How to remove class inside of directive using AngularJS? - javascript

When I use the code below in a directive using AngularJS don't work.
Don't work, but when I use it on controller, works well, the question is: why ?
Here a example
app.directive('filterList', function($timeout) {
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
// var li =[0].children);
var el = element[0];
function filterBy(value) {
// li.forEach(function(el) {
el.className = el.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ? '' : 'ng-hide';
// });
//verify if element is grou
if(,5) == 'group'){
//if group is not hide, need show all layers from this group
if(el.className != 'ng-hide'){
// console.log(el.className)
var lyrs =;
lyrs.forEach(function (lyr) {
// console.log(lyr)
// angular.element(document.querySelector("#"'py-1 ng-show');
// console.log(document.querySelector("#layer2"));
scope.$watch(attrs.filterList, function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
<ul filter-list="search" id="group1">Fruits1
<li filter-list="search" id="layer1">Banana</li>
<li filter-list="search" id="layer2">Apple</li>
<li filter-list="search" id="layer3">Orange</li>


AngularJS filtering by code

I'm working with AngularJS. How can I search by Code? My current implementation searches what ever you type: id , name, city, code... How can I search only by code?
var app = angular.module('stack', []);
app.directive('filterList', function ($timeout) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var td =[0].children);
function filterBy(value) {
td.forEach(function (el) {
el.className = el.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ? '' : 'ng-hide';
scope.$watch(attrs.filterList, function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
example on jSFiddle
var app = angular.module('stack', []);
app.directive('filterList', function ($timeout) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var td =[0].children);
function filterBy(value) {
td.forEach(function (el) {
el.className = el.cells[3].textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) !== -1 ? '' : 'ng-hide';
scope.$watch(attrs.filterList, function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal !== oldVal) {
If you have any text box to write the code and filter based upon on that, then you can use | inbuilt filter of angular like this,
<div ng-repeat="product in products | filter:{ colour: by_colour }">
Hope this will help to solve your problem :)

