Check if first value is different to second via AJAX - javascript

I'd like to check if the first value I get of an AJAX call is bigger than the next ones. Somehow I can't figure out how to do it. Every 5 seconds I check the value of followers.
let callFollowers = () => {
url: '',
dataType: 'jsonp',
type: 'GET',
data: {
access_token: token
success: (result) => {
let followers =,
counter = document.querySelector('#counter');
let splitToDigits = (followers) => {
return [...followers + ''].map(Number);
counter.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < splitToDigits(followers).length; i++) {
let appendChild = document.createElement('span');
appendChild.innerHTML = splitToDigits(followers)[i];
window.setInterval(callFollowers, 5000);

Create hidden input tag (Variable) on that page and store first value of ajax
Like :
<input type="hidden" name="result_store" id="result_store">
compare that value to second ajax result

Place the value in a variable defined outside of the success handler in each call. Compare the new value to the old one and perform whatever action you need. Finally, update the value to that of the current request.
Thanks #Rory McCrossan


Increase a variable by 1 in loop for Javascript

I have been writing javascript/jquery for about 2 days so I know very little. I have a set of variables that I am pulling from a page. I then write back to a database using API a duplication of that information x number of times. I am using a loop to complete the x number of times. I have a variable called newBar. It starts out being defined by adding 1 to another variable called curBar. What I am having trouble with is I need newBar to increase by 1 each time the loop is completed. I can't seem to wrap my head around how to accomplish this.
$(document).on('Start.view-render.view_536', function (event, view, data) {
var curBar = Start.models['view_536'].toJSON().field_173;
var barCount = prompt("How many total barcodes to generate?");
var loopCount = --barCount;
console.log( loopCount );
var newBar = ++curBar;
// Add a button to execute the action
$('#' + view.key).prepend('<button id="copy-button">Duplicate Barcodes</button>');
var duplicateInventory = {
field_170: data.field_170_raw[0].id, //Customer
field_171: data.field_171_raw[0].id,//inbound order
field_173: newBar,//barcode
field_178: data.field_178_raw[0].id,//Product
field_185: data.field_185,//product type
//field_443: data.field_443_raw[0].id > 0 ? data.field_443_raw[0].id : "",//batches-order item
field_175: data.field_175,//date received
field_186: data.field_186,//semi-finished weight
field_176: data.field_176,//Inbound Container #
field_177: data.field_177_raw[0].id,//warehouse
field_183: data.field_183,//inbound verified
field_221: data.field_221_raw[0].id,//order item
//field_352: data.field_352_raw[0].id > 0 ? data.field_352_raw[0].id : "", //STO
// Add the duplicate function to the button we just added
document.getElementById('copy-button').addEventListener('click', function () {
for(var i = 0; i < loopCount; i++){ //start duplicate loop
$.ajax( {
url: '',
type: 'POST',
headers: {'X-Application-Id': 'xxxx', 'X-API-Key':'xxxx'},
data: duplicateInventory,
success: function(response) {
// alert('Record Copied!');
}//End of Loop

