I have a page called: List.js which renders the component: Box for every item on the List page. My List.js also consists of a component called: MainSpace. Now every Box component will consists of a button with an onClick function. Depending on which Box component you click, I want to fill the MainSpace with data coming from that specific Box component, but I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
render() {
for (let index in data) {
<Box data={data[index]}/>
return (
Now the Box component looks something like this:
class Box extends Component {
//Send this.prop.data to the list.js file and fill the MainSpace component from there I think?
return (
<button onClick={this.fillMainSpace}></button>
Mainspace doesn't have much. I just want to load for example the this.props.data.image from the clicked button from the Box component. Even console.log(this.props.data); would be sufficient. Calling the <MainSpace> component in every <Box> component is not an option, since that would render a lot of unnecessary extra components.
So my question being:
How would I be able to access the this.props.data of the clicked button of a <Box> component and use it in my <MainSpace> component?
Adding the MainSpace Component:
class MainSpace extends Component {
return (
You can save selected item in state like selectedItem and then pass that data to MainSpace
const List = props => {
const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState(props.data[0]);
const onSelect = item => {
return (
<div calssName="list">
{props.data.map(item => <Box data={item} onSelect={onSelect} />)}
<MainSpace data={selectedItem} />
const Box = props => {
const { data, onSelect } = props;
return (
<button onClick={() => onSelect(data)} >Select</button>
Using class components
class Box extends Component {
fillMainSpace = () => {
const { onSelect, data } = this.props;
const { data } = this.props;
return (
<button onClick={this.fillMainSpace} }></button>
class List extends React.Component {
state = { selectedItem: this.props.data[0] };
onSelect = item => {
this.setState({ selectedItem: item });
render() {
const { data } = this.props;
const { selectedItem } = this.state;
const list = data.map(item => <Box data={item} onSelect={this.onSelect} />);
return (
<MainSpace data={selectedItem}>
I have a list of movie cards when a user clicks on them, they become selected and the id of each movie card is transferred to an array named "selectedList".
I want to add a "let's go" button below the movie card but conditionally.
I mean when the array is empty the button should not be displayed and when the user clicked on at least a movie the button displays. the array should be checked each time and whenever it becomes equal to zero the button should disappear.
the thing is all the movie cards are the children of this page and I want to render the parent component based on children's behavior.
export default function Index(data) {
const info = data.data.body.result;
const selectedList = [];
return (
<main className={parentstyle.main_container}>
<NavBar />
<div className={style.searchbar_container}>
<SearchBar />
<div className={style.card_container}>
{info.map((movie, i) => {
return (
<button className={style.done}>Let's go!</button>
export default function Index({ selected, movieName, movieId, visibility }) {
const [isActive, setActive] = useState(false);
const toggleClass = () => {
const pushToSelected = (e) => {
if (selected.includes(e.target.id)) {
selected.splice(selected.indexOf(e.target.id), 1);
} else {
return (
className={isActive ? style.movie_selected : style.movie}
<h3 className={style.title}>{movieName}</h3>
You can use conditional rendering for that:
{selectedList.length > 0 && <button className={style.done}>Let's go!</button>}
Plus, you should change your selectedList to a state, and manage the update via the setSelectedList function:
import { useState } from 'react';
export default function Index(data) {
const info = data.data.body.result;
const [selectedList, setSelectedList] = useState([]);
Add the method to the MovieCard as a property:
And update the list in the pushToSelected method:
export default function MovieCard({
}) {
const pushToSelected = (e) => {
if (selected.includes(e.target.id)) {
selected.splice(selected.indexOf(e.target.id), 1);
} else {
Is it possible to pass the data from the child component to the parent component using props?
-Parent component
--- ItemList component.
--- DisplatSelect component from the itemList component
I have a list of item in the child component which came from to the parent component, then I want to send the index of the selected data to the other child component located in the parent component.
Can't example well, kindly see the attached screenshot for other references.
Thanks a lot!
enter image description here
You can keep the data in the Parent component and use a function to pass the props from the child to the Parent. This concept is called Lifting State Up where you define the state at the highest common ancestor so all the child components are using the same data which in this case is the selecetd item
function Parent() {
const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState(null);
const data = []; // Your Data
return (
<h1>Your selected Item = {selectedItem}</h1>
{data.map((item) => {
<Child item={item} setSelectedItem={setSelectedItem} />;
function Child({ item, setSelectedItem }) {
return <Button onClick={() => setSelectedItem(item.id)}> {item} </Button>;
The simplest way, I think, is for the child component where the selection is made to accept a function properly, something like onSelectionChanged. If you had a button for each item passed to the child you could do something like:
Child Component A
const ChildA = ({ items, onSelectionChanged }) => {
return (
{items.map((item, index) => (
<button onClick={() => onSelectionChanged(index)}>Item</button>
Child Component B
const ChildB = ({ selectedItem }) => {
return (
Selected {selectedItem}
Parent Component
const Parent = () => {
const [selection, sets election] = useState({});
const onSelectionChanged = index => {
console.log(`ChildA selection changed: ${index}`);
return (
<ChildA items={items} onSelectionChanged={onSelectionChanged} />
<ChildB selectedItem={selection} />
So when your child component handles a change in the selection, it invokes the function passed as a prop onSelectionChanged. You can pass whatever data you want from ChildA to that function.
