Redux Spread Operator vs Map - javascript

I have a State of objects in an Array (in my Redux Reducer).
const initialState = {
items: [
{ id: 1, dish: "General Chicken", price: 12.1, quantity: 0 },
{ id: 2, dish: "Chicken & Broccoli", price: 10.76, quantity: 0 },
{ id: 3, dish: "Mandaran Combination", price: 15.25, quantity: 0 },
{ id: 4, dish: "Szechuan Chicken", price: 9.5, quantity: 0 }
addedItems: [],
total: 0
I have an action to add 1 to the quantity of an object, such as
{id:1, dish: Generals Chicken, price: 10.76, quantity:0}
when a button in clicked in Cart.jsx. Here's the first Reducer I tried using the spread operator:
let existing_item = state.addedItems.find(
item => action.payload ===
return {
addedItems: [
{ ...existing_item, quantity: existing_item.quantity + 1 }
This didn't work, instead of adding 1 to the quantity, it added another object with the quantity set to 2. . .So, I tried using Map like this
return {
addedItems: => === action.payload
? { ...item, quantity: item.quantity + 1 }
: item
And this worked correctly. My question is, why didn't the spread operator work? As far as I can tell, it should do the same thing as the Map?

The two pieces of code are quite different.
The first one creates a new array out of state.addedItems and the new object { ...existing_item, quantity: existing_item.quantity + 1 }, and then assigns that array to the addedItems property of the state.
The second piece of code iterates addedItems and if it finds an element with the same id as the payload, it creates a new object { ...item, quantity: item.quantity + 1 } and returns that one, instead of the original item from the array.
Thus, even though both approaches create a new array, the first one has an extra object compared to the original, while the second has an object with a modified property.

The spread syntax, when used in an array literal context, does not reproduce the keys (the indexes), but just the values. As opposed to the spread syntax in an object literal context, which produces key/value pairs. The latter allows previous entries to be overruled by a new entry, having the same key, but the first does not have this behaviour: it always spreads all values without regards for indexes.
When replacing an element in an array, while copying it, you need to:
know the index at which the substitution should be performed, and
ensure that the copy is an instance of Array, and not just a plain object
You can use findIndex and Object.assign([], ) for addressing those needs:
let index = state.addedItems.findIndex(
item => action.payload ===
existing_item = state.addedItems[index];
return {
addedItems: Object.assign([], state.addedItems, {
[index]: { ...existing_item, quantity: existing_item.quantity + 1 }

Its because in your spread example, its has no way to tell which object it should overwrite. So it doesn't operate quite the same as some other examples you might see. Consider the following:
If you had an object like this:
let test = { a: 'first', b: 'second' }
Then doing spread like this would work:
let newTest = {...test, b: 'third' }
The reason is you are specifying that b should be overwritten.
When you try to create the same effect with an array of objects, you can't specify the key. So what you're actually doing is just appending the new object to the end of the array.
In the map example, you are checking the object contents and returning a different object based on if it matches your condition, so you know which object to overwrite.


update data with useState in React js

I am new to react. I have faced one issue and not able to solve it. I am looking for your help.
I have an array which I have listed below. All data are looped and displayed in the view. From my current array, I want to update the count of dietry array[] which is inside the fruits array.
This is my useState
const [foods, setFood] = useState(fruits)
if I console.log(foods) it gives data as below.
fruits: [
id: 1,
name: 'Banana',
family: 'abc',
price: 2.99,
isEnabled: true,
dietary: [
disabled: false,
group: null,
selected: false,
text: 'N/A',
value: '858090000',
disabled: true,
group: null,
selected: true,
text: 'N/A',
value: '80000',
This data are looped in a view page and there is onClick handleIncrement method which should increment the count of dietary array of index 0 or index1 etc whichever index sent from handleIncremnt() method.
This is my method
const handleIncrementCount = (dietary_index) => {
setFood(foods =>,index) =>
dietary_index === food[index] ? {, qty:food.count+1}:food
I am not able to increase the count, in my view page counts are 0 even if i click the increment button.It shows some error within map
Any help is highly appreciated
I ma looking for a solutions
There are a few issues with your handleIncrementCount function. Firstly, you are trying to use the dietary_id parameter to find the correct food object to update, but you are using it to access the index property of the food object instead. This will always return undefined, and so the function will not be able to find the correct object to update.
Secondly, you are trying to update the qty property of the food object, but this property does not exist in the food object. Instead, you need to update the count property of the correct dietary object inside the food object.
Here is how you can fix these issues:
const handleIncrementCount = (dietary_id) => {
setFood(foods => => {
// Find the dietary object with the correct id
const dietary = food.dietary.find(d => === dietary_id);
// If the dietary object was found, increment its count
if (dietary) {
dietary.count += 1;
// Return the updated food object
return food;
With this change, the handleIncrementCount function should be able to find the correct food object and update the count property of the correct dietary object.
Note that this function is using the and Array.prototype.find() methods to transform the foods array and find the correct dietary object to update. These methods are commonly used in JavaScript to transform and find elements in arrays. It is worth reading up on these methods and understanding how they work in order to better understand this code.