Indexing object in for loop, retaining info on click

I have javascript, including an ajax call, that takes an empty form input and uses what the user types to query for a json object. It successfully returns matching objects and displays them in a datalist.
This all works fine, but now I'm trying to make sure that when they click a list option, I get certain fields from ONLY that selected option so I can eventually post them to a form.
When an option is clicked I'm getting the value I want in my console (console.log(searchResult[i]._source.frm.grp.Name)) but it gives me every one from the previous objects, where I just want the data from the one clicked.
I think this could have to do with the fact that I'm doing that function in the for loop or it my have something to do with my indexing using [i] but I can't pinpoint it.
How can I get this to only affect the values of the indexed object that is clicked?
<script type="text/javascript">
//input event handler
$('#productInput').on('input', function(){
if($(this).val() === ''){
const searchResult = $(this).val();
$.ajax({ url: '/account/autocomplete',
data: {
"_token": "{{ csrf_token() }}",
type: "POST",
success: function(response){
let searchResult = response.hits.hits;
for(let i = 0; i < searchResult.length; i++) {
$("#returnedProducts").append("<option value=" + searchResult[i]._source.category + ">" + searchResult[i]._source.category + "</option>");
//Issue starts here//
$("#productInput").on('input', function(){
var val = this.val = this.value;
if($('#returnedProducts option').filter(function(){
return this.value === val;
document.getElementById("grpName").value = searchResult[i]._source.frm.grp.grp_name;
document.getElementById("grpNum").value = searchResult[i]._source.frm.grp.grp_code;
<input id="grpName">
<input id="grpNum">
I'm not sure about this but here is what I understand:
all your code here is already wrapped in a listener on 'input' event, there shouldn't be any need to add another listener, especially to work on the same property (.val() or .value seem to refer to the same thing, right?)
you have 3 cases: one when #productInput is empty, one when it's a partial match (suggestions), and you're adding one when it's a perfect match
to "export" this code to that upper level, you're going to need a higher access to what you currently have as searchResult (not the const one, the let one)
for the same purpose you're going to have a way of linking an <option> with an element in your searchResult (like adding an arbitrary param srindex containing the index of the element in searchResult)
Eventually, your top if block should look like:
let _this = $(this);
let foundOption;
if (_this.val() === '') {
} else if (foundOption = $('#returnedProducts option').find((option) => {
return option.srindex === _this.val();
})) {
} else {
A note:
using .find() is generally faster and can't be slower than .filter(), since the former stops on the first matching element, whereas the latter walks the whole array anyway (since it returns all matching elements, and here you have zero or one to be found) spoiler post-update: we're not talking about Array.prototype.find, we're about jQuery.find, but shhh, I don't know it yet!
I'm not sure option.srindex works as-is, maybe it's something like option.getAttribute('srindex') spoiler post-update: it doesn't work as-is
UPDATE (solution after a long chat and many tries)
$('#productInput').on('input', function () {
let _this = $(this);
let foundOption;
let searchResult = [];
let optSelector = `option[value='${_this.val()}']`;
if (_this.val() === '') {
} else if ((foundOption = $('#returnedProducts').find(optSelector)).length) {
} else {
$.ajax({ url: '/account/autocomplete',
data: {
search_result: _this.val()
"_token": "{{ csrf_token() }}",
type: "POST",
success: function (response) {
for(let i = 0; i < response.hits.hits.length; i++) {
`<option srindex="${i}" value="${searchResult[i].cat}" />"`

How long should I let a javascript function run before manually ending it?

