Remove a specific string from the beginning of a string? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My code:
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
//output of pathname is "/removethis/page/removethis/color.html"
var string = "/removethis/";
if (pathname.match("^"+string)) {
pathname = preg_replace(string, '', pathname);
The output is:
I try to find out if the beginning of the string is a match to /something/ and if yes, then remove this string from the beginning of "pathname";
What I expect is:
But I get the error
preg_replace is not defined

You could use RegExp to do this in one go
var pathname = "/removethis/page/removethis/color.html";
var string = "/removethis/";
var regex = new RegExp("^" + string);

You need to use .replace() in JavaScript, preg_replace() is for PHP.
Try this :
pathname = pathname.replace(string, '')

You need to remove the quotes from around your regex.
var pathname = "/removethis/page/removethis/color.html";
//output of pathname is "/removethis/page/removethis/color.html"
var regex = /^\/removethis/;
if (pathname.match(regex)) {
pathname = pathname.replace(regex, '');


How to replace last substring of a string in javascript? [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to replace the last substring of a string without splitting the whole string. Exp: "I am a newbie" to "I am a student". But this piece of code not working. Please, help!
var old = "newbie"
var new_ = "student"
var str = str.replace(new RegExp(old + '$'), new_);
Your code is working. But you had not declared the str variable with the value "I am a newbie". You directly tried to replace, which may have caused it to not work.
var old = "newbie"
var new_ = "student"
var str = "I am a newbie"
str = str.replace(new RegExp(old + '$'), new_);
A more general answer, if you want to replace the last word of the input string by another value, but you do not know what that word will be beforehand, you can use a regular expression.
string.replace(/\w+$/, 'student');
const strings = [
'I am a newbie',
'I like sunshine',
'I do not like pheasants'
strings.forEach(e => {
console.log(`Updated ${e} to ${e.replace(/\w+$/, 'student')}`);

Regex pattern for following example test test123 [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Regex pattern for following example test test123 .first string between A-za-z and second string should be A-Za-z0-9
hello world123 (true)
123 hello123 (false)
You can use like ^[a-zA-Z]+[ ][a-zA-Z0-9]+$
function CheckValidation() {
var str = document.getElementById("txtInput").value;
var pattern = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+[ ][a-zA-Z0-9]+$");
var res = pattern.test(str);
document.getElementById("para").innerHTML = res;
<input type="text" id="txtInput" />
<button onclick="CheckValidation()">Check</button>
<p id="para"></p>
Used the below and working fine
var pattern = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z]+[ a-zA-Z0-9]+$");
var res = pattern.test(str);

Javascript - Regex Does not contain some character [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I try to regex for not contain some character.
I need to show /%7(.*?);/g which dose not contain "=".
I try to input
and change to
?!( (.?)=(.?) )
But it dose not work.
Please help. Thanks.
//Here is my simple regex
reg = /%7((?!xx=1).*?);/g ;
//Here is my string
str = "%7aa; %7bb=11; %7cc=123; %7xx=1; %7yy; %7zz=2;"
//I need
%7aa; and %7yy;
Instead of using a negative lookahead, try using a ^ block:
const reg = /%7([^=;]+);/g;
The ([^=;]+) bit matches any non-=, the condition you're looking for, and non-;, the character at the end of your regex.
I left the capture group in since your question's regex also contains it.
const reg = /%7([^=;]+);/g;
const str = "%7aa; %7bb=11; %7cc=123; %7xx=1; %7yy; %7zz=2;"
const matches = str.match(reg);

How to escape special charater in javascript's Variable [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I might asking a naive question.
But I am stuck. My requirement is do masking of data.
Following is the code snippet :
var str = substr(Test_dat,0,6);
var Test_dat1 = replace(Test_dat,str,"SampleSample");
So basically, "Test_dat" is input string and I am applying substr() function the on incoming data. And then replacing based on masking logic.
var Test_dat = "Vikas(vikas)";
var str = substr(Test_dat,0,5);
var Test_dat1 = replace(Test_dat,str,"SampleSample");
var Test_dat = "Vikas(vikas)";
var str = substr(Test_dat,0,6);
var Test_dat1 = replace(Test_dat,str,"SampleSample");
Error Message
Function call replace is not valid : Unclosed group near index 6
I know it's because of '(' but I am not able to understand how to escape in variable "str".
Any Help!!
Change the way you use substr and replace. This code works well.
var Test_dat = "Vikas(vikas)";
var str = Test_dat.substr(0,6);
var Test_dat1 = Test_dat.replace(str,"SampleSample");

Replace method in javascript [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to replace a string in javascript using regex but not able to do it. What I am trying is:
var str = [{"Contact":["{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}", "{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}","{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}","{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}"]}]
str.replace(/"\\{/g,"\\{") // replace every instance of "{ with just {
I want to replace all instance of "{ with just { and all instance of }" with just }. How can I do 2 replacement together and where I am going wrong in 1 replacement as the replacement that I am using is not actually happening.
Escape { with \ once. Escaping in the replacement string is not necessary.
// "[{"Contact":[{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}", {"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}",{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}",{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}"]}]"
BTW, str in the question is not a string literal.
You can do both replacement in single replace call:
var repl = str.replace(/"(\{)|(\})"/g, '$1$2');
Make sure str is a valid string
You can use built-in JSON parsing to avoid use of regex
If you meant the string to be an actual string...
// Be sure that it's a string
var str = '[{"Contact":["{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}", "{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}","{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}","{"name":"abc","address": "xyz","PhoneNumber": "08976"}"]}]';
// Assign the output to a variable and use single backslash to escape `{`. You're
// using the literal regex construct here / ... /
result = str.replace(/"(\{)|(\})"/g,"$1$2");
And to replace both "{ to { and }" to }, you can use capture groups, backreferences and an "or" regex operator (|).