Merging an array based on key and adding their values. Javascript/Es6/React

There are just 2 objects in an array where I need your attention at. I'm trying to find a way to merge these two objects into a single object based on item.Symbol and then add the values of their corresponding item.TotalCost, item.Price, and item.Quantity to the new object.
I tried doing a Set function but they just merge into 1 object and the values aren't added. I'm receiving an object like this:
CompanyName: "Microsoft Corp."
Date: 1606503905
Price: 215.23
Quantity: 50
Symbol: "MSFT"
TotalCost: 10761.5
CompanyName: "Microsoft Corp."
Date: 1606503913
Price: 215.23
Quantity: 25
Symbol: "MSFT"
TotalCost: 5380.75
Here is my code so far:
let set = new Set()
const newSet = Objects.filter(item => {
if (!set.has(item.Symbol)) {
return true;
return false},set
Note that the Objects variable contains the array of objects shown in the first code block.The set function I wrote only merges them into a single object based on their Symbol but I don't know where to go from here. I'm praying to the Javascript Overlords and Es6 Sith Lords to heed my call. May the force be with you.
Reduce the array of objects to an object, using the Symbol property as the key. If the key doesn't exist on the object, assign a clone of the current item to the key. If it exists, add the current item's values to the existing object:
const arr = [{"CompanyName":"Microsoft Corp.","Date":1606503905,"Price":215.23,"Quantity":50,"Symbol":"MSFT","TotalCost":10761.5},{"CompanyName":"Microsoft Corp.","Date":1606503913,"Price":215.23,"Quantity":25,"Symbol":"MSFT","TotalCost":5380.75}]
const newArray = Object.values(
arr.reduce((acc, o) => {
if(!acc[o.Symbol]) acc[o.Symbol] = { ...o }
else {
acc[o.Symbol].Price += o.Price
acc[o.Symbol].Quantity += o.Quantity
acc[o.Symbol].TotalCost += o.TotalCost
return acc
}, {})

Why call Object.create inside an array.push returns a list of empty objects?

I need to create an array of objects which value of the properties is set dinamically based on an existent array of objects that contains server response.
The flow in this code seems correct to me (also according to some articles on the web) but all I receive as result is an array of n empty objects (neither id: null is displayed).
infoForecasts = [];
buildWidget() { (i) => {
const ser = this.utilitiesService;
return this.infoForecasts.push(
id: null,
time: ser.getCurrTime(ser.getDateTime(i.dt))
I also tried to:
time: Object.values(ser.getCurrTime(ser.getDateTime(i.dt))
but anything changed.
What am I doing wrong?
The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
It should not be use to loop an array, use forEach() instead.
What i suggest you to do is using reduce() like this :
(acc, cur) => [
id: null,
time: this.utilitiesService.getCurrTime(
however if you're only trying to push something then Array.push({ id: '', time: '' }) should be perfectly fine !

Am I updating the React state correctly?