Note that the parent Component keeps the selected value (from ChildA) in local state, then passes that value to ChildB via a prop.
You can have a state variable in the parent component and pass it to child components to share data between them. I'll post a sample code block on how you can do this for your case.
export default function ParentComponent (props) {
const data = ['image_1_url', 'image_2_url', ...] // Data for the images
const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(-1); // Selected index (-1 represents no selection)
return (
<ImageList data={data} selectImage={setSelectedIndex} />
{(selectedIndex !== -1) ? (<SelectedImage data={data[selectedIndex]} />) : (<No ImageSelected/>)}
And the image list component can then use the selectImage prop to select the image
export default function ImageList (props) {
return (
props.data.map((imageUrl, index) => (
<div onClick={() => {props.setSelected(index)}}>
<img src={imageUrl}/>
Yes it's possible. We have one parent state value and update every on click child component to the component.
import React, { useState } from "react";
const Child1 = (props) => {
return (
props.items.map( (item, index) => (
<button key={index.toString()} onClick={() => { props.updateIndex(item.id) }}>
) )
const Child2 = (props) => {
return (
<h1>Item selected: {props.selectItem}</h1>
const ParentComponent = () => {
const listItems = [
name: "sample name 1"
name: "sample name 2"
const [selectItem, setSelectItem] = useState('None');
return (
<Child1 items={listItems} updateIndex={setSelectItem}/>
<Child2 selectItem={selectItem}/>
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
I have the following example where the toggleComponent.js is working perfectly.
The problem here is that I don't want to render the <ContentComponent/> inside the toggle, rather I want the opposite, I want to toggle the <ContentComponent/> that will be called in another component depending on the state of the toggle.
So the <ContentComponent/> is outside the toggleComponent.js, but they are linked together. So I can display it externally using the toggle.
An image to give you an idea:
Link to funtional code:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ToggleComponent from "./toggleComponent";
import ContentComponent from "./content";
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
render={({ isShowBody, checkbox }) => (
{isShowBody && <h1>test</h1>}
<button onClick={checkbox}>Show</button>
render={({ isShowBody, checkbox }) => (
{isShowBody && (
<ContentComponent />
<button onClick={checkbox}>Show</button>
Bit tweaked your source.
Modified ToggleComponent
import React from "react";
export default class ToggleComponent extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
checked: false
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick = () => {
this.setState({ checked: !this.state.checked });
checkbox = () => {
return (
<span className="switch switch-sm">
<input type="checkbox" name="select" onClick={this.handleClick} />
<span />
render() {
return this.checkbox();
Added OtherComponent with ContentComponent inside.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ContentComponent from "./content";
export default class OtherComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>{this.props.show ? <ContentComponent /> : null}</div>;
Separated as per your requirement.
Modified App
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from "react";
import ToggleComponent from "./toggleComponent";
import OtherComponent from "./otherComponent";
export default class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.toggled = this.toggled.bind(this);
this.state = { show: false };
toggled(value) {
this.setState({ show: value });
render() {
return (
<ToggleComponent toggled={this.toggled} />
<OtherComponent show={this.state.show} />
Working demo at StackBlitz.
If you want to share states across components a good way to do that is to use callbacks and states. I will use below some functional components but the same principle can be applied with class based components and their setState function.
You can see this example running here, I've tried to reproduce a bit what you showed in your question.
import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from "react";
import "./style.css";
const ToggleComponent = props => {
const { label: labelText, checked, onClick } = props;
return (
<input type="checkbox" checked={checked} onClick={onClick} />
const ContentComponent = props => {
const { label, children, render: renderFromProps, onChange } = props;
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(false);
const defaultRender = () => null;
const render = renderFromProps || children || defaultRender;
return (
onClick={() => {
setChecked(previousChecked => !previousChecked);
const Holder = () => {
return (
<ContentComponent label="First">
{checked => (
<h1>First content ({checked ? "checked" : "unchecked"})</h1>
render={checked => (checked ? <h1>Second content</h1> : null)}
PS: A good rule of thumb concerning state management is to try to avoid bi-directional state handling. For instance here in my example I don't use an internal state in ToggleComponent because it would require to update it if given checked property has changed. If you want to have this kind of shared state changes then you need to use useEffect on functional component.