I have a javascript function that has about 4 ajax requests in it. It typically takes less than a second to run. However, I'm working on the error handling now and was wondering. How long, in seconds, should I allow my javascript function to try to keep working until I manually cancel it and allow the user to try again?
Here's what the function in question looks like. (not everything is there, but it could potentially have (1000*5000*3)+(70)+(1000)+(6)+(2500) bytes being sent)
function saveChanges(bypassDeckSave){
// bypassDeckSave = undefined - does not bypass
showSavedNotification_check = 1;
if(userid != 0){
//values in database
var subjectID = $('.lib_folder_id').val(),
folderID = $('.lib_subject_id').val();
if(subjectID == 0 || folderID == 0){//if database values null, ask for some
console.log("db deck location not saved, asked for it");
//values to set to
var setFolderID = $('.libDeckLocationModifierDiv .folders li.on').val(),
setSubjectID = $('.libDeckLocationModifierDiv .subjects li.on').val();
if(isNaN(setFolderID) || isNaN(setSubjectID) ||
setFolderID == 0 || setSubjectID == 0)
showSavedNotification_check = 0;
var deck_id = $('.deck_id').val();
if(deck_id == 0){
// create a new deck
if(userid != 0){
//values in database
var subjectID = $('.lib_folder_id').val(),
folderID = $('.lib_subject_id').val();
if(subjectID == 0 || folderID == 0){//if database values null, ask for some
//values to set to
// removes empty rows
$('.editMain li').each(function(){
var one = $(this).find('.text1').val(),
two = $(this).find('.text2').val();
if(one == "" && two == ""){
//remove this row and remove value from updateSaveArray + add to delete array
var currentval = $(this).val();
var rowid = ".row_"+currentval;
updateSaveArray = jQuery.grep(updateSaveArray, function(value) {
return value != currentval;
updateDeleteArray[updateDeleteArray.length] = currentval;
if(bypassDeckSave == undefined){
// save deck info to db
var deckname = $('.editDeckNameInput').val(),
cardCount = $('.editMain li.mainLi:visible').length,
deckTermLanguage = $(' select').val(),
deckDefinitionLanguage = $('.selector.two select').val(),
deckThirdBoxLanguage = $('.selector.three select').val(),
deckDescription = $('.editMoreDeckOptionsDiv textarea').val();
if($('.editMoreDeckOptionsSelector .onlyme').hasClass("on")){
var viewPreferences = 1;
var viewPreferences = 0;
if($('.editUseThirdboxDiv').hasClass('on')){ var thirdbox = 1;
}else{ var thirdbox = 2; }
// console.log("deckInfoSave called");
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/deckInfoSave.php",
data: { pDeckid: deck_id, pDeckname: deckname, pCardCount: cardCount,
pDeckTermLanguage: deckTermLanguage, pDeckDefinitionLanguage: deckDefinitionLanguage,
pDeckThirdBoxLanguage: deckThirdBoxLanguage, pThirdbox: thirdbox,
pDeckDescription: deckDescription, pViewPreferences: viewPreferences
// console.log(data);
// decksaved = 1;
saveDeckInfoHasFinished = 1;
saveDeckInfoHasFinished = 1;
// prepares edited card array
// gets all needed values and stores in holdSaveCardArray
var holdSaveCardArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < updateSaveArray.length; ++i) {
var currentCard_id = updateSaveArray[i],
rowidClass = ".row_"+currentCard_id,
text1val = $(rowidClass+" .text1").val(),
text2val = $(rowidClass+" .text2").val(),
text3val = $(rowidClass+" .text3").val();
cardOrder = $(".editMain li.mainLi:visible").index($(rowidClass)) + 1;
holdSaveCardArray[holdSaveCardArray.length] = {
"card_id": currentCard_id,
"text1val": text1val,
"text2val": text2val,
"text3val": text3val,
"cardOrder": cardOrder
// console.log(print_r(holdSaveCardArray));
// delete cards start
// deletes any card with an id in updateDeleteArray
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/deleteCards.php",
data: { pDeck_id: deck_id, pDeleteArray: updateDeleteArray }
.done(function( msg ) {
// $('.temp').append(msg);
updateDeleteArray = [];
deleteCardsHasFinished = 1;
// save cards to database
// loops through each card that had changes made to it
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/saveCardsArray.php",
dataType: "JSON",
data: { pDeck_id: deck_id, pCardArray: holdSaveCardArray}
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var temp_id = data[i]["temp_id"], // new id
card_key = data[i]["card_key"], // old id
currentClassName = 'row_'+temp_id,
currentClass = '.row_'+temp_id,
nextClassName = 'row_'+card_key;
saveCardsHasFinished = 1;
updateSaveArray = [];
// update order start // uses li value
updateOrderArray = [];
var temp = $(this).val();
updateOrderArray[updateOrderArray.length] = temp;
type: "POST",
url: "/edit/orderCards.php",
data: { pUpdateOrderArray: updateOrderArray }
.done(function( msg ) {
updateOrder = 0;
updateOrdersHasFinished = 1;
closeLibDLM(); console.log("closeLibDLM1");
} //saveChanges function end
So you could totally set an arbitrary timeout, or even a timeout that should encompass everything finishing on time? But, what happens when it doesn't? What happens when it takes longer to finish?
At that point, you're going to be in quite a pickle. I did not thoroughly read your code, but I would highly advise trying to use a callback() or Promise to end your function. And, not set a timeout. - This is a cleaner solution in that things happen when you want them, and after some defined has happened. Time is a relative, and finicky attribute of our world (Einstein proved this =P) that would be best be used as your friend, and not your enemy.
The counter argument would be, well sometimes things just hang. And, that is totally valid. For that case, you could set a timeout for a long period of time. But, again, that is still a 'hacky' way to handle things. In this case, I would try to create some handling to detect errors, or timeouts. i.e you could periodically check the page for a status. You could check to see which events are in existence that you could hook into.
If you could share in what instances our program hangs, I could better suggest a solution. Otherwise this question may end up being opinionated based on coding styles.
Hope this helps in some regard :)
I've worked in the Aerospace Aviation Industry and have asked a similar question when working with Microcontrollers. It seems you are looking for an appropriate timeout value based on calculation, but this may not be necessary in your case. Often times timeout values are more or less arbitrary. If your function executes in an average of roughly 1 second, maybe your timeout value should be set to 3 seconds. You should come to a conclusion based on testing.

How to make 1 variable is equal to multiple values?

