right-click and see at the bottom of the list, you will see an option Convert HTML to JSX. Click it and you are done.
Yes it is, and JSX was designed to be very similar to HTML to allow just that sort of thing.
However, JSX does have a few differences from HTML, which you'll want to read about. For instance, certain HTML attributes "overlap" with JS keywords, so in JSX you should use (for instance) htmlFor instead of for, and className instead of class. Also every tag has to be closed (as in XHTML).
Once you get your initial HTML into your Javascript file, you'll then want to start breaking up the parts of that page into separate React components, so that you can focus on them (and their logic) in independent chunks.

How to make from react component local working library (that render component to dom element, like jquery)?

I have made SPA create-react-app. In the core there is a pharsal player with translations:
It has many dependencies like wavesurfe.js, material-ui, lodash, etc.
Under the hood there is a simple table with content:
Now I want to make a single js file for just a player. For add it directly to html file with and it'll render player from DOM element
<div id="frazy-player">Content of material </div>
But whole app has router, drawers with heading (playlist), homepage etc. - that I don't need in local version.
How to bield react component with many dependencies to single js file, which will be rendered into given DOM element locally, in simple HTML file?
Working demo with player is here.

React.JS Inject a HTML file into another HTML file.

I'm currently learning React.js, knowing that it is just the view of MVC. I have come from a Angular stack and I'm starting to worry about a few things with React.js.
One of them being if you have a partial html file how can you inject that file into another to build a functioning html file.
For example. How would i go about including a header, body and footer files into one?
I've read about dangourouslyinnerHTML which I don't want to use for XSS reasons. Is there a different way that I'm missing? Or is this something I will have to get gulp to compile?
As discussed in the comments, the React paradigm is a bit different. React is built on the concept of components which contain events, HTML, and CSS in JavaScript.
For example, you could have a Head, Body and Footer component that would all be rendered in your App component. This example uses JSX:
var App = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<Head />
<Body />
<Footer />
The Head, Body and Footer components would look similar, each with their own render function that returns HTML in it.
I recommend reading the Thinking in React section of the React Docs.

JSF custom component missing auto generated JavaScript when used with Oracle ADF

am working on project, where custom JSF component is built and it is working fine in test *.jsp page.
But when this custom tag is used within ADF tag, it's not working. (in weblogic server)
<af:showDetailItem ......>
<af:panelGroupLayout ......>
<custom:customComp .... />
Error Details: Custom tag is rendered properly. When ever I click on any button inside a custom component it won't work. I analyzed rendered output of jsp/adf page using firebug. I found auto generated JavaScript for custom components are missing.
Could anybody please point me out why the JavaScript for (only) custom tag is not loaded.
Check this reference this reference, I believe it should fix your problem