button can not be clicked with ng-click

When I run this plunker I press the arrow-down of the dropdown and I assume that the dropdown list pop ups now but it does not
In my browser console I have no error.
Why can the dropdown not be clicked?
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
var schoolclassCodeColors = [
var newSubject = "test";
var newSchoolclass = "11";
var newSchoolclassIdentifier = "xb";
$scope.activeStep = {};
$scope.activeStep.schoolclassCodeColors = schoolclassCodeColors;
$scope.activeStep.schoolclassCodeColorsIsOpen = false;
$scope.activeStep.selectedSchoolclassCodeColor = $scope.activeStep.schoolclassCodeColors[0];
$scope.activeStep.schoolclassCode = function () {
return newSubject + newSchoolclass + newSchoolclassIdentifier;
$scope.activeStep.setSchoolclassCodeColor = function(color){
$scope.activeStep.selectedSchoolclassCodeColor = color;
this.schoolclassCodeColorsIsOpen = false;
.constant('dropdownConfig', {
openClass: 'open'
.service('dropdownService', ['$document', function($document) {
var openScope = null; = function( dropdownScope ) {
if ( !openScope ) {
$document.bind('click', closeDropdown);
$document.bind('keydown', escapeKeyBind);
if ( openScope && openScope !== dropdownScope ) {
openScope.isOpen = false;
openScope = dropdownScope;
this.close = function( dropdownScope ) {
if ( openScope === dropdownScope ) {
openScope = null;
$document.unbind('click', closeDropdown);
$document.unbind('keydown', escapeKeyBind);
var closeDropdown = function( evt ) {
// This method may still be called during the same mouse event that
// unbound this event handler. So check openScope before proceeding.
if (!openScope) { return; }
var toggleElement = openScope.getToggleElement();
if ( evt && toggleElement && toggleElement[0].contains( ) {
openScope.$apply(function() {
openScope.isOpen = false;
var escapeKeyBind = function( evt ) {
if ( evt.which === 27 ) {
.controller('DropdownController', ['$scope', '$attrs', '$parse', 'dropdownConfig', 'dropdownService', '$animate', function($scope, $attrs, $parse, dropdownConfig, dropdownService, $animate) {
var self = this,
scope = $scope.$new(), // create a child scope so we are not polluting original one
openClass = dropdownConfig.openClass,
setIsOpen = angular.noop,
toggleInvoker = $attrs.onToggle ? $parse($attrs.onToggle) : angular.noop;
this.init = function( element ) {
self.$element = element;
if ( $attrs.isOpen ) {
getIsOpen = $parse($attrs.isOpen);
setIsOpen = getIsOpen.assign;
$scope.$watch(getIsOpen, function(value) {
scope.isOpen = !!value;
this.toggle = function( open ) {
return scope.isOpen = arguments.length ? !!open : !scope.isOpen;
// Allow other directives to watch status
this.isOpen = function() {
return scope.isOpen;
scope.getToggleElement = function() {
return self.toggleElement;
scope.focusToggleElement = function() {
if ( self.toggleElement ) {
scope.$watch('isOpen', function( isOpen, wasOpen ) {
$animate[isOpen ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](self.$element, openClass);
if ( isOpen ) {
scope.focusToggleElement(); scope );
} else {
dropdownService.close( scope );
setIsOpen($scope, isOpen);
if (angular.isDefined(isOpen) && isOpen !== wasOpen) {
toggleInvoker($scope, { open: !!isOpen });
$scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
scope.isOpen = false;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
.directive('dropdown', function() {
return {
controller: 'DropdownController',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, dropdownCtrl) {
dropdownCtrl.init( element );
.directive('dropdownToggle', function() {
return {
require: '?^dropdown',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, dropdownCtrl) {
if ( !dropdownCtrl ) {
dropdownCtrl.toggleElement = element;
var toggleDropdown = function(event) {
if ( !element.hasClass('disabled') && !attrs.disabled ) {
scope.$apply(function() {
element.bind('click', toggleDropdown);
element.attr({ 'aria-haspopup': true, 'aria-expanded': false });
scope.$watch(dropdownCtrl.isOpen, function( isOpen ) {
element.attr('aria-expanded', !!isOpen);
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
element.unbind('click', toggleDropdown);
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="btn-group" dropdown is-open="activeStep.schoolclassCodeColorsIsOpen">
<button type="button" ng-style="{{activeStep.selectedSchoolclassCodeColor}}"
class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" ng-disabled="disabled">
{{activeStep.schoolclassCode()}} <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<li ng-repeat="color in activeStep.schoolclassCodeColors">
<a ng-style="{{color}}"
In order to use the dropdownToggle directive inside the class attribute, you need to define the restrict permissions from the directive to include the C (Class). For example:
.directive('dropdownToggle', function() {
return {
restrict: 'AEC',
require: '?^dropdown',
// ...
From Angular's documentation:
The restrict option is typically set to:
'A' - only matches attribute name
'E' - only matches element name
'C' - only matches class name
<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<script data-require="angular.js#1.2.x" src="" data-semver="1.2.25"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
you need to add bootstrap.min.js and jquery.js javascript files, and also you need to add, data-toggle="dropdown" attribute to button as below
<button type="button" ng-style="{{activeStep.selectedSchoolclassCodeColor}}"
class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" ng-disabled="disabled" data-toggle="dropdown">
here is the plunker
That seems like an awful lot of code for what you are trying to do. I can't tell if the answer below is what you are looking for. I'm assuming you are trying to create an angular-only version of the bootstrap toggle.
It seems like you have misunderstood the way that require and the controller attribute of the directive work. I think that the angular docs are probably the source of this confusion unfortunately:
When a directive requires a controller, it receives that controller as the fourth argument of its link function.
It says that the directive requires a controller, but it is actually the case that the directive requires another directive. And that required directive's controller is passed to the linking function.
The controller attribute should not be a string (controller: 'DropdownController',), but should be a constructor function for the controller. So I think you can solve your issue by moving your DropdownController into the directive.
For an example of something similar (but simpler) you can see this answer and the plnkr.