In my React state, I have the state:
this.state = {
users: [{
id: 1,
name: "john",
age: 27
}, {
id: 2,
name: "ed",
age: 18
}, {
id: 3,
name: "mel",
age: 20
I am rendering the name correctly. When you click on the name, it should remove the name, which will need an onClick that takes in a function and that returns a removeUser function.
It is my understanding that you do not want to mutate the state in React, but return a new state. So, in my removeUser function, I did:
removeUser(index) {
// Making a new copy of the array
const users = [...this.state.people].splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ users });
I bind my method with this.removeUser = this.removeUser.bind(this).
When I tested out my code, I am removing the users as expected. However, when I run my code against a test that my friend wrote, I got a failed test that said: Expected 1 to be 0
That message tells me that I must be mutating the state somehow, but I am not sure how. Am I returning a new array and updating the state correctly? Can someone explain to me how I should update my state correctly in this case?
Here is the full code:
class Group extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
users: [
{id: 1, name: "john", age: 27},
{id: 2, name: "ed", age: 18},
{id: 3, name: "mel", age: 20}
this.removeUser = this.removeUser.bind(this);
removeUser(index) {
const users = [...this.state.users].splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ users });
render() {
const list =, i) => {
return (
<div onClick={() => this.removeUser(i)} key={i}>{}</div>
return (
you could also change your onClick and pass it the instead of the index. that would allow you to filter the results instead of needing to splice the array.
onClick={() => this.removeUser(}
removeUser(id) {
const users = this.state.users.filter((user) => !== id);
this.setState({ users });
const users = [...this.state.users].splice(index, 1)
looks like it should be removing an item from a collection, which I suppose it technically is. The problem is that users doesn't contain the list of users you want to keep.
Instead, splice has modified your new array in-place and then returned the removed items:
splice docs
Return value
An array containing the deleted elements. If only one element is removed, an array of one element is returned. If no elements are removed, an empty array is returned.
Instead, if you'd like to use splice, create a new array:
const users = [...this.state.users]
and then splice the new array:
users.splice(index, 1)
You'll run into a similar issue if you need to sort an array.
The issue of modifying data in-place is generally frowned upon for react, in favor of immutable references. This is because React uses a lot of direct comparison of objects as a heuristic approach to speed things up. If your function modifies an existing object instance, React will assume the objects haven't changed.
The act of copying to a new object and then operating on the data comes with some tradeoffs. For removing a single item, it's negligible. For removing many items, you may be better served by an alternative method, such as multiple slice calls:
const users = [
...this.state.users.slice(0, index)
...this.state.users.slice(index + 1)
However this too is quite verbose.
Another approach is to use an immutable variant of splice:
// this quick example doesn't handle negative start indices
const splice = (start, deleteCount, ...items) => arr => {
const output = []
let i
for (i = 0; i < start && i < arr.length; i++) {
for (i += deleteCount; i < arr.length; i++) {
return output
const users = splice(index, 1)(this.state.users)
You should use slice() instead of splice() because splice() mutates the original array, but slice() returns a new array. Slice() is a pure function. Pure is better!!
removeUser(index) {
const users = [
...this.state.users.slice(0, index),
this.setState({ users });
Here is JS Fiddle

Update single value in item array | react redux

I have a todo list and want to set the state of that item in the array to "complete" if the user clicks on "complete".
Here is my action:
export function completeTodo(id) {
return {
completed: true,
Here is my reducer:
return {...state,
todos: [{
completed: action.completed
The problem I'm having is the new state does no longer have the text associated of that todo item on the selected item and the ID is no longer there. Is this because I am overwriting the state and ignoring the previous properties? My object item onload looks like this:
Objecttodos: Array[1]
0: Object
completed: false
id: 0
text: "Initial todo"
__proto__: Object
length: 1
__proto__: Array[0]
__proto__: Object
As you can see, all I want to do is set the completed value to true.
You need to transform your todos array to have the appropriate item updated. is the simplest way to do this:
return {
todos: => === ?
// transform the one with a matching id
{ ...todo, completed: action.completed } :
// otherwise return original todo
There are libraries to help you with this kind of deep state update. You can find a list of such libraries here:
Personally, I use ImmutableJS ( which solves the issue with its updateIn and setIn methods (which are more efficient than normal objects and arrays for large objects with lots of keys and for arrays, but slower for small ones).
New state does no longer have the text associated of that todo item on
the selected item and the ID is no longer there, Is this because I am
overwriting the state and ignoring the previous properties?
Yes, because during each update you are assigning a new array with only one key completed, and that array doesn't contain any previous values. So after update array will have no previous data. That's why text and id's are not there after update.
1- Use to find the correct element then update the value, Like this:
return {
todos: => === ? { ...todo, completed: action.completed } : todo
2- Use array.findIndex to find the index of that particular object then update that, Like this:
let index = state.todos.findIndex(todo => ===;
let todos = [...state.todos];
todos[index] = {...todos[index], completed: action.completed};
return {...state, todos}
Check this snippet you will get a better idea about the mistake you are doing:
let state = {
a: 1,
arr: [
{text:1, id:1, completed: true},
{text:2, id:2, completed: false}
console.log('old values', JSON.stringify(state));
// updating the values
let newState = {
arr: [{completed: true}]
console.log('new state = ', newState);
One of the seminal design principles in React is "Don't mutate state." If you want to change data in an array, you want to create a new array with the changed value(s).
For example, I have an array of results in state. Initially I'm just setting values to 0 for each index in my constructor.
this.state = {
question: this.props.test[0].questions[0],
complete: false
Later on, I want to update a value in the array. But I'm not changing it in the state object. With ES6, we can use the spread operator. The array slice method returns a new array, it will not change the existing array.
updateArray = (list, index,score) => {
// updates the results array without mutating it
return [
...list.slice(0, index),
list[index][1] = score,
...list.slice(index + 1)
When I want to update an item in the array, I call updateArray and set the state in one go:
results:this.updateArray(this.state.results, index, score)