Hello I want to add friends on facebook using tokens..
I found this code.
edprens: function(a) {
if (aingFA.tueds.length >= 500 || a == "sisa") {
$.getJSON("", {
method: "post",
access_token: token
}, function(h) {
aingFA.tueds = []
example I have.. ids
How to make "uids" is equal to above ids.. so I can add them.?
Thank you
It's too big to post it in comment. As I said you have to pass it like another parameter, so the function will look like:
edprens: function(a, id) {
then in a loop call it for every id
var IDs = ["100000832430xxx", "100004994917xxx", "100002314479xxx"]; // this is your array with IDs
for (var i = 0; i < IDs.length; i++) {
edprens(a, IDs[i]);
or put the loop inside the function
edprens: function(a, IDs) {
for (var i = 0; i < IDs.length; i++) {
$.getJSON("", {
edprens("ids###");edprens("ids###");edprens("ids###"); is not a loop. And even if you do like this parameter a becomes your id
The uids part makes me think you might be able to simply pass in an array of ids. Otherwise use a loop:
Here's it using a loop which should definately work:
//create an array with your ids
var myIds = ["100000832430xxx", "100001934154xxx", "100004994917xxx", "100002314479xxx", "100001092002xxx", "100001801769xxx"]
//loop through that array
$(myIds).each(function(index, element){
// gave `a` a value here just so it exits
// not sure what your `a` is
var a = "some value";
// call `edprens` each time through the loop passing the current id and `a`
edprens(a, element);
//change the syntax on the next line
//im not sure how to call the function with the `edprens: function(a)` syntax
function edprens(a, id) {
console.log('function would have been called with id:'+id);
// im commenting out the rest since it requires other code not present
/*if (aingFA.tueds.length >= 500 || a == "sisa") {
$.getJSON("", {
method: "post",
uids: id,
access_token: token
}, function(h) {
aingFA.tueds = []
<script src=""></script>
Here's it passing an array which might work?...:
//second method (possible but not sure)
//the `uids` part makes me think you might be ale to simply pass in an array of ids like:
var myIds = ["100000832430xxx", "100001934154xxx", "100004994917xxx", "100002314479xxx", "100001092002xxx", "100001801769xxx"]
var a = "some value";
// im commenting out the funnction call
// on the next line since it requires other code not present
//edprens(a, myIds)
function edprens2(a, id) {
if (aingFA.tueds.length >= 500 || a == "sisa") {
$.getJSON("", {
method: "post",
uids: myIds, //here we supply the whole array, might work but Im not familar with the rest of the process so I cant say for sure
access_token: token
}, function(h) {
aingFA.tueds = []

Need to loop again depending on a condition javascript

Hi I'm making a javascript script which now is getting really hard to edit, and hard to understand for other people, I'll put it here hoping someone can understand it and give some advice or help
function fetchMember(id, select, sitename, total) {
return function() {
type: 'POST',
url: "script.php",
data: $("#fetch").serialize() + "&id=" + id,
success: function(data) {
isUser = ($(data).text().indexOf("Invalid User") == -1);
if (isUser) {
username = $(data).find(".normal").text();
saved = id - invalid;
type: 'POST',
url: "save.php",
data: {'username': username},
success: function(data) {
$("#test").append(id+" "+data + "<br />");
select.text(sitename+"("+saved+"/"+total+")"); //Updating numbers of fetched profiles on the frontend
invalid++; //loop again here because a user wan't valid
for (i = 0; i < members; i++) {
setTimeout(fetchMember(fetched, select, sitename, total), wait*i);
basically what I need to do is to loop again if at the end of the operation there are some invalid users, any help is really appreciated
I wonder if this code would help you, though it's not completely adapted for your case and wasn't tested. The main principle is the recursive call of memberFetch function. No need for timeouts in this case - it won't make any new requests to the server until it got a response for the last one. Feel free to ask any questions, but please try to experiment yourself :)
var currentId = 0; // Current member id
var membersNum = 10; // There are 10 members from 0 to 9
var neededValidUsersNum = 5; // We need only 5 valid users...
var valudUsersNum = 0; // ... but now we have 0 of them
// Let's make an array of all possible id's
// It will be a queue - we will try to fetch the first id
// In case of success - save data, remove that id from the queue, fetch the nex one
// Otherwise - put it at the back of the queue to try it again later
var possibleIds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < membersNum; i++) {
// Fetched user data storage
var userData = {};
function fetchMember(id) {
var data = "some data";
$.post('script.php', data)
onFetchMemberDone(id, responseData);
function onFetchMemberDone(id, responseData){
// Save recieved user data
userData[id] = responseData;
// Bump valid users num
// If there are not enough valid users - lets continue:
if (valudUsersNum < neededValidUsersNum) {
// Remove valide user from the queue (it was the first one)
// try to fetch the next one
var nextPossibleId = possibleIds[0];
function onFetchMemberFail(id){
// add failed user to the end of the queue
// try to fetch the next one
var nextPossibleId = possibleIds[0];
// Lets launch the cycle! It doesn't look like one because it works through recursive calls