AngularJS custom sort directive

I'm trying to clean up some of my HTML code by creating an AngularJS directive for sorting columns in my tables. When I click on the heading, no errors are logged, but nothing happens, the column isn't reordered.
Glenn.directive('sort', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.predicate = 'title';
scope.reverseSort = false;
element.on('click', function() {
scope.predicate = attrs.sort;
scope.reverseSort != scope.reverseSort;
<a sort="title" href="">Title
<span ng-show="predicate == 'title'">
<span ng-show="!reverseSort"><i class="fa fa-caret-up"></i></span>
<span ng-show="reverseSort"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></span>
Where am I going wrong here? Do I need to use something like $apply to make the sorting changes appear in the dom?
Got the directive to work, just needed to add scope.$apply(); to the end.
Glenn.directive('sort', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.predicate = 'title';
scope.reverseSort = false;
element.on('click', function() {
scope.predicate = attrs.sort;
scope.reverseSort != scope.reverseSort;
i can suggest add sorting by filter and not by directive
add the follwing code to your filters.js:
.filter('orderObjectBy', [function() {
return function(items, field, reverse) {
var filtered = [];
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
filtered.sort(function (field_a, field_b) {
var result = (parseFloat(field_a) - parseFloat(field_b));
if (isNaN(result)) {
if (field_a > field_b)
return 1;
else if (field_a < field_b)
return -1;
return 0;
return result;
if(reverse) filtered.reverse();
return filtered;
on html:
<div id="table-title-publisher" data-ng-click="orderByField='name'; reverseSort = !reverseSort;"></div>
on your repeater (in case it's a table use tr otherwiser li for list) please add:

AngularJS Masonry for Dynamically changing heights

I have divs that expand and contract when clicked on. The Masonry library has worked great for initializing the page. The problem I am experiencing is that with the absolute positioning in place from Masonry and the directive below, when divs expand they overlap with the divs below. I need to have the divs below the expanding div move down to deal with the expansion.
My sources are:
* angular-masonry <%= pkg.version %>
* Pascal Hartig, weluse GmbH,
* License: MIT
(function () {
'use strict';
angular.module('wu.masonry', [])
.controller('MasonryCtrl', function controller($scope, $element, $timeout) {
var bricks = {};
var schedule = [];
var destroyed = false;
var self = this;
var timeout = null;
this.preserveOrder = false;
this.loadImages = true;
this.scheduleMasonryOnce = function scheduleMasonryOnce() {
var args = arguments;
var found = schedule.filter(function filterFn(item) {
return item[0] === args[0];
}).length > 0;
if (!found) {
this.scheduleMasonry.apply(null, arguments);
// Make sure it's only executed once within a reasonable time-frame in
// case multiple elements are removed or added at once.
this.scheduleMasonry = function scheduleMasonry() {
if (timeout) {
timeout = $timeout(function runMasonry() {
if (destroyed) {
schedule.forEach(function scheduleForEach(args) {
$element.masonry.apply($element, args);
schedule = [];
}, 30);
function defaultLoaded($element) {
this.appendBrick = function appendBrick(element, id) {
if (destroyed) {
function _append() {
if (Object.keys(bricks).length === 0) {
if (bricks[id] === undefined) {
// Keep track of added elements.
bricks[id] = true;
$element.masonry('appended', element, true);
function _layout() {
// I wanted to make this dynamic but ran into huuuge memory leaks
// that I couldn't fix. If you know how to dynamically add a
// callback so one could say <masonry loaded="callback($element)">
// please submit a pull request!
if (!self.loadImages){
} else if (self.preserveOrder) {
} else {
element.imagesLoaded(function imagesLoaded() {
this.removeBrick = function removeBrick(id, element) {
if (destroyed) {
delete bricks[id];
$element.masonry('remove', element);
this.destroy = function destroy() {
destroyed = true;
if ($'masonry')) {
// Gently uninitialize if still present
bricks = [];
this.reload = function reload() {
}).directive('masonry', function masonryDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
controller: 'MasonryCtrl',
link: {
pre: function preLink(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var attrOptions = scope.$eval(attrs.masonry || attrs.masonryOptions);
var options = angular.extend({
itemSelector: attrs.itemSelector || '.masonry-brick',
columnWidth: parseInt(attrs.columnWidth, 10) || attrs.columnWidth
}, attrOptions || {});
var loadImages = scope.$eval(attrs.loadImages);
ctrl.loadImages = loadImages !== false;
var preserveOrder = scope.$eval(attrs.preserveOrder);
ctrl.preserveOrder = (preserveOrder !== false && attrs.preserveOrder !== undefined);
scope.$emit('masonry.created', element);
scope.$on('$destroy', ctrl.destroy);
}).directive('masonryBrick', function masonryBrickDirective() {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
require: '^masonry',
scope: true,
link: {
pre: function preLink(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
var id = scope.$id, index;
ctrl.appendBrick(element, id);
element.on('$destroy', function () {
ctrl.removeBrick(id, element);
scope.$on('masonry.reload', function () {
scope.$watch('$index', function () {
if (index !== undefined && index !== scope.$index) {
index = scope.$index;
Like with many non-Angular libraries, it appears the answer lies in wrapping the library in an Angular directive.
I haven't tried it out but it appears that is what this person did
You can use angular's $emit, $broadcast, and $on functionality.
Inside your masonry directive link function:
scope.$on('$resizeMasonry', ctrl.scheduleMasonryOnce('layout'));
Inside your masonryBrick directive link function or any other child element:
Use $emit to send an event up the scope tree and $broadcast to send an event down the scope tree.