const ContentComponent = props => {
const { checked: checkedFromProps, label, children, render: renderFromProps, onChange } = props;
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(checkedFromProps || false);
const defaultRender = () => null;
const render = renderFromProps || children || defaultRender;
// onChange callback
useEffect(() => {
if (onChange) {
}, [ checked, onChange ]);
// update from props
useEffect(() => {
}, [ checkedFromProps, setChecked ]);
return (
onClick={() => {
setChecked(previousChecked => !previousChecked);
const Other = () => {
const [ checked, setChecked ] = useState(true);
return (
{ checked ? "Checked" : "Unchecked" }
<ContentComponent checked={checked} onChange={setChecked} />
I'm pulling top news related to a particular search term from a website, displaying them and then adding a dismiss button beside each news so that user can delete them if they want. The code goes something like this:
import React, { Component } from "react";
const PATH_BASE = "https://hn.algolia.com/api/v1";
const PATH_SEARCH = "/search";
const PARAM_SEARCH = "query=";
const DEFAULT_QUERY = "redux";
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
results: null,
this.setTopSearchStories = this.setTopSearchStories.bind(this);
this.onDismissID = this.onDismissID.bind(this);
setTopSearchStories(results) {
this.setState({ results });
onDismissID(id) {
const updatedHits = this.state.results.hits.filter(
(item) => item.objectID !== id
result: { ...this.state.results, hits: updatedHits }
componentDidMount() {
const { searchTerm } = this.state;
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((results) => this.setTopSearchStories(results))
.catch((error) => error);
render() {
const { results, searchTerm } = this.state;
if (!results) return null;
const lists = results.hits;
return (
<div className="page">
<Table list={lists} />
class Table extends Component {
render() {
const { list } = this.props;
return (
{list.map((item) => (
<div key={item.objectID} className="table">
<a href={item.url}>{item.title}</a>
onClick={() => this.onDismissID(item.objectID)}
export default App;
It renders fine, but when I click the Dismiss button the code breaks with the error message "_this3.onDismissID is not a function" . Why is this happening?
onDismissID isn't defined in Table, it's defined in App.
Seems you may want to pass onDismissID as a prop to Table.
In App pass an onDismissID prop to the Table component.
render() {
const { results, searchTerm } = this.state;
if (!results) return null;
const lists = results.hits;
return (
<div className="page">
<Table list={lists} onDismissID={this.onDismissID} /> // pass this.onDismissID
In Table, destructure onDismissID from props and attach to button click handler.
class Table extends Component {
render() {
const { list, onDismissID } = this.props; // destructure onDismissID
return (
{list.map((item) => (
<div key={item.objectID} className="table">
<a href={item.url}>{item.title}</a>
onClick={() => onDismissID(item.objectID)} // attach onDismissID
I'm generating some identical div through a list. Below is the sample code.
I'm toggling this div
class App extends React.Component {
state = { showKitten: false };
handleToggleKitten = () => {
this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
showKitten: !prevState.showKitten,
render() {
return (
const About = ({ datalist, showKitten, handletogglekitten }) => {
return (
{datalist.map((item, index) => {
return (
<div key={index}>
<div onClick={handletogglekitten} />
showKitten ? <div /> : null
I have defined tooglefunction and the flag state variable in parent and passing them to children and in children component, I'm creating this divs by iterating over a list. Right now I am able to achieve the toggle functionality for the individual div set but I want to hide all the div and show the one which is clicked.
You could use the index value. Here's a working example.
const datalist = ["cat 1", "cat 2", "cat 3"];
class App extends React.Component {
state = { showKittenIndex: null };
render() {
return (
toggleKitten={index => this.setState({ showKittenIndex: index })}
const About = ({ datalist, showKittenIndex, toggleKitten }) => (
<div className="about">
{datalist.map((item, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<button onClick={() => toggleKitten(index)}>toggle {index}</button>
{showKittenIndex === index && <div>{item}</div>}
I have a very similar approach than #Kunukn.
But I don't see the need to wrap it in a functional component.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
const elements = ['DIV #1', 'DIV #2', 'DIV #3', 'DIV #4', 'DIV #5', 'DIV #6'];
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
activeElement: null,
allElements: elements,
render() {
return (
toggleIndex={index => this.setState({ activeElement: index })}
const About = ({ elements, showIndex, toggleIndex }) => (
<div className="about">
{elements.map((element, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<div onClick={() => toggleIndex(index)}>toggleIndex {index}</div>
{showIndex === index && <div>{element}</div>}
export default App;
I did write a little clickHandler ... I know that it is not needed at the moment, but when you would want to alter the data received with the click-event this could be handled there as well.
According to the comment I improved the code a bit by making a functional component showing the DIVs. I did also dismiss the clickHandler() function.