Set Caret position in Input with AngularJS

I need to change the caret position of an input, where a given number of digits is added (Example).
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $element, $timeout, $filter) {
//$scope.val = '12';
$scope.$watch('val', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (!isNaN(newValue)) {
if (newValue.length > 3) {
//Set Caret Position
Is it possible to do something like this example?
I need for example :
Input: 1234.
so the caret position will be 2.
New digit: 9
final: 12934
Thanks in advance.
I think that such kind of things look better in directives. For example:
app.directive('caret', function() {
function setCaretPosition(elem, caretPos) {
if (elem !== null) {
if (elem.createTextRange) {
var range = elem.createTextRange();
range.move('character', caretPos);;
} else {
if (elem.setSelectionRange) {
elem.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos);
} else
return {
scope: {value: '=ngModel'},
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var caret = Number(attrs.caret);
scope.$watch('value', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue && newValue != oldValue && !isNaN(newValue) && newValue.length > (caret + 1)) {
setCaretPosition(element[0], caret);
<input ng-model='val' caret="2" />
I used setCaretPosition function for cross browser cursor positioning from this answer.
I think that the best approach for this is to make a reusable directive as we are dealing with DOM manipulation.
Link to the demo:
var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $element, $timeout, $filter) {
$scope.$watch('val', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (!isNaN(newValue)) {
if (newValue.length > 3) {
// $element.find('input')[0].selectionEnd = 2;
app.directive('setCaret', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope,element,attrs) {
var changed = false;
element.bind('keypress', function() {
if(element[0].selectionStart > 3 && !changed) {
changed = true;
element[0].selectionEnd = parseInt(attrs.position, 10);
You can see in the commented out part in the controller we can have access to this by using $element, but as this is DOM and controllers are not for DOM manipulation we need to make this into a directive.
I also had the same problem.
I thought to solve it creating an appropriate directive. You can find it here. Enjoy it!
Include directive, declare it by caret-aware attribute
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var app = angular.module('myModule', ['leodido.caretAware']);
<div data-ng-app="app">
<input type="text" name="myname" caret-aware="cursor"/>
Then on the scope you'll have a variable cursor containing the position of the caret in the input named myname.
Nevertheless, this directive's controller exposes an API
For other usage examples see example directory of the above linked github repository.
I believe you could do it by using .setSelectionRange() on your input. I updated your example - see if this is what you wanted:
Note: setSelectionRange is not supported by IE8 (see, so if you need to support IE < 9, you'll need to look for shims.
I jsfiddled a working solution.
So basically, you have to create a directive :
app.directive('keypressdetector', function($compile){
return {
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
element.bind("keypress", function (event) {
if(event.which === 13) {
var selectionStart = element[0].selectionStart;
var value = element.val();
var valueLength = value.length;
var newValue= '';
if (selectionStart == valueLength){
newValue = value;
} else {
newValue = value.substring(selectionStart, valueLength);
var newElement = angular.element('<input type="text" value="' + newValue +'"/>')
Your controller would be useless in that situation.
You can invoke the directive like this (see : keypressdetector) :
<div ng-app="myapp">
<div ng-controller="LoginController">
<div>Hello {{ user.firstName }}</div>
<input ng-model="user.firstName" keypressdetector />
<input type="submit" ng-click="login()" value="Login"/>
<div ng-repeat="login in logins">{{ login }}</div>
See demo :

